azur light of the starry spar...

By charcaradon

5.2K 54 71

when mysterious cubes started appearing all over the stars, starting with the Autobot triple changer known as... More

CH, 2
CH. 3
ch. 4
ch. 5
ch. 6
CH# 17.5
CH# 22
CH# 23
CH# 31
CH# 32


42 0 0
By charcaradon

Now after the fight with New Jersey several Kansen who watched the fight now are creating a kind of broadside fan club in tribute to the Kansen of the cybertronian who has arrived at this world...

South Dakot: are you sure that this is really nessesary?

Bataan: well I was thinking about the same thing though.

The two Kansen that respected broadside now are facing those who outright admired him...

Reno: I knew it my newest invention; the free retrofit for broadside can take on New Jersey!

Cooper: yeah! That what's cool is that he almost pummeled Her!

This now gets the attention of some of the other Kansen in the base...

Bremerton: it seems that guy really hates his role as a naval specialist...better deal with it!

Then her "favorite" patient then came up and asked her about it...

Switchblade: how exactly? He's probably like that for years!

Bremerton: oh well, we'll reach him soon enough!

She sees broadside who is now is sitting on the same bench as she is now looking through the window...

Broadside pov:

Now looking for something to do as he is now heading back inside, then it dawned on him,...and so he walked up to enterprise's room to where he now waits for her to leave her room, and that is where he then meets Essex.

Essex: hey...I was wondering why you are here?

Broadside: oh! You see I was about to meet I can vouch to free the aerialbots from prison!

Then sweat dropped from her...

Essex: are you crazy!? you wanted to free the gang that almost killed you!?

Broadside: sorry...but I I forgive them since they are still autobots, still they are still confused about this world and especially their combined form of superion!

Essex: so?

Broadside: I'm going to convince enterprise to let them go, so ok!

As he sighed in relief due to the fact that Essex is now showing a strong sign of hesitance to broadside's own request, but it came to be somewhat delayed ask as one of the members of new jersey's group...

Morrison: bro- uhhhh...what's his name is again?...

Broadside: hey Morrison!...

Morrison: look out!


Broadside now sees what looks like a yellow mechanical teddy bear that is armed with a three-pronged claw and a cannon and is now walking up to him as she now is watching in complete terror...

Morrison: n-no!

is a bit too late as broadside now summoned one of his axes to attack and destroy the little robot that is armed enough to take her side as her first line of defense...but broadside must first stop it as he now tries to stop Morrison is trying to stop him, only to end as broadside destroyed it by slashing it cleanly in straight down the middle...then he considers looking at Morrison who is terrified. 

broadside: oh hi there Morrison!

morrison: h-hi Mr. b-...

broadside: its broadside...i know you can't remember it that easily...but oh well, and is this little attack drone yours?

Morrison: y-yes...

broadside: I guess it's like an emotional support pet, sorry I didn't notice in time I'm so sorry...but why are you here?

morrison: jersey wanted me to tell you that we have another mission!

broadside: oh finally!... i was getting a little bored around here...

now he got up as he jumped out of the window and now heard straight to the port with the destroyed attack drone/teddy bear in hand hoping that he could fix it later...and when he did get there broadside now met up with the world's own equivalent of the wreckers...

new jersey: hey there broadside!

broadside: what do you want me to do?

san Fransisco: we're gonna go on a sick siren hunt!

new jersey: hey now i thought we told you not to spoil it?

san Fransisco: well-

broadside: it's ok!... i wanted to go back for round two!

new jersey: now we're talking!

broadside:  and especially just in case that one calling herself purifier...she gives me the creeps...can't wait to slag her!

now broadside now gotten on board of his newly retrofitted aircraft carrier, in which he being the most powerful one in the group due to being an alien, now goes trailing in the back...

new jersey: you'll go in the far back!

broadside: why is that?

