Chpt. 34

36 3 13

Friday, 10th of February, 2018
--> Naomi's Chapter <--

From: Nialler :)
I did a great job, didn't I? ;)

I laughed at this. Sure, he did a great job asking Harry to come over and after all the drama (or so Mila told me) everything turned out very good for both of them and the only thing on my mind was a good ship name for them really.

From: Naomi
Don't let it rise to your head though ;)
How are things with Ashton? Did he call you back yet?

I sighed and put away my phone. I knew he was going to reply very quickly but how good it was for Ella, as bad it is for Mila.

My phone zoomed in the back pocket of my jeans.

From: Nialler :)
I think he put his phone off, so Mila's texts and calls wouldn't bother him anymore? Isn't he like back in Australia too?

I face palmed myself. If Mila knew Ashton was back in Australia without actually offering her an explanation that she clearly deserves, she would break down again and as her best friend, I didn't want that to happen.

So I decided to come up with something rather extreme.

"This week is the internetless and phoneless week!" I shouted when Mila entered the living room.

"Why?" She yawned.

"Because, internet isn't good. We can live without." I reasoned.

"Okay, I still think this is weird." She mumbled and slumped to the kitchen where she opened the fridge and got out a bunch of eggs.

"What type of egg do you fancy?" She asked me in an American accent when I entered the kitchen.

"Uhm, a fried egg please." I laughed and she smiled

"Okay, lady, sure thing!" She continued talking in that accent the whole morning and made herself a sunny side up.

She sat down opposite from me with her egg and asked for the bread.

"Here," I handed her the bread,"I was wondering about you and Ashton..." Immediately I saw her eyes turn sad, her smile faded and she stopped eating.

"You really want to know how thing are?" She asked me silently.

"Yes, I want to understand better." I explained and she nodded.

"He told me I was pretty, he made me feel very confident about who I am and stuff like that. He was almost my first boyfriend. He was my first kiss for god sakes!" Her hands flew in her hair and I saw tears escaping her eyes.

"And then he just disappeared, without any further ado. He could be back in Australia!"

"He is." I decided to tell her. What was the point of hiding it? Enough things had been and were hidden from her, I couldn't do it too.

"Oh." She wiped the tears on her cheeks away with one hand and inhaled slowly, her eyes closed.

"It's okay to be sad about it." I tried.

"I know, but I have been sad about it for almost a week. I should get over it." She exhaled.

"Yes, and me and Ella will help you no matter what! That is why friends are for!" I got up from my seat and walked over to the other side of the table and hugged her.

"Thank you." She tried to smile but failed horribly.

"I got to go, work." I explained.

"Say hi to Quinn for me!" Mila had never met Quinn but she always tried to lighten up the mood after serious subjects, I liked that about her character.

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