Longer Than Forever: Highland...

Door highlandelf29

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From the dawn of time we came moving silently down through the centuries living many secrets lives no one has... Meer

Rewrite Chapter 1
Rewrite Chapter 2
Rewrite Chapter 3
Chapter 7
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

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Door highlandelf29

Two horses thundered across the fields of Wyoming, the riders side by side as they fought to win the race. Finally one rider pulled ahead of the other, but they still continued not stopping until they came to the edge of a cliff where they pulled up.

Methos breathed in as he looked out across the mountains, it was so peaceful here.

"You really picked a good place."

Esther nodded staring at the view "Yeah, it wasnt just me all of us picked it... We knew we would need a place where we could get away.. Civilization kept growing, and I couldnt stand it... 500,000 acres untouched by anyone but us and the natives who live here."

"You let them stay?"

She nodded "It was theirs first, they just let me live on it.. One of their medicine men helped me make most of the land holy ground about eighty years ago."

Methos looked at his wife, she looked at home here which made him wonder "Why hang around in Paris and Washington then?"

"Kind of thought that was obvious." She looked at him with love in her eyes and Methos smiled before looking away.

When he did Esther frowned, she was telling the truth partly... But Macleod had to be protected, he couldnt be left alone.. Not yet.


3 Months later- Paris, France

Methos and Esther awoke to the feeling of an immortal approaching, they both shot up grabbing their swords. Both barely wore any clothes, he had on a pair of boxers and she was wearing only her underwear and bra.

They both backed to the wall preparing to attack anyone that came through the door.

"Meeeethos, Essssie! Open the door, I know you're there!"

Esther groaned and walked back to the bed flinging herself down on it "Pretend we didnt hear her."

Methos looked longingly towards his bed and his wife, but as Amanda kept knocking he knew it was a lost cause. He slowly walked to the door, and Esther popped her head up to watch him. A thousand years and her husband was one sight she would never tire of seeing.

Methos flung the door open in annoyance "Do you want to knock a bit louder? I don't think they heard you in Phildelphia."

Amanda grinned "I'm sorry. It was an emergency, okay?" She started to make her way inside but was stopped when Methos put his sword on her throat

"No, it was a good way to get your head cut off, is what it was."

Esther sighed "Oh, let her in Methos.. No point in killing her now, besides I would hate to explain to the neighbors."

Amanda smirked as Methos lowered his blade and she waltzed in "He's turning into an old grouch, isnt he?" She noticed the way Esther was dressed and grinned " oooooo Did I interrupt something important?"

"Yeah sleep."

Method snapped "Amanda, it is the middle of the night, and we were not expecting anyone." He grumbled walking towards the kitchen "Give me a minute. You want some coffee?"

Amanda nodded "Yeah."

The tone of her voice made Esther sit up in bed knowing something was wrong. She hopped up grabbing two shirts from the closet she tossed one to Methos (cause honestly he would just distract her otherwise) and pulled the other one on.

"Whats wrong Manda?"

A little while later Methos had made coffee while Amanda told them about the immortal Duncan was about to fight

"All right, so tell me what you know about this Keane guy."

Methos shrugged "Nothing. Never met him."

Amanda shook her head "Wait a minute. I thought the Watchers knew . . . everything."

Esther followed Methos back to bed, she would probably help but it didnt seem like this was a huge emergency at the moment. Methos stood on the bed, and shook the blanket out while Esther laid down.

"Well, I've done with the Watchers." Said Methos

Amanda stared in shock "Really? I thought you'd found the perfect hiding place."

"Well, I changed my mind. Sorry, can't help." He threw himself down next to Esther pulling the blankets up and tucking his wife in next to him.

"What about you Essie?"

Esther didnt lift her head from Methos shoulder as she answered "Met the guy once he seemed nice bit vanilla though."

"What does that make me?" Methos queried

"Oh honey, your like the Neapolitan or something."

Amanda sat down on the bed interrupting the two "No, wait, listen Methos, Esther. Why don't you just talk to MacLeod? You know, try to convince him that Keane is wrong about him."

Methos sighed in annoyance "You want us to talk to MacLeod and tell him, uh, you know, 'Stop worrying, you're not a bad guy.'"

Amanda nodded enthusiastically "Yeah."

Esther yawned "We'll think about it.. Come back in the morning okay?"