Ticonderoga: well we found out that you're quite big! and the former enterprise now said that your

broadside: i have to stay in the it! I'll be mission control and make sure nothing goes array!

and now they all set sail to prevent any sirens from appearing or any known incidents that have the potential series of events of having a siren involved...

broadside: now let's kick some alien slag!

new jersey: now he's getting a little bit too...over-excited! 

silverbolt pov:

now as the leader of the now-imprisoned aerialbots are all locked up inside of the eagle union prison [in reality it's just the janitor's closet with them all chained up with handcuffs that prevent a kansen from summoning their riggings]...

silverbolt: so what do you all think went wrong?

alpha bravo: I guess superior thought that guy we fought is a deception...

silverbolt: right...

air raid: well it wasn't my fault!

then when they are about to argue, the oldest of the Yorktown-class aircraft carriers Yorktown now has arrived with some others to check up o them...

silverbolt:...ok now what?

???: it seems that you are what broadside really said...

upon the mention of hearing that familiar name, they perked up and looked at the woman who is in front of them...

silverbolt: broadside? how'd you know about that?

skydive: who are you?

yorktown: i am yorktown...the oldest of the yorktown-class aircraft carriers...

they stood up and  they now heard what she has to say whether they want to or is forced to.

Piranha pov, Sakura empire:

So now as after the incident with majin Zarak almost destroying the Sakura empire as a whole until the timely arrival of the Autobot combiner team known as the train bots who, with the assistance of all of the Kansen of the Sakura empire...and after all of that now settle down the combiner group know as the trianbots now are settling down, and piranha is now sparring with hakuryuu, and it is so heated that hakuryuu is now using her nodachi to attack him...

hakuryuu: yaaaaghhh!!!

but piranha just blocked it using his rotorprop as a kind of shield as he just shredded her sword with the kind of near-indestructable metal alloy that was obtained in order to make it...

piranha: haa!

hakuryuu: n-no!

piranha: what's wrong? you can't deal with your favorite weapo-...uh hakuryuu?

he now sees that hakuryuu is sulking and gathering the shards of her now broken nodachi crying...and this somehow confuses him...

piranha: uhhh...hakuryuu? what's wrong?

hen she lashed out on him, violently.

hakuryuu: y-you did this!

piranha: did what exactly?

hakuryuu: my katana! you shredded it with that funny weapon of yours!

piranha: well we're warmachines our weapons are supposed to get destroyed, and it's not like my rotorprop can return to me...and i have to go find it when it didn't

hakuryuu: and wh-what are you saying!?

piranha: well...I'm not a slow learner, i just felt that way when i first used my weapon for the first time...

then he comforted hakuryuu who gatthering the shards of her now shredded sword... 

piranha: don't worry in the meantime...I'll give this!

he now disconnected his rotorprop from it's luancher, and now gave it directly to hakuryuu...

hakuryuu: wait...wh-why are y-you giving me your giant shuriken?

piranha: so you can make another sword with it...and don't worry about it i have a laser gun on me! 

now turning red, she thanked him as he now helped her gather the remaining shards....and where after that she now plans to use the shards and the rotorprop that piranha has given her to reforge her nodachi back to what it used to be...


poison bite pov, elsewhere:

now somewhere else in the sakura empire is poison bit who is now getting used to fact that he is now in a humanoid body with the downside of still being organic...

poison bite: i guess i can still do what i want now!

oite: well what are you before you came here?

poison bite: i used to be a scorpion that turns into a barracuda!

kinu: interesting...but that doesn't clear up the fact that you are somewhat of a mystery, since you are clearly not built...

poison bite: ok...the truth is i was angry that i am stuck in those forms but i was really happy when i am now in my new one!

kinu: now can we please intro cude you to nagato?

poison bite: ok!...but no tricks...even though someone nefed my ability to teleport as i wanted to...please don't...

oite: ok just follow us!

now as they walk out of the isolated cave that they are all inside off so poison bite can go meet the rest of the port's inhabitants...

