celestial paradox

By feariteriu

66.2K 2.2K 1.1K

A boy stood tall, his eyes twinkling with promise as he said, "Let the sky fall, we'll face it all together."... More

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Chapter one: your best american girl
Chapter two: brooklyn visions academy
Chapter three: sweet
Chapter four: deep blue
Chapter Five: I won't run
Chapter Six: climbing walls?
Chapter Seven: you're supposed to be dead...
Chapter Eight: It's called freefall
Chapter Ten: I promise
Chapter Eleven: all the things she said
Chapter Twelve: so tonight that I may see
Chapter Thirteen: I didn't know
Chapter fourteen: skyfall
Chapter fifthteen: I guess that was goodbye
Chapter sixteen: fear is not my future
chapter seventeen: wish me luck
Chapter eighteen: collide with the sky
chapter nineteen: doomsday
chapter twenty: a date with destiny
chapter twenty one: journey to the past
chapter twenty-two: spiderman always get's up
chapter twenty-three: always and forever

Chapter Nine: never leave you lonely

2K 87 63
By feariteriu


      "FUCK, REMEMBER THIS PASSWORD." Peter stood in front of Miles crouching down to his level, he got up in his face, "D-G-F-A-M-P-E-S-A-N-D—" Miles panicked. Almost tripping over his feet he shook his head.

How was he supposed to remember all of this??

"Slow down!" Miles exclaimed but Peter kept on going, "4$-3-5-8-7-6-5-3-4-5-3-5." You originally pulled out your phone to type in the password because there was no way Miles was going to remember all of that, was this man crazy? Yes, most definitely.

But by the time he got to 's,' it dawned on you. You didn't need the password to be written down. What that meant for you, unfortunately, you had to tune back in and listen to what Peter was saying.

Miles frantically pulled out his phone, "I need to write it down!" Peter just pushed his hands out of the way just as he held up his phone. "Download the schematic!"

Miles was a mess and Peter was being a frantic asshole. He was asking to much of him and he knew it. Shoving the flash drive in Miles's hand he lets go of your hand to catch it. And you look down at yourself as you become visible again, "Miles!" He looks over at you his face shining with fear reaching for you but it's too late.

You groan in annoyance.

Peter looks over to you as the doors open, revealing Olivia. You can't read Peter's facial expression but you just know he's upset. "Why can I see you?!" He exclaimed but you just shrug with a look on your face showing him it's out of your control.

"Because you have eyes."

He wouldn't admit it, not ever. Not to you of course, but he didn't want anything to happen to you, you're just a kid. This was one of the times he didn't know what to do and he just stared at you mouth agape.

"Spider-Man? And uh... random teenager?" Olivia said breaking your intense eye contact. Peter spins around trying to be as smooth and vague as he can be. "Oh, hey. Didn't see you there." Putting his hands on his hips he looks over to Olivia blocking you from her line of sight.

The woman gasped in astonishment shocked and confused, it was once you heard that gasp that you knew she was pretending. She knew Spider-Man was dead, what was her motive? You crossed your arms and sized the women up unamused.

"Wow. Okay, I'm kinda freaking out right now. I mean, you're supposed to be dead!" And there it is. Anyone could tell she was a horrible liar, right? She has to know Spider-Man is dead, this was a gimmick.

This woman is the one that's been working on the collider so she knew what it did, meaning she knows that there are different versions of people in your reality, this was all an act.

And Peter was eating this shit up.

Men are so simple, such stupid human beings. Quite sad really. Olivia pretended not to notice you as she walked up to Peter but you didn't miss the way her eyes glanced at you her brow twitching.

She was onto you guys.

"Surprise! Okay. That's a no-no. We don't like that!" The woman reached up and pulled Peters's mask off his face and you groaned, why did he just let her do that??

"This is fascinating..."

Rolling your eyes you watch as she groped and prodded at him and he did nothing to stop her, at that point you wanted to get caught this was just embarrassing.

"An entirely different Peter Parker." At that comment, your blood chilled. So she knew. You knew it, things weren't going to end well. If she knows then that means you guys never had a chance from the start. You guys were doomed the minute you stepped foot in this building. It was time to go, now.

Stepping forward you decide it was time to stop being quiet and watching from the sidelines you guys had to get out of there. "Peter." You spoke up, looking up at him but he just ignored you waving his hand in your face.

Why is he being so stupid?? If she was as clueless as he thought she was then she would question why a random teenage girl was in her office he's being so oblivious!

