Gifts From The Past

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[A/N: Zhongli visits Inazuma on business. Zhongli has quite the surprise and maybe some news. Xiao and Zhongli both learn something rather sad and surprising about Lumine, so Zhongli makes an offer that might bring her to tears.]



It was a familiar sight to the trio as they had left to investigate the instant that Xiao's keen eyes had spotted the Alcor on the horizon. The sound of the gentle flow of the ocean tide's waves lapping at the docks as the boat came to anchor. The sharp cries of seagulls and fishing hawks along with the hustle and bustle rang in their ears as two familiar faces came into sight. One the black haired woman with an eye patch and the other a tall ombre burnette haired gentleman. His golden amber eyes wise and bright at spotting them.

"Mr.Zhongli~! Beidou!"called the girls in delight.

"Hey hey~! Look who's finally back to their old selves and on their feet!"greeted Beidou more then eager to wrap her arm around Lumine's shoulders with her bright tomboy smile. "It's good to see you Traveler."

"I worried you guys too huh? I'm sorry but I'm ok now."giggled Lumine before expertly escaping the captain's embrace at seeing Xiao had hopped over to sit on the fox statue's head.

"it is most reassuring to see you well again Lumine."greeted Zhongli his sharp eyes catching the gleam of a ring as he smiled. "I trust the wedding plans are going as planned?"

"Hmph, you needn't worry. Date's been decided."huffed Xiao from where he sat.

"What's this about a wedding?"Beidou asked in surprise.

"Lumine's getting married to Xiao~!"giggled Paimon with a delighted and teasing tone.

"Paimon!"yelped Lumine and Xiao both forcing the fairy away as they blushed brighter then rubies. All while the little fairy protested at their antics as Biedou stared in surprise while Zhongli could only smile fondly.

"Well I'll be damned. Wait until the crew hears this!"laughed Beidou. "Mr.Zhongli we'll be waiting once you finish getting the orders placed."

"Of course Miss Beidou."nodded Zhongli before turning his attention to Xiao and the girls once they were walking together alone.

"Why are you here M'Lord?"Xiao whispered finally after Zhongli got the clear to enter Inazuma.

"I'm here on business. All lot happened while you both were down in Enkanomiya."Zhongli said smoothly. "The Jade Chamber was rebuilt and Xiao you won't like this but... bride of Osial returned briefly."

"That damn hydra came back!?"gulped Lumine as Xiao's emotional state at hearing this news ringing in her mind as he tensed. It made the mark on the base of her neck tingle a bit. But she also didn't like the look of discomfort on his face at hearing what transpired. Quietly she twined her hand in his, giving a reassuring squeeze.

"You need not worry the disaster was expertly dealt with by Liyue's people."Zhongli assured. His words seemed to make the couple relax. "Enough of that though, how are you two going with your plans?"

"We have the date set."Xiao informed.

"Oh and when would that be?"Zhongli asked.

"April 16th but we haven't told anybody yet. But Xiao wants the wedding in Liyue, where we met."Lumine hummed in delight as Xiao beside her grew a bit flustered adverted their gazes. Wanshu Inn was still his home and it had been where it all began....where they first met. Why wouldn't he want it there!?

Zhongli smild as he reached into his coat pulling out a small box. "Well then you should be made aware Liyue's weddings are rather unique. But weddings for an adeptus are very rare and are often treated as a festival."

Xiao groaned at hearing this knowing full well his courtship rite had made him forget this tidbit of information. Worse members of the Qixing had seen their engagement in their serenitea pot. "Great...mortals just love making things complicated."he grumbled as his hand went to hide his eyes in annoyance.

"You need not worry Ningguang will make sure nobody gets through. Actually the other reason I'm here is because I have something to ask."The couple grew curious at the former archon's words and the box in his hand. "This is for you both. What's inside I am sure you will recognize, Xiao."

Now Xiao was extremely curious as Lumine took the antique box in hand and opened it to reveal a translucent shawl of gold silk. Xiao's eyes grew wide in disbelief as he shakily reached out to touch it as Lumine carefully picked it up. "N-No way this is...this belonged to..."stuttered Xiao.

"Yes Xiao, it is."Zhongli confirmed. "I want Lumine to have it for the wedding. Which reminds me Lumine, Miss Keqing and Miss Ningguang were wonder if your parents –!?" Lumine suddenly grew very solemn causing Zhongli and Xiao to stare in concern. "Traveler Lumine?"

"Lumine is something bothering you?"Xiao asked gently and softly. He knew something was wrong as he could feel her emotions going haywire. Gone was the cheer and now in its place...sorrow and regret.

"My brother doesn't know and as for family...we have none. W-We lost our parents a long time ago..."she whispered. "Worst yet I-I don't know where Aether is."

"Do you want to find him to tell him?"Xiao whispered but Lumine shook her head softly.

"No, I need to learn to be able to not have him with me. He'll find out next time we run into him."she assured.

"I'm sorry for bringing up old memories that held a bitter sting to them. But let me make an offer."Zhongli began catching their attentions.

"This isn't going to lead into another contract is it?"Paimon huffed.

"No, not this time. It's more like something to help you with your final contract."chuckled Zhongli.

"I'm listening. What's your offer?"Lumine asked.

"As you have no family to represent you for the wedding rite permit me to fill that vacancy for you in their stead."Lumine was taken aback but not in a negative light as he continued. "The adepti have always been closely knit family. Young Xiao is part of that family and you've done so much for Liyue and for our young yaksha. You are family, Lumine just ask and if possible we will give what you request."

"M' you mean that?"Xiao asked a Lumine beisde him was brought to tears as she happily nodded at his offer. 

"Every word, Xiao."assured Zhongli as he brought something else out from his dimensional storage in a ripple of golden energy. "This you will know as well, Xiao....though I suppose you go by Suzaku here in Inazuma don't you my boy?"

Now it was Lumine's and Paimon's turn to be curious as Xiao took the box and opened it. His eyes grew wide for inside was this diamond shaped broach for a tie clip. But it was quite different from Zhongli's as the gem in it gave a weak glow of anemo at Xiao's touch. "This...this belonged to..."Xiao thought in disbelief his golden gaze unable to take his eyes off it.

"Yes Xiao, it's the same clip that they wanted to give to you when you were little. He asked me to give it to you when the time was right."Zhongli smiled at seeing the fondness suddenly grace the young yaksha's face. "You were so little then, you and your fellow yakshas seeking sanctuary in Liyue. Look at you now, they would be proud of you...Alatus."

"I know they would be too...t-thank you."Xiao whispered as he held that  small box close. Lumine beside him with Paimon offering a smile of delight. How far they had come to get to this point indeed. But now they had something to look forward to.

To Be Continued...

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