poison bite: so what is this so-called sakura empire like?

oite: well that's our home!...end of report!

kinu: we all are tasked by nagato to crush our enemies!

poison bite: what kind of enemies?

kinu: do you remember that broadside?

broadside: well yeah! i don't blame him because i like to release some steam!

oite: and we will crush them for-

poison bite: i just wanted to eat something tasty after meeting nagato...oh and are you sure that this war you gotten yourselves into is wort it?...when my side lost the way i kinda died after is found out that we lost...

as they passed though the cave's exit kinu now asked him something...

kinu: i heard that this new kansen named piranha and a group of kansen called the trainbots now joined up with us...

poison bite: great...the bots' from the same faction that killed me!

he now followed them down to the street where he sees that it is bright as well as quiet and poison bite took note of this...

poison bite: hey where is everyone?

oite: know that everyone always loved to stick to their hobbies.

poison bite: well that's good to know since i don't like to stick around for too long...

oite: well there the common places we all love to go around to do our basic business...

kinu: like the teahouse and the and the recreational area, 

poison bite: ok I'll give those a try when they're empty...

poison bite now walked up the street that is like going back in time as he is starting to feel more and more organic by the minute...

poison bite:... [why do i feel as if I'm at home for some reason]

now poison bite is now left all alone as both kinu and oite being the ones that discovered him when they fought broadside...  

oite: well we got to tell nagato about finding you...

kinu: so please say here and be good, and please no bad behavior!

poison bite: and what am i supposed to do? i have practically nothing!

poison bite now is left all alone as the two kansen of the sakura empire now left him to his own devices as he now is sitting there as he hid in the dark alley way like he usually does, as he sees piranha and the trainbots to where he is giving the combiner team a tour of the sakura empire...

poison bite: guess they're not even joking!

he hid and kept a really low profile as he waited for the two kansen in the base to let him go somewhere...

poison bite: where are they... and what's taking them so long?

 he continued to sit there in the dark alley but that is where he is soon jumped by something that prompted him into move in self defense as he quickly spotted it...

poison bite:...!?

???: heh! nice move for a siren!

poison bite: siren? but I'm a eukarian!

???: nice try! but i think i had-

poison bite just teleported as he nowlanded right behind her as he summoned his rigging...and attempted to fight her as he is still being new to fighting in a humanoid body, he now is using his rigging's claws to block and parry the blows from her sword... 

poison bite: wh-who the heck are you!?

kirishima: myname is kirishima! the fastest battlecruiser you ever seen!

he punched her hard as she wasn't fast enough to react to that one hit, as poison bite now decides to move to a nearby alleyway or a dark spot to prevent himself from being discovered by the sakura empire's kansen, as he teleported away as some kansen now arrived to see a knocked out Kirishima...and as for poison bite, he landed right hear a school...

poison bite; at least somebody won't notice me here...

he sat down on a stone wall where he is now being greeted by someone who quickly spotted him being he felt something warm and for some reason he can't move, 

poison bite: ...!?

he looked around to then see a girl around his height who is now there cuddling him and seemingly attempting trying to get his he now managed to get himself off of her, she now teleported off of the wall so he can take a look...

???: it's quite rare to see someone who is my type...

poison bite: ok! who are you!?...i bet you're like all the others!

then the girl then stood up on the wall that she was standing on top of the old stone wall where he looks at someone who looks like can match his anti-social behavior with her own style of getting attention...

poison bite: ok! who are you!?

taiho: oh where are my body is now burning as i first saw you~! name is taihou....i hope we can be together...

poison bite:....

now as poison bite is about to teleport once more but somehow his body is rejecting this commands in order to get out of there, and so he is forced to stand there while feeling something strange.

poison bite: look! i don't exactly have time for you but is do have enough time to wait for the two that found me out in the open!

taihou: ...please be with me~!

poison're sick!

