The ☀️God And The ⭐️ Maid - B...

By MaryMorningstar81

10.9K 661 17

He is the sun, and she is the star of the dawn. He is a rich bachelor and she is but a maid. He is Prince C... More

When I first Saw You
When I First Talked To You
Our First Morning
A Ride With My Boss
A Little Piece Of Heaven
The Secret Place
It's Not All Unicorns And Rainbows
Let's Talk About Lisa
A Friend And An Enemy
Meeting The Gang
The Calm Before The Storm
The Omens We Didn't Take Seriously ...!
Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
Mommy Dearest
Opening Pandora's Box
Fate Doesn't Care About Our Plans
I Would do anything for you
Oh, Dear God In Heaven, Have Mercy On Me !!!
When A Man Loves A Woman ...
Between Two Worlds
Where do I begin
True Love's Kiss
Our Eternal Flame
Back To Normal-ish
Back Together As One!
It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To ...!
And We Are Still Alive, On The Stage, Like A Rock Group ...!
Great News
The Verdict
It's A Boy Or A Girl ...?
Two Proposals and A Wedding
You And Me, Against the World, Forever ...!
Welcome To the Party, Tiger ...!
There Is Always a Solution ...!
A Little Bit of Malex ...!
Before The Wedding
White Pearls
You Are Going Down, Philip Black ...!
I See Pink ...!
Grasp All, Lose All ...!
Strange Things
You don't get over your past ...!
Apocalypse Now ...!
I Knew You Would Come!
Ten Years Later!

It's Not Gonna Be That Easy!

165 14 0
By MaryMorningstar81


Mary got a CT scan which confirmed that her lung was completely healed and so the doctor decided to remove the ventilator. The whole family, except Mariza of course - George kicked her out of the mansion when he found out what happened and filed for divorce, but we'll see below what exactly happened - is gathered in Mary's decorated room.

Matt has pulled off another miracle. The white Christmas tree with the violet glass balls and white LED lights has been decorating a corner of the room for a few days now, creating a pleasant atmosphere. While decorating it, everyone had the same wish in the back of their minds... May Mary wake up and be able to see the tree.

As I said, the whole family is gathered in the room and the doctor examines Mary one last time before removing the ventilator.

George: Doctor, will you please explain the procedure?

Surgeon: Sure. As the CT has shown, the puncture in the lung has healed completely. That means the lungs can do their job without the help of the machine, so we're going to remove the ventilator and let Mary breathe on her own.

Matt: And when everything is fine and our girl is breathing on her own, will you wake her up?

Surgeon: Not yet. We should give the body a few days to adjust to the new conditions. We'll monitor her constantly and when everything returns to normal, you'll get her back as good as new.

Alexander: How long do you expect that time to be?

The doctor walks up to Jace, who's sitting next to Mary and holding her hand, and taps him on the shoulder.

Surgeon: Jace, how about having dinner with your fiancée on Christmas Eve?

Jace lifts his head and looks at the doctor with hopeful eyes.

Jace: Are you serious?

Surgeon: Yes. Christmas Eve is the perfect day for this. Don't you think so?

Jace turns to Mary.

Jace: You hear that, Angel? In four days, we'll be together again. Ninety-six more hours apart and then never again.

He leans over and presses a kiss to her forehead.

Jace: We'll never be apart again, baby. Never again.

The doctor claps his hands.

Surgeon: Good. Let's get this show on the road!

He walks to the other side and the others gather around the bed. A nurse goes behind the head of the bed, holding a manual ventilator just in case the lungs aren't working properly. Jace stays where he sits and takes Mary's hand again, interlocking her fingers. Doctor, after the necessary procedures...

Surgeon: Nurse, be ready for my command.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

Surgeon: Well...

He unscrews the tube and pulls it out of Mary's neck with a determined movement.

Surgeon: Here you go, girl. You're free now.

Everyone in the room holds their breath and stares at Mary's chest as they wait for it to rise.


The seconds tick by and the doctor is ready to give the order when Jace takes hold of Mary's hand and places his other hand on her cleavage.

Jace: Come on, Angel. Please, breathe. Breathe, baby. Breathe for me!

And because Mary never denies Jace anything... Her chest begins to rise and fall as her lungs begin to function normally.

A round of applause rings out and everyone hugs each other, visibly relieved. The doctor smiles and shakes his head.

