Chpt. 14

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Thursday, 1st of February, 2018
--> Ella's Chapter <--

"I have to go, Ells! See you in a couple of days!" My sister Stephanie and I had been skyping for a couple of hours and she told me about the family she took care of the other day.

"Yeah, me too. I hear Naomi and Mila laughing loudly so I guess the Big Bang Theory started. Have fun and don't forget your little sister!" I waved at her and ended the call.

I exited my room and saw that indeed, the Big Bang Theory had started.

"How was Stephanie?" Mila asked, popping another popcorn in her mouth.

"Great. Why didn't you come and get me when it started!? Did I miss anything funny?" I sat down beside Naomi, in the armchair.

"Not really. Did Mila tell you what happened today?" Naomi wiggled her eyebrows and looked sneakily at Mila.

"No. Mila?" I looked at her while she rolled her eyes at Naomi.

"Just the fact that I met Ashton Irwin today, that is all." She looked highly uninterested.

"YOU MET ONE FOURTH OF THE BEST AUSTRALIAN HUMAN BEINGS EVER?!" My eyes were wide while yelling at Mila.


"No, he wasn't and you probably don't want Katherine to hear that opinion of yours, she thinks the Janoskians are. I cannot tell, because he didn't really say that much. He just laughed at me because I lived here and got lost." Mila said, her eyes focussed on the television.


"Yes, she got lost in Soho. I bet that the bar she entered to ask the way was the club where Harry Edward Styles is having his party this moment." Naomi enlightened me.

"You are probably right, Naomi." I said and Naomi thanked me.

"I cannot follow this episode." Mila grunted.

"She just needs to let it sink in first. She will be all about it tomorrow, let me tell you." Naomi whispered and I laughed.

"Nothing funny happened." Mila said bluntly.


Friday, 2nd of February, 2018
I woke up in the middle of the night and checked my alarm clock. 2am.

I turned around in my bed and put my head back on my pillow.

Then I heard the cause of me waking up in the middle of the night. A loud banging sound, coming from the little hall our apartment had.

"Probably some drunk dude." I told myself.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep a couple minutes after.

I woke up again, looked at the clock and saw that is was 3pm now. Still banging sound.

I decided to go check on who or what the source of the noise was and put on my nightgown and my fluffy flip flops.

"Whoever or whatever it may be, I am going to kill it for disturbing my night sleep." I mumbled.

I had to use a flashlight to search for the lock and fumbles with the keys for a while, hearing clearly that the source of the noise was human then.

The door cracked open and I heard an 'OW!' And in came falling a man. I think he was a couple years older than me. I couldn't see his face, since he fell on it (ha!) but I could say that he was drunk. He grunted again and tried to sit up.

"Stay down! I don't want to clean up any vomit!" I ordered.

He stayed down.

"Okay, tell me, human. Why are you here?" I sat down and leaned against the wall of the hall.

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