Why do you love me? - An SBI...

By DraconianFics

35.6K 984 1K

Tommy is not a happy kid. Seeing his dad die right in front of him. Being stuck at an orphanage since he was... More

(1) A Dark Prologue
(2) A Man and his two Sons
(3) Wife Haver
(4) Is this house haunted?
(5) Not The Picture
(6) What's an Avocado?
(7) Caught on Stream
(8) Friends
(9) A Boy in a Box
(10) My Natural Instincts
(11) Monster in the Wardrobe
(12) The Dream Team
(13) A New Boy in Year 2
(14) Girlfriend Haver
(15) The Sleepover
(17) Why do you Love us?
(18) Epilogue
(19) The Platonic Wedding
(20) The Day they met Micheal
(21) Meeting Mr and Mrs Minecraft
(22) Old Bullies
(23) The Death of a Father
(24) The First Words
(25) The Movie Night
(26) 10 Years
(27) The Final Day of School
(28) What about McDonalds?
(29) The Birth Mother
(30) The End
The Final Note
New Story Alert!!

(16) The Real Reason

742 28 30
By DraconianFics

Note: I've just realised a big mistake I made during writing this whole story. I made the kids six years old but for the most part I made them act like teenagers. I hope you dont mind about that too much.

TWs: Possible Murder, Fighting, Homophobia and Swearing (Sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

The real reason? The real reason my family had too move to the UK?. I don't remember much of what happened but I know that it was just over a year ago, I was five at the time. I know that one day me and my dad were on a walk but after that all I remember was that my parents took me here, to the UK and we are here to stay.

One year earlier:

Ranboo's Dad POV:

I promise you that I am a good dad. I at least try my best. We live in a very open minded area of California so when the whole area knows your family as the one homophobic family, the people hate us and will find any way to take it out on us. But this time someone went too far.

Me and Ranboo were on a walk around a park, Ranboo was holding my hand and talking away about a video game called Minecraft. I look around whilst still listening to him to see the usual cold and angry stares from the surrounding people, not all off them targeted at me.

It was about two years ago when we noticed Ranboo's problem with his face and hair. The fact that everytime he was in front of a reflective surface he would cry or get upset. We dont know what is wrong with his hair to make it black and white at the same time. So now unless he is sleeping, eating, drinking or bathing he wears a mask. And a boy with black and white hair who also wears a face mask all the time is guranteed to get bullied by people which is exactly why me and Ranboo's mum keeps him out off school.

I ignore the stares as usual and we continue on our walk, stopping occassionaly to allow Ranboo to go on a slide or a swing set.

"So bud, what do you want to do--" I started to ask Ranboo before I was interrupted by a voice behind me.

"I recommend you guys get out of here" The person stated. I look behind me to see Ant, he was a very respected guy in the area for being gay and standing up to anyone who disagreed with him. A instant look of disgust climbs onto my face.

"Why?" I stand up for myself, letting go of Ranboo's hand and walking over to him so we were barely metres apart.

"Because people around here don't like people like you" Ant stated not backing down.

"Well, we don't like people like you. Wait, maybe calling you guys people might be a bit wrong" I finished and earned a swift fist to the face causing me to fall to the ground.

"Dad!!" I hear Ranboo shout and footsteps running over to me.

"I truly do recommend that you and your wife take yourselves and your freak of a son away from here cause your not going to be able to live a normal life with everyone hating you" I look up to see Ant start to walk away.

"My son is not a freak!" I scream as I run after him and tackle him to the ground.

"You Faggot! Cant mind your own business can you" I shout at him as I lay in punch after punch to his face.

"Get the fuck away from him!" I hear someone shout from my right just before im pushed off a now unconsious Ant.

I get back up to my feet to see Velvet there, Ant's boyfriends, with pure anger radiating off his face. I look around the area to see dozens of people standing there filming the scene in front off them, with shock on their faces.

"Someone call 911!" I hear Velvet shout and see a few people quickly phoning, what I can assume is 911.

"We need to get out of here now" I mumble now looking down at Ranboo, who seems to be crying. I quickly grab his hand before running in the direction of our house.

Once we reached the house, I ran in and screamed out for my wife.

"Honey!" I shout into the house.

"Yeah?" I see my wife poke her head out from the kitchen.

"We need to leave" I rush over my words.

"Why?" She replied putting down the plate she was holding.

"I think I might have killed someone". Pure shock found its way onto her face before she quickly ran off.

"Okay? Okay? this is bad. Where should we go?" She paced around the kitchen.

"I was thinking England. Your parents are there so we can stay with them until we find a house for the three of us"

"That sounds like a good idea, you get bags packed and I will quickly buy plane tickets for us"

"Why did you hurt someone anyway?" She asked turning on the laptop that we owned.

"They called Ranboo a freak" I answered quickly.

"Oh, your such a great dad"

"And your a great mum"

Back to Present Day:

"My parents are crap" Ranboo mumbles to himself.

"So class to start off today we are going to play a kahoot" Mr Jacobs announced to the class. Earning cheers from most of the kids, groans from the others.

'I may never know the whole story of what happened but I for one am glad we moved to the UK. Here, I have friends, something I never had in the US. So that part of my life at least has improved.'

The End of Chapter 16.

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