Lumen De Lumine PT III

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[A/N: Conclusion to the Enkanomiya Arc!! Tsumi's true intentions are made clear but with Xiao in no shape to fight, Lumine must now stand her ground and fight. But Tsumi oddly hesitates..!? Quick fact the title for this 3 parter is Latin and is also a term used in Alchemy. it means "The Light From The Light" in english. Enjoy the song I put for Tsumi. <3]


There it was shining bright and true like the welcoming beacon of a lighthouse through the thick fog. Lumine could never tire of seeing this brilliant tower since this temple had been her home when she herself had been as frail as a kitten. She could never bring herself to hate this place, not at all.  Much of her earlier memories of the temple was hazy, blocked in from fever and pain at the time. But she had a task to do as she tightened her grip on her sword's hilt as she stepped onto the elevator platform. It would take a few minutes before she could see the situation and she was for the first time in a very long time....truly alone.

It felt unnerving in this dead silence and stressful to be honest. She had grown so used to having others around her, especially her new partner, best friend, and husband Xiao. The blonde clenched and grit her teeth as her free hand carefully rested briefly on her mark hidden by her scarf. It gave a weak heat and prickling sensation, Xiao's distress like a soft echo in her mind. "Just be patient a little longer. I have a snake to handle before we go home."she mumbled under her breathe as she saw the chamber sea cave come finally into her sight. Below her she could see not one but two massive Basythmal Vishaps of the electro and Cryo variety. Snarling and growling in their own language at seeing her. 

But as she looked around she couldn't see any of the hatchlings or juveniles that had the blood branch corals left. "Shit! They're gone, what's Kokomi and her people going to do about their situation now!?"she thought her blade starting to crackle with her electro while anemo began to swirl around her. The beasts pupils narrowed to dangerous and malicious slits at the sight of her as with each step the blonde took raising her sword they realized.


One of the Old Ones.

She reeked of the one of the shades and had to be annihilated!  It only grew far more apparent as this blonde, golden eyed swordswoman with the speed of lightning bolted forward. The two vsihaps snarling as they tried again and again to get lumine with their claws, teeth, and even their conjoint attacks of primitive cryo and electro. "I have no time to play your game of snake and mongoose, damn lizard sharks!"spat Lumine as she began to hum that familar tune her mother taught her. It made them terrified of the girl as they realized just what this being was. This female was that one's hatchling!!

Their fury only grew with their fear as they began to become far more aggressive but Lumine easily danced circles around them. Swiftly, aggressively, elegantly she moved before finally she slayed them both in one fell swoop. Her honey amber gaze looked around as she wiped the blood off her jade sword carefully.  "So Enjou was right and my worries were correct then. Tsumi you slithering snake."she thought with a sigh. She was getting sick and tired of these deceivers and liars. Even Paimon she couldn't bring herself to completely trust anymore. Only one she fully trusted now was her precious yaksha that currently was in bad shape. Then a worry surfaced again that made her run back for the elevator. 

"Come on, can't this thing go any faster!?"she hissed. Tsumi better not have done anything to Xiao and Paimon. Once finally at the top again Lumine hurried out only to skid to a halt at seeing Tsumi, Xiao, and Paimon. She was standing over Xiao as he glared at her with venomous golden eyes.

"L-Lumine help!"squeaked Paimon in fright. 

"Tsumi, g-give it back you snake!"snapped Xiao struggling desperately to move but something was preventing him doing so. Lumine could feel his fury and fear, see it in his eyes even. 

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