Matt: Hey, Doc! Why are you shaking your head?

Surgeon: As a tribute to the laws of science these two are flouting right before my eyes. What a waste of all those years of study! I'm going to tear up my degree!

Alexander: And yet you haven't actually seen them together.

Surgeon: What's that supposed to mean?

Isabella: Wait until Mary wakes up, then you'll see!

Surgeon: I can't wait!

Simon: So can we, Doc!

The doctor checks the monitors again.

Surgeon: Well. It seems both lungs are functioning normally and the blood is appropriately oxygenated, but Jace, I need something for you.

Jace: What's it?

Surgeon: I want you to keep an eye on this monitor on Mary's finger.

The doctor points to the blood oxygen level indicator connected to Mary's finger.

Surgeon: If the index drops below 85%, you hit the emergency button. Okay?

Jace: Below 85%. Okay.

Surgeon: Nurse, check the catheter and the subclavian.

Nurse: Right away, Doctor.

George: You know what, Jace? Why don't we go to the cafeteria so the nurse can do her work?

Jace: You guys can go. I want to stay here with her. I don't want to leave her alone.

George: She won't be alone. Doctor is gonna stay here with her. Right, Doc?

Surgeon: Yeah. I've got a little work to do here. Go ahead.

George: See? Come along, son. There's something I need to tell you. To all of you, in fact.

Alexander: What's it, Papa?

George: I'll tell you. Come on! Let's go.

Jace: Okay.

Jace gets up and with a caress on Mary's cheek, leaves the room with the others.


The family sits around a table drinking the hospital's awful coffee.

Jace: YUCK! This shit sucks. I hate it!

Isabella: Tomorrow morning I'll get you some real coffee, the kind you like.

Jace: Thank you, Beautiful.

Simon: Do you want anything else ? A croissant or something else?

Jace: No, thank you. Coffee's fine.

Matt: Sorry, but can we stop talking about coffee and let George say what he wanted?

Jace: Yeah, sure. Come on, George...

Alexander: Shoot us!

When Jace hears the word shoot, he grimaces.

Matt elbows Alexander.

Alexander: Ouch!

Matt: Mercy, Alex!

Jace: Don't ever mention that damn verb again. Please.

Alexander: Sorry.

Isabella: For God's sake, Alex! Sometimes your mind just isn't there anymore.

Alexander: I said I was sorry, okay?

George: Now, come on. Alex didn't do it on purpose.

Jace: Exactly. Stop yelling at him. It's over now.

Simon: Whatever! Go ahead, George.

George: Well, I don't know if you've spoken to your mother lately, but a week ago, I filed for divorce. I've already banned her from the mansion and my lawyer is negotiating with hers for alimony. At first, she refused to sign a settlement and wanted to fight in court, but she changed her mind. I don't know why. So, by the end of the year the separation will be official. That's all.

George folds his hands together and looks at his children who look at him speechless.

George: Aren't you going to say anything?

Alexander: What exactly do you want us to say?

Isabella: Since you've decided to do it, we have nothing to say.

Matt: Are you sure about this, George?

George: I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Not even when I married her.

Simon: How did that happen? You said you still loved her. How did you decide to get divorced? And why?

George: It's very simple, Simon. She gave me a choice and I chose.

Alexander: Between what and what?

George: Between her and all of you, my children.

Isabella: I don't understand. Can you explain it to me?

George: Certainly, Princess. After her visit here with the Osbornes, which I knew nothing about, she came home in a frenzied state. She was screaming and cursing. When I asked her what had happened, she told me her version of the facts.

Alexander: What exactly did she tell you?

George: That she came here with the best of intentions to see Mary and support Jace as a mother, but he discredited her and when she asked him why, you attacked her. You attacked her and almost threw her out of the room while Jace laughed snidely. Of course, I didn't believe her and she called Beatrice to prove the truth to me, but for her trouble Michael picked up the phone and I found out what had really happened. Not that I expected anything different.

Isabella: And then?

George: We had a huge argument and she presented me with a dilemma. She demanded that I disinherit Alex and annul the adoption of Jace. She also demanded that I sue Jace and seek compensation for the money we spent raising him.

Matt: Wow!

Simon: Unbelievable!

Jace, who had been silent and looking down the whole time, speaks for the first time.

