Broken Marionette

By Lazy_Sloth120

25.6K 1K 122

A tale of a girl who lived two different lives but experienced the same pain in both. The story of the unknow... More

Character Introductions/Profiles
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
10K Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

1.6K 53 8
By Lazy_Sloth120

Jangook/Athelinda POV

I found myself surrounded by darkness, as if I have entered some sort of dark abyss. Instead of being scared I found it quite comforting. I was no longer having to suffer and bear all the pain of living. Enjoying the peace and quite of the dark abyss I started to close my eyes to finally let myself by at eternal peace, but it seemed like fate had other plans.

Just as I was about to close my eyes I heard voices yelling "Push! Push! Just one more! Push!". I started fell myself being forcefully pushed out of the black abyss and was greeted by bright lights. Rather reluctantly I opened my eyes and was met by random middle aged man. "It's a girl!" announced the man. I was then handed off to a someone else. Lifting my heavy head up best I could I saw it a women. She was absolutely breath taking, Her jewel magenta eyes looked at with so much love in them Something that was very new. Noticing how her other arm was occupied by something, I turned my head and saw it was another baby. It was girl and she was sleeping peacefully in what I assumed was our mothers arms. "What do you wish to name them lady Diana?" asked a gentle voice. Once agian turning my head I saw it belonged to a women, no older than 25, in a maids uniform with brown hair tied back into a  low bun and soft blue eyes that held both worry and joy. Hold on. DID SHE SAY DIANA? DIANA AS IN FEMALE LEADS MUM FROM 'WHO MADE ME APRINCESS'? THAT DIANA? "I shall name the oldest Athanasia De Alger Obelia and the youngest Athelinda De alger obelia" answered 'Diana' whilst taking uneven shallow breaths. ATHANASIA DE ALGER OBELIA. HAVE I SERIOUSLY REINCARNATED INTO THE MANWHA WHO MADE ME A PRINCESS. If I have renicarted into the manwha then this where Diana dies after giving birth the Athanaisa but why am I here. the Manwha never mentioned anything about a sister.

"Lady Diana!" screeshed the brunette maid from before. Oh no. It looks it's already time from her death. I don't want to lose the only mum I have but there is nothing that I can do. Not knowing what to do I just cried. Very loudly. Noticing my crying, Diana held my closet to her dying figure. "It's alright sweetheart. Momma will always be with. Take of your father and sister for me my dear. Momma loves you. Now and forever." Comforted Diana kissing my forehead with tears streaming down her face.

Instead of comforting me it made me even more heartbroken. But what could I do. I'm just a baby. I love you momma. Diana kissed min and Athanasia forehand one last time before taking her final breath. "LADY DIANA!" Yelled all the people in the room as the blonde women fell back down on the bed. It's done. Diana. My only mother in this world. Dead.

The Maids and doctor took my and my sister away from our dead others now pale and cold arms. The brunette maid held me and Athanasia in her arms. Everyone stood quiet, the deafening silence was unbearable. I wanted to break down in tears once more. Hopping that it was all a nightmare. That Diana would come and comfort me once again with her warm arms and kisses that are full of love. Or that this whole getting reincarnated is a nightmare. But deep down I knew neither of the two would happen. "It's okay your highnesses. I'll take care of you" declared the blue eyed maid. I examined her features a little more before realising it Lilian York. Also known as Lilly. She was Athanasia's nanny in Who made me aprincess. Lillian York looked up to Diana so when she died Lilian decided to take care of her only child, Who was Athanasia.

If I remember correctly, Cluade should come to the ruby palace soon, and kill every in the palace out of a fit of rage. As if on que, the doors to the room slammed open and instrided The Emperor of the Obelian Empire, The father of Athanaisa and I guess me aswell : Claude de Alger Obelia. I watched as his blue jewel eyes scanned the room before landing on the now dead Diana. His eyes started to fill with rage as he unseathed his sword and began killing everyone in the room. I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard the screams and begs of mercy from the maids, concubines and doctors who did no wrong. Lilian held me and Athanaisa closer despite trembling herself.