"Kindly shut the door on your way out." Method said while moving his wife from his shoulder, and snuggling down into the blankets until he could lay on her chest.

Amanda watched the two for a moment realizing that everything they had was everything she wanted with Duncan.


Methos groaned as his wife leaned against a bench reading her book... He watched her for a second before groaning again to try and get her attention. When that didnt work he reached out grabbing the book from her hand,

"Methos!" Esther reached out to take the book back but he held it just out of her reach. She pulled a knife from her jacket and waved it in a threatening manner "Do not make me use this old man.!"

Methos grinned she was so adorable, and he was a sucker for those eyes.. He handed it back  "What's the big deal with Jane Austin anyway?"

Esther grinned "Well in this particular book, the girl marries a guy that basically trained her up to be his wife... Sound familiar?"

Methos smile widened "Wise man... Always the best way to get a wife."

Esther rolled her eyes and went back to her book as they waited for Duncan.. It wasnt long before they felt his quickening, they both came around the corner and smiled at the Highlander

"So, nice day for it." Methos said ignoring Duncan's annoyed sigh "Yeah, not too cold, ground's nice and dry."

Esther nodded in agreement "Do you prefer burial or cremation? I'm kind of a put me in the ground kind of person myself."

Duncan shook his head "Amanda's got a big mouth."

Methos nodded "She's worried about you."

Duncan looked between the two immortals whom he hadnt seen since the day they took the heads of the three horsemen. So he had to wonder why were they here?

"Yeah, and you?"

Methos shook his head looking down "Oh, me, no. Just scholarly interest. I just came by to watch the perfect immortal die."

"I'm not!"

"Not what?" Esther asked "Not the perfect immortal or not going to die?"

Duncan frowned and started walking  "Go away."

Methos and Esther followed walking on either side of him

"We're none of us perfect, MacLeod." Methos said "Not you, not me, not Esther, not even Darius."

Esther laughed sadly "Definitely not Darius... But truly no one is perfect certainly not your friend Steven Keane."

Duncan snorted "You two should write fortune cookies."

Methos nodded "Yeah, well, maybe we should." He ran forward jumping in front of the highlander while Esther dropped behind him" Just so long as we're  not writing your epitaph."

 Duncan didnt answer just looked at the old immortal as he continued

"What Keane hates you for, happened. Nothing you do is going to change that. You accept it, MacLeod. It's part of who you are."

"We all have to accept our demons sooner or later Mac." Esther said 

Duncan raised an eyebrow "Are we talking about me now?"

Methos nodded "Yes. Do you remember what happened after Culloden?"

Duncan looked away not able to loom Methos in the eyes "Yeah. I went after innocent men and slaughtered them."

Methos shook his head "No, that's how Keane tells it. I want to know how you remember it. Because they weren't innocent, were they? There were murderers. They were the English bastards who had destroyed your people, and they deserved to die, all of them."

Duncan was starting to get annoyed "You sure all of them did?"

Esther spoke up "You were. You wanted to kill, you killed them." Both of the older immortals were starting to get annoyed

"You know, Keane is just like you. He wants to divide the world up into good and bad.

Methos nodded "But it's not that simple. We are all both. Good and evil. We have rage and compassion. We have love and hate." Methos looked beyond Duncan to his wife "Murder and forgiveness." Duncan was giving Methos a bored look as he finished "Why don't you try forgiving yourself, for once?"

Duncan smiled pleasantly "Why don't you try minding your own business. For once." Methos eyes strayed to Esther again and she nodded an annoyed look on her face "Tell Amanda to do the same."

Finally Methos smiled and stepped aside gesturing for Duncan to go ahead "She can't say we didn't try."

Duncan backed away for a moment a look of distrust on his face, but finally he turned walking away.. The second he did Methos pulled his gun shooting him in the back

"You are such a pain in the ass."

"And gullible" Esther said as they walked past the dead immortal "you forgot to mention gullible... Do you want to do this or shall I?"

Methos looked at his wife for a second and rolled his eyes "You know you would beat yourself up over doing this.. He's not really done anything wrong.. I on the other hand have no qualms."

Esther nodded acquiescing the fight to him, after all he was probably right, and she hated feeling guilty.

They walked into an open area where they felt Keane, the two immortals observed him as they walked closer

Keane tilted his head when he saw them, he recognized the women from a party long ago, where she basically told him he was boring... But the man he didnt know, so he nodded politely at the women "Good to see you again.." He looked to the man "I don't think we've met. Steven Keane."