It had to be the attention. He's an attention-seeking whore, how did you not see it before. Oh my god, you guys were stuck with a crazy person. Nonetheless, you decided to try again, "Peter!" Nothing. This time he acted like you weren't here.

What were you going to do? If Peter wasn't gonna leave then you sure as hell would. There's no way you're letting yourself get caught because of his stupidity.

It was then that you heard your favorite voice whisper the password from earlier, Miles was trying to get into the computer. Waking around the desk you stand in front of the desktop only to then bump into an invisible force.

Yup. That's your boy.

Falling to the floor you rub at your sore butt standing, "Y/N?!" You hear him whisper but you shush him telling him to continue putting the password that he somehow remembered in the computer.

"How the hell can you remember all of this but not a two-minute song?"

"Don't worry 'bout it."

You were about to keep egging him on until he whispered 'shit' and turned the Monitor around towards Peter harshly whispering out, "What was the rest?!" He shakes it at Peter and you just smack your head already over this stupid 'mission.'

"It's thirty-five." You said your face deadpan. But Miles awaits Peter's answer and brushes off what you said. It takes Peter a minute or two to understand what he's asking and then you see the light bulb spark above his head.

"Hey! How old are you? 'Cause, you don't look a day over, thirty-five!" Rolling your eyes you can't believe this woman is putting up with this for so long, this was ridiculous.

Why was she going to such lengths? Pretending to be unaware of the situation, like an oblivious child. She is a mad scientist, it would be slightly concerning if she didn't cue into what's happening around her.

Miles turns the Monitor back to him and types in the numbers. The screen unlocks and a bunch of folders show up on the screen and you can't help but laugh, there was no way he was going to find the right one in time.

"We're doomed."

You hear Miles mutter some incoherent words before he decides to unplug the whole monitor picking up the system and walking towards the door with it.

"What are you doing??" You rush out walking over to what you believe is his body, "What does it look like? I'm taking the whole thing!" You turn your back to him and try your best to use no facial expressions while speaking. You didn't know how much longer you could do this.

"Nigga stop being a smart ass."

Your eyes find Peter across the room and you frown in confusion, when the hell did he get strapped to that chair? More importantly, why did he let himself get strapped to that chair?

Your eyes lock as you silently communicate with him cursing him out in your head for being so idiotic, "What the fuck?" Deciding to leave Miles you walk over to Olivia messing with Peter, you should probably say something, right?

But just as you were about to, "What did you say your name was again?" The woman stood up taking her glasses off she set them aside and lets her lab coat fall to the ground beneath her.

With a smirk, she said, "Dr. Olivia Octavius." She was done acting, the jig was up. Once she revealed who she was her hands found her hair as she put it up tentacles sprung from her back and out towards you and Peter.

She turns to you as you froze in place, fear casting on your face for the first time in a while. You were fucked.

"I fucking knew some shit like this was gonna happen!" One of her tentacles reach out and grab you by the waist, holding you up in the air your arms are locked in place and you can't do anything but squirm as you try to free yourself.

"What type of low-budget hentai is this?! Put me down!"

"I can assume that your friends call you Doc Ock?" Peter says as his throat starts closing on him, being choked and all. Olivia just chuckles pulling at her gloves, "My friends call me Liv. My enemies call me Doc Ock."

Miles doesn't know what to do he looks up at you hanging in the air expecting you to be scared out of your mind but instead, he looks at you to find you annoyed.

Why did he expect anything less from you?

"Miles. Wherever you are, just go I'll be okay, we'll be okay."

He almost slips up and speaks, he wants to rush over to you and free you from her clutches. But he can't, it would blow his cover and he's the only thing you guys have right now.

You guys needed that computer to save the world. But how could he ever choose you over the world? The world would never be the same without your smiling face on it, he can't just leave you.

"I got this! Run!" Peter shouts out and Miles flinches, he can't do this. Not without you.

"—Miles. Please." He hears your voice and he finds your eyes and for some reason, you can feel him staring up at you, "I'll be okay I'm with Peter, go."

Right as those words leave your lips Peter opens the door with his webs and Miles takes off. And right as he does Peter gets thrown across the room.

Olivia Pulls you towards her and you're practically standing next to her only you were in the air still wrapped in her tentacles.

Peter shouted out things like, "I got it!" And, "I'm okay!" But you knew he had no idea what to do as his body crashed into every object in the room. You cringe as his body goes through the glass window.

"Is this necessary? What is wrong with you? I know all this equipment and furniture isn't cheap."

The woman pauses.

