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♡̷̸⁩ notes: title and cover changed. avoid voting! ┈ ❥︎ synopsis I was reincarnated as a daughter of the coun... More

say the name seventeen.
forty-nine + PSA.


2K 52 7

"But do you have to go with the Forem siblings? You can just go with me. You have Paul and May too..."

"Festivals are best when we all play together. And the Forem family is supposed to take care of us while my parents aren't here."


"But isn't Allen better than the Baroness going with us? A little more freedom."

"It is, but..."

Cassis was still a little insatiable. I muttered under my breath.

"And I'm supposed to meet Ephel."

"...Ephel? That blue rabbit from that time?"

Cassis overreacted to the word Ephel.

Even though Ephel's hair color is a watery blue, it's a bit weird to call someone that, it was like calling a pet.

"That blue rabbit. By the way, his name is Ephelius, it's really pretty."

"Why are we talking about him all of a sudden anyway? He's in Hisaya."

Cassis inquired persistently. I answered sincerely, blinking.

"Because I was informed that he wanted to go to the festival together."

"So you're saying it's because of him that you were going to the festival?”

Cassis asked back in a slightly low voice. I moved on, seeing as he didn't want to drop the topic.

"Anyway, Cassis, you're going? Okay?"

I hung my pinky on Cassis's pinky.

Cassis, who had promised before, grabbed my hand and asked.

"But Evelyn. Why do you keep calling him Ephel?"

"Huh? It's easier to say than Ephelius."

Cassis murmured as I answered insignificantly.

"It's like a nickname..."

"No, I'm just calling him that because it's easy to say."

He's asks so persistently about something like that.

When I replied casually, Cassis asked implicitly.

"Then what about me?"


"Why do you just call me Cassis so dryly?"

"Um, that's..."

Cassis asked again with a discontented look. It's as if you're asking me to shorten it.

I lookd away from his stony eyes.

If I had to shorten Cassis's name, Cass was the only thing that came to my mind.

But that's a name that sounds like an alcohol brand.

I quickly shook my head to the sudden thought of canned beer.

The abbreviation was not something that could be to attached to the male lead.

"It just sounds better with Cassis."

Cassis murmured low when I flatly refused.

"...Not because you're too lazy to think?"

"No way. What can I do that would go well with your name? Besides, you call me Evelyn."


Cassis lengthened his words as if it was an unexpected attack. I pressed on, not letting this go.

"Then, why do you not call me by mine too?"

"It's just that it's too..."

Cassis mumbled, unable to finish his words. He kept opening and closing his mouth and seemed very hesitant.

It was strange to see his ears turn red.

I closed the situation by clapping our hands.

"Let's just call each other by our names, okay?"

"...Yeah. That would be good."

Cassis answered slowly and let go of my hand.


As soon as Cassis came into his room, he groaned with his head covered in his arms.

How could he have said such a stupid thing there?

Cassis sighed again, recalling that he had protested to Evelyn why she didn't call him by a nickname.

It was a terrible protest. Evelyn didn't seem to put much meaning in it, and he's the only one who's worried.

Cassis felt thirsty and gulped down water.

His face was also very hot, so it must of happened out of embarrassment.

He hated Evelyn calling him Ephel.

It was because he was a boy.

But he can't just tell her not to call him that, so he just thought 'Do it with me too.'

What kind of childish reaction is that?

Moreover, Evelyn refused sharply like a knife, and his head was aching.

Why do you not call me by mine too?

Evelyn's remark came to mind. At that time, Cassis mumbled what he had not answered.

"It's too embarrassing to call you by your nickname."

Nicknames were used to call close friends.

So it was a very difficult word. At least for Cassis.

He was even envious to see others calling Evelyn 'Lynlyn' without hesitation.

It was too heart-pounding to even say that word to himself.


Cassis, covering his face with his hands, was about to call Evelyn's nickname when the door burst open.

Cassis was startled and picked up a book and pretended to be reading.

"Oh, you were in here. We'll come back next time."

The maids had broomsticks and mops in their hands. As they faltered and tried to turn around, Cassis said.

"It's all right. I was just about to go to the study."

Then he was about to leave the room, and the maids' words filled his ears.

