The Future Is The Past (Trans...

By PrincessAura273

189K 5.5K 1.6K

Vaughan Witwickey is a music lover. Listens to any kind of music she can get her hands on. When she creates a... More

The Future Is The Past (Transformers G1 FanFiction)
Part 1
Chapter 1 - Strange Noise
Chapter 2 - Decepticon Attack
Chapter 3 - Say Hello To The Autobots
Chapter 4 - Operation: Power Plant
Chapter 5 - The Crystal Mines
Chapter 6 - What Happens Now?
Chapter 7 - The Dubstep Discovery
Chapter 8 - A Musical Truth
Chapter 9 - Surprise
Chapter 10 - They Just Had To Come Back
Chapter 11 - Rescue
Authors Note - Which Episodes?
Chapter 12 - Meeting The Whiz Kid
Chapter 13 - Anti-Matter Formula
Chapter 14 - Fight Back
Chapter 15 - Autobot Down
Chapter 16 - One Way Or Another
Chapter 17 - Going Home
Part 2
Chapter 18 - Senior Year
Chapter 19 - Good Things Will Happen
Chapter 20 - Return To Mission City
Chapter 21 - A Messed Up Sparkplug
Chapter 22 - Atmosphere
Chapter 23 - Natural Disasters
Chapter 24 - A Plan of Action
Chapter 25 - Battle of Cybertron
Chapter 26 - Another Transformation
Chapter 27 - Get Back Up
Chapter 28 - Animals
Chapter 29 - Losing Control
Chapter 30 - Old Memories
Chapter 31 - Take Your Mind Off Things
Chapter 32 - Immobilized
Chapter 33 - Demobilized
Chapter 34 - Seeing Double
Chapter 35 - Father Figure
Chapter 36 - Fast Future & Corrupted Minds
Chapter 37 - Personalities
Part 3
Chapter 38 - Who Is Remix?
Authors Note: Removing Some Episodes
Chapter 39 - Open House
Chapter 40 - Empire State Of Mind
Chapter 41 - New York State Of Mind
Chapter 42 - Surprises At Every Corner
Chapter 43 - Autobot Day
Chapter 44 - Decepticon Day
Chapter 45 - One In The Same
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Exposed
Chapter 48 - Origin
Chapter 49 - Graduation
Authors Note: Review!
Chapter 50 - Summer Vacation & Seperation
Chapter 51 - Cybertonium
Chapter 52 - Welcome Back To Cybertron
Chapter 53 - Blaster
Chapter 54 - Dark Side Of The Moon
Chapter 55 - College
Part 4
Chapter 56 - Car Chase
Chapter 57 - Raoul
Chapter 58 - Fast & Furious
Chapter 59 - Dancitron
Chapter 61 - Old Bonds
Chapter 62 - He Could Be The One
Chapter 63 - Transform
Chapter 64 - Getting The Band Back Together
Chapter 65 - Guitar Cases
Chapter 66 - Drop That Bass
Chapter 67 - Piano Player
Chapter 68 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 69 - Battle Of The Bands
Chapter 70 - Bad News
Chapter 71 - The Mesmerizers
Chapter 72 - Slumber Party Blues
Chapter 73 - Shake Your Tail
Chapter 74 - Under Our Spell
Chapter 75 - Semi-Finals
Chapter 76 - It's A Trap
Chapter 77 - Arguments To Solutions
Chapter 78 - Pull It Together
Chapter 79 - Welcome To The Show
Chapter 80 - Destinies
Chapter 81 - Final Goodbyes
Possible Sequel?

Chapter 60 - DJ Got Us Falling In Love

1.2K 44 40
By PrincessAura273

Before I begin this update, I just want to let everyone know...

I am NOT ending the VaughanXJazz shipping that's been stirring around. You will all find out why later in the story. ;)

Alright then, on with the show! *lights dim and the stage curtain rises*


Blaster and Tracks thought it wouldn't be such a good idea for Vaughan and the others to go back to the club. Especially since the whole incident with that gang who were chasing after them. 

With nothing else to do on a Saturday night, the four of them decided to head on home and let the Autobots do their thing. While Vaughan was reluctant at first, wanting to get a piece of the action, she gave in when Blaster told her that if she used her powers out in the open, it could get her exposed. 

