By thehistorybook200

26K 249 26

just imagines of euphoria so just read it if you want to ;) More

under the stars Maddy perez
the bathroom maddy perez
if we had 5 more minutes fezco
weirdo elliot
time for you fezco
cassie old love
the one to run too maddy perez
betrayed cassie howard
rue bennet laughing joking loving
jelousy cassie howard
lexi howard secretly in love
perfect match rue bennett
i dont know you anymore cassie howard
take that shit fezco
chill out shorty maddy perez
love maddy perez

prom? well something went wrong maddy perez

5.3K 23 7
By thehistorybook200

smut warning

MONDAY, 7:45 AM.

Y/n smiled inwardly, quite content with himself as he stared down at the small pink box in his hands, nerves filling his figure as the school grew nearer and nearer.

The pink-tinted clear window on top of the box allowed him to peek at the four doughnuts inside, each decorated intricately with icing and edible glitter and pearls. The pastries, themselves were simple, but the pink frosting was embroidered with white and purple, each adorning a single letter to spell out the big question that Y/n was about to propose to his girlfriend.

To be completely honest, Y/n hadn't been planning on asking Maddy to prom. he was under the impression that the two had an unspoken understanding that, as a couple, he and Maddy would already be going together. Not to mention, that Maddy had already been planning their campaign to be the first prom king and Queen at East Highland.

Then, as the two curled into Maddy's pink comforter after a very energetic "workout," Maddy once again brought up what sort of posters and campaign strategies they would need to work on, and demanded that they would need to start coordinating outfits and makeup during the weeks leading up to prom.

"Of course, it will have to wait until after you ask me," Maddy had hummed, lifting her fingertips away from Y/n's bare waist as she propped herself up on her elbow, "So when are you going to do that?"

Y/n laid there quietly for a few moments, "Uh, I thought we were already going together?"

Maddy laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "We are, but you've still gotta ask me."

"Okay," Y/n sat up, leaning his body closer to Maddy's so their faces were mere inches away, "Maddy Perez, love of my life, apple of my eye, would you do the honour of accompanying me, your loving, devoted boyfriend, to prom?"

"Cute, but no." Maddy smirked, speaking quietly before pressing a quick kiss against Y/n's lips, climbing out of the bed, and crossing over to the bathroom, "Bitch, you have to ask me at school, make it public."

Y/n rolled his eyes, following after his girlfriend as he turned the shower on, squealing in surprise as Y/n hugged his arms tightly around her waist, attacking her neck with soft bites and kisses.

So the next morning, Y/n called in the order to have the doughnuts made and decorated for Monday, and he would ask his girlfriend to prom as publicly as possible.

Y/n's eyes were drawn to Maddy immediately. She had this presence that always made Y/n aware of when she  was near, not to mention her bright blue outfit and glittery makeup. Y/n chewed his lip, pausing to fix her hair in the reflection of the trophy case as she began down the hall, heart rate rising as she approached her.

"Will you go to prom with me?"

Y/n craned her neck, finding a couple standing across from Maddy's locker, a large box of decorated cupcakes in his hands that spelled out the word 'PROM,' Y/n's jaw fell slack, eyes turning to Maddy, who watched on with raised brows.

"Oh my God! Yes!" The girl cheered, jumping into the boy's arms excitedly.

Y/n glanced down at the box in his own hand, then at his girlfriend, who rolled her eyes at the gesture, then back to the doughnuts. Releasing his bottom lip from between her teeth and dropping the box into the garbage can as he pushed on, putting on a brave face as he greeted his girlfriend with a wide smile and a gentle kiss "Did you see that?" Maddy asked as she cuddled into her boyfriend .

"Yeah, I did."

"That's seriously so tacky," Maddy scoffed, then smiled lovingly at Y/n, "I can't wait to see what you have planned for me. When are you going to ask?"

Y/n smiled with her lips pressed tightly together, "That's for me to know, isn't it?"

Maddy kissed him gently, "Come on, baby, let's go to class."


Y/n had spent the entirety of Monday and Tuesday trying to figure out a new way to ask Maddy to prom. Obviously, anything over-done or too tacky was out of the question. he'd thought over different puns he could use, but nothing seemed right. Maddy was someone who liked nicer things, and in this instance, Y/n wanted to do something for his girlfriend that was deserving of her. The proposal would need to be big and dramatic, just like Maddy's personality, and after some serious thought, he began planning what he thought to be a perfect idea.

The only issue was keeping it a secret from Maddy. With such a grand scheme, Y/n had sought help from Kat, Lexi, and to a lesser extent, BB, who was allowed to know that something was happening, but wasn't trusted with the details to ensure that she wouldn't accidentally let it all slip to Maddy, which she most certainly would.

Maddy noticed the secretive whispers between her boyfriend and the others that morning, and how erratically their responses were as she snuck up and tucked herself into Y/n's side. She especially noticed the way that Y/n and Lexi continuously shared small smiles when they thought Maddy wasn't watching, and Maddy felt a familiar feeling brewing in the bottom of her stomach.

