Origin's Story

By luciferlover1234

1.3K 289 65

Oleander Zavola was a werewolf without a pack and a whole lot of history. He was lost and alone. He had to le... More

Origin's Intro
No Direction
A Tour, Not Death
Rush and Indigo
Florida At Breakfast
Welcome Aboard
Hunting For Sharks
Changing Minds
A Good Morning
Calming Fears
Unsolved Problems
Fabian Delgado
The Induction
New Member of the Pack
Not Part of the Plan
I've Got This
The Morning After
First Day of Work
The First Morning
Q and A
Polaris Fabian Sandoval
An Unhappy Visitor
At Home
Dangerous Construction

Summed Up

58 10 7
By luciferlover1234

"Okay. We are going upstairs for lunch. Alanis wanted to feed everyone." Oak walked up the stairs and into a floor that was not messed up. Alanis and Gideon were there with a long table with food on it. She had lights strung on the wall. It was warm and cozy.

"Alanis, this is amazing!" Origin smiled.

They all sat with the humans and ate. Everyone began talking about the fight. They were impressed that Origin killed a vampire and pulled off his head.

Oak laughed. "That was extreme."

Origin nodded. "I know but he was thinking about killing my mate. I thought it was fair. I didn't bite him in half... Dare."

Dare laughed. "I won't apologize either."

One of the men raised his hand. "So, you were the black werewolf?"

Dare smiled. "Yes."

"Remind us not to mess with you!" The man smiled.

Dare watched the humans. "I would never hurt any of you. I'm sorry you saw that. I was protecting my mate. I don't like it when vampires try to kill him." He leaned into Origin and sighed.

Perry sighed. "So, there are werewolves in the city. Oak, you are their leader. Origin, you are his grandson?" Origin nodded. "And a vampire. Your husband is your mate and a werewolf."

"Yes, basically." Origin smiled.

Perry nodded. "That actually makes sense. Explains those creepy eyes!"

Origin smiled and Dare looked surprised. "Are they creepy?"

"So creepy!" Perry smiled.

Dare glared. "I can make them brighter."

Origin laughed. "Not here!"

Oak laughed. "You don't want that because Origin gets carried away to a car or a car wash..." He winked at Dare.

Dare gasped. "That car wash was supposed to be a secret, Origin!"

Origin laughed. "It was so weird that I had to tell someone. I knew that Oak would enjoy it."

Perry watched them kiss. "So, Oak, Sir. You are mated to Polaris?"

Polaris smiled. "Yes. I'm a hunter. I was actually searching for Dare when I met Oak. Here we are."

"He's in charge of the hunters on this side of the States. It's hot!" Oak growled.

Polaris leaned into Oak.

"So, are you Werewolves?" Perry looked at Alanis and Gideon.

Gideon smiled. "No. We are part of the pack but we are Witches. It's more than we should get into tonight."

Perry nodded. "Right. My head might explode!" Some of the men laughed.

Dare chuckled. "Okay. They provided this meal and did their magic thing. I actually don't know what they are capable of. They are the first witches that I met."

Alanis smiled. "We are very capable, Dare."

Gideon sighed.

"So, could you fix this mess with magic?" Perry was curious.

Gideon sighed. "No. I would have to have construction experience to do that. I would have to know where every chunk of concrete came from. I wouldn't risk that.

It took a couple of weeks and endless days but with the help of several packs of werewolves and some vampires, to Oak's surprise, the project was finished on time and the inspection passed without a problem, which almost never happens. Origin was thrilled.

So, the story ends where it began. Origin was in the forest surrounded by werewolves, being held by a certain werewolf, saying vows to the love of his life. He knew it was sappy to have this wedding but he learnedthat vampires had weddings so he was having his wedding.

Origin couldn't take his eyes off his husband as they said their vows and danced in the moonlight. His mom and sisters decorated and made it perfect.

Dare sighed as they danced under twinkle lights. "THis is perfect, Origin."

Origin nodded. "So perfect. We are fighting later, right?"

Dare chuckled. "Our fight will never end, Mate!" He growled at his husband and mate. "You better run!" His eyes flashed a bright orange as his mate ran through the forest, his husband hot on his tail as they both laughed.

Oak chuckled as he ate cake with his mate. "Well, we may never see them again!"

Polaris laughed. "They will be back for food! So, when is he taking his place?" He was talking about Dare.

Oak smiled and laid back, relaxed. "Not soon enough but when it's right. He will be such an asset and I can't wait!" Someone he could talk with and get help from and learn with., his student and son. "I'm so happy that he found his way here."

Polaris smiled and placed a kiss on his mate. "I'm glad we all did!"

The END!

I hope you enjoyed this story as much I did. Thanks for reading and vote and comment Thanks!

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