So now the four of them were on a subway train heading back to Julliard, taking the train that rode up on one of those monorail tracks above the city streets. 

Raoul's friends were taking it hard as well. 

"Hey, he could have been lying you know." Rocksteady complained, siting in a seat next to Poplock, while Raoul and Vaughan stood in front of them, hanging onto the metal bars. 

"Let's just hope Blaster and Tracks find something out." said Raoul. 

"Besides, if they do find something, they're bound to call us. We kind of did get them into this mess." Vaughan added.

After standing around, the train seemed to increase its speed. It was getting harder for Vaughan to keep her balance and stay still. She tightened her grip on the metal bar, keeping herself from sliding across the floor of the train. 

"What the--?"

"Yo is it me, or did this bucket just put on some speed?" Raoul spoke up.

"It's not just you Raoul, this is getting freaky!" Raoul replied with a yelp.

The train was going so fast that the next station passed by right before their eyes. Images of the people and structures flashed by through the windows, then vanished in the blink of an eye. 

"Hey, that was out stop!" Poplock squealed. "The train should have stopped!"

The train continued to go faster and faster as other passengers in the same cart and ones before it began to frolic into a panic. Some people even went so far as to climb out through the windows! 

"This train is out of control!" Rocksteady yelled over the wind. The speed of the train forced him out of his seat. Before he could slide down across the floor, he grabbed the metal arm rest of his seat, keeping him in place as Poplock grabbed on to another metal pole.

Vaughan was beginning to lose the grip on her pole. She kept pulling herself back towards it, but the force was becoming too strong for her. When her fingers caved in, a hand caught her wrist as Raoul pulled with all his might. "I got you!"

Vaughan grabbed Raoul's arm with her other hand, using it to pull herself towards him as Raoul reeled her in. She caught the boy in a frightened hug, hanging onto the boy for dear life as he kept one arm around her and the other on the metal bar to keep him steady.

"The express should be this fast!" said Rocksteady.

"Express nothing! This train is out of control!" Poplock stated, nearly losing his hat from the wind.

"Try the emergency brake!" Vaughan yelped. 

Raoul secured Vaughan's hands on the bar before making a break for the red wire that was stationed near the ceiling on the right side of the train  cart. He pulled on it with all of his might, the alarms sounding off, but the train showed no signs of stopping. He pulled on it harder, using his foot for support, but the wire broke off!

"Raoul!" Vaughan called as he fell backward, his back hitting the floor. The wheels of the train screeched against the metal tracks as it kept on going at full speed, the sound irritating Vaughan's ears. 

Suddenly there was a loud 'BOOM' coming from outside as Vaughan saw a flash of light through the window. The trail began decreasing it's speed, stopping with a sudden jolt that caused the four teens to fall to the floor. Hard. 

"What happened?" Raoul spoke as he rubbed his head. 

They groaned as something forced the automatic doors open, the faces of Tracks and Blaster peering through. 

"You four again!" Blaster exclaimed. 

"Where's the driver?" Tracks asked. 

"Front car." Raoul answered, pointing in its direction. 

The four teens made their way across the train carts, passing by the other passengers as they reached the door to the control carts. 

"I can get it open." Vaughan looked around, making sure the other passengers weren't watching. When the cost was clear, Vaughan flashed a small blast of her soundwave powers, taking down the door as the four teenagers poured in. Raoul unlocked and opened the side door, allowing the two Autobots to peer inside.

But what they found wasn't satisfying. 

"The controls are jacked!" Poplock exclaimed. 

"And the driver is gone." Rocksteady added. 

"But why try and sabotage this train?" Vaughan asked. 


Tracks and Blaster evacuated the rest of the passengers on the train before assisting Vaughan and her friends to safety. After a moments driver, Tracks pulled up into an empty street, allowing the humans out before he and Blaster transformed back into their robot modes. 

"This has something to do with that club." said Tracks. "I'd steak my circuits on it. Can Teletraan-1 give us any clues?"

"I'm on it." Blaster volunteered with a thumbs up.

"Great. And be sure to take these two with you." Tracks instructed, pointing at Poplock and Rocksteady before looking over at the girl and his human BFF. "Vaughan, Raoul, we're going to check out that club again." He stated, transforming back into his vehicle mode. 

