Careful Rouge

By makayla8162001

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My name is Aiden Barnes. I was killed by the beast while camping. My girlfriend my mom, and my sister were al... More

Chapter 1: The dare
Chapter 2: The Beast
Chapter 3: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 4: A Single White Rose
Chapter 5: Sweat mold and games
Chapter 6: Maybe my mates crazy!
Chapter 7: Luna Wright=WHAT!!!???
Chapter 8: So now you want me?
Chapter 9: Boy was I in for something
Chapter 10: I think I'm falling in love with you again.
Chapter 12: man I have a great life
Chapter 13: A month
Chapter 14: Forgive me
Chapter 15: Don't drown
Chapter 16:I am a queen
On hold
Chapter 17: You're a Luna.
Chapter 18:Memories
Chapter 18: Memories(part 2)
Chapter 19: Shoot him
Chapter 20:I remember
Chapter 21: Run
Chapter 22: Would I...
Chapter 23: Maya?
Chapter 24: I'm really queen?
Not an update
Chapter 25: Grown up?
Chapter 26: Pigs will fly.
2nd book

Chapter 11: bipolar disorder

37 1 0
By makayla8162001

Aiden's Pov

"Give it to me," I grabbed it out his hands and read it.

Positive. It said positive if I was reading it right. Was I reading it right? Am I reading it right!?

"Am I reading it right?" I asked her before getting my hopes up.

She finally looked up at me and nodded. Without thinking I brought her into me and squeezed. She laughed in my arms.

"Sorry to interrupt but we have a meeting and everyone is waiting outside," Alpha Wright interrupted.

I pulled away from Mia and kissed her cheek. She smiled at me and turned walking out the door.

"Oh, and Luke, this is Paige. Don't tell the pack yet Paige. I'll tell them during the meeting. Its a surprise," she laughed again.

She was such an abnormal Luna. Most Luna's dress classy and have perfect manners. This Luna is constantly calling me a dumbass and idiot. She wears jogging pants and baggy clothes. That's why I loved her though. Mia Wright was something.

I smiled and followed her out the door. It was funny because it hasn't hit me yet. I was going to have another child and it still has not hit me.

"Kidd, is everyone here?" Alpha Wright asked standing on a wooden stage outside the pack house.

Kidd nodded and looked back over the crowd. She was either the first woman third command or she was just a helper.

"Okay well as you know Mia has found her mate and he will be turning into an alpha today, but Mia has some news that she wants to give out right now," he smiled and turned back to Mia. It was the first time I actually saw him smile. It must be fake for the crowd. He didn't want them to know he was dying.

They must know though. They must know that something is wrong though. I'm becoming an alpha so early. Why would that be? How they haven't asked him yet is beyond me?

"Okay this is hard because I kinda just found out but...I'll just let you meet my mate first. A...Luke," she cursed herself in her head for almost using my real name.

I stood beside her towards the front of the stage and stared down at everyone. Aiden Barnes did not have stage fright but this was a little overwhelming, especially since I'm only nineteen and only twenty one at mind.

"She's pregnant," I said into the microphone because she was most likely going to stall.

Her face turned bright red and she playfully hit me.

"You won't wait for me to say anything," she complained over the excited cheers of the pack.

"If you don't say it the first time then you'll never say it. You're an open book to me Mia Lana Wright," I smiled at her and some people awed bringing me back to reality.

"Luke, are you ready to become the alpha of this pack?" Alpha Wright asked.

I stared at him for awhile before nodding. Kidd handed him a knife and he cut his hand then handed it to me. I pierced my palm and he placed our hands together.

From his eyes I could see the power leaving them as they became weaker. My grip on his hand tightened and I could feel myself becoming mentally and physically stronger. Just like an alpha should be.

"Alpha alpha alpha alpha," I heard a chant through my mind link before it was cut off. My wolf was still mad at me for some reason.

"Go, you...everyone can go," it was getting harder for alpha Wright to stand up, or was it just Logan Wright now?

"Sir, take the alpha title back. You need it more then I do," I whispered. We were far enough from the pack that they couldn't hear me.

"Aiden Barnes, it's time that I let go and die," he held my hand tighter.

"How?" I asked looking back at Mia. We hid it pretty well. How did he know?

Mia was too busy talking to Paige and Kidd to notice us talking. Kit stood off to the side by her sister, not ready to apologize to Mia yet.

"A month after she woke up from the six month coma, I told her that you died. Over that whole month it was like she went downhill. Doing drugs, drinking, picking fights with anyone,"he paused to take in a deep breath,"She went to the doctors for a check up at the hospital. The doctors told me that she lost so much weight, you could see it on her. It was unhealthy. She stopped eating. They told me the back of her legs and arms were full of cuts. They prescribed her depression medication. I had to put it in her coffee because she wouldn't eat anything. Everything she ate reminded her of you. The medication didn't work of course. At one point she refused to take care of Aaron. That lasted for three days. He looked so much like you. The pack was talking about naming someone else as Luna if she didn't straighten up. I talked to her and she told me that without you, she can't live. She planned to kill herself. She told me that when she does find a mate that she's going to let him become alpha and step down as Luna-"

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked cutting him off.

"Be patient boy," he snapped then sighed,"I took her journal one time. The one under her dresser. She was planning to kill herself right down to where, how, and what she was going to do with Aaron. He was only three months old at the time. She was going to give him to your father. Mia told me that she would reject her mate.

"I was surprised when she meet you. She told me the only person she could love was Aiden Barnes but when she meet Luke Conway I knew something was off about you. When my daughter used to go on dates when you were Aiden, I watched. That is how I know for a fact that you are Aiden Barnes. I was there when Alpha Camden killed you for his own amusement. He's sick. I'm ready for his daughter to take over. It wasn't right to kill you, but I couldn't stop it. All I've ever wanted was for Mia to be happy again before I died and you made that made it possible. You made my death wish possible Aiden Barnes."

"You made my death wish possible Aiden Barnes."

I stared at him after the speech. He knew who I was. I was the druggie boy he was talking about. He didn't tell Alpha Camden about his suspicions because he wanted to make Mia happy. He wanted her happy before he died.

"I need to go," he backed away from me and left me in a shocked state while staring at nothing. Some members came to shake my hand. My hand moved apart from my brain. My lips even betrayed me.

They congratulated me and told me their names. I still stared at nothing until Mia came up and stood in front of me.

"Luke," I murmured and held my hand out. She stared at me before shaking me back to the real world.

"Aiden, are you okay? You look sick," she reached up and put her hand over my forehead. I pulled away from her.

"What are you talking about? You look sick," I said just as her face became pale and she grabbed my arms to keep from falling.

"I'm fine. It's just this is so overwhelming," she only shook her head and walked away from me after telling me she wanted to talk to someone.

I watched her before running back to the pack house and running up the stairs. I ran up the stairs to her room. Once in the room I got on my hands and knees and pulled a book from underneath the dresser that Mr. Wright was telling me about.

When I flipped through it half of the pages were ripped out. She didn't throw them away did she?

I put the book down and began searching through the draws. I searched through the closet. Nothing until I searched through the bathroom.

Underneath the bath rug was a title that was slightly higher then the others. I didn't know how I didn't notice at first. I bent down and pulled the tile off. The pages were there. There was so many of them. I picked them up and flipped thought it.

Drear journal, My dad just told me that I need to get my act together. He doesn't understand what it feels like to lose Aiden. Yes, he lost my mother but he only lost my mother. I lost my mother and my best friend. I lost Aiden, my other best friend. My boyfriend. I'm losing my dad, I'll have no one left. I know where I'm going to do it. I'm going to take a bullet to my brain.

Dear journal, I got in a fight with Kit today. She told me that I was a drug addict and had drinking problems. I punched her in the face before she could finish her sentence. She brought up Aaron. Told me that my mate was going to reject me because I have him. I told her I didn't care. I'm going to reject my mate first anyways. I screamed and told her that I was going to kill myself. She looked at me like I was crazy before running to the pack house to tell my father. I have the gun today. I hid it in the back of my closet.

I put the papers back on the ground and went to the closet. I pulled at the top of the closet. The wallpaper peeled off and I took the box out. It was the gun she was talking about all black and shiny.

"I see that you found my letters," I turned around seeing Mia leaning against the door staring at the box in my hand.

"Mia, we need to talk," I put the box on the desk and turned to her. She continued to stare at the box.