Methos didnt bother introducing himself, he wasnt stupid enough to do so "So I heard." He drew his sword and waited, as Esther stepped back giving the two space.

Keane laughed a look of disbelief on his face "I have no fight with you."

Methos smiled grimly "No, that's true, if you leave Paris and you leave Duncan MacLeod alone."

Keane laughed "The guy's got a lot of friends."

"Good men often do." Esther piped up from behind Methos

Keane looked at the women in surprise and pity "Good men? you must not know him very well."

She sighed "You'd be surprised."

"Keane Let him be." Methos interjected

"Try and stop me and I'll start with you."

Esther and Methos both sighed knowing another good immortal was about to die "Your call."

Methos struck, and Esther watched the two silently judging their styles, Keane was good she had to admit. But Methos was playing making it looked like he was fighting harder then he actually was.

Unfortunately, Methos tended to put so much into his acting skill that he did things that freaked his wife out. He slipped letting the younger immortal think he had won, just as the boy went for the killing blow, Methos drew his knife stabbing him in the stomach while blocking his blow.

Keane groaned a shocked look on his face "You bastard."

Methos smirked "Sticks and stones."

Esther lifted her head feeling Duncan wake up "Hurry Methos!"

Methos lept to this feet raising his sword, just as the highlander ran into the clearing

"You do it and I'm next!"

Methos groaned in annoyance "You couldn't have waited two more seconds to revive? I am trying to save your head."

Duncan walked forward drawing his sword, and Esther drew hers as well slowly circling the clearing in a bored fashion

"I don't need your help."

Methos put his sword back to the younger immortals neck a look on his face that dared Duncan to do something.

"You kill him . . . I swear Methos." He raised his sword "You face me."

"You wont get the chance Macleod.. You would face me first." Esther said stepping between the two male immortals a dangerous look on her face. But Methos reached out gently moving her away as he laughed thinking Duncan was joking. But looking at his face he realized the Highlander was serious

"Fine!" He said angrily "It's your funeral." He turned stalking off leaving his wife to either take the highlanders head or talk him out of his foolishness at this point he didnt care much which it was. Esther opened her mouth as though to speak but shook her head and turned walking after Methos.


Esther and Methos walked across the docks, Esther thought it was cute how Methos was trying to act like he wasnt worried about Duncan.

"You know its okay to admit you think of him as a friend."

Methos rolled his eyes "We are only coming here for your peace of mind."

"Lover, my peace of mind was taken care of when Amanda told me she would call the cops if she had too.. That fight was never going to happen if you and I didnt take the kids head anyway. Besides, the three of us have a connection now, we had a triple quickening it only makes sense."

Methos ignored her and her love of teasing him and moved onto the barge. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the quickening of an immortal, after all he wouldnt want Esther to mope.

"Mac . . . " He froze when his eyes landed on Keane insteadof the highlander. Esther's boots stomped down the steps and she too froze when she saw the younger immortal

Keane stood pointing his sword at the two "Where's Macleod?"

Methos shrugged "I thought he'd be here." He looked down at the sword "Do you mind putting that down, or were you planning to use it."

Keane raised an eyebrow "What makes you think I won't?"

"He's a student of human nature." Esther said sarcastically

The young immortal snarled and placed his sword on Methos throat "Tell me where to find MacLeod."

Esther stepped forward defending her husband, even though she knew the kid wouldnt kill him

"Leave him alone, he doesn't know. Neither of us do." Keane looked between the two, Methos nodded a little in affirmation of his wife's words.

Frustrated Keane pushed past them and stormed out of the barge, Esther sighed and moved into Methos arms.. She was getting too old for this, but her husband just smirked

"I love good guys!"

Esther laughed and pulled back before growing serious "I'll see you later, there's somewhere I need to go."


Esther walked into Darius old church and found Duncan kneeling at the alter, she listened as he spoke ". I'm so tired of the killing!"

He looked up at the sky in pain and Esther sighed

"War in the abstract is a great intellectual puzzle, but in reality it's all blood and tears."

Duncan didnt turn as he said quietly "Darius told me that once."

Esther nodded "I know," She came and knelt next to him staring up at the cross "he was a great warrior."

Duncan shook his head "He was a man of peace."