"Hey, yo! How come you guys get to go clubbing with the sly car and we can't?" Rocksteady pouted. 

"Some people got the juice, and some people don't." Raoul smirked, walking over as he opened Track's passenger door. He looked over at Vaughan, playfully waving his hand. "After you ma'am."

And here came the return of the warm feeling in Vaughan's stomach. What if Daphine was right? Maybe Vaughan did like Raoul. But the night is still young, and things just keep getting crazier as it goes on. She blushed slightly as she her way over to Tracks, taking her seat as Raoul closed the door for her. "Thank you kind sir." She teased back. 

Tracks took the opportunity to rev his engine, messing with the girl. Which of course followed with her kicking him. "When this is all over, I'm having a stern talk with you and Daphine." she whispered harsly. 

"She told you didn't she?" He replied with a muffle.

"Oh yeah." She breathed, crossing her arms as she leaned back in her seat. "Yes she did."

Raoul opened the driver side door, taking his seat in the Autobot as Tracks accelerated, taking off down the street.

After a few minutes of driving, passing by a construction site, Tracks suddenly came to a screeching halt. "Wait a minute!" He turned around, driving back and stopping next to the construction site. 

"What is it Tracks?" Vaughan asked. 

"What's that?" Tracks asked in reply, steering towards the site. 

"What? Never seen a building being built before?" Raoul asked. 

"That's a lot of B's." Vaughan muttered.

"Raoul, Vaughan, it's nearly 1:00 in the morning, NOBODY works that late." Tracks stated. 

"What?! No way it's that late!" Vaughan nearly screamed as she checked the time on the radio. 

"So let's check it out." said Raoul. 

The two teens exited the Autobot, allowing him to transform into his robot mode. The three of them snuck towards the sliding door, peeking around the corner. There was a group of people at the site, working on the building. The thing is, NONE of them were wearing those orange vests or hard hats. There were a couple girls wearing fancy dresses, one woman in a bathroom with curlers in her hair, men in suits, and more strange 80's dressed punks. 

"This night just keeps getting stranger and stranger." Vaughan muttered. 

"More out of place people. Everywhere I go, I see people who don't fit." said Tracks. 

"Hey! I saw those punks over there waiting in line to get into Dancitron." Raoul pointed out, eyeing the two strangely dressed men.

"Come on, we're going to get to the bottom of this. Even if I have to take that club apart." Tracks stated. 

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Vaughan exclaimed.

She gasped, realizing she spoke a tiny bit too loud. She covered her mouth as the three of them looked over inside the construction site to see the leader pointing a finger at them. 

"Stop them!"

The group grabbed hammers and crowbars, running towards the trio. Tracks grabbed the door, sliding it shut so the crew couldn't get through. Red nails came flying from the sky as someone was firing a nail gun at Tracks.

"This is what I call a riveting experience." The Autobot protected the two teens from the hot nails, scooping them up as he transformed into his vehicle mode, strapping them in as he took off down the street. 

"I don't know why I hang out with you man." Raoul shook his head. 

"Cause you like the excitement." Vaughan nudged his arm with a tease.

Tracks activated his wings, taking off up into the air. He flew over a few blocks before touching down into the street, coming to a halt right next to Dancitron. Raoul and Vaughan exited the Autobot before he transformed into his robot mode again.

"You two wait here, I'm going in." The Autobot ordered. 

"No way, I'm coming with you!" Raoul stated. 

"We can help you Tracks!" Vaughan added.

"Listen you two, I don't know what it is, but something about that club is dangerous." Tracks explained.

Before Vaughan could open her mouth again to defend, Raoul waved his hand at the Autobot with a sigh. "Alright, fine."

The two of them watched Tracks as he made his way back into the club. Actually, he had to force his way in, threatening the bodyguard at the entrance and nearly shoving him to the side. 

"Yesh. Remind me to never make Tracks angry." Vaughan shuddered. 

"Noted." Raoul nodded. 


Seconds turned into minutes.

Minutes turned into hours. 

Just what was taking Tracks so long? Was everything alright?

"That's it, I'm going in there." Vaughan vented, rolling up the sleeves of her plaid shirt. 

"Hold up Vaughan." Raoul placed a hand on her shoulder, pointing at something off in the distance. "Look!"