"Who are they?" coldly asked a voice full of authority. "Th-these are the girls Lady Diana gave birth too, Your Majesties Daughters" replied Lilian showing him our small figures. For somereason I opned my eyes, I think it might have been out of curiousty about how claude would look like in real life. His jewel eyes met mine, both of us started at one anothers eyes. Neither of us breaking eye contact. "What are their names?" demanded Cluade looking away. "Lady Diana named the oldest Athanaisa de Alger Obelia" ansered Lillan gently bouncing the sleeping baby in one of her arms. "and she named the youngest -" before Lillan could say my anme she was cut of by a rather snobby voice saying "The lady unfortantly passed away before having th opportuinte to name the child". WAIT WHAT?!!!.

All three of us looked in the direction of the new voice and saw it was a maid. She had green hair tied into the standard low bun and amber yes that looked down on me with mockery. This bitch!! "She named one Immortal and the other nameless. Let's see if she is able to live up to her name" darkly chuckled Claude looking at us with a hint of amusement and curiosity. "Have the oldest reside in the Ruby palace." Commanded Claude. He looked directly into my eyes with a chilling gaze as he continued "As for the Youngest, dispose her". I saw Lilian mouth open in attempt to protest but she drives against it and kept quiet. I personally don't blame her, I too would be scared. With that Claude turned his heel and rushed out of the bloody ruby place.

"I'm so sorry your highness. At least now you are able to be with your mother." Cried Lilian hugging my tightly. She kissed my forehead one last time before shakily handing me over to the pair of knights. I was surprised with myself when I didn't cry, I didn't make a single noise. I can to the conclusion that I was no longer afraid of death now that I experienced. If anything it's better that I get to die now because that would mean I don't have to live through this shitty life I have been given.

The two knights stayed painfully silent during the whole journey. I noticed how the knight that was holding was gentle, I thought he would rough as I was just a 'nameless' daughter of the Emperor but that wasn't the case. Curious about this knight I looked and took note of his red hair and grey eyes. Red hair..... grey eyes.......OH MY GOD. I'M BEING CARRIED BY THE KNIGHT OF CRIMSON BLOOD: FELIX ROBANE. As if sensing my state Felix looked down and caught me staring at him. He gave a little smile before Turing his attention back to the front.

After what seems like 20 minutes of walking the knights came to a halt. Without saying a word Felix gently placed me down in the middle of the grassy meadow that seems far way from the ruby palace. "Are you sure it's alright to leave her here sir?" Asked the knight nervously. "Yes. Unless you are confident that you can kill the princess." Challenged Felix. "N-no Sir" quickly declined the other knight. "I apologise for having to this your highness but I wish for you to live a happily in the afterlife" apologised Felix a sad smile on his face as those words left his lips. Turning around the two knights began walking away. Felix gave me one last smile before officially walking away.

Felling tired from all the events that had taken place today, my little body plopped back wards so my face was facing the sky. So let's summarise everything that just happens. I ended up being betrayed and killed by my own sister and boyfriend. Ended up being reincarnated in to Who made me a princess. Diana died. Claude created a bloody massacre in the ruby palace. I was ordered to be killed because some maid (that for some reason has a grudge against me) said that I have no name, even though I do.
I was left in some meadow probably miles away from the ruby palace due to Felix not having the heart to kill me. Yeah that sounds about right.

As I was about to close my eyes, I heard sounds of the grass rustling and sounds of footsteps getting closer and closer. Thinking that Felix had a change of heart and came to put me out of my misery, I opened my eyes. I was met with the sight of a middle aged man, with brown hair and matching brown eyes. His unsightly face close to mine, brown eyes examining my face. "Well, Well. Look what we got here~" sang the man. "An abandoned baby with royal blood in her veins" continued the brown haired male. The sinister grin on his hideous face growing by the second. "You are gonna come with me." Declared the man. The crazy look in his eyes began to make me uncomfortable, I tired to wriggle my body free but I only made him tighten his hold on me. And now some crazy noble is kidnapping me. This is one hell of day.

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