Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

158K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter I

19.4K 249 82
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Author's Note: Welcome everyone to the second book of my Naruto male reader insert series. Yayyyyy! Now I'm sure they'll be some new readers here, so I advise you to go read the first book. And, no, I'm not going to do a Dragon Ball Z recap (unless some commenter wants to make a Spark Notes summary or whatever). Anyway, yeah, it'll probably be in your best interest to go read the first book. With that out of the way, I present Book 2.

Yugen stared at the form of (Y/N) in the testing tube. His long, white hair had grown even longer over the past two and a half years due to no one cutting his hair. His eyes were both closed, and the breathing mask covered most of his face.

The past couple of years had been very successful. All of the cells had been injected into (Y/N)'s body, and he showed no signs of any side effects.

Yugen: <thinking> His body must be used to it now.

The hooded woman sat down at a table and flipped through a book. She thought about all that transpired.

Her accomplice had shown up a few times over the few years giving her information on the going-ons of the world. He warned her about Minerva who was on to their plan. She had even figured out that (Y/N) was not an actual member of the Uchiha Clan.

Yugen had to applaud her ability to piece small information together. Her accomplice wanted Minerva dead, but Yugen had thought otherwise.

Yugen: That woman can still be of use to us. So what if Konohagakure finds out the truth about (Y/N)'s true family? It's inconsequential. After all, I am returning him to the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Her accomplice was taken aback by her declaration and furiously asked her why.

Yugen: The true powers emerge only when he feels strong emotions. It's only natural as that's how all humans are. He has a strong emotional bond to that village, and we can use that to our advantage. The more he sees his friends in danger, the more his true power will awaken. Leaving that woman alive will only benefit us in the long run.

Her accomplice seemed unconvinced, but simply stated that he was no scientist and left her to continue her work. Yugen was grateful, but it was only natural they would trust each other after thousands of years of working together.

Surprisingly, almost a year later, her henchwomen had brought her a surprise in the form of Minerva. The red haired woman had glared at Yugen, angrily.

Minerva: So you're the one who's experimented on (Y/N)? You bastard!

She tried to rise and strike Yugen, but her minions held her back.

Yugen: <smirking> It seems we meet again, Minerva. Welcome to my hideout!

Minerva: What are you planning?

Yugen: I am merely giving him more powers.

Minerva: But why? Why do this to a child? He's not some experiment for you to toy with! And these women, too. You've experimented on all of them!

Yugen: Yes, you are right about that. These women that serve me have been experimented on. I gave them the powers to turn into bat-like creatures. And yet they don't leave, do they? That's because they either willingly chose to do this, or they had nowhere else to go.

Minerva: That doesn't excuse what you're doing to (Y/N)! You killed his biological parents in Kusagakure, didn't you?!

Yugen: Heh. I needed a newborn. His parents were only in the way.

Minerva: But why him? Why him out of every newborn that's ever existed?

Yugen: <grinning> Why, indeed? Maybe he was just unlucky.

Minerva: You're sick! How could you experiment on a baby? You killed his parents the day he was released from the hospital! He never knew them!!

Yugen: They are no longer his parents after what I'm turning him into. He has another parents waiting for him.

Minerva: What does that mean? Why are you giving him those powers?

Yugen: This is all for something you can't even begin to comprehend. There's no reason to explain it to you.

Minerva: <growling> Then at least give me the answer to the timeline of what's happened! How many times have you done this to him?

Yugen: <sighs> Oh, all right. I guess it couldn't hurt to tell you a few things and leave you in suspense about what's coming next.

She motioned toward the tube with (Y/N) in it. Minerva gasped and tried to run towards it, but her minions held her down.

Yugen: I took (Y/N) as a newborn baby from Kusagakure and brought him here. There, I gave him the first dosage of the experimentation. It was that dosage that turned his hair the color white. After about a year or so, I had him dropped off at Konohagakure, as my accomplice had his eyes on that village and I wanted our projects to be close together. He was found by a childless Uchiha couple who took him in as their own. However, the experiment wasn't done and I need him back after a few years. Luck was on my side when the Uchiha Clan Massacre happened, and (Y/N) was injured there and thought to be dead. I used this opportunity to give him the second dosage. This one had a unique side effect: the foreign substance I injected into him had a weird reaction with his cells, which produced that Copy Jutsu he has.

Minerva: So that explains it...

Yugen: After that, he was placed in the forest at the age of 9 under the watchful eye of my minions, in the hopes that he would be discovered by someone. In an amazing stroke of luck or destiny, call it what you will, he was found by Shinobi of Konohagakure, who brought him back to the village. And now he's being given the third dosage as we speak.

Minerva: Will he— Willl he not remember anything?

Yugen: I must say it's adorable how much you care for him. You needn't worry. I purposely had his memories erased of his time in the Uchiha Clan, but this time, I will not do that. He will be returning to the Leaf Village with you.

Minerva: Huh? Are you joking? There's no way you're letting me leave here alive with all of this information.