Esther laughed "Not when I met him, if he could have taken my head he would have gladly... He led his men to many victories, killed men, women, children and he didnt care. Then one day he took a mans head and became good, and no one remembers anything else."

Duncan frowned he tended to forget this part of Darius.. "How did you know that quote?"

She smiled sadly "Because he told me the same thing... I was a gladiator Duncan, I killed so many innocent people, I was a soldier, a general, a queen... I led men to their deaths, and in ways I liked it.." She looked at him tears in her eyes

Methos was the one who finally stopped my death games, he took me to a convent then sent for Darius.. Together they talked me down... We have all done things we have trouble sleeping because of Duncan, times where we failed to do what was right but we can't let them destroy who we are now... Darous was a great warrior, but he was an event better friend and priest."

She stood "Dont be a martyr for a mistake you made when you were young and foolish." With that she turned walking away, head held high, and Duncan watched realizing that maybe she was right.


Later that night inside the barge, Duncan and Esther sat playing chess, while Amanda watched and Methos stood in front of the fire trying to warm up.

"You really thought I'd lose?" Duncan asked

Methos scoffed "Yeah, and you didn't?"

"It wasn't about that." He moved his rook and looked at his three friends "You guys still don't get it, do you?"



Duncan sighed but gave Esther a thankful look and she grinned before looking back to the board. Duncan walked to his bar and poured some drinks

 "I had to take responsibility for what I'd done, and nothing you three could do was ever going to solve it for me. I had to face him and fight the best fight of my life, knowing he'd do the same. Just trust the fates to decide the winner."

Methos grinned understanding shining in his eyes "Trial by combat. Whoever survives is proved right in the eyes of the law."

Duncan grinned giving Amanda her drink "Bright boy."

Esther clapped "Yes, very White knight of you Macleod, sheesh you would have fit right in at the round table." She moved her knight taking one of his pieces, and Duncan reached out moving one of his rooks.

"But, what if he comes after you again?" Amanda asked

Duncan shook his head "He won't"

"How do you know that?"

"Because I wouldn't."

"Well, he's not you."

"He's not that different, none of us are. We all make mistakes."

"And we all have mistakes to forgive." Method said making Esther look up knowing he was talking about himself. She bit her lip and slowly moved her bishop, she knew her husband was still having issues from killing Silas. Issues they were working through together.

Duncan also looked at his friend but didnt answer, simply reaching out and moving a piece taking Esthers queen from the board


Amanda noticed the tension and spoke up "Speaking of mistakes . . .There seems to be an Inspector who is determined to put my cute little butt in jail." She moved to Duncan's lap and he laughed  

"Sorry about that."

"Should I forgive you?"

 "Oh, no, I don't think you should . . ."

As they started kissing Methos made a disgusted face and grabbed his and Esthers coats

"I think this is our cue to leave."

The couple didnt look up "'Bye, Methos, bye Esther!"

Method started heading to the door "You guys be good."

"Mmm, if not we'll try and be better." Duncan mumbled

"Esther!" Methos called to his wife waiting for her to follow,  she moved one last chess piece before following after Methos as she yelled back

"Checkmate, Macleod!"

Duncan shot up making Amanda yelp, he looked at the board in disbelief. She had beaten him putting him in checkmate with a pawn... He shook his head that woman never failed to surprise him

"She's better at chess then Darius!"


Esther banged her head to the music that played in the nightclub, she grinned happily music was truly the second greatest love of her life. She danced happily by herself waving off anyone who who tried to join her.

"This kid's great." Duncan yelled to Joe where they and Methos sat at a table

"Well, we picked him up in London. Came to every show, every night."

Methos listened even as he watched his wife dance, she was so gorgeous.. Suddenly his attention was caught when he felt an immortal presence, he turned and his face lit up happily

"Well, well. Look who's here!"

Joe followed his gaze amazed "Byron."

Duncan frowned "Lord Byron?"

Methos stood greeting his former student happily

Byron laughed greeting the old immortal "Hey, Doc."


"It's been a long time."

Methos nodded "You've become kind of famous again."

"Yeah, I just can't seem to shake it." Byron laughed

"Duncan MacLeod, Joe Dawson." He introduced Byron to his friends

Byron looked to Duncan smiling pleasantly "Any friend of Doc's . . ."

