Xiaolumi S3: Everything To Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

62.1K 2.1K 1.4K

"Oh Alatus Nemesis, on the wind your feathers of gold, oh so fair, grasp that light in heavens and conquer al... More

Yaksha's Love
Gifts From The Past
A Red Hot Oni Pt I
A Red Hot Oni Pt 2
Ei's Day Off
Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?
The Stormy Island Mystery PT I
The Stormy Island Mystery PT II
Hear My Song Pt I
Hear My Song Pt II
Hear My Song Pt III
You Are Cordially Invited
Crane In The Harbor
Old Friends & New Ones
You Are A Mystery, Lumine
Sea Gazer
Combing Rite of Fortune
I Will Be Your Only Star
Xiao's Birthday Wish
She Would Have Adored You
A Snake's Wisdom
Gorou's Message
Heading For A New Frontier
Chariot of the Sun
Enjou's Warning
Ominous Revelations
Forbidden Knowledge
Primordial Goddess of Fate
Lumen De Lumine PT I
Lumen De Lumine PT II
Safe Here In Your Arms
Saiguu's Sacrifice
Forgive Me, Sister
Something Amiss
Towards The Future
Author Lumine
Sly Old Fox
Unexpected Reunion
Flower of Khaenri'ah
Crude Plan
Void and Light
Flowing Like Time
Prof. Aria's Files: Yaksha's Soul Bond Ritual
Thanks & Announcements
Bonus Chapter: Vesperi Nebula

Lumen De Lumine PT III

1K 46 28
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: Conclusion to the Enkanomiya Arc!! Tsumi's true intentions are made clear but with Xiao in no shape to fight, Lumine must now stand her ground and fight. But Tsumi oddly hesitates..!? Quick fact the title for this 3 parter is Latin and is also a term used in Alchemy. it means "The Light From The Light" in english. Enjoy the song I put for Tsumi. <3]


There it was shining bright and true like the welcoming beacon of a lighthouse through the thick fog. Lumine could never tire of seeing this brilliant tower since this temple had been her home when she herself had been as frail as a kitten. She could never bring herself to hate this place, not at all.  Much of her earlier memories of the temple was hazy, blocked in from fever and pain at the time. But she had a task to do as she tightened her grip on her sword's hilt as she stepped onto the elevator platform. It would take a few minutes before she could see the situation and she was for the first time in a very long time....truly alone.

It felt unnerving in this dead silence and stressful to be honest. She had grown so used to having others around her, especially her new partner, best friend, and husband Xiao. The blonde clenched and grit her teeth as her free hand carefully rested briefly on her mark hidden by her scarf. It gave a weak heat and prickling sensation, Xiao's distress like a soft echo in her mind. "Just be patient a little longer. I have a snake to handle before we go home."she mumbled under her breathe as she saw the chamber sea cave come finally into her sight. Below her she could see not one but two massive Basythmal Vishaps of the electro and Cryo variety. Snarling and growling in their own language at seeing her. 

But as she looked around she couldn't see any of the hatchlings or juveniles that had the blood branch corals left. "Shit! They're gone, what's Kokomi and her people going to do about their situation now!?"she thought her blade starting to crackle with her electro while anemo began to swirl around her. The beasts pupils narrowed to dangerous and malicious slits at the sight of her as with each step the blonde took raising her sword they realized.


One of the Old Ones.

She reeked of the one of the shades and had to be annihilated!  It only grew far more apparent as this blonde, golden eyed swordswoman with the speed of lightning bolted forward. The two vsihaps snarling as they tried again and again to get lumine with their claws, teeth, and even their conjoint attacks of primitive cryo and electro. "I have no time to play your game of snake and mongoose, damn lizard sharks!"spat Lumine as she began to hum that familar tune her mother taught her. It made them terrified of the girl as they realized just what this being was. This female was that one's hatchling!!

