Angel Of A Morning

By DeeNOss

8.3K 168 18

Kate was an average schoolgirl who once was happy and glowing with life, until she fell victim to bullying an... More

Chapter One: Academy Of Assholes
Chapter Two: Trippy
Chapter Three: Sorrow's Cross
Chapter Four: Date With Kate
Chapter Five: Learning And Loving
Chapter Six: S.O.'s S.O.S.
Chapter Seven: Matthew 11:28
Chapter Eight: Been Through Hell
Chapter Nine: Where Is My Angel?
Chapter Ten: Danger, Danger
Chapter Eleven: Psychosocial Whirlpool
Chapter Twelve: Fly High Butterfly
Chapter Fourteen: Friends And Foes
Chapter Fifteen: Take A Chance On Me
Chapter Sixteen: O Captain, My Captain
Chapter Seventeen: The Rebel In Me
Chapter Eighteen: Dress To Impress
Chapter Nineteen: Twinkling Stars
Chapter Twenty: You And Me Against The World
Chapter Twenty-One: Even Angels Need Angels
Chapter Twenty-Two: Acceptance
Chapter Twenty-Three: Make A Sinner Out Of You
Chapter Twenty-Four: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Twenty-Five: If You Can Dodge A Wrench
Chapter Twenty-Six: Viral Video Gone Wrong
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Good Impression
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Fame For Shame
Chapter Thirty: A New Chapter In Our Lives
Chapter Thirty-One: A Whole New World
Chapter Thirty-Two: Revelations Resolutions
Chapter Thirty-Three: Welcome To The Family
Chapter Thirty-Four: One Last Time
Chapter Thirty-Five: Family Pt. I
Chapter Thirty-Six: Family Pt. II
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Family Pt III

Chapter Thirteen: A New Leaf

209 3 0
By DeeNOss

Kate was hesitant to accept the request but indulged nonetheless due to her curiosity getting the better of her. She proceeded to examine his media page to observe his background in order to get a better idea of who was interested in her. There were quite a number of interests that Kate liked when a notification sound stole her attention to a message she received from (Y/n). The tab flashed every second which drew Kate all the more. 

Hi, Kate!
I understand we didn't have the best first greeting in class. You appeared as if you wanted to read all 2000 chapters of the Bible :P
I hope life has been treating you well lately
I'm quite new to Blackwell, so the only friends I got rn is Max - such a nice person
How are you?

Chatting with the new student in her class made Kate uneasy as she wasn't going to let herself be so vulnerable, especially after the last time. As she read over the messages a second time, Kate found her words and gave her response to his greeting.

Greetings, (Y/n)!
It's actually 1189 pages to be precise ;D
I just haven't been feeling well lately, so I apologise if I rubbed you the wrong way about me
I'm actually quite nice when you get to know me

Oh, I do hope you are hanging in there - whatever it is you're going through, I'm praying for you
I'm not quite one on faith but I do believe in God
Do you go to church regularly?

Yes, actually!
But since I've been at Blackwell Academy this past month, I haven't been able to physically attend because of my studies
I understand it's your first day at Blackwell, but how are you finding it thus far?

It's certainly something
I gtg

Leaning back in her chair, Kate laid back and undid the hairband so her dirty-haired locks hung below her shoulders. She let out a long exhale and pulled her head back so she was facing her laptop screen. Kate pulled her head down and pushed her laptop back before plugging in her earphones with the purpose of listening to relaxing music so that she could simultaneously complete homework.

Now leaning forward, Kate rested one hand on her desk while the other held her book steady as she scribbled on the pages of her book. By continuing her homework, Kate was able to get it all done by dinner time. Even after what Victoria said to her, she was still hesitant to walk outside her door. Kate left her room to have a snack to fill up her stomach before she would return to her dorm and brush her teeth.

The moon was high in the sky when Kate completed the rest of her daily activities. After completing a few extra chores, Kate was ready for bed. Her sleep that night was a fairly settled as soon as her head hit the pillow. But while all good things lasted as they did, it wasn't long before Kate's nightmares settled in; the trauma she felt from public backlash to her video. In the dead of the night, Kate jumped awake and found herself coated in sweat.

The dirty-haired blonde panted as her bedsheets slipped down into her lap. Upon checking the time to find that it was past midnight, Kate took deep breaths to compose her breathing as she got up out of her bed and tip-toed to her door, peeking her head out of her room to check whether anybody might've been out and about at that time, even if the chances were like finding a chicken with teeth.

