Stockholm Syndrome |n.h

Da StarCrossed13

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Sure I've read the stories and seen the movies. I thought about the topic many times But I never thought it w... Altro



970 38 37
Da StarCrossed13

Niall's pov.

I set the house on fire. Why do you think I chose the shittiest house one block? I didn't want to pay for such a sweet luxury if I was just going to set fire to it. Two days later.

the body on the ground that Evanna saw was a fake. I burnt some sheets and layed them on the ground to make her think it was a body. With the drugs I gave her, when she woke up I know she would be halucinating. Or if she truly thinks she wasn't then I will just tell her that that is what the drugs made her do. She will not be happy about the drug thing.

"Evanna was tired." I said. "she took a nap, and that's when I left. I went to go get a few things from the store and when I came back, there wasn't a house to come back to, or my girlfriend." I cried, and sobbed, and begged the police to get her out of there. But she was 'dead' and there was nothing they could do.

Her dad didn't show up to the scene till later. I stayed there all night, just staring at the burnt house, playing my part. I know Evanna is safe, and nothing will happen to her where she is.

Mason sat down next me, a bundle of flowers in his hand. "She was so happy with you." He said. "Sad that it had to end like this. So soon." He sobs. "We need to plan a funeral."

I cry with him, playing my part. It's not hard, really. I loved Evanna. I love her so much and only want her to be safe. That is why I did this again.

It's because I want her. All to myself. I can't stand the thought of another man looking at her the way only I can. So I took her away, to a place where only me and Harry know about. To a place no one will ever see her. Where only I can have her.

"Hey, we came as soon as we heard." The boys run up to me. Alex is with them. I jump into my friends arms, crying on their shoulders, being sad. Harry had a blank expression on his face. "Its okay." Liam told him. Harry just nodded and looked back to the house, where his best friend 'died'.

"So tragic." Alex says, more to himself than to anyone. "She really loved you, you know."

"Yeah, I know." I sigh. "I love her too." A sob escapes my lips. "To the sun."

"Come on man, we'll go back to the complex." I nod and let them lead me to the car, leaving Evanna behind. Psht, I knew exactly where she was. She was still asleep, but the other girls should find her soon.

We go back to the complex, Alex rides next to me, patting my shoulder ever so often. Tears stream down everyone's faces as Liam drives the car.

I slept like a baby that night. The others didn't sleep at all. I guess that's what you do when you lose something, you don't sleep, don't eat, can't think. I thought about things alright. Like how I started the fire and how it actually worked. And how I got away with it.

Well, I started to heat up the oven and left a pan on the counter, for evidence, so it would look like she was cooking. That oven was so old, anyone would think it would catch fire. It would take a long time though. So, I put gasoline on the sheets that I had set up in the hall. Whoosh, flames. Soon the oven caught fire too, and Evanna woke up.

Chloroform was my only way to go at this point. She would have asked too many questions, suggest that we could go back to the complex. No, I needed her gone. Away from all the other boys, away from here. Only to where I could find her. She's mine.

We spent that week planning a funeral with Mason. A purple box, for her ashes. It was her favorite color. We will all go to a church, say a few words about her, remember her happiest memories. And then she will be buried next to her mom. The headstone will be small, it will be simple. At something along the lines of

Evanna Harris
Best friend,
Forever In Our Hearts.

Nothing special, seeing as though she is still alive. But no one knows that besides Harry so it's best to just cry along with her friends and family and let them think that you are grieving too. Then no one will be suspicious. It's always the boyfriend that gets accused first.

For a few days, everyone cried, grieved. The food in the fridge was going bad; no one was eating. Alex stayed with us. We were comforting each other. His girlfriend, Casey, wanted to come but she was going on a family thing. Not that I care.

So, I slept. Locked myself in my room made it look like the love of my life had just died tragically. I stayed there until I got a text from Liam saying that we had to leave in a few hours to officially set Evanna to rest.

This is it. The moment I've been waiting for. Everyone will officially know for sure that Evanna is dead. Then she will be mine.

I get dressed in a suit and tie, dress shoes, do up my hair in the quiff that she loved. She never told me, but I knew.

After I was ready, I stayed in my room for a little, looking at the pictures I took of her while she wasn't looking. She really is beautiful. What a shame no one will ever get to see it again. Except for me, of course.

"Come on man." Liam opens the door. "Time to go." I nod, faking a sob. He nods an understanding and claps my shoulder softly. Liam is the strongest one here. Not only physically but mentally, so he takes it upon himself to drive us to the cemetery where we will say a few words and watch the box of ashes be buried. We couldn't actually get the ashes from the body because we didn't know where they were. The house was demolished, so, we filled up the box with ashes from the house, and the necklace that I gave her for Christmas.

"Why do the best people die?" Louis cries from beside me.

I want to tell him, that when we pick flowers, we pick the most beautiful ones, that God picks the most beautiful people, but I am in no place to talk.

"We're here." Liam says, his voice wavering. We all get out of the car and join a mob of people. Some of them are fans of ours. I know because they are casually dressed. Evs family and friends are dressed in black.

As we walk towards them, Mason motions for me to be the first one at the podium.

"Evanna was something." I start out with a soft smile. "She was something alright. I met her for the first time when we were around the age of sixteen and I fell in love. She was sarcastic and witty and so energetic. She was beautiful. It's a shame to see her go." I sob. "She was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know if I will be able to find another girl like her. Maybe that's what made her special, is that there are no other girls exactly like her. She was happy and carefree, she was always concerned about people.

"She loved every one of her friends and cared for them all. But we are here to celebrate her life. What she did. Not her death. Not whats going to happen now. I remember when" I chuckle at myself a little. "She woke up Zayn with a small nursery rhyme and then he spent the next few weeks craving eggs. When she drew on Louis' face with permanent marker." I stop just to stare. "When she said she loved me for the first time." a tear streams down my face as I say the words. "I love her. I do. I have for years now, and I love her all the way to the sun and back. Rest in peace, Evanna Harris." I sob and sit down again. Mason nods towards me, tears streaming down his face too.

Alex is next. "As Niall said, Evanna was carefree. She didn't worry about anything. Our high school jock gave Evanna fifty bucks to do his science homework. She took the money, bought an outfit and showed up to school empty handed. She was just like that. She did her own things. She was fun, smart, and if you knew her well enough, she would have dance battles with you and it was the funniest thing I have ever seen her do. So let's celebrate her life tonight. The life she had and I know, she wouldn't trade anything for it."

A few more people speak about Evanna, until the clock reaches seven and it's time to set her in the ground. Some people leave, some stay.

As we watch two men dig a large enough hole, they attach a pulley to the small box and lower it down. I hear a sniff beside me.

I look over to see a girl, dressed in black, a tissue covering her nose and tears streaming down her face.

I offer her a dry tissue.

"Thanks." She sniffs as she takes it into her hand and wipes her tears with it.

"How did you know her?" I ask.

"I didn't." The girl almost laughs. "I don't know why I even came here. I just saw her case on the kidnapping and then she was fine and now she's dead. How tragic is that?"

"Yeah." I look down. "It's devastating, really, but now I guess I just need normality. That helps to get over grief right?"

"Yeah, I guess it would." She nods, looking me in the eyes, she had eyes as green as the grass and her hair is a beautiful brown. "My name is Olivia by the way." she offers me her hand.

"Niall." I tell her.

I smirk as I walk her back to her car and ask for her number.

The trap is set. Sweet, clueless, Olivia just has to fall into it.

( don't delete from your library, epilogue coming soon :)


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