Their fury only grew with their fear as they began to become far more aggressive but Lumine easily danced circles around them. Swiftly, aggressively, elegantly she moved before finally she slayed them both in one fell swoop. Her honey amber gaze looked around as she wiped the blood off her jade sword carefully.  "So Enjou was right and my worries were correct then. Tsumi you slithering snake."she thought with a sigh. She was getting sick and tired of these deceivers and liars. Even Paimon she couldn't bring herself to completely trust anymore. Only one she fully trusted now was her precious yaksha that currently was in bad shape. Then a worry surfaced again that made her run back for the elevator. 

"Come on, can't this thing go any faster!?"she hissed. Tsumi better not have done anything to Xiao and Paimon. Once finally at the top again Lumine hurried out only to skid to a halt at seeing Tsumi, Xiao, and Paimon. She was standing over Xiao as he glared at her with venomous golden eyes.

"L-Lumine help!"squeaked Paimon in fright. 

"Tsumi, g-give it back you snake!"snapped Xiao struggling desperately to move but something was preventing him doing so. Lumine could feel his fury and fear, see it in his eyes even. 

"Now, now behave yourself dear bird yaksha."stated Tsumi calmly. To Lumine's surprise Xiao was listening and obeying though his eyes showed his fear of whatever was happening to himself.

"Tsumi what have you done?"Lumine demanded. "And what are you doing here at the entrance to the Dainichi Mikoshi, you slithering snake?"

"Ah so he told you then did he? Your mate here tried to go in after you."Tsumi hummed glancing over her shoulder. Slowly the miko turned to face Lumine. And to her horror she had Xiao's mask in hand. It made her blood run cold at the sight which turned to fury and confusion. "But as you are back I am curious if our rescue mission was a success?"

"What are you doing with his mask!? What are you doing to him!!"demanded Lumine sharply. Her emotions to Tsumi's surprise was causing the elements to go haywire around her. Wind began to blow where there should be none, ancient earth began to shake and rumble, electro began to charge the air, and the ancient and overgrown plants began to grow wild. Lumine's eyes glowing gold before Tsumi making her freeze in fear. 

"Y-Your not human."Tsumi gasped stepping back. "Your one of them!"

Tsumi had no time to react as Paimon took this chance to grab Xiao's mask out of Tsumi's hand and went straight for Lumine. "Paimon will take that, thank you~!"giggled the fairy as she slowed down beside her friend, handing the mask over. Relief seemed to take over Xiao as Lumine went over glaring at Tsumi as she walked past her as everything calmed down around her. It had been brief but the blonde's powers had leaked out through the seal. Carefully she fastened his mask back to his belt where it belonged.

"You got some nerve touching what isn't yours. Why did you do that, to him?"Paimon asked angrily. "That was super mean!"

Tsumi sighed, "He left me no choice. A Yaksha's weakness is their mask, grab their mask and their nothing but obedient regardless if they want to or not. He is in no shape to fight."

Those words made Lumine furious as she tensed after helping Xiao to his feet, arm over her shoulder. "That wench, wicked, cruel, vicious, venomous reptile!!"she thought turning a look onto Tsumi that could could if possible. Tsumi had found his weakness and even took advantage of him having nobody but Paimon there to watch over him in his condition. But it made sense now why Xiao let nobody touch or near his mask. Why he always had it on his person and...why he was always so on guard. But most terrifyingly it made her realize he was forcing himself to stay awake as long as he could.

"Explain yourself, now Tsumi. Your not human and by now I'm sure you figured out about what I'm capable of."Lumine asked coldly. It was taking everything for Xiao to stay on his feet, the effects still lingering from being poisoned by the void before earlier today still apparent. 

"O-Only a vishap or the archons would know that secret. Damn reptile."huffed Xiao doing his best to hide his current condition. He hadn't felt a fear or sensation like that in centuries. He hadn't wanted Lumine to find out this way.