Regardless, she remained on guard when she headed for the girl's bathroom. Kate lurked through the hall like a spectre as she entered the girl's bathroom to have a drink of water from the tap. By running the tap and sticking her closed hands underneath the chilly water, Kate shivered at the touch of the cold liquid before she leaned over and took a sip from the tiny pool of water in the palms of her hand.

The feeling of relief felt good to Kate and by doing so she felt no stress come over her whatsoever. Kate then splashed her face before looking up at her reflection in the mirror where she noticed a red smudge on the mirror to her right. She wasn't quite sure what was supposed to be written there but wherever it was, it was gone. It was only then that Kate recalled noticing a red smudge on Max's hand from earlier that day during Mr Jefferson's arrest.

Kate trusted Max with her life but there were times when Kate felt so down on her luck that any motivation to confide in that person who cared for her. It made sense to Kate that Max was always looking out for her - even in times when Max had the most difficulty in looking out for herself. By concluding her business in the bathroom, Kate returned to her room and immediately went straight back to bed where she fell into slumber almost a minute later.


Come morning, Kate woke up refreshed and almost ready for another day. Feeling the need for a shower, Kate took with her a toothbrush and her toothpaste with her on her way to the girl's bathroom after tying up her hair. Upon stepping foot out of her room, the hallway offered a chill that pricked the soles of Kate's feet. She could hear people wide awake in their rooms when she walked down a bit before she hit a corner and made her way into the girl's bathroom.

The room was dead silent when Kate wandered over to the middle sink and brushed her teeth first when she heard the door to the bathroom open. Kate craned her head to see who'd entered the bathroom right before she did when she felt at ease upon recognising the familiar geeky photographer that was her friend, Max Caulfield. The two girls briefly made eye contact and waved shyly at one another before resuming their business.

Max walked into the second shower stall and took her shower while Kate finished up her business when they heard the door open. The appearance of Victoria and Taylor made Kate's heart drop in her chest as she felt her heart drop in her chest as the two girls with a brighter shade of blonde wandered over to the two vacant sinks Kate was between and mind their own business by applying make-up and said nothing. Out of the blue, Victoria spoke.

"Good sleep, Kate?" Victoria asked randomly, addressing the dirty-haired.

Kate's head perked up from her slouched stance and gawked at the short-haired blonde woman who was too focused on applying a redder shade of lipstick on her mouth to bother sparing Kate even a quick glance.

"Y-Yeah... You?" Kate stammered in response, to which the two girls around her found amusement but kept it to themselves.

"Just worried about Nathan, if I'm being honest. But I couldn't ever think that he could do something like that. Sure, I knew he had issues, but pulling out a gun on someone?" Victoria gossiped. 

Kate hesitated to answer as bring in the same room with the two girls for too long wasn't helping Kate cope with her anxiety. So in haste, Kate brushed her teeth and made as limited responses as she could before she ducked off into the shower stall where Max took her place outside. Victoria looked her way and sent the brunette a gentle smile as Max left the room to return to hers. After just coming out of the shower, Max felt good about that Friday.

With no more Mr Jefferson to worry about, Max was able to play through life without any rewinds. It was still through her good intentions that she wanted Kate and (Y/n) to hook up, but things proved difficult because of the loss of her childhood best friend. Chloe's funeral was that Sunday so Max had time to prepare for the day. Added to that, school would go on normally while a select few were allowed to attend the funeral, being those who were close to Chloe.

When Max returned to her room, she changed into the same clothes she would always wear and headed out of her dorm to have breakfast that morning. It would be the same every other day, especially since she was blindly repeating events that transpired previously. The brunette walked out of the dormitory building and across into the campus cafeteria where it was filled with students who had also got up around the same time as she.

Her wandering eyes could not locate and identify the dirty-haired blonde she was looking for so Max appeared lost. She was, however, able to locate the long-haired boy she was looking for until she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Max was frightened when she caught her friend Warren in her company. His presence almost caused Max to jump out of her skin but his apologetic greeting helped put her at ease slightly. 

"You really scared me, Warren." Max chuckled nervously as she caught her breath. "Wanna go grab a seat while I grab us breakfast?" 

"Sure. Where do you want to sit?" 

"Over there with (Y/n)." 

"With (Y/n)? Why?" Warren questioned. 

"He's new here and clearly he hasn't made any friends. So why don't we become his new friends? Besides, I'm trying to hook him and Kate up. I think they like each other - and I might have an idea on how I can get them together." 

