Lost (Rainiamtor book 3)

By doctorofhope

5.5K 269 1.4K

two worlds one fate Charlie is lost, his mind has been racing for the last month a mysities impossible lette... More

different world
more? oh no
a stupid idea
an Ego problem
a problem in the end
time trouble
a hard choice
the fall of the nether
broken trust
away from the action
so what do we do now?
team 1 and 2
team 3 and 4
the way ahead
Zagreus's fall
the day in frostbourne
the invasion of frostbourne
new heroes
lost world
unexpected newcomer
the teacher
the Master last plan
hello again
confronting the undead
the Sanctuary
around the world
you've got mail
error detected
a drink
a bad morning
ocean man
the last of ender dragon eggs
back to the future or the past
battle plans
return to frostbourne
another plan
falling to the Darkside
epilogue: beyond


67 5 11
By doctorofhope

POV Charlie

"Anyway, let's us move on shallow we?" I said smiling at the group, the universe seemed to flicker for a moment, nothing was different except Meeps's weapon had changed, I swear she was holding a trident. now a sword. "Meeps, did you change your weapon?" I asked. 

"What are you talking about? I've had this..." Another flicker. and she was holding a trident again. "Trident the whole time," She continued. 

"Charlie are you alright?" Ember asked.

another flicker and Ember was replaced with Kyle? as in my dead friend Kyle. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, before another flicker. 

"Information, gemstone affecting local time-space continuity," Zen said. 

We all turned as the universe flicked. "Okay is no one else seeing this?" I asked. 

"Seeing what?" I turned to find Ciara replaced by Kane.

"No, No, Charlie's got a point I somehow feel like this isn't right," Ember said. 

the world glitched again, Ciara was back, but this time Razer was now gone, "Okay I swear we're missing someone," Meeps said. 

"Zen can I stop this?" I asked. 

"Information," I was taken back by the fact Zen's voice had completely changed to that of a female voice. "Data indicates my systems are now being affected, the gemstone must be con..con...contained," the A.I reported.

"What's wrong with the computer?" Ciara asked. 

"The reality glitches..." I was interrupted again.

"Information, this...this...this unit is being broken down by...by...b...y energy from the gems....gemstone, only two recipients in this vic...vicinity can contain the energy from the gemmmmmmmmmssssssstone," the voice stopped as it's words slurred. 

reality glitched again, everything seemed to be normal. "My systems are stabilised, the restabilization will only last a short time, The only two recipients cable of containing the gemstone is the inferior Meeps Aartifals intelligence....tell....gence...trigging restabilization....."

I looked at the gem, then Meeps. "Yeah...No let's not do that, god knows what a gemstone filled with energy from the multiverse would do to you," 

Meeps nodded. "yeah that could..." suddenly someone started to pound on the doors. "Oh no they've found us," Meeps said turning to the door, and raising an SMG, Okay this was getting weird.

the doors smashed open and hulking wolfmen raced in, "holy hell in a ham basket, what the flying fudge ball is that?" I asked. 

"you know the werewolves army we've been fighting?" Meeps said. 

I turned to her slowly, "Am Sorry..........THE WHAT ARMY!" I asked. as the werewolves advanced on us, the universe flicked again. and everything was back to normal. "Okay, this is getting ridiculous," 

"No, I noticed it that time, what's happening?" Ember asked. 


"Information, the gemstone must be placed into the inferior Meeps Artificial intelligence. altaively the gemstone can be placed into the Excalibur sword," Zen reported. 

I held up my sword, "How?" I asked. 

"Unknow," Zen said. 

Ember walked over to me and took the gemstone. and just shoved it into my sword, a plus wave shoot us both back, I crashed into Crystal, and Ember went flying back, and Razer sidestepped to avoid being hit by Ember. "WHY WOULD YOU..." 

"Crystal stop yelling, What Ember has just done was very clever, I would have hesitated, and the gemstone would have tried to resist, Ember doing so quickly probably save me," I said patting her on the back. 

Crystal crossed her arms, "fine," She mumbled. I examined the sword, the red crystal that used to be on the hilt of the sword was gone replaced with the purple gemstone, I picked the red one up from the floor just in case. 

Ember stood up, "Now that's done, can we get a move on?" He asked. 

We all turned to Crystal as I retrieved my sword, "Sometimes I think you only missed me because I could transport you anywhere," Crystal said. a blue portal opening. 

"Oh come on sis...Crystal, we've missed your shy yet happy personality" Razer said before quickly jumping through the portal. Meeps followed, possibly to ask the same question on my mind, was he about to call Crystal sister. Ember followed through.

