Ei's Day Off

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[A/N: And the chaos just continues for these two as they keep planning and preparing for their wedding in a few weeks time in April. But they notice the storm caging in Inazuma is closing in and going er, wacky. Concerned they reach out to Yae after hearing a troubling rumor that Ei is unwell. They decide to pay her visit. HO i hope you enjoy the song I put for Ei.]


Not a moment had been wasted as Lumine, Xiao, and Paimon had made there way up to the Narukami Shrine. Whispers of fear, concerns, and worries were what they had heard speaking to Thoma. The storm was closing in on the nation when it should not be doing so. The serenity of the falling electro charged sakura petals like a falling snow over the shrine was still a wonder to behold. The shrine itself, oddly Lumine noticed seem to hold some comfort to both herself and Xiao. Maybe because this had been their sanctuary many times during the entire ordeal of the Vision Hunt Decree? Or was it because something about Yae made her feel safe despite her kitsune nature for mystery and mischief? Neither of the engaged couple knew why.

"Hm well, well I wasn't expecting VIP visitors during down time."Yae giggled not turning to face the trio as they came to a stop before her. Yae not turning to face them as she continued to address them. "So, perhaps you came to visit lil' ol' me?" Yae giggled as she turned to finally face them. "Hello Lumine-chan, Xiao-chibi."

"Ugh would you stop calling me that...it's annoying, Lady Yae."sighed Xiao in annoyance crossing his arms. "You're not our priority here."

"Oh my, you're in a foul mood today. Was it because of that knuckledhead from the red oni clan?"hummed Yae.

"A bit. We kinda had a entire hide out almost fall on our heads."pointed out Paimon.

"We kinda cut it close escaping. But we noticed the storm is closing into Inazuma and people are worried something wrong."Lumine began. "Is Ei alright?"

"Hehehehe~! Of course, I knew you two would seek my help the instant you saw it. Seeing you in good health again has put me in a good mood, Traveler so tell me...What can I do for you?"Yae inquired crossing her arms lazily, her ear giving a slight twitch.

"We heard rumors on the way here that the Electro Archon is unwell, something about taking a break."Xiao pointed out as his temper began to calm finally from the recent misadventure with the knucklehead. He had not enjoyed just how much Itto had put his fiancée in danger hours prior. It had taken every ounce of self control not to just deck him and that blue oni for it. But hey it had worked out and nobody got hurt...he'd leave it to the past where it belonged.

"There's also the matter of the Tenryou Commission she needs to attend to still I hear."Lumine agreed. Yae let out a sigh at this, puzzling the trio.

"That is so like her. Alright then, there's little purpose in keeping it hidden from you. Since the battle against you Lumine-chan in particular, the Shogun has been greatly troubled and her mood has changed drastically."Xiao and Lumine's eyes turned wide in surprise.




Yae nodded and went on to explain the situation, how Ei's mind and heart were now at an uneasy crossroads. Ei was struggling to decide where to go from here especially after everything that had transpired back in summer and autumn. Yae, knowing they could handle this entrusted her pass permit as a means to enter Tenshukaku. So their goal in mind they took their leave towards the palace of the shogun.

It had taken some convincing and one deja vu traumatic warp into Ei's private domain later, but they convinced the archon to come out from her katana

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It had taken some convincing and one deja vu traumatic warp into Ei's private domain later, but they convinced the archon to come out from her katana. Seemed Ei had been struggling to come to a conclusion on what she should do next and that Raiden's mechanical workings needed reworking. Thus the situation with the storm, but it had been a speedy fix as Ei got the storm back under control. But this poor ombre violet haired archon they soon learned was quite in the dark of just how much things had changed. So Lumine, Xiao, and Paimon served as her guides and escorts for the day. Just a day to relax and enjoy themselves before Ei swiftly dealt with the matter of the Tenryou Commission. Informing the clans the matter would be finalized with a new leader for the commission at a later date. The deed done they went on their way to stop on top of a cliff to see the city in the distance.

"Phew! When it comes down to handling a situation, you're just like the shogun."Paimon noted.

"Actually I disagree."Lumine noted as Xiao nodded softly in agrrement.

"Lady Beelzebul you were holding yourself back."agreed Xiao with a sigh.

"So you noticed, Xiao-san? I'm not surprised you did. But I thought I was rather accommodating. Had it been the shogun she would've decapitated him without a second thought."hummed Ei, making Lumine and Paimon yelp. The poor blonde swift to inch closer to Xiao while Paimon had flown to hide behind the dark hair adeptus much to his annoyance. But he could feel the tinge of prickling fear coming from his dear blonde. Actually her hands were trembling and lumine hadn't noticed. Quietly, carefully Xiao had taken her hand giving it a reassuring, promising squeeze; one Lumine gladly welcomed.

"Maybe that's what he was expecting."Lumine stated with a deep breath to calm her nerves.

Ei looked at them from over her shoulder as she spoke, "Your intuition is as sharp as ever I see. Your time in the depths did not dull them, that is good. But yes, I do believe he was prepared for that outcome. I could see it in his eyes when we dueled."

"The Kojou Clan has undergone a dramatic change from its glory days of yore to its present decline. Kamaji is hardly a worthy heir but..."Ei trailed off as she turned to face them with a small smile. "He has shown me while things change some things never change like a true warrior's spirit."

"Couldn't agree more."hummed Lumine.

"I also owe you to thank Lumine-san, Xiao-sama, and Paimon-san. You showed me that not all change is a bad thing, that it too has a place in eternity, so I thank you. And now,"The trio grew curious at her words as she went on. An electric current from her palm ripping open her own dimensional storage as her violet eyes briefly glowed. A small neatly wrapped giftbox in her hand. "Yae-san has informed me that you and Xiao-sama are to be wed? We're not able to attend the most sacred and eternal of affairs such as a wedding. But I hope this will suffice."

Xiao carefully took the box from Ei as the girls peered over his shoulder in curiosity. With care the gift was opened and what was inside made all their eyes light up in delight. Rows upon rows of sweets ranging from tofu treats to mochi to dango. Paimon tried to reach out for one only for Lumine to swiftly smack the fairy's hand.

"Oh hell no, these are mine and Xiao's snacks."she rebuked.

"Aw...but Paimon wants some too. Doesn't Paimon get some?"she protested and pouted.

"I'm sorry Paimon, but these are the traditional pastries given to engaged couple. However I could cook you something. If you so desire."i reassured.

Xiao instantly paled at hearing this actually screaming, "NO COOKING!!"

The look of confusion clear on the three girls' faces at the outburst. Try as Xiao might he couldn't get Ei to back out of trying to make something. Unfortunately in that same field it resulted in one heck of a cooking explosion. leaving one very destroyed stove, campsite, and four covered in soot individuals before Paimon and Lumine fainted seeing stars.

"This is why Lady Baal and Lord Morax never permitted you in the kitchen!"groaned Xiao before fainting and seeing stars himself.


To Be Continued...


[A/N: Are you ready? its Sayu next chapter then we start the Ruu mini arc which includes the Seirei and Tsurumi islands quests.]

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