Agni's story ~kingo

By flippingpageswithnix

2.1K 69 183

agni, the most graceful of eternals, graceful in her fighting, in the way she walks, in the way she dances li... More

The flame
falling into love
midnights and forests
love and marriage
secrets ^2
serving arishem
goodbye home
friends perspective
same sky
forgiveness and hate


61 1 8
By flippingpageswithnix

agnis fire came in many colors, using them for everyday activities was blue, that fire was never dangerous. not agnis blue fire
when she couldn't control her anger, it was red, she didn't understand why kingo loved it so much, the color made her sick to her stomach
but all agni was, was red
all she was was angry

"no one's gonna hurt you agni"
"i won't let anyone hurt you agni"
"me and you till the end of time, i'll protect you"
i'm gonna hurt them
i'm gonna hurt them all
i don't want to hurt anyone
make it stop
stop stop stop stop

"agni, it's time to wake up"
agni woke up in a cold sweat, she could breath, her chest heaving up and down as she took heavy uneven breaths
but kingo was right there, her hand in his own as he rubbed her back and whispered how much he loved her into her ear

"shhh it's okay, nothings going to hurt you" it was kingos voice agni heard in her horrid nightmare
kingos voice was the one to bring her out of her terrified mind
"can you see me agni?" he asked, running his fingers through her hair
"your real?" agni asked, placing her hand on his cheek "i'm real agni" he chuckled, placing a small kiss onto her cheek

she couldn't grasp it, kingo was real, she was real, it all was real
but she didn't feel real
she felt as if she was a puppet
a puppet someone constructed for their own amusement, for a bigger project than just help humanity evolve
she felt used, as if she was a worn out childrens toy they used for a week after christmas and was lost in the closet somewhere

she didn't feel like she was a powerful being, one of the most powerful beings on the planet
she felt as if she was in a roman fight in the colosseum
being watched
put in this arena for a bigger persons entertainment
but that wasn't the case
was it?

"are you feeling okay ag?" kingo asked, grabbing her hand
"take me to ajak?"
kingo nodded, standing infront of her
"right this way ma lady" he said, bowing down for her to grab his hand
she giggled, grabbing his hand as she stood up making their way to ajak

kingo stood by agnis side the entire way to ajak, humming to her, to help her focus on something other than her thoughts.

"agni!! just the person i wanted to see" ajak said, grabbing her hand and walking her into the room
"good morning ag" the population in the main room echoed
agni waved her hand to greet her friends, missing the feeling of kingos hand in hers.
she looked back at him, as he stood over conversating with brelione and druig, she smiled, turning back to ajak

"i have good news for you!!" any one who said they had good news for agni, always turned out to have bad news
it made agnis stomach in easy
terrified of what she might say, the girl felt her body heat up, and healed wounds began to burn

"kingo" she said, sticking out her hand. he smiled, walking away from brelione and druig to stand by her side
he grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb over the top of it reassuringly

"arishem said it's your time to fight again, for the good of humanity" agni knew nothing good could last forever, she always knew
but she hoped it would last forever
having kingo by her side, never having to hurt a person again
but that is never the case
"she's not ready" kingo said, pulling agni closer

"kingo she is ready" ajak spoke, "i've been training her these past few weeks and arishem has spoken, he said he needs her, we must do what arishem says" ajak speaks,
agnis body burnt, she couldn't breath, so she sat by and watched her family fall apart

"i watched her hurt herself, she burnt her entire body, ajak! it takes more than a month to recover from that" thena stated, walking up to ajak
"thena calm down" gilgamesh said, placing his hand on her shoulder, stopping her from doing something she would regret

'agni, do you want to fight?' brelione said, placing her hand on agnis shoulder
"it's what arishem said, she shouldn't have a say! there is no need to be so childish!" ikaris snapped
"it could put her in pain!! of course she has a say in it!" kingo snapped
"she's a monster!! her power is for arishems disposal!!" agni felt a searing pain through out her body
"STOP! just stop!! everyone just stop!!" she screamed, her body engulfing in flames, and then the bright red fire quickly retreating

her body began to shake as she felt for kingo, attaching to his arm
"it's tearing you all apart" she said, her eyes burning with tears
"it's a burden, my powers a burden and i am my power" she said, placing her hands on either side of kingos face
"i have to go" she said, more to herself
"but arishem-"
"Screw arishem!!" agni snapped, glaring at ajak

"if you leave, your no longer an eternal, and i will feel no remorse taking orders from arishem and ajak to kill you" ikaris said
"okay boss man, i never asked to be in your robot army anyway"
she felt like an immature kid, mad at their friends for stealing their favorite ball
but ajak was her family, and no matter how much she hated ikaris he was her family too
and being betrayed by family was the one thing she never wanted to feel in her eternal life
so she began to leave, to pack her stuff and start a new.

"agni," kingo started, gently grabbing her arm "i love you" she smiled at him "i love you too" she whispered
"a million years," he said, pulling her closer
"what kingo?"

"i'll wait for you, a million years of it takes"

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