Concert Blues | 1D | 5SOS | J...

By Marie18081999

3.1K 203 494

What happens when something that you least expected happens to you? This story is not only a 1D fanfic, there... More

Chpt. 1
Chpt. 2.
Chpt. 3.
Chpt. 4
Chpt. 5
Chpt. 6
Chpt. 7
Chpt. 8
Chpt. 9
Chpt. 10
Chpt. 11
Chpt. 12
Chpt. 13
Chpt. 14
Chpt. 15
Chpt. 16
Chpt. 17
Chpt. 18
Chpt. 19
Chpt. 20
Chpt. 21
Chpt. 22
Chpt. 23
Chpt. 24
Chpt. 25
Chpt. 26
Chpt. 27
Chpt. 28
Chpt. 29
Chpt. 31
Chpt. 32
Chpt. 33
Chpt. 34
Chpt. 35
Chpt. 36
New story?
New story soon!

Chpt. 30

52 3 25
By Marie18081999

Thursday, 9th of February, 2018
-->Mila's Chapter<--

Day three after Ashton and I shared our first kiss and still nothing. He completely ignored my texts, and I think I called him umpteen times but he just refused to answer.

Ella and Naomi told me he probably lost his phone but I did not believe that.

Also, I spent half the time crying because I felt as if he hated me why else would he ignore me?

Ella, Naomi and I visited the beach yesterday and we met Niall (oh and Naomi randomly told us she had met him before) an Naomi told him about me and Ashton, but I don't know if I should be angry or happy about that. I mean, I'm very grateful that she tried to help me and asked Niall if he could like ask Ashton about me, but why if Ashton thought I was too clingy?

I had to stop worrying about it all, I told myself.

One more thing I was thinking about daily was the fact that in a couple of days he would go back to Australia, his home. I only had one shot and that was now and I was afraid I spilled it.

But then again, what did I do wrong?

"Mila?" Ella had just knocked on the door of my bedroom.

"Come in." I smiled weakly when she entered sat down at my legs.

"I wanted to invite a friend over today, is that okay with you?" She asked.

"Of course, Harry?" I asked.

"No, Wesley. I met him in a cafe a couple days back. He's Belgian too." She smiled and stood up.

"Is he cute?" I teased.

"Yes, but he has a girlfriend and Harry tops every guy, right?" She winked and had that dreamy look in her eyes when she thought of him.

"Why don't you ask Harry to come over then?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know. I feel like when I see him it would be too obvious that I liked him because of everything." She bit her lip.

"Why don't you tell him you like him? Or are you scared?"

Ella sat back down and started frolicking with my duvet.

"Last time, after the Dungeons, I thought he was going to kiss me and he really could if he wanted to, but he just kissed my cheek. I don't think he likes me like that." She said.

"Ella, he did that obviously because he respects you. That is so gentleman to do!" I said, trying to cheer her up but I really thought of it that way.

"You think?" She asked, doubt visible in her eyes.


"I already asked Wesley to come over later on, I can't really cancel on him, huh?" Ella said and disappeared.

After a couple of hour reading (I loved reading and rereading good books), I decided to go to the cinema and watch a movie.

On my own.

No, Mila, cut the emotional crap! If Ashton doesn't want this, so be it!

If this was a day in the life of Mila (Vanderbilt, not Kunis. I wished I looked like her), you would pity me a lot.

Okay, I am whining so let's stop talking about my feelings and bla-dee-bla.

The movie was not too bad, and it didn't last long before half of the room was crying, me included.

I exited in the cold London air (it was almost 8pm)and called for a taxi. It took a while before I really got into one though, all the people who were in my movie decided to order a taxi. Great.

"Thank you!" I said to the chauffeur when he handed me back my change and got out.

On my way upstairs to our apartment I saw Harry running down the stairs.

"Harry? What is up?" I called after him but he ignored me.


I rolled my eyes and continued my way upstairs, only to be met with Ella running down.

"Ella? Ella!" I yelled when she passed me too without speaking to me. I ran down after her and I was a bit faster so I grabbed her hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked her when I saw she was crying.

"Mila, I need to handle this first. I'll explain everything. Wesley is still upstairs." I nodded and gave her a hug.

"Do what you have to do, Ella. Good luck." And she started running again.

What could've possibly happened?

I entered the apartment and saw a boy (Wesley I supposed) sitting on our couch.

"Hi." I said, but he wasn't paying attention. Naomi wasn't home either, she went out with Quinn, a colleague.

"What's wrong?" I asked when I saw that his hands were in his hair, he was breathing heavily.

"I just made the biggest mistake of my life." He sighed, got up and left te apartment.


I waited for Ella, but hours went by and it was midnight and she still wasn't back.

Did Harry murder her or something? He was clearly upset and didn't want to talk to anyone.

I even went to check outside but she wasn't to be seen.

At half past midnight I received a text.

From: Ella
Everything's fine, don't worry! I'll explain tomorrow and before you send the police after me, I'm not kidnapped :) x

That meant I was able to sleep, and it really helped my stress and sadness go away.

Friday, 10th of February, 2018
The next day I was goo humoured because I slept well and both my friends were happy. Ella had returned from where she was and explained everything. Naomi also got back and slept the longest but she had a great time.

I stood up to do the dishes after breakfast when Naomi followed me.

"I have to work in the afternoon, I wish I realised that yesterday! My head hurts so much!" She put one hand on her head and grabbed herself an aspirin that solved up in water.

"You know, I once saw something on the television about hangovers. You are supposed to mix a raw egg with eater, milk and beer. You should give it a try." I suggested, stifling a laugh when Naomi pulled a disgusted face.

"Never ever ever shall I try that remedy, I'll keep it with an aspirin." She emptied the glass ad vundum.

Naomi left the kitchen after she gave me her empty glass.

I put soap in the water and started cleaning the plates, knives, spoons, forks, cups, pans... When my phone rang.

I didn't look at the caller ID before I answered.

"We need to talk."


THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! I'm really grateful :D

So so! I'm in the Netherlands currently so I you are from here, comment please! :)

QOTC: who do you think called Mila? (It's pretty obvious sorry)

Doei! (That's how they say "bye" here)

Loads of love xxx,

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