Xiaolumi S3: Everything To Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

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"Oh Alatus Nemesis, on the wind your feathers of gold, oh so fair, grasp that light in heavens and conquer al... More

Yaksha's Love
Gifts From The Past
A Red Hot Oni Pt I
A Red Hot Oni Pt 2
Ei's Day Off
Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?
The Stormy Island Mystery PT I
The Stormy Island Mystery PT II
Hear My Song Pt I
Hear My Song Pt II
Hear My Song Pt III
You Are Cordially Invited
Crane In The Harbor
Old Friends & New Ones
You Are A Mystery, Lumine
Sea Gazer
Combing Rite of Fortune
I Will Be Your Only Star
Xiao's Birthday Wish
She Would Have Adored You
A Snake's Wisdom
Gorou's Message
Heading For A New Frontier
Chariot of the Sun
Enjou's Warning
Ominous Revelations
Forbidden Knowledge
Primordial Goddess of Fate
Lumen De Lumine PT I
Lumen De Lumine PT II
Lumen De Lumine PT III
Safe Here In Your Arms
Saiguu's Sacrifice
Forgive Me, Sister
Something Amiss
Towards The Future
Author Lumine
Sly Old Fox
Unexpected Reunion
Flower of Khaenri'ah
Crude Plan
Flowing Like Time
Prof. Aria's Files: Yaksha's Soul Bond Ritual
Thanks & Announcements
Bonus Chapter: Vesperi Nebula

Void and Light

854 38 14
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: With the device unleashing a heavy purifying concentration of light energy, Dain's left helpless as Halfdan intervenes. The light energy though while having a negative effect on Dain and the Abyss monsters, seems to have an effect on Xiaolumi. Time for Xiaolumi to step in and save their Khaenrian companions.]



They had to hurry!

After they had watched Lumine quite easily dispatch the electro lecter, to the point of almost toying with it they agreed to each take a portal and device. While Halfdan was doing all he could to hold back the concentration of light energy Xiao, Lumine, and Dainslief — despite his suffering — each tackled a portal. Lumine finding this amusing as it reminded what she had down weeks ago in Enkanomiya's depths. Xiao couldn't remember the last time he hadn't been in agony, this light seemed to be healing him, though not to the degree his wife could as he easily made short work of the cryo and pyro Abyss mages. "This sensation it feels almost exactly like when we fought the electro archon. So be it, I'll put it to use!"he thought delivering the finishing blow. Swift as always he dashed over easily slashing the device in two. Since was the fastest they agreed he'd take the final portal and device. However was was it he felt like they all were being watched? Oh well it mattered not as he swiftly vanished back into the chamber to run for the next device.

Meanwhile Lumine with Paimon were dealing with two hydro and pyro mages. Lumine letting loose with her electro charged blade. "Do you think Dainslief and Xiao are fine?"she heard Paimon ask as Lumine finished off both the mages rather effortlessly. She wasn't sure why but that light was relieving her symptoms, energizing her even. But...for how long would this last? She was not sure but she also wasn't going to kick a gift horse in the mouth right now. 

"Xiao will be fine, better then fine right now. That light should be having the same effect on him as it is me. As for Dain...I'm worried."Lumine stated as she walked over to the device raising her palm. 

"Then wait that means Dain's suffering...We gotta hurry!"yelped Lumine.

Swiftly a rather high concentration of anemo, bit more then she had intended rushed forth. The sight startling Lumine as the device shattered and was blown out the window. "Not good, I can't control the elements properly still."she thought in concern. Only to hear what sounded possibly like an "ouch" in the distance. The girls could only stare at each other in confusion.

"That was odd."shrugged Paimon, "Oh well lets get going."

"It was probably just one of the hilichurls getting bonked in the head by mistake below...oops."Lumine dismissed making a swift dash with her electro for the portal. However she did feel like she had been being watched by some sort of beast. Little did they know her hunch was right as deep in the darkness a pair large tiger-like eyes gleaming with electro was watching. But that wasn't the only thing watching as a woman with a hydro vision of Liyue origin had stopped to observe the scene, unaware of the other observer.

Dainslief struggled a little more due to the sheer agony the light energy was causing him. Light that used to such a warm and healing element to him. Memories that had grown so faded and fuzzy becoming clearer at least...for now. Then memories of a woman cloaked in white with long pale hair falling out from her cloak's hood with eyes that shined a brilliant gold, standing at the base of a truly massive and ancient tree. Countless inteyvet lilies swaying in the breeze. "Dain~!"he heard her sweet voice, "Aren't these flowers beautiful?" Then memories of his old comrade, Halfdan of when he saw him for the last time five hundred years ago played like some ancient record.