Duncan smiled tightly but didn't reply, about this time Esther looked over she had felt the immortal enter but hadnt really paid attention. What she saw made her blood boil in anger, how dare he show his face.

"Now that kid's not bad. Who is he?" Byron asked

Methos answered "Ah, that's Mike. He's from London."

Esther stormed to the table anger in every step, a fool could see that she was not to be messed with. Byrons eyes landed on her and he smirked

"Well, well if it isnt the Snow Queen."

Esther growled "Well well if it isnt the Wolf bastard!"

Duncan and Joe's eyes widened at the curse, neither having ever heard Esther use language before. Methos' eyes widened then closed in frustration, in his moment of joy at seeing his former student he had somehow forgotten. Byron was the root cause of the reason, Byron and Esther hated each other, with good cause.

Suddenly Mike came rushing from the stage greeting Joe and Duncan "You were great, Mike."

"Yeah, it's a rush."

"Beautiful, man." Joe smiled at the kid

"Thanks, Joe."

Byron broke his gaze from Esther and looked at the boy "Great chops, kid."

Esther glare turned from Byron to Methos who looked sheepish, she shook her head but refused to leave. No matter how much she wanted to, she would not be run off by Byron.

"You're who I think you are, aren't you?" Mike fanboyed "I've got every CD, imports, everything. Man, I've been a fan of yours forever."

Joe looked to Methos "You mean to tell me you knew him all this time and you never told me?"

Duncan gave Methos a look "Yeah. Doc." Duncan had heard stories of Byron, and none of them were good.

Byron turned from the kid to Esther again "Esther there has quite the voice on her, what say you Snow Queen? Too scared to sing for us?"

Esther glared but looked to Mike "Come on kid, lets show them some Rock and Roll."

She had practiced with the band a few times when they needed a singer so they were used to her, she gave them a song and they started to play.. As she sang she remembered all of the heartache that Lord George Gordon Byron had brought into her life.


They had found Byron dead in a ditch, he had commited suicide. Methos had pity on the boy though Esther had a terrible feeling about helping the kid.

Esther had watched in silence as the young poet somehow managed to talk her typically level headed husband into doing crazy things. She didnt care to much, it would pass, they would train the boy and go back to ghe way things should be.

Then they met the Shelley's, and Esther watched as her husband became fascinated with the women Mary Shelley. She and Methos had a nasty argument and Esther left to cool down, she went to visit Rebecca.

Noah and Elijah joined Methos while she was away and while he was there he watched Esthers world fell apart.

The brothers stood outside of Byron's house watching in disgust as their brother, the young Lord and Claire Claremont approached acting like children.

"Am I as dangerous as my reputation, Doctor?" Byron yelled

Methos laughed "You are mad, sir. Are you trying to get us killed?"

 "You speak of death. Yet note how quickly your heart beats. You seem more alive than ever, sir!"

Methos laughed but his laughter faded when he felt and saw his brother-in-law's standing at the door. Byron noticed his mentors change in emotion and observed the two men


Methos shook his head and sighed "Family." He hopped out of the carriage and approached the two putting on a smile as he approached Noah "Noah!" He shook the younger immortals hand and tried to hug him as usual but Noah pulled away looking beyond Methos toward the carriage.

"Who are your friends Adam?" Elijah asked an unimpressed look on his face as Byron almost stumbled from the carriage and approached him

"Byron, good sir Lord Byron.. Amy friend of Doc's is a friend of mine!"

Elijahs good breeding won out over his disgust and he politely shook the Lords hand before moving forward and helping the lady from her carriage.

They entered the house and not long after the Shelley's joined them, Esther had told Noah a little of what was happening but he watched to find the truth. Had his brother, the man so like a father to him, truly had a quarter millennia crisis?

Byron read them some of his poetry before throwing it aside "It's all drivel. My god, I bore even myself."

Elijah snorted "Glad to know I'm not the only one."

Percy Shelley shook his head "I thought it was wonderful Lord Byron. You are too critical of your perjury" he held out a pipe making Noah and Elijah frown "And the evening's entertainment."

Byron smiled but shook his head "It will take more than Morpheus' smoke to quite me today, Shelley."

Mary Shelley looked to Methos "I trust you had a pleasant journey this afternoon sir?"

Methos smiled "Only if one enjoys dancing near the halls of death, Mrs. Shelley."

