Chpt. 32

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Thursday, 9th of February, 2018
-->Ella's Chapter<--

To: Wesley
Fancy coming over? ;)

From: Wesley
Sure :) how about in an hour? I'll be done at work then :)

I smiled at his reply and tucked my phone away.

"I'm going to the movies." Mila said and put on her jacket and shoes. I hadn't heard her coming in the living room, probably because I was too happy that Wesley and I were becoming great friends

"Okay, which movie?" I asked smiling.

"I don't know yet, I'll figure that out in the theatre." She smiled weakly and closed the door when she left.

"Okay then." I decided to clean the flat before Wesley would come.

I started of in my own room, putting things in order.

"He's not even coming here." I thought to myself but shrugged. What if he was going to ask for a tour? I has to be prepared for that, right?

So I cleaned all the bedrooms (yes, even the ones from Mila and Naomi, they can thank me later), the bathroom, exited the flat quickly to buy a new air refreshing system for in the smallest room and did the dishes.

An hour had gone by and I was very pleased with the work I had done in such little time.


The bell rang and signalled that Wesley had arrived.

I picked the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello! Come in!" I pressed the button that made the door downstairs open and put the door of the flat ajar.

I wiped the sweat on my palms off on my trousers and spotted a little spot of tomato sauce on my blouse.

"Shit!" I cursed and hurried to my bedroom, leaving the door out I sight and searched my wardrobe for another blouse. I decided on a plain white one and changed quickly.

"Hello? I'm here." I heard Wesley's voice calling for me.

"Yes! Wesley! I am sorry I just changed." I ran to the door and found Welsey wearing his burgundy jacket.

We greeted each other by kissing each other's cheeks.

"Hi." I smiled up at him. He was very tall, taller than me but not taller than Harry.


What would he say, what would he do when he knew about this?

What the hell, Ella. Why would he care? He didn't care and it was very obvious.

"Hi! So I suppose you were bored?" He grinned at me as I led him to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked him. He shrugged and looked around.

"It's very cosy here." He said.

"Thanks." I smiled at him (again). "Are you thirsty? Can I get you anything?" I asked politely and stood up.

"Just still water is fine." He said and continued looking around.

I handed him the glass of water and sat back down next to him. Our knees were touching.

"Do you want to make babies in like two years?" I asked him point blank. No actually it was just something I do. A lot. There is no filter on my mouth sometimes, which leads to these kind of awkwardish moments.

Wesley had been drinking from his glass and the water splashed out of his mouth, all over the coffee table and the greater part of the couch.

"Sorry." I whispered and I saw he was blushing a bit too.

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