Her neck cranes to you, "Who are you?" You gasp pretending to be offended, "Helloooo, I'm Y/N!" Her face flashes with irritation and visible confusion, "Y/N?" She repeats still in a daze of disturbance. "Yeah. I'm Y/N, and your first mistake was letting me distract you long enough for them to get away." You smirk as her face changes from confusion to resentment.

She growls in anger and rushes after the two. Dropping you to the ground no longer needing you, just wanting you out of her sight. "Well, that was easy." Picking up your phone you run out one of the holes after the madwoman.

You're running so fast that you don't notice the person in front of you before it's too late and you crash into them. Falling to the ground for the second time that day. Opening your eyes you see the one person you never wanted to see again.



You both say each other's names at the same time getting up from the ground you look over at her with malice flashing behind your eyes, this was the girl that had Miles's heart.

He was in love with her.

But you weren't going to be petty, if he loved her, he loved her there was nothing you could nor would do about it. You had to face the facts he wanted her, not you.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" You both say at the same time. Covering your mouth you urge her to go first but right as she opens her mouth to say something you hear Olivia.

"Peter! You didn't tell me you had an invisible friend!" And your heart drops. You run past Gwen already forgetting about her and towards the mad scientist's voice.

"Talk later!"

"Could you give me that back young man?" And right as you round another corner you find him, running from Olivia. Turning the other way you run with Miles only to be pulled back bluntly and harshly to the ground back towards her.

You think this is it until you see you're going underneath her and you see Peter pulling you along. You sigh with relief. And send a grateful smile his way. Peter gives you an uneasy look that turns into a firm nod of his head. You decide not to read too much into that interaction, at least, for the moment.

Once you're next to Peter he lets you both go and you guys all run towards some more doors, opening them you see it's a food court.

"Oh." You say amused, smiling you look over at the bagels. Then the front doors, you see how far away they are. Would you guys make it?

"This would be a good time to turn invisible," Peter said with a whisper.

"Yep," Miles says shyly holding the pc to his chest like it's his life span, poor baby. "Okay, not gonna turn invisible. Selecting a bagel. Act super normal." And you do. You did. Those two, on the other hand, didn't. Miles puffed his chest out holding the pc over his shoulder like it was a clothing sack with one hand and the other crossed over his chest.

Peter. Well, Peter was himself and that got people to stare anyways he wasn't supposed to be alive. He talked to the people in the food court like the dumbass he was.

"Peter stop talking to them, you're supposed to be dead!"

"What? I can't deny my fans Y/N."

You just rolled your eyes already knowing how this was going to end. Someone shouted out Spider-Man and everyone jumped from their seat pulling guns magically out of their asses and pointing them at the three of you.

"Now we do a switchy-switchy." Peter shoves his bagel in Miles's chest and grabs the pc from his single hand. The man then takes off running out the doors leaving Miles dazed and confused before you grab his hand and he follows after you.

"He took a bagel!" It's then that Miles turns around and clocks someone right in the face with said bagel, he throws it right at their face and they go crashing to the ground in pain as it blinds them.

You can hear their scream of pain as you get further away from them. Miles doesn't seem to care though.

"Goddamn Miles-"

"I was gonna eat that, man!" Peter then says.

"Was the bagel more important than our lives??"

"Yes." Peter says serious, face unmoving.

"Time to swing, just like I taught ya!" He recovers fast. Moving on from the bagel situation.

Miles panics, "When did you teach me that?!"

"I didn't. It's a little joke for team-building."

"Well, it wasn't a funny one."

Peter tosses Miles a web-slinger and that's when you realize you were gonna die. How the hell was he going to hold onto you and swing without any practice?

But instead of stressing that fact, you decide to push down your discomfort with a corny joke, "Look at da flick of the wrist!" You shouted out pretending to shoot webs over the edge, as you all looked at the drop below. Mile's face pales in fear and his hand finds your mouth covering it.

"Y/N shut up! This mission is life or death!" Mumbling something incoherent you roll your eyes.

Peter ignored you both too focused on the task at hand.

He grabs Miles's arm and the web-slinger he gave him sliding it on his arm, "Alright you ready?" No, he in fact was not ready. Nor were you.

"Of course, I'm not ready!!" He looked over to you and his face swarmed with regret, he should have never brought you, what was he thinking? You weren't superhuman, this drop could kill you. But none of that mattered right now, "I won't let anything happen to you." He grabbed your waist and the next thing you knew, you were flying through the trees.


this chapter was so hard to write i hate this
part of the book it's so boringggg

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