She looked over, seeing the yellow and red blur of Blaster running down the street, stopping in front of the pair, looking down at them. 

"Where's Tracks?" he asked. 

"He went in,"  Tracks pointed at the club. "But he never came out!"

"You two wait here." Blaster ordered as he began stomping over towards the club. 

"Hey wait! Tracks is my friend, I want to help!" Raoul stated. 

"Me too! If the 'Cons are involved, then I want to give them a serious butt whooping!" Vaughan growled, punching her fists together. 

And here comes the return of her Ironhide impressions. 

"Listen young bloods, something in that club is hypnotizing people." said Blaster.

"Mind control?.. Again?!" Vaughan exclaimed with shock, her eyes widening. 

"My main machine is in trouble. Come on Vauhgan, let's go." Raoul spoke with determination. 

"Yeah! Let's rescue Tracks!" She grinned as the two of them followed Blaster inside the club. 

Once they stepped into the club, Vaughan froze, her mouth gaped open. The club was decked out with a grey and black paint job along the walls and floor, with flashing, coloured lights up on the ceiling and a disco ball dangling around. Crowds of people were dancing around to the music, all of them wearing the strangest get up. 

There were two stages in the club. There was one located on the left side, with three figures up on stage singing. With all of the lights flashing and the occasional darkness, Vaughan couldn't quite catch a good glimpse of the three performers. However what she did know, was that all three of them were male. 

There voices... they actually didn't sound that bad. 

"Hey Vaughan." Raoul called. "Should we split up? Cover more ground to find Tracks faster?"

"Sure." Vaughan nodded in agreement. "You take that end, I'll take the left side." 

"Got it." Raoul flashed a smile as he ran across the floor. 

Vaughan made her way through the crowds, nearing the stage as she turned and looked around for any signs of Tracks. Nothing. She sighed with annoyance. The club may have seemed small on the outside, but inside, this place was hug! It as like the Tardis from Doctor Who!

Then something caught Vaughan's attention. She turned around, facing the stage and looked up at the dark figures of the three male singers. The flashing lights still prevented Vaughan from getting a good look at them, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. 

Turns out, she was. 

The three dark, male figures were singing to her. 

Once they all made eye contact, Vaughan's head felt funny. It felt like it was throbbing. She placed her hands on her head, her teeth grinding together as she tried to shake the feeling out of her head. 

"Listen young bloods, something in that club is hypnotizing people."  

It clicked then she saw the figures eyes flash. Literally flash! One had purple eyes, the second had golden eyes, and the third one had pink eyes.

They were trying to hypnotize her!

That's when she felt someone grab her wrist, then her other one. The rest of the guests who were already hypnotized were trying to force her hands away from her head, so the music could seep into her ears, taking control of her. The three figures sang louder, more powerful. 

Vaughan tried to fight them off, attempted to free herself, but it was proving to be difficult. It would only be a matter of moments before she would be caught in the Decepticons control. 

So it all came down to this. 

She knew time and time again, the Autobots cautioned against what Vaughan was about to do. But now? She had no choice. If she was going to rescue Tracks and help out Blaster, she had to do... this!

"Hands off!" She pulled her hands towards each other, then extended her arms out as she opened the palm of her hands, unleashing her soundwave powers as it pushed back the crowd of people surrounding her, freeing her from their clutches. 

It also seemed to startle the three dark figures, cause once she glared her eyes at them, they took off in a flash, vanishing through the emergency exits before Vaughan could take one more step. 

"Who were those guys?" Vaughan thought a loud. 

And if things couldn't get any stranger, water came pouring down. Wait... water? Vaughan shielded her head from the liquid as she glanced up at the ceiling, seeing that the emergency sprinklers were triggered. 

Murmurs filled the room as the guests of Dancitron were snapped out of the mind control, looks of shock and panic filling their faces as they all took off from the club. 

Once Dancitron was poured out of attendees, Vaughan ran over to the sound system stage where Tracks was tied up. Poplock, Rocksteady, and Raoul all stood on top of each others shoulders like a ladder, Raoul breaking the look on the chain that had Tracks tied up. 

"You okay Tracks?" Vaughan asked. 

"I will be when I get out of here. This music is tearing me apart!" He gasped. 

Once the lock was broken, Tracks took care of the rest of his restraints, stepping down from the stage. "That's a relief."

