Love in a Apocalyptic World (...

By Fangkun6

937 39 5

The world turned into despair and mess as a virus spread through people. People who were now creatures infect... More

Chapter 0 -
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
Chapter 12 -
Chapter 13 -
Chapter 14 -
Chapter 16 -

Chapter 15 -

47 2 0
By Fangkun6

Chapter 15 -

While everything was happening with the infected Akari had called over, Akari took that moment while everyone was busy to go over to Leo. Zeo had to leave Leo's side to get a gun from someone to fight off the ones coming over to him and Leo.

While that was happening Akari was with Leo, the smell of his blood was super strong now that he was cradling him. The smell coming off him hungered Akari but knowing that Leo was dying scared him, throwing off the feeling of hunger more. He moved his body over Leo covering him with his smell, it was making the infected ignore Leo and him even though Leo's blood was all over him and the floor. Being on him, covering Leo with his scent made the other infected think Leo was Akari's. They wouldn't challenge Akari unless they were no more living humans to eat.

Leo's breathing was becoming hitched and it was getting harder for him to keep his eyes open. The burning pain coursing through his stomach and to his heart was unbearable. Akari came into view, his warm presents made Leo feel more comfortable, of course the pain in his body didn't stop and it was still a burning mess. But Akari seemed to make it feel better, he was hovering over him stopping the bleeding as best as he could.

Damian had just killed two infected that had come at him. He stole a gun from the others who had no chance at surviving this. He then looked over at Akari who was with Leo, stopping all the infected from coming near him. He had never felt such anger in his life before, he wanted nothing more than to kill that monster. He moved to shoot the gun at him but realized he was out of bullets, instead he pulled out a knife and charged at him with full intent to kill him.

Akari looked up just in time to pull his arms over him to stop the knife from stabbing his skull. "You mother fucker deserves to die!" Damian yelled, pulling all his strength into moving the knife down. Akari moved back with the knife, stopping it from getting any closer to him and Leo who was still on the ground helpless.

Using the inhuman strength he has, he pushed Damian off him making the blonde fall back on his elbows. Taking that time, he moved over on Leo protectively making sure the infected ignore him and that Damian doesn't get any ideas to use on him.

Damian got up glaring at the beast on top of Leo. He came to swing again, but with Akari's speed he easily dodged it, pushing Damian back as he growled an animalist noise at the guy with the knife. Akari extended his claws not leaving Leo's side, scared if he even moved an inch away from him he would get eaten. "Really care that much for that boy!?" He yelled crazily pointing the knife at the boy under Akari.

Akari swung at him for even daring to look at Leo. Damian fell back getting a bit of gushing claw scratch mark on his face, he glared with burning rage at Akari. "He'll die anyways!" He screamed like a madman.

He swung again, another infected charging at him taking the swing blow and dropping to the floor dead. He looked back up at Akari who had dilated eyes at him glaring. "You know that. Him being with you will kill him some day since he is just a mere human like us all." He moved his knife up again, not giving up in killing Akari. "Well.. Except you." He smiled before rushing at him again with the knife up.

He was stopped by Tiger who came in front of him, shielding Akari. She always used Akari's long knife he always used to fight off the infected, but she was defending Akari with it from Damian.

Damian's smile tightened. Tiger pushed him back, still standing in front of him with Akari behind her still on top of Leo. Akari went back to stopping the bleeding with his hands, Damian pulled his knife back up pointing it at Tiger. "Oh so you finally decided to help?"

Tiger swung the knife down staring emotionless at him. "We're ending this Damian.'' She said, pulling it up towards him who was doing the same.

"Oh we sure are Avi.'' He sneered before running at her with the knife high and ready to kill. She moved out of the way, being behind him and pulling him up, slicing his back and making him fall to the floor. Blood falling behind him.

The infected smelt more blood, getting intrigued by it and coming closer to them. "We should probably make this quick.'' He said, standing up and ignoring the blood falling down.

She came at him swinging the makeshift sword. He dodged it moving as she kept on swinging. He started doing the same as they went back and forth before some infected came up to Damian wanting his blood, he moved out of the way cutting the back of its neck. Tiger took the time to ambush him and fall on top of him and fighting off the knife he kept swinging at her. She kicked it away, bringing the knife up over her head, Damian moved to the side before the blow could strike his head. He rolled over while she was on top making him on top of her and holding her hands down. She kicked the back of him where the wounds were making him wincing as he moved his hands on top of her neck, starting to strangle her. She kept kicking his wounds but he continued to ignore it using his much more strength to strangle her with a crazed smile on his face.