Jace: You should do it. Not the disinheritance, of course. The other one, about me. You should do it!

He speaks in a breaking voice and the others protest.

Alexander: JACE! What the hell are you saying?

Isabella: Stop saying things like that!

George smiles.

George: SILENCE!

Alexander and Isabella cover their mouths and George puts his hand on the table with his fingers wide open.

George: Come on, Jace, choose!

Jace: What do you want me to choose?

George: Which one of my fingers to cut off.

Jace: What's that supposed to mean?

George: You said to do what Mariza wants me to do, and I'm willing to do it if you can pick which of my fingers you want me to cut off.

Jace: What does that have to do with your fingers?

George: It's the same with what you're asking me to do. It doesn't matter to me which finger I cut off, it hurts me just the same. It's the same with my kids. You told me not to disinherit Alex, but to disown you. What makes you think that won't hurt me?

Jace: I'm not your child.

George: Why? Because we're not of the same blood?

Jace: Yeah.

George: Tell me something. Do you love Alex?

Jace: Yes, of course.

George: Why? He has no blood in common with you. He's not your brother.

Jace: It doesn't matter. I consider him a brother.

George: And I consider you my son.

Jace: George...

George: Family don't stop with the blood, boy. Get that out of your head and cut the crap!

Jace: I'm sorry, George. I'm really sorry.

George: Don't be! I should apologize to you, all of you, for forcing you to grow up with a mother like that. But I'm done with her! Of course, you have every right to keep in touch with her.

Alexander: Thanks, but no thanks!

Isabella: At least for now.

Jace: Or at least until she forces her presence in our lives.

~ * ~



Early in the morning Mary's room is like a highway through. The nurses make the necessary arrangements for what's about to happen, plus they sneak a peek at Jace (!!!). The doctor gives Mary a few final exams. Matt and Isabella take care of the feast tonight.

Isabella: Doc, would you do us the honor of attending our dinner tonight? Jace will be thrilled.

Surgeon: The honor is mine, Miss Firewood.

Isabella: Please, Doc, call me Isabella or better just Izzy.

Surgeon: Thank you, Izzy.

Matt: How many people are we talking about, Doc?

Surgeon: Just one. Me.

Matt: What about your family?

Surgeon: I don't have one. My science is my family. When I had to start a family, I devoted myself to science.

Matt: Big mistake! Science may be a great thing, but it can't hug you at night.

Surgeon: I know, but isn't it too late for me?

Isabella: It's never too late for love, Doc.

Surgeon: After what I've seen with y'all, I've started to think very seriously about it! But tell me. Where's Jace?

Isabella: In the bathroom with Alex and Simon.

Matt: He's grooming himself right now.

Surgeon: Really? I've never seen him do anything like that. Is he doing it for Christmas Eve?

Isabella: Oh, no. Nothing like that.

Surgeon: Then why?

Matt: He's doing it for Mary. He doesn't want her to see him in the state he was, beat up and unkempt. She sees him as a god, so he prepares to give her just that. Her god!

Surgeon: Unbelievable!

Matt: Yeah. Tell me about it!


After a long time, the mood is warm and cheerful. Jace is shaving and Alexander is trying to tie a knot, while both tease Simon about the Santa hat he's wearing.

Alexander: * He's making a list. He's checking it twice. He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice. Santa Claus is coming to town! *

Simon: If you don't stop right now, I'm going to strangle you with your own tie, asshole! Jace, say something!

Jace: * He sees you when you're sleeping. And he knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good. So, be good for goodness's sake! *

Alexander and Jace laugh as Simon bares his teeth.

Simon: Idiots!

Alexander/Jace: * Santa Claus is coming to town! *

Simon: You two are damn lucky it's Mary's day or else...

Alexander: What else, Santa Claus?

Jace: Aren't you going to bring us a present tonight?

Simon: I'd send you on a walk to ER. And I mean orthopedics!

Alexander: Oh! Tough guy!

Jace: I'm shaking! Oh!

Simon: I said STOP!

Alexander: Okay. Okay.

Jace: All kidding aside, why are you wearing that thing?

Simon: Izzy made me. To get in the Christmas spirit.

Jace: Our sister is ruthless, huh?

Simon: Absolutely!

Alexander: Does that apply in bed too?

Simon: You really want to know?

