The Boy In Her Dreams


4.4K 1.4K 540

Who would have thought changing schools could be the strangest thing to ever happen? No one, of course! But s... Еще

Author's note


87 35 10

This chapter is dedicated to Sekawe
and my lil bro, who's turning eight today. Happy birthday darling.😘😘

Above is a picture of Nora.



"Thank you, Sir." I said, waving at the driver and walking into the school building.

A school I was forced to go to because, apparently, it's managed by my stepmom.

"Evan." I turned to my side.


"I'm gonna try to talk to Ann today." Sharon said, staring at the floor.

"Try not to be rude, okay?" I said and she nodded in reply.

We continued to walk further into the school building in silence as I ignored the usual stares of people and finger pointing.

Doesn't that ever get old?!

"Evan, I'm going to try to recreate some moments we shared. You know, maybe she would have a feeling of Deja Vu." She said.

I sighed as I put my hands into my trouser pockets.

"To be honest, Sharon, Our chances of actually getting her to be friends with us again are pretty slim." I said, my eyes still looking ahead.

"Our? Really? I'm the one who gave off a bad impression of myself and you're saying our?!" Sharon thundered.

I moved away from her a bit, taken aback by her rise in temper.

"Sharon, she's scared of me. I don't know why. She acts really strange when she's with me like I'm some kind of scary beast or something. Ann's changed." I sighed, walking quicker and farther from Sharon.

I really didn't want to talk about the issue.
But I knew one thing, Ann was going to get her memory back!

I got to the front of the door and pushed the door open, taking slow strides into the class as Sharon came in after me.

My gaze fell on Ann as she laughed away happily with her new friends. The girl I could never remember her name but probably starts with the letter n, the Muslim and the wierd guy in circle framed glasses.

I remember when she use to laugh like that...with me.

I slouched my shoulders and walked over to my seat beside Ann. She stopped talking all of a sudden and I could feel her heated gaze on me.

I turned to look at her and waved at her, smiling, but instead of doing the same she pushed herself to the wall as if wanting to go deeper inside it and stared at me with hateful eyes.

Again, I sighed and rested my head on my desk.

Great way to begin a school day!

Few minutes later, I could hear loud voices and students greeting a teacher in unison.

I didn't even care if a teacher stood at the front of the class. Apparently, she need our listening ears and I'm doing just that, after all, eyes aren't for hearing, are they?

"Good morning class, have your seat." She said. And immediately, I could hear screeching chairs and tables and the chatters of my classmates.

"I won't stay long because we're having a teacher's meeting few moments from now." She said. I raised my head a little, only to see the students rejoicing as the class clown, Ayomide, knelt down and kissed the floor, then, raising his hands and muttering few words in happiness.

"Anyways!" She yelled, trying to regain the attention of the class. "I'm giving this class a group project and I want you all to start it early and take it very seriously. You all are to pick two or three scenes from any of the three novels you're to read this term and act it out with your group partners."

She brought out a long piece of paper and stared at it closely.

"Evan, you will be paired up with Hugo, Sara and Ejiro." She said. I turned my head swiftly to Ann in excitement. She didn't even spare me a glance as she chatted happily with Sara instead.

"Noah, Nnadzwa, Nora and Nathaniel are in one group..... " And so she continued.

"This project is due next week Friday." With that being said, the teacher walked out of the class.

I thought befriending Ann would be hard, but this just made it easier.

The bell was finally rung for lunch break. I stood up at once and headed to the Cafeteria.

I pushed the double door open and shoved my hands into my pocket, walking silently to the table I usually sit.

"Sup." I said, bringing out the two chicken pies my step mom decided to bake yesterday and insisted we take to school.

"Evan, can you imagine I got paired with. . . what's his name again? Adam. That dufus!" Sharon whined.

I turned around, resting my head on my right palm.

"Sharon, how do you think you're going to end up being friends with Ann again when you keep acting like this." I sighed.

"Sharon doesn't act anyhow. She's perfect!" Nora giggled. I moved my eyes and stared at her coldly.

"Does this sound like a twin brother-sister-NORA discussion?" I asked dryly.

I could see her gulp as her gaze shifted to the table. "Sorry."

"Anyways, It's not like I'm going to treat her badly or anything. Besides, I don't get why I need to treat a bunch of kids who willingly agreed to come to this school. I would rather choose to eat garbage than school here." Sharon said, scrunching up her face. She moved closer to me, and when she was close enough she whispered. "If they knew the real attitude of their ever so loving proprietress, bet it, there wouldn't be much students left in this dump."

I sighed. "It wasn't entirely their fault. This school is known for their high academic standards. Most of these kids didn't even decide to come here, their parents just put them in."

"Still, they could have stood their ground. It's a good thing Ann ended up here anyways." She said, a wide smiled forming on her face immediately.