She remembered back when Maddy had first mentioned her initial interest in Y/n to Cassie, a few weeks before their friendship breakup, and how annoyed she had become to learn that Lexi had also mentioned the fact that she had a crush on the boy. Maddy was nothing if not confident, but there was a part of her that was consistently analyzing Lexi Howard to figure out exactly what sort of things would make Y/n be interested in her, and there were quite a few.

Maddy was aware that she hadn't exactly been Y/n's type before they began dating. She was loud and proud and didn't like to hold her opinion back in any situation, qualities that Y/n had only grown to love after they started seeing one another. Y/n's past relationships have been with those who were the exact opposite, and in all transparency, Lexi was certainly more his type on paper. It took quite a bit of work for Maddy to get you to agree to go out with him, and she'd be damned if she would let all of that go down the drain for Lexi.

"Hey, babe?"

Y/n only hummed in response, not glancing up from his phone as Maddy sauntered towards his Y/n laid on her belly on Maddy's bed, thumbs tapping out a long response to Lexi as her girlfriend fought for his  attention.

Maddy placed her hands on her hips as she posed, scowling in annoyance as her boyfriend didn't glance up at her, despite the fact that she had slipped into the skimpiest matching set that she owned. She cleared her throat, raising her brows as Y/n finally looked up at her.

Y/n smirked, "Oh, hello there."

"Hi," Maddy fluttered her eyelashes, climbing onto the bed and forcefully flipping Y/n onto her back, tossing her phone onto the floor as she moved to straddle his lap .

"Need something?"

"Just you," Maddy leaned down to capture his lips in a hot, needy kiss. She moved along rather quickly, pulling Y/n's clothes away from his body as she made her way down her body before settling between crotch, "I'm gonna make you cum "

And so she did. The pair spent the next hour bringing one another over that glorious hill of pleasure, snuggling back into the covers together. Y/n's eyes fluttered shut, and soon soft snores began falling from his  lips as he snuggled further into Maddy's neck

Maddy watched him with admiration, and as she was about to close her own eyes, a quiet ding brought her attention to the abandoned phone on the floor just next to her bed. Carefully, she pulled away from her boyfriend's embrace and reached for the phone, silently unlocking it and scrolling through to find the text chain that he had with Lexi, which was much longer than Maddy was comfortable with this.

Are we meeting up for lunch again tmr?

no, I've gotta spend lunch w, Maddy, keep her off our scent lol

we're still on for Friday in the auditorium tho, right?

Yep! Can't wait!

Maddy's face grew red. Way too many people in her life have screwed her over, and she would be damned if she was just going to let Y/n slip through her fingers. Those fucking Howard girls need to learn to stay away from what belongs to Maddy.


Y/n greeted his girlfriend with a gentle kiss, taking up the seat next to her at the lunch table.

"Hey baby," She smiled, "Hey Kat, BB."

The two girls greeted him quietly as Maddy remained quiet, having barely responded to his kiss. Y/n eyed her questioningly but chose not to bring it up as Maddy sent her a cool glare. Instead, he  picked up a small conversation with the other two girls, silently reaching under the table to grasp Maddy's hand within his own, frowning at her as Maddy pulled away.

"Hey, you okay?" he whispered to her.

Maddy glanced at her, then across the cafeteria before she roughly pushed herself away from the table. She stared at Y/n for a brief moment before grasping the large cup of pop from the table and stalking off. Y/n scrambled after her.

"Maddy, what the hell is wrong? Are you mad at me or something?"

he was ignored, Maddy solely focusing on the petite brunette across the room as her footsteps quickened.

"Yo, Howard," She hollered.

Cassie visibly flinched at Maddy's voice, but relaxed as she noticed Maddy's path not being directed at her. Lexi turned, brow furrowed as she watched the Perez girl storm towards her with her girlfriend hot on her heels.

"Hey, Maddy..." She glanced between the two of them, a questioning look sent to Y/n.

"Don't look at him," Maddy snapped, "Don't ever look at him. I'm really sick and tired of my boyfriend not paying attention to me because you're always texting him"


The cup of dark pop spilled over Lexi's head, a chorus of 'ooh's filling the cafeteria as Y/n pulled Maddy back by her shoulder.

"Maddy, what the fuck is your problem?"

"You're my problem, you cheating cunt"

Y/n's face filled with confusion, then hurt. His eyes welled with tears at Maddy's words.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you fucking her," She pointed at Lexi, whose pretty white sweater was now ruined, "Behind my back. Fuck you, Y/n."

Y/n watched in shock as Maddy trudged out of the cafeteria, an eerie silence filling the cafeteria as everyone watched after her, only broken by Kat's quick footsteps as she raced to catch up with Maddy.

"Maddy!"she called, "Maddy, stop!"

she continued calling after her until they reached her car in the parking lot, Maddy whipping around to face her with long tear tracks down her face.

"What, Kat?" She sneered.

"Y/n's not cheating on you."

"How the fuck would you know?"

Kat shifted her weight from one foot to another, "Because Lexi was helping Y/n with something. I was too. Come on, let's go somewhere private, and I'll tell you everything."