now as poison bite now tries and attempts to teleport away from her, taihou now slowly approaches him as he now tries to get away only for him have his hand grabbed by herand pulled closer...

poison bite: w-what are you trying to do to me!?

taihou: will be my burning desire from now on...

poison bite: oh no you don't!...

now as he pushed taihou away from him, he got all defensive with him trying to keep his distance...

poison bite: i don't know what you wanted to have me ...but you are clearly not my type!

taihou: is that so? your natural heat of your body clearly says so...

poison bite: you don't know anything!...and what do you know? i know it, and how did you know? huh!?

taihou just stood firm, as she just walked closer to him, but the kansen of the eukarian just turned around and left her alone in a hurry.

poison bite: just leave me alone!

he went away, in a hurry, feeling as if he is a barracuda being subjected to the food chain by being captured and eaten alive by a bird of prey that is taihou...

taihou: i have found my type...

she went out to now stalk him as he now is stalking the base...

hakuryuu pov:

now helping out hakuryuu fix her shredded nodachi by giving her his rotorprop to smelt it's metal as to use it to make a new one with the very shards that was broken...with the help of akashi and yuubari of course...

hakuryuu:'s like he original, thanks!

akashi: i checked the composition of the metal, it's way stronger than titanium and all the others combined!

yuubari: in other words it's really strong!

hakuryuu: that is why it can cut through things with relative ease...

she sheathed her nodachi away, as she now asked them to do something else.

hakuryuu: look, can you please make a giant shuriken?...

akashi: what for?

yuubari: i can't believe it! like piranha!

yuubari got hit on the head hard, just to shut her up.

hakuryuu: oh shut up! i don't like him i just respect him!

akashi: ok~! one giant shuriken or luanchable propeller coming right up! 

yuubari: oh and what about the design?

akashi: the design?...hmmm we can try a more traditional one combined with something that matched his basic aesthetics!

yuubari: ok! 

they began on working with hakuryuu's rather stange request to make something for piranha...

hakuryuu: ok! i hope he likes it...

akashi and yuubari pov:

now working on many design prototypes to work with for hakuryuu to give to piranha...after like for the hundredth attempt the most of them all ricocheted back upon hitting the nearest surface that couldn't be cut that easily, with some being a little too heavy to be launched by spinning them really hard, and some ended up being just like spinning tops...all hope seemed lost as yuubari now came to the conclusion that they should use the one that they should use the one that looks more what hakuryuu had first suggested...

yuubari: why don't we look one up and ask hakuryuu to pick one?

akashi: well that can work!

now the both of them now called her inside to pick the one to replace piranha's sacrificed rotorprop...

akashi: ok! now pick your prize!

yuubari: yeah for your cru- i mean favorite sparring partner!

now she looks at the all of them to now see which one piranha would like the most, as she looked for he one that suited him the most...


now as piranha is now doing some target practice on some naval dummies with his rist-mounted blaster...and there he quickly noticed a clearly blushing hakuryuu...

piranha: oh hey hakuryuu!...and what's that?

hakuryuu: uhhh it'for you!...for being such a good sparring partner!

piranha: oh...ok!

she handed him a giant wooden crate shyly as the autobot calmly is oblivious to the fact on why she is doing this...but knows that this is somewhat out of character for her to do he opened the crate to now see a customized giant suriken completely compatible with his rotor luancher...

piranha: is this for me?

hakuryuu: y-yes!

piranha: thanks!....

he checked if it's hole can be used on and is compatible , which it piranha totally loved it's new design if it looked more like a traditional shuriken rather than the rotorprop that he is familiar with...

piranha: now... let's see if this can work! 

he plugs it in and he launched it in the airs as he sees it moves slightly faster than usual...

piranha: thanks! se-

he gets slapped by hakuryuu just to make sure as she ran away in complete embarrasment...

piranha: what was that for?

poison bit pov:

now elsewhere in the sakura empire is where poison bite is now running away from taihou after boldly defended himself from her insane tactics as he now sits on top of a rooftop where he sees her trying to look for him...