"I have no intention of explaining my self to your kind girl! The Old Ones and the humans, all of them are alike. Impossible to distinguish from the other in appearances. Although I am able to communicate with you nothing but betrayal has ever come from both your kinds."hissed Tsumi. Slowly reaching up to grab her mask to remove if only briefly to reveal to them her snake-like eyes that could pierce the very soul. pupils long and slender making her gaze intense and was a beautiful contrast to Tsumi's actually fair and beautiful appearance. But just as quickly Tsumi put the mask back on as she continued, "The conflict between humans, your kind, and the elemental races will never cease. But before I leave, I'll destroy this inferno light."

"You think you have what it takes, Tsumi?"asked Lumine in a serious tone.  There was something about Tsumi, Lumine was noticing that didn't quite add up with Enjou's tale. Not at all in the slightest when she turned her mind to her innocent friend, Chongun and the sly and frail doctor, Baizhu. Both of them had very good hearts though Baizhu at times was more questionable at times she trusted Baizhu. Chongyun while naïve and innocent was a good friend and couldn't hurt a fly. Then there was Tsumi whom despite what she'd done had healed and helped those samurai. Tsumi had even helped Xiao, despite her little stunt with taking his mask earlier. Slowly Lumine helped Xiao to sit down so lean against the pillar as he watched Tsumi with a harsh hawk-like stare.

"Be careful."he whispered hoarsely, breaking into a harsh coughing fit. Lumine letting reaching over taking back her hairpin to fasten in her hair. 

"Just be patient a little longer, then we'll go home."she soothed stroking his cheek.

"Home?"he echoed before offering a pleased hum. "I'd like that."

"Yes home."she promised before slowly rising to her feet. Paimon's concern clear on her face but there was a silent agreement between the trio as Xiao fought to stay alert and aware. His gaze never leaving Tsumi as Lumine allowed her sword to vanish as she walked towards the miko.

"No, don't come any closer Old One! Don't even think about sneaking up on me either!"hissed Tsumi before turning her gaze up at the tower. "This tower of this temple seems to hear my wishes...I just have think it and it'll change its brightness or even destroy itself if i so desire."

But Lumine still walked calmly towards her as Tsumi continue as she stepped backwards in fear of Lumine. This woman before her bathed in the Dainichi Mikoshi's light held a radiant, otherworldly beauty to her. No wonder she had attracted a yaksha nomad whom were notorious for being super picky of who they took for mates. It was primal, ancient; no better words could describe it. "With just a simple action as clicking my fingers I could destroy this source of great pain for the vishaps!!"Tsumi had begun to tremble as she fell to her knees in defeat. Lumine now standing over her and looking down at her with a frightening calm about her honey amber gaze. "S-So why...why can't I do it?"

With a sigh Lumine to Paimon and Xiao's and even Tsumi's surprise pulled out two halves of the medallion. One in each hand before putting them together to them hold them up for her to see. "Tsumi, these are for you."Lumine stated calmly handing the medallion to the masked miko. Tsumi could only stare in stunned silence as she took out her own half to put it together with the other two pieces.

"Is that..."

"Um are you sure you should be giving that away, Lumine?"Paimon questioned. "Kokomi gave us that."

"What does it matter, Kokomi knew this might happen giving it to us."Xiao dismissed letting his wings vanish. 

The completed medallion formed a rather odd insignia of three entertwined snakes on it. It looked a lot like some familiar symbols Lumine had seen many times actually. Caring not anymore about Tsumi, Lumine went back over to Xiao and Paimon and helped the dark haired yaksha to his feet. Allowing him to use her for support as she put one hand around her shoulders and the other around his waist. Carefully guiding him away with Paimon stopping to stick her tongue out at Tsumi mockingly in disgust. Briefly Lumine frozen as they reached the stairs, not turning to face the snake eyed miko. "Deep down, Tsumi I think you already know the answer to why you could destroy this tower or bring yourself to hurt me and Xiao. Goodbye Tsumi."she stated smoothly before vanishing in a golden light with Xiao and Paimon. Tsumi could only stare, left speechless and dumbstruck.


