The Fated Three

By BtoneCass

1.1K 230 16

Rose and Delgan are hunters working for the kingdom of Lynxfell. The king has assigned them to kill an ancien... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Resting Up
A Fork in The Road
Bandits And Bad Timing
Meeting the Merchants
From the Shadows
Battles and Interrogations
A Clashing Union
No Loose Ends
Road to Freedom
Playing the Part
Scouting the Catacombs
Searching the Archives
Provisions, People, and New Problems
The Mysterious Traveler
New Intel
Ghostly Envisions
The Distraction
Friend, Foe, and Freedom
Frozen Fate
Lighting Up The Darkness
Catacombs and Creepy Creatures
Dark Truths
Familiar Faces
Sacrificial Lambs
Weary and Worried
Game Over
Fighting Fire With Fire
Let's Get Moving
All Part of the Plan
Severed Link
Unleash the Flames
Serve Me
Breaking Free
The Final Battle
A Life for a Life
Party Time
Joining the Party
Something's Wrong
Not Over Yet
Special Thanks! <3

5 Years ago...

46 6 0
By BtoneCass

5 years ago...

"Hey Frey, mother wants us to go to the neighboring forest to collect some herbs and mushrooms for the celebration tonight," Sylvie says gently. I look at my little sister and smile "it's a big day isn't it! Are you excited?" she continued while linking her arms with mine. I remained silent. I honestly didn't know how I felt about practically being sent off. What if I don't like him. Worse, what if I fall for him and he realizes he doesn't like me? Or worse... what if I lose control and I hurt hi- "hello... earth to Frey?". My sister's gentle hand waving in my face brings me back to reality. "I'm sorry Syl, what did you say?". Sylvie shook her head amused. "I swear you're always caught in that head of yours, anyway, let's get moving or we'll miss the whole party." We began walking towards the forest.

The sun shines brightly as we make our way through the forest. Sylvie and I were walking through the beaten path when suddenly a rabbit jumped out of the bushes scaring Sylvie. Trembling, she pressed herself into my side. I look at Sylvie "don't fret little sister it's just a rabbit" I say endearingly. "That's not what I'm afraid of" she whispered and slowly pointed. My eyes followed to where she was aiming. There standing before us stood a giant lechen. I push Sylvie behind me protectively. "We mean you no harm" I insisted calmly while looking for a safe way out. Before I could come up with a plan, the lechen bolts. It's faster than anything I've ever seen. I shield Sylvie with my body awaiting the strike from the lechen, but it never comes.

I open my eyes and with disbelief, I see a shield-like bubble around us protectively. And just beyond that, the lechen laid dead on the ground. "what in the world.." I exclaim while reaching out to touch the shield. "I didn't mean to" the sound of Sylvies soft cry called out. I glanced down to see Sylvie on the ground with her knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face. "I didn't want to hurt it" she shakily added. I dropped down and wrapped her into my arms protectively. "it's okay Sylvie" I soothed "everything will be okay". I tried to reassure her while glancing at the creature once more. Mother had only slightly spoken of the power inside us, but Sylvie had never shown any signs of them before today.

With the lechen dead, we continue on to complete the task mother gave us. We finally reached the other side of the forest. The air is still warm and the scent of water and mud hits our noses as we walk down the stream. The stream is clear and cool to drink. We continued on to get the mushrooms and herbs. Sylvie's movements were hesitant and somber. I wasn't sure what to say. We had hardly ever talked about our powers. It was almost a disgrace to have them after what happened to our aunt. Even those stories are hardly spoken of. 'Just another witch who lost control and killed her love' they'd say... what they don't mention were the poor kids left behind. That day we lost an aunt, and a father... someone explained that, but of course no one does. Losing control is a death sentence. End of discussion. Mother had always told us that one day we would get our own gifts...or curse, but until today it had never surfaced. I look over at Sylvie, I wonder if she'll lose control too? 'Losing control is a death sentence' the words echoed in my mind. I shook the thought out of my head, That will not happen to my sister.