Yugen: On the contrary, I want you to have it. It'll be fun to see the village wrap their heads about a revelation this shocking. And besides, you'll never find this lair no matter how hard you try. There's also something off about that village, especially his two friends Naruto and Sasuke. My accomplice has his eye on them, and it'll be interesting to see how things proceed from here on out.

Minerva: You'll never get away with this. (Y/N) will not blindly follow you and whatever you have planned!

Yugen: <laughs> Oh, you naïve child. Remember, I can erase his memories. He can essentially be raised here, but I have him released into the world in order for his power to nurture and grow. A life of a Shinobi is a dangerous one, and the more dangerous it is, the more powerful he'll become. Plus, his emotional connection to you all is a powerful thing. He'll unlock his true potential in no time. Take her away.

And with that, her minions dragged Minerva away into a cell for her to wait until the dosage was done.

Yugen was snapped out of her flashback when the door opened. Arielle walked in. Her blonde hair was pulled into a bun and her fake hand twitched excitedly. She still hadn't gotten used to it yet.

Arielle: You called, Mistress?

Yugen: <standing up> Yes. It's about time we release Minerva and (Y/N).

Arielle: Why don't you just keep him here? It'll be easier for us to keep track of him and we won't have to go on another chase.

Yugen: You will do as I say, Arielle. You will chase him down as many times as I command. Remember, you willingly came to me. This was the life you chose.

Arielle bowed her head and nodded. She was more quiet now and less excited and full of energy. The two years had changed her, for reasons Yugen didn't understand or care for.

Arielle motioned someone to enter. The door opened wider and Ose dragged Minerva into the room. She was held by chains wrapped around her body.

Minerva: What do you want?

Her tone was filled with venom. Yugen smiled.

Yugen: Why, I am setting you free. Do be sure to tell the Hidden Leaf Village about this. I'd love for them to go on a wild goose chase.

Minerva: What?

Yugen punched her in the face, knocking her out cold. She then turned towards (Y/N).

Yugen: Have Utsumi and Toyama get (Y/N) out of that tube. When they are done, have them bring him out in front of the lair.

Ose and Arielle both nodded and hurried off to find the sisters.


Utsumi and Toyama hauled (Y/N)'s body out of the door to the lair. Yugen and her other minions were already out there. Ose had Minerva's unconscious body slung around her shoulder.

Toyama: He's gotten heavier, hasn't he?

Utsumi: It has been more than two years, you know. How old is he now? 16? 17?

Yugen: 17. He has gotten big, hasn't he? When his eye fully develops, he'll be the strongest person alive.

She turned and called out two names.

Yugen: Murai! Kurisu!

Two women walked out of the crowd of minions. They both bowed. Murai had dark skin and light blue hair that went to her shoulders, while Kurisu had long, black hair that flowed down her back. Murai had been from the Hidden Cloud Village and Kurisu had been from the Hidden Stone Village.

Yugen: You two will have the honor of escorting (Y/N) back to Konohagakure. Or, close to it, at least. They can make the trek to it themselves. Ose, you will follow them with Minerva. You may leave now.

The three women nodded. Ose transformed into her bat form and quickly flew into the sky. Kurisu and Murai took the unconscious (Y/N) from Utsumi and Toyama. They transformed into their bat forms as well and flew after Ose.

Yugen: <to herself, quietly> The time is close at hand, my goddess...


(Y/N) groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. Wait, eyes? Plural? He gasped and sat up quickly. He touched his left eye and a big grin appeared on his face.

(Y/N): My... My eye... It's back! All right!!

He stood up on the bed he was in and lifted his arms up in joy.

???: Calm down, kid. You're too loud.

(Y/N) smiled when he heard that voice. He got out of bed and hugged Minerva.

(Y/N): My eye is back! Can you believe it! Wait... Where's Sasuke? And Naruto? Why am I in a hotel room? I thought I was fighting...

Minerva: Heh... Looks like I got a lot of explaining to do. Look in the mirror, (Y/N).

The white haired male looked at her in confusion before walking into the bathroom. His jaw dropped when he saw his reflection. He looked like a young adult now. His hair was so long now that it flowed past his thighs and his facial features were more... manly? Adult-y? Older-y? His right eye was (E/C) but his left one was... white.

(Y/N): I-I don't understand. What happened?

Minerva: You've been asleep for the past two and a half years, (Y/N). You're 17 now. Almost a man.

She had a sad look on her face. She also looked older. Her hair was longer and (Y/N) could make out a few small wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, but she still looked pretty.

(Y/N): This... This has to be a joke right? Two and a half years? No...

He fell on the floor and grabbed his head.

Minerva: I think you better get something to eat and drink. I'll explain everything, or well, as much as I can.


(Y/N) stayed completely still throughout Minerva's explanation. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Apparently, the bat creatures had captured him during the Sasuke retrieval mission. He had then spent the last couple of years basically in stasis or something and had been experimented on even more. That's why he had a left eye again. Minerva had even been captured and kept at the lair for a year until they were released a few days ago.

Minerva: I woke up in the middle of a forest. You and a bag of money were lying next to me. I picked you up and walked until I found a village. I checked us into this hotel. I decided to stay here until you woke up. God, my back still aches from carrying you. You're so heavy.

