A Red Hot Oni Pt I

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[A/N: Xiaolumi meet Itto while simply enjoying a break away from wedding plans as Lumine returns to her work with the guild. Also, I am now a Xiao haver and he stays permanently on my main team with Lumine YAY!!!]


It was just another clear spring day as the sakura petals fell over Narukami Island. People as usual going about their daily lives. Sitting in the branches of the sakura tree within the city of Inazuma relaxing was the lone dark hair adeptus. Safely beside him sat the petite blonde that was his bride-to-be. Not far away their naïve, talkative silver haired celestial fairy companion was chatting away with her. Xiao more then content to relax. But the subtle tingle in the back of his mind alerted the young yaksha to lumine being stressed and worried about something. actually that had been both of them the last two weeks. Which was why they had both agreed to take time to relax.

"Are you sure you memorized everything Zhongli taught you for the wedding?"Paimon asked in worry.

"Yes Paimon, it's not that hard. Xiao goes through a test the girls and I set up in order to prove he's worthy for my hand, we go see Ningguang, then Zhongli takes me to the wedding site at Wanshu inn."sighed lumine as she nibbled on her pen. She had been going over her budget which was why she had been concerned. "Just so much to take care of even with Zhongli helping us."she thought in frustration.

"Adepti weddings are a tad different from the mortal ones Liyue holds. As far as I am aware there have ony ever been two...our's is the third."sighed Xiao. "Still to believe Qixing knows about it...why am I not surprised?"

"Not much we can do about that Xiao, but I promise the wedding won't be a huge one. Just handful of our loved ones."Xiao could only huff in slight annoyance and agreement. As much as he hated crowds he loved Lumine far more. If inviting her friends would make her smile, then he would give some understanding and co-operation on his part. He already knew the adepti would be at attendance, no questions asked as it was rare for something considered so sacred to them to happen. "I wonder...will that one be there too?"he thought curiously. However a sigh off frustration followed by that tickling tingle from his beloved blonde's emotions alerted him. "Something wrong, Lumine?"

"I'm afraid we're running very low on my travel finances. Especially after somebody decided to order the most expensive thing at Kiminami Restaurant yesterday!!"The couple turned both gazes onto the fairy with a sharp glare. Xiao actually didn't look too thrilled by that. That also meant no tofu for his favorite food either Lumine would always make!! The look on his face enough to make the fairy nervous.

"How was Paimon suppose to know we were so low on mora!?"Paimon squeaked. 

"Nevermind!"groaned Lumine and Xiao in unison as they both jumped down from the tree. The couple making their way for the adventurers' guild to see if Lumine could find some work. Something that would be easy now that she was back to full health. 

"Hey wait for Paimon!"squeaked Paimon in a hurry giving chase.

"Hurry it up, cause we are not waiting annoying fairy."retorted Xiao.

"Hurry up slowpoke."teased Lumine as the fairy finally caught up to them.

Eventually they reached the guild where Katheryne had been more then happy to congratulate Lumine on a full recovery but also her engagement. News seemed to have spread fast like a fire in a bone dry field. Lumine was soon given her commission to apprehend an oni by the name of Arataki Itto. Their task in hand, the trio went on their way to begin the investigation which soon lead them to the very island Oroboshi's bones lay at rest. However...Lumine was not too thrilled with what Sango was making them do.

"I...I don't feel right about this Xiao."Lumine admitted, looking at the bag of soy beans in her hand. Xiao though sneaking a soy bean or toy out from said bag to toss into his mouth like candy as they followed Itto's foot prints. By the size of his feet this oni was very tall, taller then Zhongli if that was even possible. 

"But why would you feel bad about it? They're just beans."Paimon pointed out.

"Tsk. Clueless as ever. I agree with lumine and take no pleasure in causing suffering."he sighed. However something caught his eye as he motioned for the girls to follow. Quick as a wink they hurried to hide behind some haphazard crates. Not far off was a tall man with ombre white hair that faded to pale red at his bangs. His attire rather roughneck as he had two distinct red horns on his head. Distinct red markings covered his body and around his scarlet eyes. "Is he looking for something?"she thought. 

"Waiy, could that be him? is that Itto Arataki?"whispered Paimon peeking over the edge of the barrel. 

"Do you see any other oni around? I don't. It stands to reason he probably is the one, Paimon."Xiao whispered.

"Well either way, he doesn't seem to be looking this way."lumine noted. "Actually he seems to be looking for something."

"So it would seem."

"Perfect. Lets toss those soy beans that Detective Sango gave us at him. it'll save us a lot of hassle if we can avoid a fight."Paimon urged, making Xiao hiss in disgust and Lumine whimper at the thought. Both did not like this method that the detective have given him. it felt like trickier or playing dirty. After all allergies were sch serious things for so many. But this was the job they had accepted and it had to unfortunately be done. So motioning for Xiao and Paimon to stay low and hidden Lumine sneaked away to hide by a boulder not far from the oni was. Carefully digging into the pouch to grab a handful of the soy beans, took aim, and tossed them.

 "Aaaaahhhhh!!!! BEANS!?"

To Be Continued...

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