Lumine nodded, still supporting her beloved yaksha this entire time since returning to the surface here at Watatsumi shrine. They had told everything that had transpired below the depths. From the darkness, to Enjou to even Tsumi and everything in between. By now Xiao was really struggling to stay conscious. 

"We're sorry Kokomi that we gave away your pendant like that. Paimon feels really bad about it actually..."Paimon informed.

"I am sorry about that as well, but Xiao was right you probably gave it knowing what might happen."Lumine agreed.

Kokomi sighed only shaking her head before offering a smile, "No it's quite alright. As I said before, Watatsumi Island has no need for it anymore. It's a relic from way back in the beginning when Watatsumi Omikami reorganized the courts into three fractions. The Dainichi mikoshi, the Sangonomiya Clan, and his vassals. But now only my clan remains today."

"His vassals?"Xiao asked weakly lifting his currently dull gold gaze onto her pastel lilac ones. 

Kokomi nodded, "Yes. The original concept was for the common folk, the government officials, and the divine vassals of our deity would all work together and hold each other accountable. But today only my clan and the common folk remain. Sadly, the divine vassals no longer exist here on Watatsumi island or in Inazuma. So the pendant is of little importance anymore."

"Funny you should say this, one of the soldiers seemed to think Tsumi's one of those vassals. But her eyes made her a reptile, she tricked everyone."Paimon piped in swiftly.

"Tsk...she tricked you."huffed Xiao before covering his mouth starting to cough again. The girls' expression turning to one of worry as Kokomi went over to put her hand on his chest. Her vision starting to glow brighter as she cast a healing blue glow over him which seemed to help....if only a little. Healing their injuries from the ordeal.

"Hey..."Paimon huffed.

"I had my suspicions too, Paimon. However you were a big help today so I guess you earned some sticky honey roast."Paimon's eyes lit up delight at Lumine's praise. 

"That's just a silly fairy tale, it's not true."dismissed Kokomi. "Omnikami's familars were indeed a half human and half snake shapeshifting race though, that part is true. But their bloodline has become very thin and none have been born since our deity's death. At least, they used to...the only distinguishing trait left of them are their snake-like eyes as they over time became almost identical to humans."


Kokomi nodded as she moved away with a concerned frown for Xiao after feeling his forehead. "Yes. But for now I think you should take Xiao-sama back to Narukami that fever's getting quite high. He needs the attention the Hakushin Clan of Narukami Shrine can give."

"We'll be going then, Kokomi. It was great seeing you again."waved Paimon as Lumine offered a smile. Kokomi smiling as she waved goodbye in return as they vanished in a golden light. The trio arriving at the gates of Tenshukaku, recieving bows and warm welcomes as the samurai swiftly escorted them inside straight for the guestroom. Concern on their faces seeing Xiao's state as Lumine with tender care helped him into bed, tucking him in.

"Traveler-sama should we call for a healer?"asked the guard in concern. "Suzaku-sama does not look well."

"No. Just fetch me Yae Miko, she'll come if she knows its me asking."insisted Lumine. "Oh mind fetching me some cold water and some clothes?"

"As you wish. Shall i inform Lady Shogun your here?"he asked.

"Do as you wish."dismissed Lumine, the guard bowing and taking his leave. Once the door closed Lumine turned her full attention as she felt Xiao's trembling hand grab her's. With a soft smile she took his hand removing the gauntlet gloves on each hand. "Rest, nothing will harm you here."she soothed taking his scarred hand. The most noticeable being around his wrists; tell tale sign of shackles been there long ago. 

"You sure..?"he whispered only feel that same gentle caress through his hair.

"Yes, just rest and recover."she assured. "I won't leave."

Her words had been enough as he finally gave in to the screaming desires to rest his body was begging for. His eyes falling close as he gave into slumber, Lumine's gentle humming melody the last thing he heard in his daze as darkness of slumber took hold, her whisper ringing in his ear.

"Sweet dreams Alatus."

To be Continued...


[A/N: Aw, poor Xiao...don't worry your safe now. And i'll see you next chapter for the start of the Festival Arc.]

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