Dainslief hissed in agony as he skid across the cobblestone floor. Normally these abyss mages wouldn't be any issues to him but that accursed light made his curse bite and snap far far more harder then it did before. But eventually he managed some how finish off these blasted pyro and electro mages. "I better..h-hurry..."he croaked in his suffering letting his sword vanish. "Kairos, j-just wait a bit longer."he thought stumbling into the portal back into the chamber as it vanished. Xiao, Lumine, and Paimon returning at about the same time he did. The light gone the increasing pain stopped and began to fade but with Lumine...Dainslief could see she still looked rather pale, but not suffering as she was before. "How odd. But it'll probably be temporary."he thought as they went over to where Halfdan lay over the device.

"That's the last of them."Xiao informed turning his gaze to the now lifeless armor. He could sense no spark of life left in that husk. But he could also feel the faint constant ache returning to his body. A painful reminder he'd never be rid of this damn negative karmic debt, stuck with it like some terminal human disease. "In this regard i suppose...I'm no different then this former Khaenrian knight."he thought with a sigh.

"So that's it? The device has been shut down now!?"Paimon questioned anxiously.

"So it seems..."asked Lumine, giving a sigh of relief as Dainslief, looking pale and exhausted examined himself. "Are you alright, Dain?"

"I'll manage, you needn't worry but the burning sensation has indeed stopped..."assured Dainslief. "What about you Lumine? As I recall you haven't been well this entire ordeal."

"I'll be fine...for now. But...Halfdan..."Lumine turned her gaze over to the now lifeless anemo husk before them. Halfdan may have been a monster but somehow he had retained some part of his humanity. Enough to have helped them not once but twice. Was it pure instinct or something else? Lumine was not sure as now she was feeling again Dainslief felt...she wasn't sure what the word was. But he looked so sad as he checked Haldan's body.

"So he really is then."sighed Xiao earning a sigh of confirmation from the Bough Keeper.

"Yes...Lets go."Dainslief stated raising his head sorrow in his eyes as they turned to leave. However, Lumine didn't move to follow much to their surprise and confusion she went closer. Just what was going the young blonde traveler's head they weren't sure. But Xiao's sharp ears could hear her whispering a soft melody: 

🎶Tsutau minasuji, 🎶

🎶Sono te ga hikaru asuwa🎶

Xiao couldn't catch all of it but it seemed to something purely instinctive to Lumine, since to her surprise the body began to shimmer. "Dainslief, you might want to see this."he called, alerting Dainslief and Paimon.

"Hm...Light?"Dainslief gasped in surprise as he turned to look. His eyes turned wide in surprise as did everyone's own. But the surprise from Xiao didn't last he knew now what had happened even if Lumine hadn't realized. "So she...I see now. This is all Lumen's latent abilities at play here, just like with the seed Lady Beezebul planted."the yaksha thought in amusement as the spirit began to materialize. Dainslief seemed surprised and maybe a bit shaken as before them now stood a tall man robed in white, soft grey, and gold. The all too familiar stars in his clothing that both Lumine and Dainslief both shared felt achingly nostalgic to Lumine. He wasn't a bad looking young man with well kept dusty almost grey brown hair with a slight fringe over his left eye. The distinctive star shaped pupils in his blueish green eyes that like Dainslief and Kaeya's own, shimmered almost like precious jewels. Halfdan offered a kind and welcoming smile, waving in greeting before saluting Dainslief.

"My apologies Captain Dainslief, Twilight Sword. I failed you, I failed to protect our people and country...I failed her."stated Halfdan sadly. His gaze turned to where Lumine had gone over to stand beside whom seemed to be a handsome nomad from the Teyvet continent if his appearance was anything to go by. But that blonde why did she look so achingly so similar to his captain? It was strange if not suspicious. She was even wearing the inteyvet lilies in her hair signaling she must have traveled outside the homeland. Yet her pupils, they lacked the shape of the star their people were known for. Actually her pupils that were glowing faintly resembled those accursed deities of Teyvet. "It's probably nothing. She's not malevolent at least...Actually she seems to be trying to help me and the captain."Halfdan thought curiously.

Dainslief shook his head as he slowly clenched his fists as he spoke, "No, for over half a millenia, you've faithfully done your duty." Dainslief to the trio's delight broke into a smile as he offered a solute in return. "To this day I am so very proud of you all." Halfdan could only stare in surprise.

"Ain't that great Halfdan? You've been working so hard  and you should be proud of that."giggled Lumine in delight, offering the spirit a bright star shattering smile. A smile that too seemed familiar to the knight's spirit. 

"I agree. You held strong to your promise and honor, even after all these centuries. That's impressive feet for a human. You have my respect, Sir Halfdan."agreed Xiao with a faint grin crossing his arms. Not many mortals, cursed or otherwise had achieved that feet as the girls stared at Xiao in surprise. Gaining the praise of a yaksha was not easy let alone gain Xiao's respect and praise. So for him to give it said a great deal about Halfdan.