The sounds of metal footsteps caught there attention, as they looked over, seeing the tall red, grey, and blue form of Starscream before. Tracks growled, summoning his shoulder cannons as he fired at him, nailing the seeker as he crashed through a window.

Tracks transformed into his vehicle mode, open his doors. "Get in, all of you."

As the boys pilled in, the form of Soundwave crashed through a window above the sound stage, landing on his pedes as he looked down at the girl. 

"Go!" She yelled, looking back over at Tracks. "I'll stay here and help Blaster."

"Are you crazy?! You'll get--" Raoul yelled back, but Vaughan waved a hand at him.

"-- I can handle it, go!"

Before Raoul could react, Tracks closed his doors, activating his wings as he took off, flying out of the window and going after the Decepticon seeker. Once he was gone, Blaster emerged from the other side of the room, standing by Vaughan's side as Soundwave glared at them. 

"I've been waiting a long time for this, you poor excuse for a sound system." Blaster taunted, cracking his knuckles. 

"All talk, no shock." Soundwave retorted.

"Bring it!" Vaughan yelled as she charged forward, firing a soundwave blast. 

Soundwave just swerved out of its way, plucking Vaughan and tossing her aside as she barrel rolled across the floor. 

"My fight is not with you, Remix." Soundwave spoke as he focused his attention back on Blaster.

"Hey! We got a bone to pick with you! Big time!" Vaughan growled.

"You were the prime suspect in her murder back on Cybertron." Blaster began, raising his left leg as a soundwave blast fired out of the speaker, knocking Soundwave back across the room. 

Soundwave smacked into the wall, quickly pulling himself back up. "That may be true, but I didn't kill her!" He fired a soundwave blast of his own, coming from his mind as the waves knocked Blaster back, flipping him across the floor, and crashing into some tables, slipping the  drinks. 

"Then how do you explain YOUR gun being used?" Blaster coughed. 

"It was stolen from me!" He answered, firing one  more blast, sending the Autobot flying back and crashing into a pile of speakers and sound systems. 

"Blaster!" Vaughan yelped as she pushed herself up to her feet, rushing over to the Autobot. Soundwave laughed menacingly as he stalked over towards them. 

"Don't you see? I'm the only one that can bring her back. To restore her to her former glory." He spoke. 

"No!" Vaughan spat, standing with her arms out, defending Blaster. "I may be a human reincarnation now, and I may not remember my life back on Cybertron, but  I do know this; If one day I do want to go back to being Cybertronian, it's not going through you!" 

"Here's your punch Vaughan! Courtesy of yours truly." Blaster exclaimed, attaching mega horns to his hands. He activated his sound wave blasts, firing out of the horns. 

Vaughan grinned at the red and yellow Autobot, turning back to glare at Soundwave as she too fired her own blast of power.

The sound was so intense that not only did it knock Soundwave all the way to the other side of the room, it also caused the ceiling to crack, pieces of it crumbling to the floor. 

"The entire place is going down!" Vaughan yelled.

Once the entire building began to collapse, Vaughan released her power and took cover with Blaster as he shielded her from the debre. When the action was over, the two Cybertronians emerged from the carnage, Blaster holding the girl in his hands, the Autobot chuckled. 

"I'd say your night club just went out of style."

"Laugh all you want, but I must warn you. You cannot run from what's about to come. Just you wait Remix." Soundwave spoke, before taking off into the sky. 

"What do you think that was about Blaster?" Vaughan asked, looking up at her... manager.

"Whatever it is Vaughan, I have a feeling it ain't gonna be pretty." He answered.


It was a long walk back to the construction site. Tracks, Raoul and the rest of the "Bop Crew" were waiting for them there. 

Vaughan yawned as they approached them. It was very late at night... well, make that an early Sunday morning, and she was SO looking forward to get to sleep. 

"Blaster! Ready to do some demolition?" Tracks asked. 

"Thought you'd never ask!" Blaster grinned. 

He aimed his horns at the building, activating his soundwave blasts as it shook the building apart. 

As Vaughan watched, Raoul drapping an arm around her shoulders, she couldn't help but think of two things. 

One; Could their be a future relationship between her and Raoul?

and two) Who were those mysterious figures at the club? And were they connected to what Soundwave was talking about?

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