"Love at first sight? Sounds cliché but I'll roll with it. Can you grab me a cola while you're in line?" 

Max agreed and headed over to take her place in the queue while Warren made his way over to where (Y/n) sat. (Y/n) had his head down and focused on his food when he detected an unwarranted presence and darted his eyes up to the person that decided to keep him company. The boy with the black eye dropped into the seat opposite (Y/n) and broadened a smile on his face which seemed to make (Y/n) a bit uncomfortable. 

"Can I help you?" (Y/n) asked monotonously. 

Warren continued to smile to the point it became awkward and painful for him to maintain that expression for so long until he ended up dropping it by just a bit so that it didn't hurt but there was still some friendliness as they started a conversation. 

"Just wanted to get acquainted with the new guy, y'know. It's super rough trying to get through school without making friends, so I thought I'd step in and be your first." Warren offered. 

"Oookay? Thanks for the offer of being my 'first' friend, but I already got two." 

The smile on Warren's face receded only slightly, disappointed that he didn't turn out to be the first friend for (Y/n) to make. 

"Oh really? Well... how do you find it here at Blackwell? You saw what went down with Nathan Prescott and Mr Jefferson, right? Shit's fucked up, man." 

"Yeah. All I heard was they were both in some deep shit - some creepy photos of girls and shit. Do you know when exactly the funeral is?" 

"Well, I know it's people close to the victim and maybe a plus one or two. Should happen around late in the afternoon, probably around five, five thirty-ish? I know Max is bringing me along and Victoria is bringing one and so are a couple others but I don't think Kate's bringing anybody. At least what I heard." 

"Kate Marsh? I figured she'd've asked somebody to accompany her - somebody who can watch out for her, you know?" 

"Clearly you haven't been up to date what what's going on at Blackwell, have you?" 

"Am I supposed to? Does it have something to do with that weird video I keep hearing about?" 

"It's... probably something you don't want to see." 

"What could a sweet and innocent girl like her have done to warrant such infamy across the Academy?" 

"She kissed, like, seven dudes at this Vortex Club party last month. Word is she got drugged - according to Max. Ah. Speak of the devil." 

The company of a third didn't surprise (Y/n). When Max Caulfield accompanied the two boys with both her tray and Warren's, (Y/n) found himself relieved that it were she who took her place at the table with them. Her presence was most welcoming to (Y/n) after she approached him after school the day before. 

"Morning, (Y/n)." Max sang.

"Hey, Max. Sleep well?" (Y/n) responded gruffly.

The brunette smiled back and started to have her breakfast which consisted of a ham and cheese sandwich with a bottle of orange juice.

"Pretty good." 

"What have you been up to?" 

"Just busy thinking."

"About your friend? Again, I'm sorry for you loss." (Y/n) consoled. 

The pleasant smile dropped from her face as it was replaced immediately with a frown.

"Yeah... well, that and our photography class." Max answered with a forced smile. 

While the two conversed, (Y/n) zoned out of the conversation and looked down at his food as his ate. To his lack of awareness, Max reached for his bag and sneakily obtained something before he could notice. 

"Since when did you start having PB&J?" Warren asked curiously when he noticed a second plastic sandwich contained on Max's tray.

"Oh, it's not for me, it's for Kate." Max explained. "Poor thing is so afraid to go out in public so I thought I'd get this for her." 

"The fuck? I swear I put my notebook in my bag." (Y/n) mumbled as he looked down at his bag. 

"You sure you didn't accidentally leave it in your room?" Max asked innocently. 

"I swear I... I gotta find that book, guys. I can't have misplaced it. I couldn't have misplaced it! Oh goddammit... If somebody finds that, then I'm on the right way to being the new scapegoat for Blackwell Academy. This is the last thing I need, man. Where is my book?!" (Y/n) cried in despair. 

His drama drew a few eyes onto him but nobody bothered to care as they continued their conversation or whatever they were doing. 

"Calm down, (Y/n). I'm sure nobody will have found it. Maybe you should go check your dorm again just in case." 


Just as (Y/n) got up out of his seat, Max called his name for his attention. Looking over his shoulder, (Y/n) noticed that Max was holding out the sandwich container that was intended for Kate Marsh to eat. Snatching it from her hand, (Y/n) sprinted, manoeuvring carefully around tables and people as he ran out of the room and headed straight for his dorm.

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