Alexander: I'm dying to know.

Simon: Well...

Jace: GUYS! GUYS! PLEASE! Talk about anything that doesn't involve sex!

Alexander: You say that when nine of your ten words are fuck?

Jace: Yeah. That was when I still had a healthy sex life. Not now that I haven't had sex in over a month.

Simon: I didn't hear you complaining all that time.

Jace: Yeah, because I wasn't thinking about it at all. My only concern was Mary's health. Not about anything else.

Alexander: And what changed today?

Jace: I don't know. I woke up this morning so horny, it made me remember my teenage years. If you know what I mean!

Simon: Wow! I haven't done that in over a decade.

Alexander: You know what, Mr. Mystery Man? When this whole thing is over and Mary is back with us, you're going to have to tell us about your life before my sister.

Simon: You're such a gossip, you know that?

Jace: When you lie with dogs, you get fleas!

Alexander: Are you implying something about my boyfriend?

Jace: I'm not implying anything. I'm saying this straight up!

Alexander: I'm going to tell him.

Jace shrugs his shoulders.

Alexander: Alright. MATT!

Jace: NO! NO! STOP!

Simon: Cluck-Cluck, we got a chicken here!

Jace: When it comes to Matt, yeah, that's me! CLUCK-CLUCK!

They're all laughing.

~ * ~


All set. Alexander, Matt, Simon, Isabella, and George stand in the corner of the room. Jace sits beside the bed as if on pins and needles. The doctor is standing in front of the monitors.

Surgeon: Well, when she wakes up, she's going to be a little confused. Don't rush it. Take your time walking up to her and talking to her quietly. Give her time to adjust. And if she doesn't recognize you, don't panic. Her memory will return after a few minutes.

Jace: How long will it take her to wake up?

Surgeon: About twenty minutes once I inject the drug.

Jace: Ok. Then another twenty minutes.

Surgeon: You're pretty excited, huh?

Jace: Incredibly much. I haven't heard her voice or seen her eyes in over a month. Do you know how beautiful her eyes are?

Surgeon: I don't know, but I'll see in about twenty minutes. Are you ready?

Jace: More than ready.

Surgeon: Then, let's bring her back to you.

The doctor injects the drug into the subclavian vein. Jace stares at Mary's face, waiting for her eyelids to open.

The clock is ticking. FIVE MINUTES. The doctor watches the monitors, waiting for the expected signs.

The clock is ticking. TEN MINUTES. The others look at each other and smile.

The clock is ticking. FIFTEEN MINUTES. An expression of concern appears on the doctor's face.

Jace: What's the matter, Doc?

Surgeon: The indications aren't changing.

Jace: What's that supposed to mean? Should I be worried?

Surgeon: Not yet. Just wait and see.

The clock is ticking. TWENTY MINUTES. The doctor is genuinely concerned. The smile turns to grimace. Jace wipes his sweaty palms on his pants.

The clock is ticking. TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES. Mary doesn't wake up and Jace is about to explode.

Jace: Doctor, what the hell is going on?

Surgeon: I don't get it. The signs have changed, but...


Surgeon: She should be awake. The numbers show... I don't know why she hasn't woken up.

Jace: What do we do?

Surgeon: We should call a neurosurgeon.

Jace: Then what're you waiting for? DO IT!

Surgeon: Yeah.

The doctor walks out and a few minutes later he comes back with another doctor.

Surgeon: The numbers are correct, but she's not waking up.

Neurosurgeon: We'll see.

The neurosurgeon examines Mary. He checks her pupils, her pulse, her blood pressure, and even her ears. During the exam, Jace leans against the wall and watches the goings on, expressionless. Matt walks up to him.

Matt: Don't worry about a thing. Everything's going to be fine.

Jace: I hurried to get here, Matt. I rushed to be happy.

Matt: We all did the same thing.

Jace: Tell me, Matt. Am I a bad guy?

Matt: You're the best guy in the world.

Jace: Then why is God punishing me like this? He gave me the key to heaven and now He slams the door in my face and changes the lock!

Matt: Don't say that! It's just another obstacle in our way. We'll get through this!

Jace: I'm scared, Matt.

Matt nods to the others and they come closer. They all hug Jace and try to take away some of his pain.

Surgeon: Jace, come here please.

Jace approaches the bed.