poison bite:...tsk! what a waste of her time!...too bad it's not me to kill or get kicked out!

he sees her trying to look for him as he sat there thinking what is going on in her head, but he does know that his sheer audacity to violently hold himself off against crazt yandere like her is quite impressive for someone who is used to fighting people who look he now is waiting for the perfect time for her to forget about him... And Now as the eukarian known by the name of poison bite is still hiding in the same exact general area that both kinu and oite had told him to stay until they can come back...but due to incidents about involving ninjas and a love-sick Phoenix that wanted his affection that he managed to stave off the one called taihou...

??? There you are, we were looking all over for you!

Poison bite turned around to now see that someone was looking at him through the wooden window, and it's the two Kansen that found him...

Poison bite:...?! Who-...oh it's you.

Oite: we we're looking for you,

Kinu: and tell us what happened!?

Poison bite: I encountered a wild one...

Oite: I guess judging from the wild encounter that must be taihou...

Poison bite: taihou?...the one I managed to evade?

Oite to: well yeah...and Nagato wants to see you now...

Kinu: she really took an interest in your strange abilities....

Poison bite : as long I can get some free rent i can't wait...or not

Now poison bite now walks to the place that Nagato is at, waiting for him, but nearby is a lurking akagi who is now watching the trio make their move to now meet up with Nagato ....

iron blood, sharkticon pov:

now in the iron blood is where sharkticon now had somehow escaped the vichya dominion and swapped places with the dorky shortround in where he is now convincing him to do to it before he does so... you're saying that you wanted me to switch places?

sharkticon: yes...and I'm saying this because i heard that you are scared of the people lemme help you out ok~?

shortround: well ok...but what will you do about it?

sharkticon: I'm switching to here because it's so boring here and good thing they didn't notice that i was gone...heheh~!

shortround oh ok...i think I'll let bismark kno-

sharkticon: well too bad I'll let her know about it!

shortround i guess I'll be going now...

sharkticon: and you better! see yah...

he shot near the nerd's feet to then prove the point while smiling sadistically...

shortround: ok! ok! I'm going!

now shortround is now going to the vichya dominion to now switch places with sharkticon, and sharkticon now is beginning some business in the iron blood...

sharrkticon: ok~! now let's get down to business!

...after switching places with shortround after forcing him to agree with he now went straight to shortround's room and there is no new stuff there, as he started redecorating it to suit his he now is doing this in the

???: roon! what are you doing in oh what's his name again?...

then the woman now opened the door to see the wrong yandere in there clearing out the room.

sharkticon: no...the name is sharkticon...hey there mainz

mainz: wh-what happened to shortround!?

sharkticon: well i kinda gave him the boot, and sent him on his way...well if i killed him so i won't even be in here!

mainz: eh!? ....what do you even think about you being in here!?

the one with the name of mainz now is standing there with a complete psychopath in there with shortround being nowhere to be seen and is on his way to the vichya dominion...and as for sharkticon to be in here...

broadside pov, ???location:

now on the way to prepare for a specialized team to prepare for a siren hunt with broadside being the one is now with the world's equivalent to that of the wreckers.

new jersey: so are we there yet?

broadside: my radar's not picking something up...well it's not like we can encounter that new kansen from cybertron?

new jersey: well i really don't know...

san fransisco: oh well! i think we can play nice with everyone we meet!

broadside: oh ok![well i guess she's just like whirl]

new jersey: so what do you think?...

ticondergroda: i think we're now on a "gotta catch them all" gimmick...

broadside: well there's like a bunch of people back home on Cybertron who did stuff really cool!

new jersey: hm! i really think if i see a good guy!

broadside: well there's a really long war to say...and judging from their alt modes?

ticondergroda: now i think that we're getting a little bit off topic!

broadside: well i think we're like that?

ticondergroda: hmm~! i think so...

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