(Y/N): This isn't a joke? I've basically had two years of my life stolen from me? What about Sasuke? What about my friends?

Minerva: I'm so sorry, (Y/N). You don't deserve this. This shouldn't have happened to you.

She grabbed his hands and looked at him. Tears were starting to come out of his eyes.

Minerva: That woman is pure evil. But at the very least she let you keep your memories. You remember everything, don't you?

(Y/N) nodded and wiped his eyes. He hugged Minerva again.

(Y/N): What happened with Sasuke? And my friends? They have no idea what happened to me...

Minerva cupped his cheek and stared at him.

Minerva: I don't know. I'm so sorry, but I haven't been to the village since I left to go to Kusagakure. I was shocked to learn about Sasuke leaving the village when I heard that woman mention it.

(Y/N) grit his teeth and wiped his eyes again. The tears kept coming down.

(Y/N): Why... Why did you go to Kusagakure in the first place?

Minerva: <catches breath> Well... I'm not sure you want to hear this. You've already consumed a lot of heartbreaking information and...

(Y/N): <sternly> Minerva, tell me.

Minerva: <sighs> I need to see something. I had a theory and... it was right. You were born in Kusagakure, (Y/N). You're not biologically an Uchiha. That woman murdered your biological parents, experimented on you, and dropped you off near Konoha where your Uchiha parents found you and took you in.

(Y/N) felt like he'd been punched, slapped, kicked, and stabbed in the chest all at once. His breath caught in his throat... And he passed out.

When he woke up, he was lying in bed. Minerva sat next to the bed, holding a wet cloth over his forehead. She gave him a small smile.

Minerva: Hey, there. You have a fever. Try not to move around a lot.

Tears streamed down (Y/N)'s face. He looked at her, his lip trembling.

(Y/N): Does... Does the universe hate me? Why is everything happening to me? Why?

Minerva placed her hand on his. She gave him a sympathetic look.

Minerva: Life is and always will be full of hardships. But what's important is that you never let it beat you down. The most successful and fulfilled people are the ones who can make a bad situation into a good situation. It's incredibly hard to do, but I believe it can be done. You may not be an Uchiha biologically, but you are one at heart. The Uchiha couple that took you in, they are your parents. You are Sasuke's older brother. You are a Jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village. You are (Y/N) (L/N). You have friends who miss you and who will support you. Just know that you do not have to go through this alone. I will always be here for you, just like Ayuka was. And she's still with you too if you believe that. The question is, are you going to let all of this beat you down or will you rise up and overcome it and be the person that I know you are.

(Y/N) started crying even more. He smiled and covered his eyes.

(Y/N): Thank you, Minerva... Thank you so much. But I'm just... I'm just so confused.

Minerva: I wouldn't expect anything less. You've lived a hard life, but you've become a better person because of that. Do not be the person that evil woman wants you to be. You can get through this, and you have people in your life who will support you. They will always be there for you to lean on. After all, life is not meant for you to go through it alone.

(Y/N): <nodding> I-I want to go back to Konoha. I want to see everyone again.

Minerva smiled and took the wet cloth off his head. She looked at him.

Minerva: You've gotten really handsome, (Y/N). Good thing whatever the stuff you were injected with didn't screw up your looks.

(Y/N) laughed and slowly sat up. Minerva looked at his eyes.

Minerva: I think the two eye colors looks cute. I bet the girls in the Leaf Village will be all over you.

(Y/N): <scoffs> They already were.

Minerva: Hm. Well, they will even more now.

(Y/N): <sarcastically> That's hopeful...

Minerva took out a pair of scissors and touched his long, white hair.

Minerva: But before we go, let's trim this a little, shall we?

After (Y/N)'s haircut, his white hair was about the same length it had been before his two year stasis. He stretched and stood up.

(Y/N): This feels so much better. I felt like I had a carpet on my head.

Minerva giggled and told him to get ready to leave.

When they were all packed and ready to go, Minerva smiled at (Y/N).

Minerva: Ready to see all your friends again? I'm sure they'll be so excited to see you again.

(Y/N): <smiling> Yeah... I wonder how they all are.

As they set out towards Konohagakure, a certain blonde boy was walking through towards the village gate with an older man with long, white hair.

Jiraiya: Feels good to be back, doesn't it?

Naruto: <nodding> Yup! I wonder if everyone found (Y/N) yet.

The two of them walked into the village.


Yugen sat at a table with a book. It was opened to a page with a picture of a Sharingan with nine tomoe around the pupil.

Utsumi: This is the eye he will get?

Yugen: <nodding> Technically, he already has it. The powers will just slowly awaken over time. At Konohagakure, he will surely awaken them much faster than if he was here.

Utsumi: <reading> "The Rinne-Sharingan."

Yugen: <grinning> The Eye of the Rabbit Goddess.

(A/N): Sorry about this first chapter having minimal Shippuden content but I needed to wrap up the fuckery from the last chapter of the first book. Hope you enjoyed it. UwU

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