Surgeon: This is Dr. Isaac Panagopoulos. One of our best neurosurgeons, not to mention the best. Doctor, this is Mr. Jace Harronate, Mrs. Morningstar's fiancé.

Jace shakes hands with the neurosurgeon.

Jace: Pleased to meet you, Doctor.

Neurosurgeon: Nice to meet you, too.

Jace: Tell me, Doctor. What's wrong with my Mary? Why won't she wake up?

Neurosurgeon: I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you. This complication is extremely rare and we don't know how to handle it. There's no visible problem so we don't know what drug to use or where to operate.

Jace: In plain English?

Neurosurgeon: Her brain is functioning fine, she just can't wake up.

Jace: What exactly are you trying to tell me now, Doc? That there's nothing you can do for her? That she's gonna be in this state for the rest of her life? That I have really lost her?

The neurosurgeon lowers his head.

Jace: No! No! No!

Surgeon: Jace...

Jace raises his hand, stopping the doctor from speaking.

Jace: It's over, Doc. She's not here anymore and everything's gone with her. I'm done. I fought, and I lost. My life is over.

Surgeon: Please! Don't give up hope. Nothing is lost yet. We're going to fight it.

Jace: I'm tired. I can't do this anymore. All I want now is some peace. I need to lie down next to her and sleep. So please, I'm begging y'all, just go and leave me alone with her.

The others go to him.

Matt: Jace, please, don't do this!

Isabella: Don't push us away.

Simon: Let us help you.

George: Solitude doesn't help, son.

Jace: Please...

Jace looks at Alexander, who's the only one silent.

Jace: Alex, please! Help me!

Alexander: That's it! Everyone out! Leave my brother alone!

Alexander's voice brooks no argument and so one by one they begin to leave the room. Alexander is the last to stay behind and he strokes Jace's cheek with his hand before walking out.

Alexander: We'll be outside waiting for you to call us back. Okay?

Jace: Okay. Thank you.

Alexander: You don't have to thank me. Just remember. WE'RE CANES, WE BEND BUT WE DON'T BREAK!

Alexander leaves as well and Jace walks over to the bed. He lies down next to Mary and slides his arm under her neck. He pulls her against him and leans her head against his chest. He squeezes her tightly against him.

Jace: Do you hear that, Angel? Do you hear my heart beating? This heart beats only for you. Why are you doing this to me? Why don't you wake up? Why don't you come back to me? Don't you love me anymore?


Jace: I don't know what to do, Angel. All this time, I've been patient, waiting for something. Your awakening. But now I have nothing. I don't have you and I have nothing. Tell me, what's the point of going on? Why should I go on living?


Jace: Do you remember a promise you made to me? You promised me that you'd always come back to me, no matter where you were. Why don't you keep your promise? You left me alone to fight the world, Angel. You left me, and I'm desperate. And I'm scared.


Jace: You always did what I wanted. You've always given me what I've asked for. Do it again, Angel. I'm begging you. Give me something. A sign. A hope. A reason not to jump out the window. A reason to live.

As Jace spoke, the computer connected to Mary's brain beeped. Jace was too distracted to notice, but when he leans over and kisses Mary's forehead, the machine goes nuts!

BEEP- BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP... The door opens and the two doctors enter the room.

Neurosurgeon: What happened?

Jace: I don't know. All of a sudden, the computer started beeping.

Surgeon: What did you do, Jace?

Jace: Nothing. I was talking and I just kissed her.

The doctors run to check the monitors as the others come into the room.

Alexander: Jace? What the hell?

Jace: I... I don't... I don't know.

Neurosurgeon: No! This can't be happening! Look!

Surgeon: I told you, Isaac, but you didn't believe me.

Jace: Doc, what's going on?

Surgeon: Jace, whatever you did, keep doing it. Just DON'T STOP!

Jace is at a loss. He looks at the doctor with blank eyes.

Surgeon: Jace, listen to me carefully. What's happening to Mary is psychosomatic. Her body is completely healed, but her mind hasn't realized it yet. That's why it's keeping her unconscious. To protect her from further trauma. She can only come back if she's guided by someone first. Someone who has a strong bond with her. She needs a guide, a beacon. She needs you. You're the only one who can bring her back.

Jace: What... What do I have to do?

Surgeon: Guide her. Show her the way. Lead her back!

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