"Did you hear that Miss Evelyn had a date request? May said that Miss Evelyn was grinning ear to ear when she received the letter."

"Really? Who is it?"

"He's a very nice, cute-looking boy. I heard that's why she's going to Hisaya this time too."

"Oh my, how cute."

Cassis stopped standing straight.


This year, I feel like I'm coming to Hisaya very often.

I stared out the window at the view of the city center, excited by the festival.

There were many sculptures made of snow everywhere, and the loud cries of the merchants were heard through the windows.

I arrived at the hotel in the city center a day earlier in time for the festival.

I replied to Ephel in advance, writing down the place and time to meet with the accommodation I will be staying at, and it was after he received the answer to see him then.

"Hehe, I'm in the same room as Evelyn."

Elisha flopped on the bed and said an excited voice.

We would have used our own rooms, but this time we decided to use one room.

I forgot about my motion sickness the whole way.

It wasn't bad to stay in such a spacious room for a few days.

Besides, it was a night to spend with a friend on a trip.

In fact, I was just like Elisha.

"Are you that happy?"

"Yes! Let's chat all night. Will you sleep first?"

"I think you'll fall asleep first, Elisha."

Last time, Elisha had a history of having fun and then falling asleep exhausted.

"No! I'm not going to sleep."

Elisha even clenched her fists, saying she would not sleep this time.

Then Selena came into the room.

She was our guardian this time. Thanks to that, she decided to share a room with us.

Cassis is said to be staying in the same room as Allen and Dennis.

Cassis, who used to live alone all the time, said he would sleep separately because it was uncomfortable for him, but Allen was adamant.

Maybe it's because Cassis and I were seriously hurt last time.

You'll feel relieved to be around more people you know.

During the festival, a large crowd of people, regardless of whether they are Cartamir or Radium people, gathers.

Not only could one become a lost child, but the danger of being hurt by the hateful people lurking around could not be ignored.

So Allen seemed to be paying particular attention.

Well, this could be an opportunity for Cassis and Allen to get along.

That's what I was thinking, and Elisha approached Selena and said.

"Sister, make yourself at home on the single bed. I'll use the same bed as Evelyn."

Elisha gave up the single bed as if she were being generous. Even so, it was a meaningless concession because there were several rooms in the special room.

In the end, it was a trick to be alone with me.

Selena, too, said with her eyes wide open, as if she had noticed immediately.

"Ahh, you want me to get out."

"Um. I don't."

"You've already alienated your sister, Elisha. You're throwing me away right away because you have Evelyn?"

"No! Then let's all sleep in one bed together."

Elisha was startled and suggested an alternative.

I glanced at the bed. It was too narrow for three people to sleep in it.

"No. I'm just saying. You two use it."

Selena took a step back and smiled. Then our eyes met.

Can you handle our Elisha?

Selena shrugged as I smiled and winked.

As I quietly exchanged glances with Selena, Selena said.

"I looked around and found a good restaurant nearby. When you're done unpacking, let's go out to eat. Everyone's waiting."



Then Elisha and I answered vigorously and took Selena's hands, respectively.

The request was made by the Forem couple, who told us to hold her hand tightly so that we don't get lost.

And with that said, Cassis was not an exception either.


I burst into laughter at Cassis, whose hands were bound by Allen and Dennis with a petty look.

It was inevitable to not laugh.

Oh my god, it doesn't suit you.

In addition, Cassis looked more ridiculous as he had the expression that was like he was being dragged to prison.

Cassis noticed the meaning of my laughter and said bluntly.

"Don't laugh, Evelyn.”

Then he twisted his arm to pull his hands out of Allen and Dennis.

Although Cassis is 12, he was tall, so the combination of three men holding hands together was very funny.

"Cassis. Stay still."

"Let go of my hand..."

Cassis mumbled helplessly as Allen smiled happily and held Cassis back.

"Even I think this is a little overprotective. Allen."

Dennis, who was beside him, said with a wistful look. Then he slowly released his hand.

Well, Cassis is quite mature as the Little Duke of Urquio, but he seemed like a child here.

I reached out to Cassis with the intention of rescuing Cassis.


if u see me switching between cartamir and carthamir everytime no u didnt!! anyway cassis is such a cutie... n then u read when hes grown up n ur like what the fuck

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