Chpt. 18

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Still Sunday, 4th of February, 2018

--> Mila's Chapter <--

I pouted when I saw that we had run out of cornflakes. I really had to go to the supermarket, urgently.

I had received a text message from Naomi, telling me she had a job at Selfridges! I was so happy for her, but it also reminded me that I had to go search for one. Yaikes.

Ella was out, I think with Harry but she had been very secretive this morning, so I was left guessing. I was actually sure it was with him, I would put my hand in fire for that.

I put on my army jacket and boots and went out. It was raining in London, but I was used to it by now. 18 years of living in the Belgain climate of rain and now this, I could handle that.

It was a rather long way to the supermarket that sold the cornflakes I liked (Frosties is the best you can have, the sugared ones, that is) so I decided to take a bus. In the 6 months I lived here, I had never decided to try and drive a car, I didn't dare to drive on this roads by myself. All those big red busses, the taxis, the weather, I wasn't really jumping to do so.

Okay, enough whining and ranting, I got on a bus and after a half an hour I reached the small shopping centre where the supermarket was.

I took a shopping cart and walked over to the cereal section and didn't find the Frosties. I swear I was on the verge of screaming.

"You've got to be kidding me." I muttered under my breath.

"What is wrong?" I turned around, taken aback because of the voice and found, believe it or not, Ashton Irwin standing in front of me. Strangely enough, I felt a wave of self confidence coming up andanswered him.

"I am in desperate need of Frosties." I said. "By the way, aren't people going to recognize you? Without any kind of undercover clothes?" I asked him.

"Who cares if they recognize me." He said in his Australian accent. "And I'm sorry to wake you up from your frostie dream, but Coco Pops is the shit." He laughed, content with his comeback.

"Everybody is allowed to have their own opinion, Irwin. I, for one, don't like the music 5 Seconds of Summer make." I lied.

"Oh really? And how come you know my name? And previously, you seemed pretty starstruck." He smirked at me. Don't fucking smirk at me like that.

"I read the tabloids, Ashton. I'm not dumb."

"Of course you do! You look just like the girl who reads the tabloids daily." He said.

"You are kind of rude, is that your thing? Is that why fans love you?" It was my turn to smirk now.

"I was planning on telling you that the cornflakes are moved to sweets, but then you started about the way opinion differ, and you started lying-"

"I wasn't lying, I really don't like those songs like Heartbreak Girl and Try Hard-"

"I knew you were lying! You know all of their names!" He flipped his head back, laughing.

"Okay, see you later then." I said, starting to blush. Ashton grabbed my wrist when he saw that I was leaving.

"No, wait Mila! I was only joking. I get it, you think I have that diva attitude, but I really don't. I just thought we were kidding, I am sorry." He smiled apologetically at me.

"It's alright, I mean, I guess." I replied, looking at my feet as if they were the most interesting thing on the planet.

"I'll show you the Frosties, and then maybe we could go and grab a drink somewhere, you know, to make it up to you." I nodded and followed him. My heart fluttered at the thought of "going out with Ashton Irwin" but I shook it away when I saw no feet in front of me anymore.

I looked up and searched for his face, his curly hair, anything belonging to him.

"Mila, are you coming or what?" I saw his head appear around the corner of a rack. I found the Frosties standing there, almost as if meant by God himself, in the sunlight as if pure gold.

" You remembered my name?" I smiled as I looked up at him and he blushed.

"I have a good reason for that! Um, my mother's friend is called Mila too you see." He scratched the back of his head, something, I found out, that a lot of boys and men do when they were lying.

"I don't have to study psychology to know you are lying, Ashton Fletcher." I laughed and he punched me in my shoulder playfully.

"Or we on the middle name phase now? Okay, tell me yours then." He commanded.

"Guess." I smiled viciously.




"Uhm, no." I said pulling a face.



"I don't know, Mila! I don't even know your last name." He said rolling his eyes. In the meantime, we had reached the paying desks but there was a rather long queue in front of us.

"My last name is Vanderbilt." I smiled

"And your middle name?" He asked impatiently

"Agatha, but I hate it" I said, looking at the queue slowly moving forward

"I don't. It means "good" in Greek." He looked at me with a face like "Yes I am smart" and I just laughed.

"I know that, but it sounds so old." I said and gave the woman behind the paying desk the Frosties.

"I like it, that brings us to our conversation earlier." He smiled.

"Are you Ashton Irwin?" The woman asked and looking at Ashton intently.

"Uhm, yeah I am." He smiled at her.

"My daughter loves your band! You are the drummer right?" She smiled sweetly at him. Ashton looked at me with an awkward expression on his face.

"Thanks." He smiled back at her.

The woman kept staring at him and Ashton was growing uncomfortable.

"Can I pay now?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Oh yes, of course. 5 pounds, please." She smiled at Ashton again and looked back at me not that friendly.

"Thank you!" She smiled fakely. Wow, I thought she was nice until 5 seconds ago.

"Come, Ashton." I said and pulled his arm.

Back outside, I let his arm go.

"So, I pretty much saved your ass up there, I think she was going to ask for an autograph on her bum." Ashton laughed again and I smiled. I really loved the sound of his laugh.

"So, there is a nice bar, not so far from here. It is a coffee bar, do you mind?" Ashton suggested.

"Fine with me!" I followed him and after 10 minutes we had found the cute picturesque bar.

"Have a seat, I will get us coffees. Which one do you prefer?" He asked me.

"Black, please." I smiled and picked up the Elle issue of January to read until he came back.

"Here you are!" Ashton handed me the cup.

"Why is my cup saying "Agatha"?" I said, reading the name that was written on the cup by a barista.

"Because, it is your beautiful middle name." He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Fletcher." It was his turn to roll his eyes.

I had a great time and at the end we exchanged numbers, after me promising that I wouldn't pass his number on to fangirls on Twitter.


QOTC: who is your favourite 5sos member?



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