I let out a loud chuckle and slowly shook my head.

Silly girl!

To my great relief, school had finally come to its dismissal for the day. I had told Sharon to wait for me in the car while I pack my things into my school bag.

I hung my one-shoulder bag pack across the back of my shoulders and walked towards the door.

Suddenly, in came Ann. She looked really mad as she stomped into the class room.

"You!" She yelled, and before I knew it, a hand had hit the cheeks of my face, leaving a painful sting and a very faint mark on it.

It shocked me as much as it angered me.

She just slapped me!

I glared at her angrily but she didn't seem to notice as she continued with her ranting.

"It's bad enough you hunt me in my nightmares, now you've decided to frighten me with empty threats?!" She yelled, waving a small piece of paper in my face.

I raised a brow at her and frowned.

Hunt her in her nightmares? Frighten her with empty threats? What the heck was this girl talking about.

"..... Just take a look. You think I wouldn't find out right? It was so obvious, how could I not?!". She continued to yell.

She brought the paper up to her face and began to read out loud. "YOU MURDERER!! I HATE YOU!!" .

"Now tell me, who did I murder, huh? Do I look like a killer to you?!" She yelled, attempting to slap me again. I hissed loudly and grabbed her hand, stopping her.

"An-Ejiro, first of all, you just slapped me. You seriously have no right to do that especially when I'm innocent. You're so lucky I don't beat girls." I said angrily. "Secondly, what the heck are you talking about because I don't understand a thing."

"Why would I call you a murderer? I don't hate you, I honestly don't. You're just. . . really frustrating sometimes. And what was it about me hunting you in your nightmares?". I asked, letting go off her hand.

"Oh please, stop the pretence." She said. "You, the armless boy always dripping with blood and has blood shot eyes who even confessed that you have a name, Evan in the nightmare. I don't know how and I don't know why, but you seem a little more sane in real life."

"Ejiro, I don't hunt you in your nightmares. I'm totally human!" I said.

"Stop lying! You cause me sleepless nights, you turture me, you hurt me physically and mentally, and you refuse to leave me alone! And now, you're sending me threat notes?! Do your worst Evan!! Do your worst!!!" She yelled. She brought her hand over to her eyes as she turned around immediately, though, I could hear her sniffles and see the movements of her shoulders.

I stood there. I froze there. I was utterly confused and it seemed she had a misunderstanding.

I took a deep breath and decided to confront the crying girl in front of me.


"Wait! Don't you still want the money?!" A masculine voice yelled harshly.

I grabbed Ann immediately and moved to the back of the teacher's table. She didn't seem to understand what was going on as she tried to wiggle her way out of my hold.

"Shhhh!" I said, placing my hand in front of her lips. "Someone's coming and he or she doesn't sound friendly."

She ignored me and continued to wiggle as I tried so hard not to laugh. She came to halt as she held the door knob switch and the door being pushed open.

"I need to keep this letter first." The person said. The voice sounded more feminine and it sounded oddly familiar.

We heard footsteps, and then the sound of a locker opening and closing.

"I told you, my plans always work. She's probably scared of the notes, and she'll never know it's me." The girl said, letting out a sinister laugh.

I noticed Ann's breathing became fast and I realized she was panicking.

I moved my head a bit out of the desk, trying to get a glimpse of who the person might me, but unfortunately, she had a black mask on, covering her face and even her hair. So did the guy she spoke with.

"She's going to pay dearly for what she did, and one day, I'll actually kill her. She needs to know what death feels like when she decided to kill someone else." She said.

"Here's your money." The guys said.

I heard footsteps and finally, the clicking of the doorknob.

Ann's breathing became more noisy and faster all of a sudden.

"Shhhh! Keep calm An-Ejiro. Calm down, I'm here.". I tried to whisper.

"What was that?!"

You've got to be kidding me!

Ann turned immediately and held me tight, closing her eyes and pressing her head on my chest.

"I'm going to die." She whispered, as if felt my shirt get wet.

She was crying.

The footsteps was slow, but it felt as if it came closer and closer to where Ann and I hid.

Who ever these people where, God save us somehow.

So for those who got confused, Ann is Ejiro's english name, and yes, her and Evan were actually childhood friends and him and Sharon are use to calling Ejiro by her English name.

You guys would know what happened about their past sooner or later.

So what did you guys think of this chapter? Feel free to drop your comments 😁😁😊😊

I was actually supposed to do a double update today since it's my lil bro's birthday, but I was really busy with stuff and I'm so tired right now 😴😴😴

Till the next time I update anyways.

Note: I'll be updating my book every weekend, which means, I could update once, twice or three times a weekend. Depends on how free I am, but know that I'll update.

Bye guys!😘

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