I walked over to Sylvie and kneeled down next to her "it's alright Sylvie. mother will know what to do. she can show you how to control it" a silent tear fell down Sylvie's face "what if... what if I can't control it... what if I hurt someone else..." Suddenly the flowers and grass began to wilt. "What If I hurt you, Frey." Sylvia sobbed. More and more the plants began to die around them. The more Sylvia panicked, the bigger the circle of death grew. Noticing a dark mist emitting from Sylvie's hands, I grabbed at them. Instantly I felt searing pain and smelled rotten flesh, but that didn't stop me from letting go. I can't show fear not when my sister needs me "S- Sylvie... calm down" I tried to soothe by rubbing my hands down her arms ignoring the pain I felt. Sylvie visibly shook. Moving in front of her, I force her to look at me. "Look at me Syl... breathe... you're okay.. deep breaths you got this" I encouraged. Sylvie's breathing grew quicker as she began hyperventilating "I won't be able to control it Frey. I'm gonna lose control. I'm gonna hurt someone just like Aun-" "You are NOTHING like that woman" I reassured her. Again, I instructed Sylvie to take deep breaths with me. Finally, she began to calm down. With an apologetic look, she wrapped her arms around me "what's wrong with me Frey?" she said in between sobs. I looked around at all the death my sister caused. I closed my eyes for a moment before speaking again. "nothing... There's nothing wrong with you. Everything is going to be fine. I'll always protect you." I declared. We sat there a moment before gathering the ingredients. After we had enough, we decided to head back to the village. Through the trees, we could see smoke. "What's going on?" I asked. Sylvie looked to the village. "looks like the entire town is burning" Sylvie said with an awful presidence.

All we could hear were distant screams as the smoke choked the air. The flames were large and spreading all around the town and Forest. We could feel the heat from the flames as a familiar voice cried out. "Freya... Sylvie where are you" our mother called out. We could barely make out her voice through the screams of our friends and neighbors. Sylvie rushed towards our mother's voice, but I knew better. We were being attacked and I shouldn't just run off without thinking. But there was no time to think. I chased after Sylvie to stop her, but before I could, I was struck from behind making me fall to my knees. Barely holding on to consciousness, I watched as men in armor adorned with cloaks were taking people by force. Any who resisted were killed on the spot. My eyes welled with tears, frustrated and horrified. Something deep awoke inside me. It could've been rage or maybe despair, whatever it was it was a powerful feeling. The power within me welled up as branches and roots started to surround me. I began to fight back these heathens, but as my power grew, my sanity began to fade.

One of the men noticed my power. Beginning to unfold he yelled to his men "BURN HER BEFORE SHE KILLS US ALL!" Several men attempt to shoot me with arrows dipped in oil and set on fire. They drew their arrows back and let them fly towards me, but to no avail. My magic was fueled with emotion strengthening my magic beyond comprehension. 'Is this the power my aunt felt?' I thought to myself, but that thought left as quickly as it came.

Sylvie was looking for our mother when she saw my magic unfold. Where Sylvie's magic was death mine was life, but this was different. Sylvie could tell somehow this magic was corrupt with anguish and hatred. She saw a swirling mass of roots protruding and impaling some of the kidnappers. She was horrified, her sister would never hurt a soul yet here I was causing so much chaos. She ran towards Me trying to calm me down as I did her just a moment ago. She knew that if this kept up everyone would be killed.

As more roots and branches started to protrude from the ground, a thick miasma began to spill into the air. Kidnappers and villagers started dropping left and right. Sylvie began to choke. As her eyes filled with tears, she called out to her sister weakly. "Freya stop this please". On the brink of insanity from the magic pouring out of me, I could hear the faint cry of my sister snapping me back to reality. I could see Sylvie choking on the miasma. Fellow friend and foe were torn apart and impaled by the roots that were twisted with my magic. My heart dropped. "What have I done" I gasped. As I looked around, I saw the fear in everyone's eyes, but one thing I noticed the most, was my sister. As she began to wail and stomach turned. I began to feel violently sick. I hated the sight of what I did to my home, but what I saw next will haunt me forever. Sylvie was holding our mother close. Our mother was impaled by a root that pinned her to a tree. As her blood flowed down these roots so did the tears on Sylvie's face. I wanted to run to them, but before I could react an arrow pierced me in my heart. I fell to the ground and everything went black.

When I awoke, there was nothing but corpses surrounding me. Homes render to ashes, and the Forest around was nearly destroyed by the flames. I looked for my sister or anyone that was left but to no avail.

I pulled the arrow from my chest grunting in pain. I studied the carefully carved arrow. At the tip was a small engraved letter 'MS'. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. 'Losing control is a death sentence' the words played in my mind again. I threw down the arrow and screamed to the skies that cursed my fate.

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