Ciara stopped and looked at me and Crystal, "You two have your moment, you realise your my favourite ship right?" She smiled as I blushed, but Crystal was still staring into the portal. 

"he was about to..."

"I know," 

"Want to talk about it?" 

"Not right now,"

"You should talk to Meeps, she's good at this. the only reason I made it without you,"

"She's a kid, how good could she be?" 

"You'd be shocked," 

I moved to Crystal and kissed her on the forehead, "I get, you struggle with family, and the idea that people might love you, but maybe Razer could be that chance for you," I said to her, she opened the palm of her hand, I took it. "you know I'm always here," 

Crystal nodded as we walked through the portal, And we immediately got pushed back into the wall by Razer, as a patrol of Neverwheres walked pasted. "Are you two holding hands?" Ember asked. 

Crystal shoot him a clod look, "and what if we are?" she asked in a dead tone, "I'm not your friend Sheila, I admit to liking someone," Crystal said. as if to prove her point she then kissed me on the cheek. 

"Chystal," Ember said, smiling. 

"I don't know if I want to punch you or send you to the nether," Crystal said, "Although I would feel really, really bad for doing that," 

"You guys are going to want to see this," Ciara said. "Meeps and Razer are trying to find a way into the dreadfort, but you should see what's been going on," 

we followed Ciara up and found what had clearly been a fight, 100s of zombies lay dead, the never-weres, wither skeletons and pigmen stood over them, controlled frostbourne soldiers mixed in. "Huh, what happened do you think?" Ember asked.

"Herobrine turned on the controller, and so the zombies did the same following Herobrine, so the zombies were massacred, of course, that's only an idea, and I am very rarely wrong, after all," I answered. 

"We've got a way in, a unguard side door," Razer said, "You've seen the fighting? same as far as we can," Razer said. 

"Lead on MacDuff," I said pointing. 

"MacDuff?" Crystal asked. 

"It's Shakespeare," I answered. 

"You just said it was MacDuff," Ciara said. 

"No, the quote was 'lead on MacDuff...you know what don't worry," I said, "Let's just get a move on," I mumbled.

Crystal and Razer lead the way, Ciara and Ember talked, and I stood with Meeps, "Do me a favour, Meeps, a big one, Talk with Crystal, I think she needs it," I answered, 

"I'll see what I can do," Meeps said, "Do you think she wants to talk about it?" she asked. 

"Did I?" I responded. 

"What now?" Crystal asked. 

"2 teams, Me, Ember and Ciara, we'll go in find the book and come back, the rest of you stay here and make sure we have a way out," I said. 

"Question? who made you team leader?" Razer asked. 

I arched an eyebrow, "I'm the smartest here, So it only makes scenes that I make the decisions," I answered. 

"I can't even be bothered to argue the point," Razer said. 

I clapped my hands, "Good, well we'll be off, stay safe," I said walking into the citadel. 

we walked slowly and carefully as we walked through the hulls, "I don't like this, even at night, this place had a certain level of life to it, now it's just so empty, eerily so," I answered. 

"Ember, take the lead, for a moment, I want to ask Charlie something," Ciara said. 

"Okay, but first, where are we going?" Ember asked. 

"The library, I've hidden it in there," I answered. 

the two stared at me, "You hide a book in the Library? that doesn't sound too clever," Ember said. 

"Yeah what kinda genius hides a book in the library?" Ciara asked.

I sighed, "To start off with, it's not in the library itself, but the library is the entry point, also hiding a book in a library that size would be a stroke of genius, it would be like a needle in a haystack," I added. 

Ember took the lead, "Can this spell save Kane? I need to know," Ciara said.

"I can be hopeful, but I can't be certain," I answered.

"Charlie, I...I don't want to have to kill Kane, I don't think I can," Ciara said. I looked down, not knowing what to say, "That's what I thought," Ciara mumbled as we continued. 

We entered the library to find it in less than good circumstances, shelves knocked down, a little bit of water damage, well a lot of water damage, "Well it's good to see the Controller cares about books so much," I mumbled. 

I walked us through the library, finding the bookshelf and removed the halo book on the shelf, the whole thing slide back, reviling the tunnel behind it. "Secret tunnel," Ember said slightly excited. 

I told Ember the quick history of the tunnel, "Now just be careful, somewhere in here is a presser plater..." Click. "Mother..." I fell down the now open hole, as did Ember, who landed on me, "three times in one life? I have been beaten by a simple trap," I said. 

Ciara stuck her head over the edge, "You two have a nice fall?" 

Ember laughed, "Yes, Yes, very funny, want to help me out? you know of this pit?" I asked. Ciara jumped down, chucked her dagger and teleported us back up, and the hole snapped shut. 