"It is...Thank you."smiled Halfdan in delight, rubbing the back of his head at all the praises. Actually he seemed to be blushing right now; could ghosts even blush? Either way Lumine felt delighted actually on the verge of crying happy tears for this reunion. However Halfdan's mood turned more somber as he adverted their gazes. "Khaenri'ah didn't fall did it? Since your here captain and the young miss there...? Did His Majesty even get away?"Halfdan asked in hesitation.

Halfdan's words were ones that made the girls realize along with Xiao as he too soon connected the dots. Was Kaeya part of Khaenrian nobility!? it was the only explanation they could think of right now. His words shaking poor Dainslief, who seemed unwell but still offered a smile of reassurance. "Correct, old friend. Khaenri'ah did not fall."

Halfdan sighed in relief offering a smile before his spirit moved on from this world, no doubt it would be welcomed into the sacred plains of existence. "So...no need to revive the homeland."sighed Dainslief as he watched. Lumine afterwards actually ended up stumbling a little, giving her lead a light shake as her hand went to her head. That dizzy spell had hit rather hard. She felt disoriented in fact as she felt Xiao steady her.

"That's it, we're getting you of here and going straight to get you to a healer."he hissed.

"Paimon's with Xiao on this one so don't argue."Paimon spat stubbornly with her hands to her hips. The entire thing making Lumine just stare laughing nervously. However Dainslief looked equally unwell as they looked over to him as well. "But that was Halfdan's soul wasn't it?"

"It was. Considering what we've been through I'm not surprised anymore."stated Xiao getting Lumine to sit on one of the steps. 

"More then one kind of strange power is at play here. Souls under these circumstances is not a strange sight. Still if you plan to continue your investigations of this place I advise extreme caution."he advised.

"No..I-I think we got everything we need to report to the commissioner."stammered Lumine. Damn her headache was back and getting worse. She felt cold and her hands even seemed to be shaking as her stomach was doing flip flops. 

"We won't be venturing deeper, it's imperative I get my mate to a healer. Ignoring her condition would invite folly and trouble."Xiao huffed  looking away from Dainslief. He still couldn't shake just how much Dainslief and Lumine and Aether looked alike. Even their mannerisms and the insane stubborn streak. "I see, that's probably for the best."Dainslief's hand flew to his mouth as he began to cough rather harshly and violently. The metallic tang of blood suddenly greeting his tongue and by Xiao's reaction the yaksha had no doubt smelled blood as he turned his back to the trio. 

"We'll be careful on the way back. But does that mean your not coming with us?"asked Paimon. The little fairy clearly hadn't noticed yet Dainslief's poor condition but Xiao and Lumine defiantly did. 

"Dain?"Lumine called in worry.

"You alright?"asked Xiao in concern.

Dainslief then turned to face them and now they could see just how pale he was. Actually he seemed to be in pain maybe even starting to show signs of developing a fever. "That device took a severe toll on my body, I'll be alright. But it's going to take me time to recover."he croaked.

"Oh right...Paimon already knew you were pushing through all that suffering this entire time. You earned a good rest, Dain."Paimon urged. "Oooh~! Paimon knows, you should take a vacation~!" Paimon's words actually made Xiao facepalm and Lumine grow amused.

"Ugh....Do you ever think before opening your mouth, fool?"groaned Xiao.

"Tsk. Vacation? Huh the very notion! That word doesn't belong in my vocabulary. There are far more important things that demand my attention. The Loom of Fate operation is still underway as we speak. And I suspect these devices are connected to your brother's foolish plan somehow."scoffed Dainslief crossing his arms much in the same manner Lumine would. But he honestly was now having trouble keeping his line of sight in focus now and it showed. Lumine offering a sigh and a small smile.

"We can talk more with you next time, Dainslief...After you and Lumine have recovered. For now, go get yourself out of the Chasm, we'll be doing the same."advised Xiao beginning to leave with Lumine and Paimon.

"Thank you for your understanding, all of you. And Lumine?"Lumine stopped to turn to look over her shoulder at hearing her name called. "Please take care of yourself. I only hope the next time we all meet you know which side you're on." 

"At least your safe...That's all I wanted to know. Take care, Dain."Lumine nodded tiredly offering a small wave of farewell. The trio vanishing into the darkness of the Chasm going the opposite way Dainslief took. So much had transpired today, more then they had anticipated in fact. Xiao sticking close, not going to far ahead as she lingered slightly behind as now she could feel an ache in her chest onto top of everything breathing coming slightly difficult as she took Xiao's hand. Xiao lifting her up onto the miner's lift that would take them to the surface. 

To Be Continued....


[A/N: Next chapter's the finale and your probably going to be pulling out your hair by the end here....so apologies in advance.]

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