FRIDAY, 12:30 PM.

Maddy felt sick. After Kat explained to her what those text messages between Y/n and Lexi truly meant, she genuinely wanted to throw up.

Y/n hadn't been in a class that morning, probably in fear of someone bringing up how Maddy had publicly humiliated and dumped him the day before, nor had he answered his phone when she called. he had to have read some of her messages, though, because Y/n's parents had told Maddy that he didn't want to see her when she'd shown up at his house.

Then, Maddy caught sight of the face that she'd grown to love so much. Y/n stood at his locker, dressed in a large hoodie and a simple pair of jeans, cheeks puffy and eyes swollen and red. he locked eyes with Maddy, and as the Latina girl began to rush towards him, Y/n turned on his heel and rushed away.

"Lexi!" Maddy called, chasing after the younger Howard girl, who continued to walk, despite having heard her, "Lexi, come on! I'm sorry."

Lexi paused, glancing over her shoulder, "You are?"

She took in Maddy's strangely makeup-free appearance. She looked like she hadn't slept the night before, and from the look of her teary eyes, she'd spent the majority of the day crying.

"Yes. I... got jealous. I know you used to like Y/n, and honestly, you're like a hundred percent his type. I saw the texts between you two, about meeting at lunch, and I guess I assumed the worst."

Lexi pursed her lips, "It's... okay."

"It is?"

"Well, no. But I kind of get it."

"Thank you," Maddy sniffled, wiping her nose with her sleeve, "Have you... have you talked to him today?"

"Yeah," Lexi nodded, "he showed up at lunch. he asked me about taking the stuff down in the auditorium."

A sudden idea popped into Maddy's head as a hopeful look appeared on her face, "Can you show me?"


"Kat," Y/n groaned, "I'm tired and sad and hungry and I just wanna go home. Can't we do this tomorrow?"

"No," Kat shrugged, "Lexi said that the drama club needs the stage cleaned off by tomorrow, they're doing Oklahoma again I think."

"Okay," he muttered, finally allowing the brunette to pull him into the auditorium, frowning as the door shut behind her and left them in complete darkness, "Hey, why's it so dark in here?"

Kat disappeared from his grip, leaving him to struggle down the long staircase on his own.

"Kat?" he called, "Lexi? Guys, I'm seriously not in the mood for this."

The spotlight flashed on once he was in the middle of the stage, blinding her momentarily. His  eyes focused on the figure that appeared in front of her, adjusting enough to make out the familiar face of his now ex-girlfriend.

"Baby," Maddy croaked, "I'm so sorry. I got jealous and angry, and I jumped to conclusions when you were planning something so fucking beautiful for me and I don't deserve it," She stepped closer, cupping Y/n's cheek in her palm as a small tear slid down the length of his own, "Please say something."

"I just," Y/n began, pausing as his voice cracked, "I don't know how you would've thought that I would cheat on you. Why couldn't you trust me?"

"I don't know," Maddy sobbed, "It's just, Lexi is like, totally your type, and I had to literally fight to get you to go out with me. With everything that's happened with Nate and Cassie... I didn't know how to handle losing you too."

"Maddy, you're... you're literally so fucking stupid. Are you blind? I'm literally obsessed with you, I haven't even looked at anyone else since we got together. I know you've been burned in the past, and I don't want to minimize that trauma, but you can't keep holding that against me."

"I know, but can you please," She hiccuped, "Can you please just say that you forgive me?"

Y/n chewed her lip, "I can't. Any good relationship is gonna need trust, and I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me."

Maddy let out a sob as Y/n continued.

"But I wanna be with you. So if this is gonna work, I need you to work on that, okay?"

The dark-haired girl nodded, leaping forward to hug Y/n into his arms tightly, crying into his shoulder as his arms wound around her waist. Y/n pressed a firm kiss against the side of Maddy's head as Maddy's body shook against him.

Then, he stepped back, wiping her face clean of tears, "Okay, well I have one more question for you."

Five large strings of lights lit up in the back, something that Y/n and Lexi had spent an entire afternoon designing and setting up. Y/n's eyes stung as he read the letters, 'PROM?'

"Y/n Y/l/n, love of my life," Maddy chuckled, "Apple of my eye, would you do me the honor of accompanying me, your loving, devoted, and very sorry girlfriend, to prom?"

Y/n began to giggle, stepping forward and enveloping Maddy in a long, passionate kiss.

"Yes," he moaned into her lips, hugging her tighter against him .


Y/n stood in front of the mirror, smoothing his hands down the front of his suit. It was dark blue in color and accented with white and blue, matching the long dress that Maddy had picked out. Smiling to herself, he stepped out into the living room, finding his girlfriend taking photos with her friends.

Maddy's face lit up at the sight of her boyfriend , rushing forward to kiss him  gently before pulling him to take photos. Y/n wrapped his strong arms around Maddy from behind and hugged her tightly to his chest, leaning his head on her shoulder as he grinned cheesily into the camera.

Maddy glanced back at Y/n , "I love you, baby."

"I love you too."

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