As he continued to strangle her, Zeo who had just fought off more infected finally was able to look around. He noticed in shock at Damian slowing killing Tiger, he then looked at Akari who was trying desperately to stop Leo's bleeding.

He noticed an infected slowly walking towards him and he looked back at Damian. He stood up running to the infected and stopping it from attacking him. He pushed it back, starting to move it towards Damian until it was close enough he could push it to him so it could smell his blood.

It looked and charged him, grabbing onto his back and biting into his neck. Damian screamed letting go of Tiger who started to breathe again, grabbing onto her neck and catching her breath.

Damian pulled the infected off him shouting curse words before punching its skull until it was unmoving. He felt the burning pain in his neck, he then looked back to Tiger before grabbing a nearby gun and running towards her before bashing the gun(that had no bullets) into her head.

Zeo, who had to look for another weapon, a knife and looked back to Damian, who was now bitten but not giving up in killing Tiger. Not missing another minute, Zeo ran forward driving the knife into Damian's back stopping him in a second. The knife went through his heart, he fell on top of Tiger whose head was gushing blood and she was driving to stay awake.

He was dead.

Zeo moved a now dead Damian off her trying to stop the bleeding, but to his surprise Tiger pushed his hand away moving to put her knees under her for support. "What are you doing!?" He yelled trying to help her again, she pushed him away not meeting his eyes.

Zeo was confused on what he was supposed to do before more infected took notice of them as more kept coming into the warehouse. He cursed looking around for a gun that was loaded, he found one and gave it to Tiger who took it before making sure it was loaded herself. "You need to stop the bleeding!" He yelled trying to convince her.

She looked at him, "I'm gonna die already dude." She said, they didn't actually know one another until now. "So how about you make sure y-your brother survives? I'll die the way I want to die." She smiled before trying to stand up, Zeo helped her before she pushed him away, finding her own feet and leaving him to kill the oncoming infected that started to storm them.

The infected had started to take notice in Leo and Akari, since all the other living people had either fled or gotten eaten by all the. The ones who were brave enough or hungry enough had started to come over to them, challenging Akari for Leo's flesh. Akari stayed on top of him, looking at the other infected that craved Leo's flesh with all his blood surrounding him, making more attracted and hungry for him. Akari growled loudly at them, daring them to come closer, he extended his claws, his teeth sharpening as he hovered over Leo protectively.

Leo was still drifting away, not knowing what was happening and not understanding why the warmth of Akari kept going away and coming back. He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep, he thought that going to sleep would stop the pain and wanted to do that so badly.

The other infected growled back at Akari pacing them both like they were prey ready to be eaten. One of them, a reptile-like girl jumped at him with sharp snake fangs. Akari pulled his claws up, stopping the girl and pushing his claws into her chest making her screech before falling over. The others took their chance in getting Leo's still breathing flesh as they all came to Akari at once. Akari, not giving up on letting them get him, defends the small male under him with all the infected scratching, clawing and biting him.

He used all his strength pushing, clawing and killing them all before they could even touch Leo. Akari growled, yelling at the others as he bit one of their necks off, killing it before he had to kill off the other ones that only kept their focus and thirst for the boy under Akari.

Using his knife, Zeo killed another infected before it had a chance to bite him. He had let Tiger do what she had to do, he knew she was gonna die, she knew she was gonna die. And she let it happen. He wiped his eyes before looking for Leo and Akari. He noticed Akari fighting off at least ten of the infected that were fighting to get under him, where his young brother was. He got down from where he was running to them yelling, and trying to get the infected monsters attention.

They ignored him, not attracted to his presence, he watched as Akari was getting overthrown by the infected who weren't giving up on eating Leo. Zeo stopped. His flesh... He thought of something, pulling the knife to his arms, he looked back at Leo's form under Akari.

He took a deep breath, his eyes tearing up again, he needs to live. He thought before taking one more look at his brother then cutting open his arms and dropping the knife. 


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