Hear My Song Pt II

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[A/N: Xiaolumi destroy the trees but why is there suddenly a storm!? And my poor bleeding heart is breaking all over again due to this quest...I go drown my sorrow in 5L of ice cream. Oh do enjoy the song I picked for part 2. I on purpose have been picking more creepy music for Tsurumi for many reasons. Its one of the darker stories we have experienced so far to date.]


This place was hell.

An island so far gone not even young yaksha could purify this place of the fallen thunderbird's wrath. Nothing could really grow and leaves did not grace the trees despite it being spring. Those black wolves that made it difficult for bleeding to stop were also here and with only two trees destroyed there was only one left in their sights. The first one Xiao had been baffled as before his eyes Lumine not only purified it but destroyed the tree and set the ley lines there back to how they should be. Her eyes glistening and giving a soft golden glow as she did. The second tree was completely Xiao's handy work.

But Lumine could not help but worry not taking her eyes off him. "He's really, really suffering. We've been at this for ages without rest..."she thought in worry. The young yaksha was covered with wounds not just from his recent karmic episode but also from their encounter with those rifthounds earlier. Their eerie howls still rang through the thick fog like some sickening song of dread. But the final tree was now in their sights as she walked over to it with her sword poised. A frown on her face at seeing its sorry state; the sword could not handle her leaking ethereal powers to cleanse. Chipped, battered, and worn; the Vision Hunt Decree civil war and now this. 

Xiao's sharp gaze had noticed too as he grit his teeth fighting a ripple of agony that was hitting him again and again. The gash of claw marks from the rifthound on his back and arm just now starting to finally stop bleeding. The healing already started but it would be slow. Those beasts did something that could seriously harm an immortal being like himself. "Question is where did they come from?"he wondered, tightening the grip on his polearm. His own polearm would need tending to once this was over. The jade ore blade had grown dull with use again and would need sharpening. However as he watched Lumine he noticed again a very faint golden aura had leaked out, forming for a split second six brilliant wings. The tree with a thunderous crackle destroyed with a few blows. But now her sword of brilliant cyan hued ore he knew the next battle it would not survive.

However that strike had caused little Ruu's spirit to appear to them looking upset and distressed. "Why? Why did you destroy the sacred perches!? Now my friend's really angry and this storm won't stop!"he shouted in frightful anger. The sky and the fog all around them now a blood red. it was then that Lumine now understood Xiao's sorrow and frustrations when they had arrived. This place was the result of the thunderbird's wrath before it fell.

"Why?"Ruu cried. "I thought you were my friends!"

"But we are Ruu, we're trying to help you!"Paimon countered.

"I don't believe you!"Ruu cried before a flash of red lightining crashed down, almost hitting the girls and Ruu. Xiao out of fear teleported over grabbing Lumine before the next strike could hit her. By now Ruu's ghost nowhere to be found as Lumine in her shaken state clung to Xiao. Lightning terrified her more then anything but this lightning was full of anger and anguish. It sounded almost like the cries of a furious hawk on the hunt with each strike. The storm only getting worse by the passing minute.

"We need to get out of here Lumine it's not safe!"Xiao urged. "There's no helping the spirits trapped here now."

"No there's a way. I'm not sure I understand how I know, Xiao but please there is a way."Lumine insisted despite how scared she truly seemed to be of the situation. This island had been a hell for her as well, leaving her nerves shot and a wreck. Ghosts were not her favorite thing to handle but little Ruu deserved to be set free from this horrible loop of a statis time lock. Xiao could see and feel the resolve and sighed, reminded again of his bride-to-be's stubborn streak. 

"Alright. What do you have in mind Lumi?"he asked.

"Yeah what do you have in mind Lumine? Paimon can't see a way around this! EEEK!!"Paimon yelped almost getting struck by another bolt of lightning as he dodged the storm's wrath as they ran.

"The central mountain. Ruu remember said that's where Kapatcir would nest."Lumine reminded dodging bolt after bolt as she and Xiao watched each other's backs. Lumine fast to yank Paimon out of harm's way from another bolt of vengeful lightning. "But first I'm worried about poor Ruu. He must be terrified."

"So there's one last tree left?"Xiao realized.

"Oooh!!! So we're going to go find Ruu and then handle that tree then we're going to go all lumberjack on it?"Paimon realized. "Eek! Can we hurry? Paimon almost got fried by the lightning again!"

"Yes lets hurry. We'll find that boy first then settle this."agreed Xiao. However he stumbled as they jumped from the ledge due to a wave of pain. "Shit...these wounds aren't' healing fast enough."he thought in frustration as Lumine broke his fall.

"Xiao maybe we should stop for a few minutes. The wounds are serious..."whimpered Lumine in worry as she kept him steady.

"No I can keep going, this is nothing."he insisted stepping away using the stone surface to steady himself. 

"Xiao this isn't nothing! Those wounds are serious and you remember what Yae told us about rifthounds."she fussed. The look on her face and the frustrated pout enough to make him flinch. He knew that look way too well having seen it often enough. That was her stubborn, worried, and frustrated face she gave him when he pushed himself too hard. "Your wounds aren't healing as fast as they should."


She had seen right through him then and ended up worrying her instead of the opposite. That had been the last thing he wanted. Was this due to the mark of the intended he left on her? Both their emotions left bare and exposed to each other. So with a sigh he turned around and offered a small pained grin. "I will rest as soon as we leave, but I assure you I have had far worse so please don't waste your concern my dear Lumi."he whispered stroking her cheek. A simple action but one she welcomed as she nuzzled into his touch.

"Lets go but please don't push yourself too hard."she whispered in affection, earning a kiss to her cheek as his reply. So they continued onward and soon they found little Ruu, managing to coax him out and help him. Eventually thy soon reached the final tree hidden inside the mountain in a cavern that opened up to the sky above. Once again they encountered the very same creature they met back on Seirai island only this time they knew how to handle it swiftly. After using Kapatcir's feather as a medium via Xiao's assistance they took Ruu away to Seirai island.

To Be Continued....

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