Chpt. 15

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Sunday, 4th of February, 2018
-->Lola's Chapter<--

"Wow, that story is highly unbelievable." I laughed. Ella and Mila had just told me they had met celebrities on Skype.

"It is true! Harry Styles was standing right there, cooking us eggs!" Mila screamed.

"And what if I told you I met Louis Tomlinson? I saw him in Belgium but I don't think he was happy."

"You met LOUIS?!" Mila was screaming still, Louis being one of her favourites.

"I don't know. He was in a hurry I guess." I explained.

"Do you have the results of your exams yet?" Naomi asked.

"No, but they were supposed to be online this week. I'll check." I clicked Skype away and typed in the website of the uni.

Shoot, they were online.

I typed in my name and held my fingers crossed.

"It will be fine." Ella assured me, although I did not know for sure.

"Oh my gosh! I passed all of them!" I exclaimed and clapped in my hands excitedly.

"See? Congratulations!" They all said.

"I have to tell Liz, but I am sure she passed too." I smiled and closed Skype, ending the call.

Apparently I was too late.

From: Liz


I smiled. I replied a "sure! When?" And trotted downstairs to tell my mother the good news.

"Really? Wow Lola! That is great! Congratulations !" She hugged me with that proud mother smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks" I smiled back. "But I have to go, me and Liz are going to go shopping to celebrate."

"Okay! Hey! You can take my credit card but please don't use all the money on it. Timothy has to go to the orthodontist for his teeth later on!"

"Thanks Mum!" I kissed her on the cheek and went out.

The trip to Liz wasn't that long, I think 15 minutes or so.

We decided to go to Antwerp, shop there and in the evening we would have dinner somewhere.

"I am so relieved! Sam passed al except one too, but he isn't too worried. He said he didn't pass that one because he was nervous about the date." Liz smiled while driving.

"That is cute!" I laughed and she laughed with me.

When we arrived in Antwerp, Liz told me she had to go to the optician and that I could go on for a while and that we would meet when she was done.

I decided on entering the Nike pop-upshop.

I was looking at the sneakers when I felt someone tap my back.

"Do you work here?"

Wait. British accent. Cheeky undertone.

Louis Tomlinson?

Breathe, Lola.

"No, I am sorry. What makes you think that?" I smiled and he smirked.

"I don't know, I thought you were labelling the shoes or something, you were staring at them pretty intense." He laughed.

"I was? I do love shoes." I laughed and looked at my feet.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yes." I answered shyly.

Concert Blues | 1D | 5SOS | JanoskiansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora