Book Two - Just Enjoying My L...

By LisaStanbridge

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Book Two of The Price of Love Series (Book One is titled 'In Love With Mr Wilson') Entering a new relationsh... More

A message from meeeee :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6a
Chapter 6b
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
A final note from me and updates on the progress of the series

Chapter 9

2.6K 79 10
By LisaStanbridge

Hi everyone, here is chapter 9. I'm so happy I got to update quicker this time. Yay me! I hope you enjoy. Happy reading :)

Oh this is a little longer, I hope you don't mind. It's time to get to know another character.


I change my shoes into something a little more appropriate then run out of my room. As I’m waiting for the elevator the bus driver stands next to me. We nod in greeting but neither of us speak. I’ve only seen him from a distance, I can’t really say ‘hi I’m Emily, I’m on the tour you’re driving the bus for’. Weird.

“Hi, I’m Jason Hill.” He greets, holding out a hand. “I’m the bus driver.”

Ok so either it’s ok to greet someone randomly you’ve only seen from a distance or he’s a complete wacko. He’s dressed in black dress pants and a freshly ironed black shirt. His curls are not so unruly which I suspect is as a result of some sort of hair treatment. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but most men don’t like admitting they use hairspray or mousse or any other product. Ok when I say most men I really only mean Sam and Simon but they’re as macho as they come.

Anyway, back to Jason here, he looks completely different from when I first saw him. I guess it’s because I’m seeing him up close. He’s very good looking in fact, now that I look at him closely. He has a baby look about him and when I look into his eyes I have to stop myself from going ‘awwwww’. He has the longest lashes I have ever seen and his eyes are a unique aqua blue colour. They are so unusual yet beautiful. When he smiles he looks like a shy little boy and a dimple appears in his left cheek. He’s just so cute and cuddly I almost want to pinch his cheeks!

Of course I don’t. Instead I take his extended hand and say, “Emily Reichelt.”

The elevator arrives and we step inside.

“I presume we’re going to the same location?” Jason asks with a half-smile.

“If you’re going to dine with us, then yes. Where else can we go that’s not on the ground floor?”

He presses the ground floor button then says, “Well that’s a good question. I guess we could suss out the other rooms. What do you think? We could go hiding in the little alcoves and when someone goes out, sneak into their rooms and see whose room is better.”

I laugh. “Now that could be fun!”

His eyes glint with mischief. “How about it? After dinner we can sneak around each floor and check out rooms. I know level 12 has all the uber rich people staying there.”

I can feel my eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

He nods, his curls bouncing. “What’s a holiday without a bit of fun, eh?”

“But how will we get in? No one leaves their rooms unless they know they’ve locked the door.”

He holds out a key card and grins. “I have a key card that unlocks all doors.”

“How did you get hold that?”

“It was just a mistake I think. When they were assigning cards they must have accidentally done something that made this like a skeleton key card.”

“Shouldn’t you take it back?”

“Perhaps but it’s too much fun.”

“I hope you’re not a thief.” I suddenly feel a little uneasy knowing he has access to all the rooms. “I don’t want you stealing my stuff.”

He laughs a low throaty and surprisingly sexy laugh. “Stop being so paranoid, Emily. I’m just having a little fun. So are you up for it?”

How can I say no to such a request? After all I’m here to have fun, right? The lift arrives at the ground floor.

“Of course.” I whisper.

“Meet me on the roof.” He whispers back and powerwalks off.

I meet up with the rest of the group and we walk into the dining area. I think I’m going to like Jason.

We have dinner in a restaurant connected to the hotel. It’s buffet style and the food is divine. They have provided us with an array of Spanish food and I have never tasted anything so delicious. Needless to say I eat way too much and right now I feel so bloated. Looking down at my tummy it looks twice the size. My god! I look pregnant! No, no I do not want to look pregnant.

Sitting up straight in my chair I try to hide my belly. I’m so glad I’m wearing a dress. Sadly sitting up straight doesn’t help, in fact I feel quite sick.

Oooh dessert! Look at all that chocolate!

My stomach starts to churn, reminding me I’ve reached my quota for the night. Nope, I really shouldn’t be looking or even contemplating dessert. To take my mind off of my sickie feeling, I take a look around our table. The group of oldies we’re with aren’t so bad. Well apart from Graham. He’s not a nice person, I’ve decided. After he snapped at me on the bus I disliked him anyway but ever since he’s been glaring at me and sticking his nose up at me. Bastard.

Before dinner we all introduced each other and I’m proud to say I remember everyone’s names! The twin sisters are called Marilyn and Merilyn… don’t ask. They gave a five minute speech on why their parents called them that and quite frankly I don’t care to elaborate. It’s all quite boring, something to do with how it sounds. They’re lovely ladies though and a lot of fun to be around. Since we’ve started eating, the entire table has been constantly talking or laughing. It’s all thanks to them really, they always seem to know what to say to make people feel at ease.

The other lady is called Dorothy and she’s a real sweetie. She’s very shy and talks so quietly you have to strain to listen to her. I feel sorry for her because at the table she just sits with her head down. When we sat down for dinner, I had initially planned to sit next to Sam to then remembered he wouldn’t be showing up. Graham is there though so I’m stumped as to why Sam decided not to be. Perhaps he’s trying to ignore his father? So that’s who I ended up next to Dorothy. She’s not a big talker but we’ve talked a bit and it makes me feel better knowing she’s not feeling left out.

Man number one, known as Laurence, is sitting on the other side of Dorothy and I am convinced he fancies her. They got on well earlier but their friendly banter seems to have ceased now. He’s tried to hold a conversation with her but she only really responds small smiles. I wonder if me being here is hindering the conversation. Perhaps I’ll excuse myself earlier. After all I do have an excuse, I am super full and I have to meet up with Jason.

The second man, aka Vizzini, is actually known as Herbert. He’s sitting opposite me so I’ve spoken to him a bit and he’s nice. I don’t giggle around him anymore thank god! It helps that he’s dressed differently now so he looks less like Vizzini. Although his lisp will always put me off and make me giggle. If I ever get to know him well enough I’m going to ask him if he’s ever seen The Princess Bride. Just because I can.

The third man is known as Terrence. He is sitting next to Herbert and they seem to have become instant friends. It’s a good thing really because Terrence is extremely boring and I find it very difficult to talk to him.

And the fourth man? Well, let’s not go there. So far on this trip he has kept Sam to himself which is annoying me no end. The sooner I get Sam alone the better. I want to know why he’s so embarrassed of me. Although after a bit of thinking I’m starting to wonder if it’s not embarrassment as such but perhaps he just feels awkward. After all if he hasn’t seen his father for a long time it would be a little strange saying ‘hi Dad this is my girlfriend, she’s only eighteen’. Hmmmm. Perhaps I shouldn’t have overreacted so much. Then again, it was all a bit intense. We need to talk, that’s all there is to it and I intend to do that tonight.

From the corner of my eye I see someone waving like a maniac and spot Jason leaving the restaurant. He winks at me and I nod to show I understand. I’m so excited! We’re going to go snooping in other people’s rooms! Ok, ok it’s wrong on so many levels but it’s not like we’re stealing anything.

As I’m about to leave I see Sam arrive. What is he doing here? He catches my eye, smiles slightly and shrugs. Obviously something changed his mind. Well he smiled at me so perhaps it means he wants to talk. I excuse myself then stand up and walk away deciding that once Jason and I have finished our sneaking I’ll definitely give Sam a visit. It’s a good thing I bought some sexy lingerie with me, I’m thinking I might even pay him a sexy visit.

Before I manage to get away someone grabs my arm. I spin around and see an excitable Nancy, so excitable in fact that her eyes are shining and her curls are bouncing.

“What are you so excited about?” I ask.

Nancy squeals and embraces me. “Archi’s taking me out clubbing tonight!”

“Clubbing? But that’s not like a date or anything, right?”

“Well no but it’s close enough.” She looks around her then lowers her voice and says, “He’s hinted at more, if you know what I mean.”

Alarm bells instantly go off. “Nan, are you sure? It’s very sudden.”

“I know, I know but I really feel like he’s genuine.” She looks at me with pleading eyes. “Please trust me, Em. We have a connection!”

I sigh. “I do trust you, Nan. I just worry about you.”

“This is why I love you, Em. You’re such a good friend.” Nancy looks behind her then waves at someone then turns back to me and says, “Archi is waving for me to come over. I have to run. What are you up to now?”

I grin mischievously. “I’m going sneaking.”


“I’ll explain later. Have fun tonight.”

We go our separate ways and I powerwalk to the elevators. I get in and press the button to the roof, my mind thinking of Nancy. I can’t help but worry about her. It’s been so long since she’s been in a relationship and I’m afraid she’s going ahead with this just because. As hot as Archi is, something isn’t right. No I’m not being a jealous friend, it’s just a feeling. Still, I’m not about to be one of those friends that stops her from doing anything. I will be there for her and if anything goes wrong I’ll offer her a shoulder. She has to make her own mistakes, right?

When the elevator arrives, I step out into a small corridor. I follow it to a door that leads me to the roof. I step out and am hit with a cold blast of wind. Why on earth am I wearing this dress? It’s so not appropriate! Oh yeah, it’s Nancy’s fault. I really need to go clothes shopping tomorrow, I don’t want to spend my days freezing my ass off.


I spin around and spot Jason standing next to the door.

“Are you ready to go snooping?” He asks with a wink.

I nod then say, “You’re not some psychopath are you? I just want to get it out there. After all if we’re going about snooping, it will probably bring us together as friends. I need to know who you really are.”

He laughs. “I’m entirely legitimate, I promise. I’m from Australia, like yourself, and have been bus driving for two years. I decided to travel and picked up this job. I drive at all your destinations and it pays very well. Besides I get all the perks you guys get so I can’t complain. I do have one little confession though.”

“Go on. Let’s get all confessions out before we start this exercise.”

“Well, I sort of wanted to meet you because I saw your friend and was hoping you could introduce her to me.”

Ah so he has the hots for Nancy. I wondered. I can’t help but feel a little put out though. He doesn’t want to meet me for me. Am I that boring? Nah I don’t think I am, I’m just not Nancy. She’s such a good friend and I love her but seriously, it’s situations like this that make me so envious of her. Yes I’ve got Sam, I don’t need the attention of other men but sometimes it’s nice to be admired. I’ve never had that. Well, apart from Sam. Push him aside and I’ve never had anyone head over heels for me and begging for my attention. Nancy gets it frequently. It just shows how plain I really am.

Anyway, now is not the time to worry about that. Jason’s a cool guy, I can still become friends with him while trying to get Nancy to fancy him.

I smile then say, “Well it’s nice to know I’m good for something.”

Jason’s face crosses with guilt. “Gosh I’m sorry, that sounds really low, doesn’t it? I’m sure we’ll be great friends but I sort of like your friend, not you.”

I loop my arm through his and we walk toward the door. “Well it’s a good thing I don’t get offended easily, Jas. And it’s a good thing I’m already taken otherwise I could be heartbroken right now.”

We arrive at the elevator and Jason pushes the button. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re really pretty but I like red heads. Always have really.”

“Stop justifying yourself, it’s fine. I appreciate the compliment but don’t say it because you feel you have to.”

“I don’t, I mean it.” His face turns red. “I’m botching this up a little, aren’t I?”

“Yep, I’m afraid so. But I like you so I’ll forgive you. Let’s be bestest friends forever!”

The elevator arrives and we step in. Jason laughs then says, “So? Will you introduce me to your friend?”

“Of course I will. Now where are we headed first?”

He grins and presses a button. “The penthouse.”

“Are you sure they won’t be in?”

He taps the side of his nose. “Trust me.”

“You’re not telling me something are you?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“How do you know all of this? It can’t just be a simple mistake from the reception staff. I can’t imagine them making such a silly mistake.”

The elevator stops and rather than answering, Jason holds a finger up to his lips and gestures me to follow him. I don’t know why we have to be quiet if they’re not in but I follow his lead anyway. The elevator dings behind us then hums as it moves down the shaft. Everything is silent and I look around me. My mouth drops open. The penthouse is modern and absolutely stunning! Everything is glass and I mean everything. The only thing that’s not glass is the frames. Otherwise it’s just glass, glass and more glass. I walk over to the windows and look out. It has a perfect view of Madrid which is so breathtaking at night.

When we first walk into the apartment we enter the main lounge area which is decorated with black and white furnishings. To the left is the kitchen sectioned off with, wait for it, glass and also black and white furnishings. To the right is a separate bedroom and bathroom. As beautiful as it is I wouldn’t want to stay here. I’d feel uneasy having no privacy because there are no curtains or blinds. It’s quite disconcerting.

Jason whistles and shakes his head. “It’s certainly something.”

We start walking around the apartment and inspect things.

“You can say that again. Although I do feel exposed. Are you sure no one knows we’re here or can see us?” I look out the window and see another hotel opposite us. It’s taller than the motel we’re in and I can see through to the other rooms. “I mean if we can see them surely they can see us.”

Jason raises his eyebrows. “So what? How would they know this isn’t our room? Besides it’s not like we’re getting up to anything, is it?”

I giggle nervously. “Good point I suppose.”

This is probably the most daring thing I have ever done. Yes we’re only sneaking around people’s rooms but that’s just it! We’re sneaking around people’s rooms without their knowledge. We’re not doing anything illegal… hmmm then again. Oh stuff it! I don’t care, this is just a bit of fun after all.

“I get special access.” Jason says.


“In answer to your question before. As bus driver I get special access, or a skeleton key card I guess you can say. I’ve never known why really, it’s not like I take people’s luggage to their room but I get given it.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “And you abuse it?”

He grins. “Perhaps but you’re here with me, you have to agree it’s fun. I’ve never stolen a thing, I just like to see how the rich people live.”

I walk back to the elevator and press the button. “Well I’m impressed but I’m not astounded. I wouldn’t want to stay in a room that has no curtains. Take me to the next place.”

For the next hour we sneak into so many rooms I lose track. It’s silly really but I’m having a blast. Apart from the penthouse, the rest of the rooms are fairly similar but it’s fun to sneak around and see what goodies people have. Although I can’t believe what some people travel with.

Jason is a lot of fun to be around and we’ve become instant friends. I’m trying to think of a way to introduce him to Nancy but I’m not sure how. She’s completely Archi obsessed at the moment so I think I’ll wait until she’s over that phase.

It’s just after eleven and we’re checking out our final room which just happens to be a honeymoon suite. The room looks and smells clean so I have a hunch the newly married couple will be arriving immediately after the wedding. The room is pretty standard but it has been nicely decorated, honeymoon style. The bed is covered in red rose petals, a large bunch of flowers sit on the table by the French doors leading out to the balcony and next to that is a bottle of champagne. The real expensive stuff. I’m so tempted to open it, I love champagne, but I don’t.

Checking my watch and noticing we’ve been here for 15 minutes already, I start to get jumpy. Most weddings end between now and midnight and I don’t particularly want to get caught. Besides, I’m getting tired. I have been running on adrenalin since we arrived and while the little sleep I had earlier helped; now I’m just zonked. I guess being tired doesn’t help my jumpiness.

“We should go.” I whisper urgently to Jason. “It’s eleven fifteen, they might turn up any minute!”

“Stop stressing, Em!” He hushes with a grin. “You’re so paranoid.”

“Do you blame me? It’s been fun, don’t get me wrong but I think it’s time to skedaddle.”

Jason ignores me and wanders over to the table where the flowers and champagne are. He picks up the bottle and whistles.

“Remind me to come here for my honeymoon.” He says, reading the back of the label. “This is good stuff.”

I go over to take it from him. “Yes it’s wonderful stuff, now let’s go.”

He snatches the bottle away from me. “I’m not done yet. This is the genuine moet from France. I tried this years ago!”

I try to snatch it from him again but miss and stumble forward into the table. The flowers almost go flying but I manage to steady them in time.

“You must have only been a kid.” I say lunging for the bottle again. “Will you give it to me? We have to go!”

He holds it up high so I can’t reach. “Not yet I said. I like you, Em but you’re really paranoid.”

“I just know they’re going to be here soon, I want to go!” I start jumping for the bottle and feel like a little yappy dog.

Jason laughs and keeps the bottle out of my reach. “You’re a funny girl. I’m not stopping you from going. If you want to go, you go.”

“Give it to me.” I say jumping up and managing to touch the bottom of the bottle. “I’m not going without you. I don’t want you getting caught either, I sort of like you. As a friend of course.”

I swear Jason is enjoying my discomfort way too much. I’m jumping but continue to fail to get the bottle from him. I feel like a right old fool. I don’t know why I keep jumping because I know I won’t get the bottle. Perhaps it’s the thought that the more I jump, the more chances I have at getting it.

“Aw you’re so sweet.” He taunts, holding his other hand over his heart. “We’ll go in a minute.”

“No, we’ll go now.”

As I jump for the bottle again, the inevitable happens. My feet touch the ground but one foot lands on the other and I stumble. My whole weight lands against the table and the flowers go flying. The way I’ve landed means I can’t move quickly which also means I fail to save them. The smash of the vase startles Jason and the bottle of champagne slips from his fingers. Everything turns to slow motion and I watch helplessly as the bottle slips from his fingers. We both reach out for it, we feel the glass between our fingers but it’s too late. Everything speeds up and the bottle hits the ground with an almighty smash.

For a moment there is complete silence as we stare at the mess on the floor. There is water and flowers and shattered glass everywhere. My feet and legs are covered in champagne bubbles.

I suddenly start laughing maniacally. I don’t know what causes it. It may be the shock. It may be the tickling on my legs as the bubbles fizz and pop. Either way I can’t stop. Jason starts laughing too and in no time we’re both doubled over. Every time we stop and look at the mess, it just makes us laugh even harder. It’s not funny, seriously it’s not. We’ve just broken hundreds of dollars’ worth of honeymoon paraphernalia. Yet somehow thinking that makes it even funnier.

We must both have extremely acute hearing because we both stop laughing at the same time. It’s the silent hum that does it. The elevators are a little way away but the sound is crystal clear. The slight hum as it moves up the shaft. The sudden ding as it stops on this floor. There is another silence then suddenly... laughter. Happy laughter that belonged to a newly married couple.

I start to whisper something but Jason holds a hand over my mouth, shaking his head as though to tell me not to speak.

The talking is muffled and sounds further away. I can only hope they’re not coming to this room. It stops for a moment then there’s a giggle and more talking. This time it’s closer. There’s silence again then more talking but this time it’s outside the door. The doorhandle rattles and I gasp.

“We have to go!” I whisper. “What are we going to do?”

He looks around desperately. “I have no idea!”

The doorhandle rattles again and we stop.

“Where’d you put the card?” A woman’s voice says.

“I put it in my pocket, I swear.” A man’s voice responds, obviously very drunk.

“Quick!” I persist. Jason opens the French doors and I gasp. “I am not climbing down the side of the building!”

He turns back to me and shakes his head. “I wasn’t intending on doing that.”

I can hear the card slide in and out of the slot. The doorhandle rattles again but it doesn’t open.

“They’re having problems getting in.” I say, relief evident in my voice.

Jason has pushed the French doors open the whole way and pulled the curtain over the table. It makes it look as though the doors were left open and the wind made the curtain knock everything over. It’s unlikely but hopefully they’re too drunk and turned on to notice.

Jason grabs my hand and pulls me toward the closet. “Come on!”

“Oh no you don’t!” I say trying to stop him but failing. “I’m not hiding in there.”

“What else do you plan to do?”

I cast an eye around the room but I have no time to think up another plan as the door starts to open. Crap!

We have no choice, we make a final dash into the closet and squeeze inside just as the bride and groom stumble into the room in a fit of the giggles. My god that was close!

This closet is not a good hiding spot though. It’s so damn small that we’re pressed up against each other and personal space has become a thing of five seconds ago.

“Will you move?” I whisper.

“I can’t!” Jason whispers back.

“Why did you choose the closet of all places?”

“I didn’t see you come up with any bright ideas.”

I huff but don’t say anything. My heart is pounding so hard I’m praying no one else will hear it. Despite everything I have a sudden urge to giggle. It must be adrenalin; surely this is the only reason why I would laugh in such dire circumstances. Then again, now that I can stop and think about it, it is sort of funny. I mean who in their right mind would willingly go snooping around people’s rooms ‘just because’? Let’s put it this way, until today even I have never considered it! So the answer to that question is this: people like Jason like to go snooping around people’s rooms. Let’s face it; being stuck in a closet with a guy you’ve known less than 24 hours is quite funny. It’s a good thing I don’t fancy him otherwise this would be very awkward.

Through the closet door I can hear the couple talking and giggling. I hear them start to kiss and I can hear little thumps as they throw their clothing over toward the closet. Their breathing becomes heavier as they get into their love making session. I hear a thump as they collapse onto the bed which is only a few feet away from the closet. It’s literally only seconds later before I hear the moaning. Oh god, why did I agree to do this? I don’t want to hear other people having sex!

In an attempt to block out the sounds, I cover my ears but I don’t succeed. They’re too loud and I’d need an iPod at maximum to even start to drown it out. I can feel Jason laughing silently next to me which doesn’t help me trying to control my own laughter.

“Stop laughing!” I whisper again. “You’re not making this very easy.”

This seems to only make him laugh more.

The moaning finally stops then there’s complete silence. Thank god. Now all we need to do is find a way out of here.

“I think they’ve passed out.” Jason whispers next to me.

“How do you know?”

“It’s dead quiet besides I think they were blind drunk. Let’s try and escape.”

“What about the mess?”

“You think I’m going to own up to that? They’re so drunk they’ll wake up in the morning and think it was them.”

I don’t feel confident but I go along with it anyway. He opens the closet door slightly and peeks out. When he steps out, I follow. Sure enough the couple are dead to the world. And naked. I hold a hand up to the side of my face to block the vision and break into a sprint to the door. I open it quietly and step out, Jason not far behind. As soon as the door has shut behind us we lean against the wall and start laughing uncontrollably.

We made it out alive!

“What happened in there?” Jason asks when we finally compose ourselves.

“I have no idea.”

This sets us off laughing again.

“I need to sleep.” I say at last, feeling extremely exhausted. “I’m going back to my room.”

“We have an early start tomorrow, remember?”

“Do we? I missed out on what we were doing because I was late.”

“So was I but I have a copy of the itinerary. We’re leaving at eight for a tour of Madrid and some of the museums.”

I groan. “Do I have to go? Can’t I do my own thing? I want to sleep!”

“I don’t see why not. Just tell me so I don’t leave without you.” He stops and thinks for a moment then says, “Although I’m surprised you don’t want to be around Archi. Most women do.”

He says it so bitterly I figure he is either jealous or there is something about Archi no one knows.

“I’m not denying he’s hot.” I explain. “But I don’t particularly want to letch after him. I’ve got better things to do.”

Jason grins. “Well it’s about time I met someone who felt that way!”

“What’s it about him you don’t like?”

His smile fades and he shakes his head. “I can’t talk about it.”

“Jas -”

He grins, takes my hand and pulls me along. “Come on, time for bed!”

Ok, that’s obviously subject closed. Perhaps it’s better if I don’t ask again. Well for a while at least. In the elevator to our floor, Jason seems really jumpy. I know I disturbed some emotion but I have no idea what. I’m really curious now though and I’m determined to find out.

We reach our floor and Jason walks me to my room.

“Well for what it’s worth, I had fun.” Jason says with a grin. “Despite the little, shall we say, accident.”

I giggle and slap his arm. “That was your fault! If you had just listened to me in the first place it wouldn’t have happened.”

“Whatever. Well good night, Emily.” He turns to walk away but then stops and looks at me. “I know you want to sleep tomorrow but it would be nice if you came along. I need someone to keep my mind off of wanting to punch the lights out of Archi the ‘super-hot Spaniard’.”

He says that last bit in a girly voice. Usually I would laugh but he is so bitter and I’m seeing how much he really dislikes Archi.

“Boy you really are bitter toward him.” I say, mock joking.

His face turns dark but he doesn’t say anything. Rather he says goodnight again then turns and walks away. I look to Sam’s room and decide to go through with my plan and pay him a visit. It’s approaching midnight but I don’t care, it’s time we talk. Before that though, I want to dress up a little. Or should I say dress down?

With a wicked grin, I go into my room. After showering and washing my hair, I change into my sexy lingerie. I bought it not long after Sam and I started going out, just to spice things up a little. I also packed a silk dressing gown which I put over my lingerie. After touching up my now clean hair and makeup, I decide it’s time to go for a visit. Before stepping out of my room, I check to ensure the coast is clear then sprint across to Sam’s room and knock on his door.

I strike the sexiest pose I can manage and wait.

As the door starts to open I say breathily, “Hi there handsome.”

It’s only when the door fully opens that I see who it is.



Did you expect that?? :) Muahahaha! Well I hope you enjoyed. <3

What do you think of Jason?

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