"So anymore traps in here?" Ember asked. 

"None that I'm away of, come on we're not far from the book now," we reached the obsidian wall, "Ciara hit the button," I said. the netherbane assassin went over to the stone button and pressed it for me. 

the obsidian wall raised to show off the bunker and the supplies and equipment I had hidden here in case there was trouble, and sat in the middle was a bookcase with one book in it, "Here it is, the forbidden spellbook," I said taking the heavy book. "Let's get back to the other," We reached the opening to the tunnel when someone swiped Ciara into a bookshelf, then a dagger flying at Ember. who blocked with netherite sword. 

Lilith stood there, holding her dagger, her eyes fixed on Ember, desperate to kill him, I grappled onto her back ripping her off of him, she spun around her dagger cutting across my check, although I'm sure she was aiming for something lower than my check. my neck if I'm honest. 

then Ember's sword went through her chest, and Lilith fell to the floor, "She'll be back up in a minute," Ember said. I stared at her, "Charlie?" 

I turned to him, "Sorry, I was still thinking," then another thought, "CIARA!" I called, she stuck her thumb up.

"I'm good, going to need some fresh clothes, they're a bit ripped," Ciara said, standing up, a massive rip going across her red dress, it showed off a little too much skin.

"Yeah, probably a good idea," 

POV Crystal 

I stuck my head around the corner, the army continued their march, "I really don't like this, watching them marching, it makes me uncomfortable," a flicker of lightning, hitting into the wall behind me.

"Crystal, remind me how old are you?" Meeps asked. 

"22 I think, it was easy to lose tracks of birthdays," I mumbled going back to the two.

Meeps thought for a moment, "so you're older than Razer, but," She stopped herself.

"Why can I be so childish? is that what you were thinking? why do my powers flare up with my feelings? because in the red legion, growing up there, I missed my childhood, I missed the stages of my life where most people learn basic skills I was learning to slit someone's throat, I was learning how to infiltrate a group and get them to like me so I could kill them all. Well you saw how that work out, I never really got in touch with my emotions so I never really trained to control my powers when my emotions play up," I explained, wow I did I say so much so quickly. 

"Do you want to talk about it some more? you sound there's a lot to talk about," Meeps said. 

I looked over to Razer intending to change what we were talking about, "Razer were you about...." I stopped as an arrow flew pasted towards Razer, I reacted in a second, lightning shotting from my hand bringing the arrow down. I turned, a handful of controlled frostbourne arches, and the ghostlike army behind them. 

my eyes went white, the lightning was flickering around me in much more strength, 'go easy on the guards, kill the rest no one is going to hurt them,' I lunched forward to bring my iron sword up, the sword couldn't contain my power, and shattered when I smacked the first guard around the head. I screamed and the lightning shoot out into the ghost things. I held out my hand from where ever Charlie had left my sword, it broke free coming to my hand. I rarely do this as it can drain me, but right now I was way too angry. 

"Should we help her?" Razer asked. I could only hear the to talking.

"I don't think she needs our help," Meeps said. 

"she's kinda scary when she does this," Razer added.

"Don't look at me, she's your sister," Meeos answered. 

"You know I..." I lost track of what the two were saying as I slammed a bolt into a ghost thing that was standing a little too close. 

after the fighting finished, I turned back to Razer and Meeps, "That...That was actually quite calming, I needed a bit of stress relief, after dying and coming back," I said. 

the door opened, Charlie, Ember and Ciara walked, and Ciara's clothes were ripped, "What happened to you three?" Meeps asked. 

"Never mind us, what happened out here?" Ember asked, "how long did it take you three to take down a small army?" 

"It took his girlfriend about 5 minutes," Meeps answered. 

Ember, Ciara and Charlie all turned to me "nice work Crystal," Ciara said.

Charlie went to say something when his sonic started to beep, he pulled it out, ... --- ... / ... .- -. -.-. - ..- .- .-. -.-- / ..- -. -.. . .-. / .- - - .- -.-. -.- a few moment later and it went again, ... --- ... / ... .- -. -.-. - ..- .- .-. -.-- / ..- -. -.. . .-. / .- - - .- -.-. -.- 

"Umm, What is that?" Ciara asked. 

"Mores code, Morgan taught me and the others it, SOS sanctuary under attack, and it's repeating, Crystal, quickly open a portal, looks like we need to save the day again," Charlie said he was trying to stay calm but the panic was in his voice. I opened a portal and we all rushed in Charlie and Ember, then Meeps and Ciara, finally Razer and me. 

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