Chpt. 24

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Monday, 6th of February, 2018 (sorry for the confusing dates guys)

--> Mila's Chapter <--

The great and fantastic feeling when you are sick. I loved it. Laying in bed all day, coughing until you had to sneeze, then your eyes got wet, they turned red after crying because you are way too emotional. You are worried you might look like shit and check the mirror. The view makes you vomit and tada: being sick is a wonderful happening!

Note the sarcasm there, I was lying about the "lovely" part, not about all the rest. So, that is what I did yesterday and this night.

I felt a load of vomit coming up again and started gagging over the bucket that Ella placed right next to my bed side table.

I was home alone, Ella was gone (she forgot to tell me where she went) and Naomi was working.

The best thing was that my periods started today. Great day to start a war in my abdomen, Mother Nature!

I grabbed the zapper and turned on the television, but nothing was on worth to watch. I decided to catch some sleep because I had barely slept that night, due to the stomach aches and vomiting here and there.

I fell asleep rather quickly but was awoken by a text message on my phone.

From: Ash

Up for a movie? :)

Ashton x

Too bad that I was sick, I thought to myself.

To: Ash

I'm sorry, I'm sick :(

Mila x

I put away my phone and rested my head on my soft pillow. What was I going to do, being bored? No, not really my thing. I had to find a book to read or so, so I took my phone back and tapped on the icon of Wattpad. I scrolled through my reading lists and found I book I had attempted to write when I was fifteen years old and laughed out loud. I was home alone, so why not?

After fifteen minutes of reading I got tired of the book I had been reading and felt nauseous again. I heard a knock on the door of the flat all of the sudden.

"Who is this?" I asked the door when I was standing right in front of it, the key in my left hand, a saucepan in the other (if needed, you know) but I only heard a laugh as response

"Okay, so by this noise, I can make out you are a member of the masculine sex." I thought about who it could be but then I recognized the laugh.

"Ashton? What are you doing here?" I giggled when I opened the door and found him in joggings and wearing glasses.

"I didn't know you wore glasses." Ashton said and hugged me as a greeting.

"Distance" I said while pushing him back "I'm still pretty sick. I might vomit on your jogging pants." He laughed at that.

"I didn't know you wore glasses either." I replied and showed him the flat.

"Cosy! I would love to meet your friends!"

"Okay, Irwin, we are not on that level yet." He just laughed and looked away.

"If you don't mind, can I lay down? I feel kind of dizzy." I puffed and put myself down on my bed, taken aback by the sudden feeling of dizziness.

"Sure! Can I get you something? Tea? Antibiotics?" Ashton asked, looking uneasily around him.

"I took my medicines this morning, but a cup of tea could do wonders." I smiled, grateful that he cared for me.

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