The Alpha's Groomer [Semi-Pau...

By ChinaBaby2

434K 8.5K 405

What happens when an alpha loses a bet and has to get groomed? How does it change his life? Theo has always... More

Characters & Info
General Information
Background Info
Ch 1: The Bet
Ch 2: Grooming Session
Ch 3: Day with Mate
Ch 4: Unexpected Visitor
Ch 5: Aftermath
Ch 9: New Friend?
Ch 10: Proper Meeting
Ch 11: Monday Madness
Ch 12: First Day
Ch 13: Calculus
Ch 14: Class with Dylan
Ch 15: Class with Sean
Ch 16: Partnered with Mate
Ch 17: Project Part 1
Ch 18: Project Part 2
Ch 19: Project Part 3
New Puppy Pics
Ch 20: Morning After
Ch 21: Dumb Brother
Ch 22: Day w/ Mate
Ch 23: Talking with Sean
Ch 24: Spying on Mate
Ch 25: She-Beast
Ch 26: The Talk
Ch 27: At the Mall
Ch 28: Messing w/ Theo
Ch 29:Talking w/ Theo
Ch 30: Having the Talk
Ch 31: Dogsitting Day 1
Ch 32: The Drop Off
Ch 33: Quality Time w/ Mate
Ch 34: Work Day w/ Xavier
Ch 35: Doggy Day Care
Ch 36: Shocking Surprise
Ch 37: The Actual Talk
Ch 38: Mate-Block
Ch 39: Interesting Conversations
Ch 40: Doctors
Ch 41: Sleepover
Ch 42: Spirit Week
Ch 43: Xavier's First Day
Ch 44: Theo's Surprise
Ch 45: Meeting the Parents
Ch 46: Interrogation
Ch 47: Betrayal
Ch 48: Comfort
Ch 49: Apologies
Ch 51: The Trial
Ch 52: Guilty or Innocent
Ch 53: Mate 101 w/ Xavier
Ch 54: Model vs Beta
Ch 55: Our Firsts
Ch 56: Theo's Pain
Chapter 57: LA Here We Come
Ch 58: LA Bound
Ch 59: Luna Duties or Shopping
Ch 60: Alpha Meets LA
Ch 61: Angers New Form
Ch 62: Mate or Duty
Ch 63: Groveling

Ch 50: Alpha vs Gamma

3.2K 72 3
By ChinaBaby2

Theo's POV: 

I had the best sleep of my life. I got to wake up with my mate in my arms. My morning was going great until my gamma broke into our room. Literally could not have been a worse time. When Sean barged into our room, Xavier was immediately on high alert. It doesn't help the fact that our mate felt awful about not being a good friend to Allison. If anything, it put Xavier on edge more because he hated how our mate blamed herself for Allison keeping secrets. After Alex managed to calm Xavier enough I could keep control, we made our way to find Sean. I don't think Alex knows where he is, so I took the lead and followed his scent. We found him in one of the lounges so we made our way and sat down across from him. As I was listening to Sean's apology, I could feel Xavier getting angrier. At first, I didn't know why he was getting angry. That was until he started saying how he felt betrayed and how he felt his wolf would do something to Alex and not to mention that he blames Alex for feeling betrayed. Once he said he felt his wolf do something to Alex, Xavier took over. There was no holding him back. Not that I would even bother holding him back. He just told us that he and his wolf were a threat to our mate. Gamma or not. Best friend or not. A threat to my mate will not be ignored. I fully gave Xavier control. 

Xavier's POV: 

How dare gamma threaten my mate! Who does he think he is? To threaten my mate. MY MATE! I should end him. My mate has never done anything to betray us. And he dares blame my mate! Not only did he blame my mate but he had the balls to threaten her as well. Not to mention, he threatened the future beta female as well as my mate. I should tell beta's wolf. A threat is a threat. No matter who makes it. My human gave me control because my human knew I would do what needed to be done. He lets his emotions control him. I will not allow a threat to my mate to go without dealing with it. I immediately pinned gamma up against the closest wall. I had full control and I was not wasting any time. I had him pinned and was mind-linking beta when I felt my mate's touch. I turn and look over at her and notice she looked a bit surprised that I had control but then went back to being recomposed. 

"Xavier, you've got to let him go. You're hurting him." Mate said as she was trying to loosen my grip on gamma. 

"He threatened you and beta female. A threat is a threat. No matter who made it. It will be dealt with accordingly." Mate rolled her eyes at me, making me growl. 

"He's your gamma. He's your best friend. You've known him for years. Theo said since you were little kids. He was mad. You know he would never hurt me or Allison." Mate may be right about us knowing gamma since we were pups but gamma still threatened mate and beta female. No friendship comes before mate and pack. 

"Beta will be here. We will decide how gamma is taken care of." Mate looked shocked that I would involve beta. Beta's mate was threatened. Beta needs to know. 

"Xavier, you can't be serious. He didn't do anything to me or Allison." I rolled my eyes at mate. 

"Gamma's wolf saw you and beta female as the cause of betrayal. Gamma's wolf was going to hurt you. Gamma said he left wouldn't do anything. Gamma admitted being a threat. Gamma will now be dealt with." Mate just let out a sigh and rolled her eyes once again. I will have to deal with that later.  

Beta showed up after a minute and beta's mate came as well. Beta looked shocked that I had gamma against a wall. Beta looked at me and then my mate and then moved his mate behind him. 

"Beta, gamma made a threat on my mate and your mate. Gamma thinks they're the reason we 'betrayed' him and gamma thought he'd do something to them which is why he ran off." Once I finished, beta's wolf had full control as well. Our humans let their friendship get in the way. 

"Xavier enough! You want to deal with this? Fine. But we do it my way. You may be alpha but from what I can gather. I am the luna! So, therefore, I get a say. We will do this like a trial. We will let him speak and truth and then we will find a reasonable punishment." I growled and ignored mate. She's new to this but I'm not. I will handle it. "Xavier I swear to god if you don't let me handle this, I will never talk to your or Theo for a month!" I dropped gamma but beta grabbed him before he could hit the floor then beta had him pinned. I turned to look at mate. I could tell mate was not lying. Her eyes were serious. 

"Fine. But I chose the punishment." Mate sighed and nodded. I hugged mate then mind linked two warriors to come and grab gamma. I kept hold of mate until the warriours came. Beta still had gamma but when the warriors came. Beta threw gamma into them. He told them to take him into a locked room and keep an eye on him. Warriours nodded and left with gamma. Now that it was taken care of, I picked up mate and took mate back to our room. Human is selfish and never let me have time with mate. 

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