"I took the gun to my head once. I could never pull the trigger," it was like all the emotion was sucked out of her body. She talked to me like it was something normal.

"Take off your pants," I ordered. She looked down at the jogging pants and started to slowly pull them down.

I traced the scars on her thighs. A lot of them were new. When I finished tracing them I looked back at her.

"Why did you do this for my death? I didn't deserve any of that. I was a druggie. We could've never been together," I hugged her as emotion was coming to her face again.

"I loved you. I couldn't live with anyone but you. I didn't care what you were. I just loved you," she pushed away from me,"I don't understand why you came back. Why would you want to come back to this?! Did you do it for Cameron? I knew she was your mate when you watched her. You sure didn't do it for me. You didn't even remember me," she took the box and brought the gun to her head before I could stop her. Tears ran down her face as she laid her finger on the trigger.

"Look at me Mia, you know I always tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth right now," I started to panic. I knew Mia and if she really wanted to do something, she would do it," I thought I was in love with Cameron, but then I met you and I had no idea who you were but I already love you. I'm speaking from Aiden Barnes. You know that I don't use the word love much, but Mia I walked into the forest after everyone told me not to because I thought you were dead. You made me quit smoking! You made me sober Mia!"

I paced around the room while screaming. She dropped the gun to the ground and stared at me.

"Aiden, they diagnosed me with a bipolar disorder. I'm suicidal Aiden. Do you know that when Aaron was three month old that I refused to look at him for three days? Sometimes I'm so happy and then other days it's like a rainy day," she crossed her arms and looked down at the gun lying on the ground.

"Mia, just cry like you want to. I know you're strong. It's okay to cry," I hugged her. Her hot tears ran down my shoulder.

"Aiden I-" she was cut off by some ringing that went through the pack house.

Her eyes widened and I stared at her confused. She went for the gun on the ground.

"Rogue warning, there's a rogue or rogues on pack territory," she explained while pulling open a window. She switched back to Luna so quick it caught me off guard.

Every woman in the yard ran to shelter while the men were starting to shift. I grabbed Mia and dragged her to the bed.

"Stay here. Do not move...I love you," I kissed her forehead and pushed her underneath with the gun still in her hand.

"I love you Aiden Barnes," she whispered just as I walked out the door.

My wolf realized that everyone was in trouble and switched on my mind link as I shifted.

"Where are they?" I asked following other pack members.

"Towards the gate, but Alpha be careful, we're sitting here and no ones attacking," Beta Paige replied. Confusion ran through the link before I picked up speed.

Sitting at the gate were a pack of rogues. It was so abnormal. Rouges didn't work together. Their brains couldn't function in a pack with a ruler. That's the reason they were kicked out of their own packs. The definition of rogue was practically crazy werewolves out for blood.

The crowd parted as I walked through and started shifting back. Beta Paige who also shifted back and threw me some basketball shorts.

"Shift," I ordered them. The other group shifted and untied shorts from their legs to put on.

Their crowd parted and what I assumed to be the rogue leader stepped forward. His black eyes calculated every move I made to keep distance between us.

"Alpha Barnes, it's good to finally meet you," he started. I growled and continued to stare at his every move,"I want the child. The girl too."

"You're going to have to be specific," I snapped.

He shook his finger at me,"Dear alpha, you just became alpha today. This isn't even half of my pack. If you get on my bad side it won't be very good for you."

"Be specific rogue."

"I want your Luna and the baby she carries."

"She doesn't carry a child," I lied but hopefully he wouldn't notice it. He was older then me though giving him more experience.

"You have a spy in your pack," he chuckled though it lacked humor. When he snapped his hands a silver wolf walked from my crowd to his. I couldn't tell who it was but my pack knew.

"Kit. Kit. Kit," her name echoed in my head. That was Kit. Kidd's twin sister. She was the spy but why? Is her sister loyal to them also.

"Attack!" The alpha roared as he started to shift. I shifted also and each group ran for the other.


There's a place for us by Carrie Underwood.

Max Carver as Paige Williams.

I believe that everyone has a place in the world and everyone is beautiful in their on way. Not everyone can be beautiful on the outide. Most the time it's better to be beautiful in the inside.

Stay beautiful.


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