Crazy Bastard (Vigilante Deku)

By Chimera_Regarion

183K 9.9K 2.6K

Fate can be very cruel. That was something Izuku knew far too well. Thanks to his wits, his mother sold him o... More

Are you crazy?
... Is that a kid...
My quirk....YOU TRAITOR!
Welcome to the club, detective!
Information? About me? You sure you wanna know? !
Home sweet home... who came up with that was a liar!
Not crazy just playing!
Danger! Chimera alert! Danger! Abort misson! Repeat ABORT MISSION!
I'm not stupid... UPS!
School... what's that's? Food? Bad food? Poison?!
Guess What?! New vigilante outfit time!
Hide and seek with a cheat!
Bank Robbery gone wrong!
Low-Key boredome!
Slip up
Back to school...
Look who we have here!
This escaleted!
Bark Hiss Punch!
Training with Stain!
Blood my Friend!
A friend?
Ahm... SHIT!
The past is past
Nemuri...Nem... MamaNEM!
Me? AGAIN?! Why?!
Worst timing!
Touya ... or ... Dabi
Another one?
Are you fucking insane?
... uncertainty...
Stuck at UA... The story of my life!
For a better furture!

MY dear FRIEND! The infirmary bed!

4K 241 35
By Chimera_Regarion

Well it wasn't long for us to actually arrive at UA. The whole time he was driving me to the school he didn't even said a single word to me. I on the ontherhand was pretty busy with petting and adoring Greed giving him a lot of attention. The cat loved that and I was pretty happy and thankfull for the show he just gave me.

Once arrived I just jumped out of the car and walked to the school gate as if I owned the place. Was it a habbit from my past life? Maybe but it sure was the wrong thing now. Still I just went into the building and straight to the infirmary room, ignoring RG and everything until I got to the bed that I was usually chilling on when I got hurt in my past life flopped on it and laid down there.

RG: Goodness child! What are you doing here?

Me: Tsukauchi brought me here.

Detective: Correction you just ran off here.

Me: But you drove me to UA.

Detective: I did but how did you know to get in here?

Ohh shit!

I just went inside here without even thinking.

But this was pretty much the one and only place I loved being and never got beaten up....

I mean you can call it my safe space.

Tsukauchi is defintielly right.

I shouldn't know my place around here at all.

Now how do I get out of this situation.

Me: Well.... I just went into the first room that looked nice. I mean I basically had luck here.

RG: Says the one that jumped right on the thrid bed not the first one in this room from the door. I am old but not that old to believe everything.

Me: I liked the thrid one.

RG: Get Aizawa here.

Tsukauchi: Well he is your problem now. I have to go back and finish my interogation.

Me: At least he will talk now.

Tsukauchi: And we will not be able to take a word he said against him thanks to that.

Me: Why? Greed is not a part of the police neither am I.

Tsukauchi: But Sansa is and he attacked the man too.

Me: Ohhh... right... there was that too.... BUT you can't tell me you didn't enjoy it too!

Tsukauchi: I won't lie. It was worth it.

RG: What in the world are you talking about and get the cat down from the bed!

Me: You can try get him down. I don't think he wants that tho. 


Greed: mew.

RG: DOWN NOW before I get over and kick you stray cat out of here! This is a medical room after all.


RG: Don't jump on another bed but stay at this one only, got it?

Greed: Mew.

Tsukauchi: And there goes the cat using its quirk again.

Me: As I said I don't think he wants to get down.

Tsukauchi: Well see ya around.

RG: I'll get Aizawa you stay here.

Me: Never intended to move at all.

This was how they both left be in the room alone. Tho I couldn't blame them and I was pretty happy laying there. It felt nice being here again. Nothing changed from what I could remember it. Besides I knew this room way too good. 

*Flashback brought to you by Greed rolling up right next to a green bunnies head guarding it*

Me: Urarka, Kacchan is after me not you. He will immediately go for a search for me. Can you locate Iida and the bomb?

Urarka: You sure you will be fine on your own?

Me: Yup.

It was this stupid villain vs hero excercise where Bakugo and Iida were picked as villains and me and Uraraka as heroes. Tho I was the villain here, I still needed to admit that the rool really fitted that angry Pomeranian pretty good. He had surely a good experience in torturing and using his own quirk on others. 

Nevertheless this wasn't the moment to think about the past. I had to focus and use all the abilities I had as well as the speed and enhance quirk AfO gave me. It was supposed to intimidate OfA from All Might but it sure was something completly else since OfA was on another level then my quirks power. Still skill wise I was above Kacchan.

Me: Good Luck Uraraka-san!

Urarka: You too Deku-kun!

The moment we enetered the house, Uraraka and I split upart and it was only a matter of seconds that Bakugo came at me. This time he came through the wall right next to me. I could only say out of luck that I had a lot of training with Nomus and Stain that I could feel his presence there and thus also evade his attack. That was also the moment when I realized that I was not the only one with a new quirk. He was faster and the quirk looked like All Mights even his movements looked like that. The only thing that was missing was him screaming SMASH but instead this Dandelion was screaming SHINEEEE aka DIEEE!

What a villain through and through!

Change my mind if you can!


He immediately went after me and I used the quirk I had as well as my witts and agility. Now I did had this speed enhancening quirk as well as a bit of strenghtening quirk, combine that with my training and BOOM you got your best tactition you can get. 

It wasn't hard seeing through his moves and so I started approach him and evaded each and every move even missleading him until I started giving out punches and make him spit out some blood.


What a villain through and through!

I can't say it enough. People called me a villain because I never had a choice or a say in that and yet here was one trying to be a hero and everyone accepted him. He wasn't even hiding his intentions at all.

The fight was in my favor since Bakugo couldn't land a single hit on me but the thing was that he was starting to get extremly frustrated and when he saw the opportunity he just used his gauntlett, pulling the trigger and nearly bunring me down to a crsip.

*End of flashback brought to you by a shivering bunny*

I still remember the first time I ended up here....

He was out to kill me back then...

I wonder if it will be the same in this life too...

Maybe I can make him change?

Who knows!

Maybe he is the better villain here....

At least his falmes were not that bad. I mean I had worse and RG took care of me on this bed. 

Come to think of it. 

It was the first time for me to lay on this bed. 

It is comfy and it was sure the beginning of this great friendship and partnership as well as bond I had with it.

Well looks like I am back.

Please take care of myself Bed-sama!

Me: hahaha if anyone would hear my thought they would think I am crazy.

Greed: Mew?

Me: Oh nothing... nothing at all. Don't worry about me.

Greed: Mew!

I grabbed the cat and started snuggeling with it to forget about my past which was also the future that I hopefully evaded successfully. Only time would tell if I manged to do that. 

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