"Well you married our sister, so it would seen you do brother." Noah quipped, both to tease his brother and remind him of his absent wife

Methos frowned and looked down, no one noticed the look of pain that crossed his face at the mention of his wife.

"I love to dance." Mary said

Byron turned to Methos "What have you to quiet a troubled soul Doctor? Mine has been wounded in life's battles."

Claire shook her head "You cannot wound a spirit, how ridiculous Lord Byron."

"Should we test your theory, my little nymph?" Byron asked picking up a gun and pointing it at the girl "Shall I kill you here and now?"

"Lord Byon, no!"Claire gasped as Elijah stepped between her and the mad Lord

Even Methos had to agree with his least favorite brother "I think you've taken this jest far enough."

Byron ignored them still talking to the girl "Shall I watch your spirit rise up before me and pluck it from the air."

He moved around Elijah who watched him carefully, and kissed the girl passionately

"Shelley, the Laudanum." Cried Byron

Byron smirked as they gave the poor girl the medicine "Next time preserve your ignorance for one more deserving than I."

As he fired the gun into an empty room ,Elijah and Noah looked to each other then to Methos who saw the disgust clearly on their faces. In rebellion he grabbed a flask of laundnum and drank at, Noah looked away in disappointment while Elijah met his eyes head on. And inside it was Noah that hurt Methos the most.

Later that evening all but Elijah and Noah were drunk, the brothers rarely drank and when they did it was never to excess.

"Is there no relief to this eternal boredom? We need better diversions!"

What exactly did you have in mind?" Methos asked

"New stories. I say we call forth the armies of night, and do them battle soul to soul until they, or we, cry 'Hold, enough!' and give over the field."

"Sounds thrilling." Said Claire

Methos rolled his eyes "Sounds morbid." 

Percy arpproached his wife "Stories of horror, to bring forth our own ghosts from deep within us. Those, dead humors, rattling around the midnight of our souls."  

"Yes, but who will be first to amuse and frighten us tonight?" He too approached Mary "The quiet Mrs. Shelley, perhaps?"

Mary who was cradling a skull looked up in shock "You mock me, sir. Yet I have felt death. I've held it in my arms. I hope never to feel the like again."

Elijah and Noah both looked at the women in pity, they took had felt and held death in their arms

"Yes, but feel it you did. In tasting grief, in tasting fear, is that not the time we truly live? And so, fair Muse, what ghosts have you to share tonight?" Byron asked

"I'm afraid my imagination fails me at present." Mary said sadly

"Ah, but look, dear lady." He stood and walked to her holding the decanter of laudanum for her to drink. "Your neighbor greedily gulps the nectar of creativity itself."

Noah approached Methos "Please, you must stop this madness..." Methos let his eyes focus on what was happening in the room.

"Drink the laudanum, my love. Drink." She took it taking a long sip "To stimulate your imagination, my dear."

Mary began to stagger and choke, Methos stood grabbing her as Byron rolled his eyes 

"What melodrama is this?"

Elijah stepped forward getting between Percy and his wife "Your wife has had enough, sir!"

Percy shrugged and looked to Methos "Take care of her, good doctor. Into your hands I commend her spirit."

Methos gathered the women in his arms and took her from the room, his brothers trusting him to act as a professional did not bother to follow. In the years that passed all three men would wish they had.

Elijah decided he should speak to his brother-in-law and went to his room, finding it empty he instead went to Mrs. Shelley's room supposing the women had needed more treatment.

He walked in the open room and froze, his ever silent footsteps not giving him away. What he saw made his blood curdle in his veins, Methos had his hands on the chest of Mary Shelley. He was staring at her in a way Elijah typically saw him look at Esther, and his hands stroked the maids shoulders.

Byron looked up and grinned "Join us!"

Methos jumped turning and froze at who stood there "Elijah.. I can explain.."

But Elijah just raised his hand to silence him, the look on his face full of disappointment "Be glad I know I am not skilled enough to kill you, and that if I did my sister would spend her life in heartbreak over your death.."

Methos stepped forward beseechingly "Please Elijah."

"No, Methos... She deserves to know." With that Elijah turned and walked away and Methos closes his eyes on pain.

When Methos awoke from his drug induced haze the next morning Elijah had already left. Noah stood waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs

Noah looked to his brother "Walk with me"

Methos frowned at the way Noah spoke, in the time he had known the boy he had never spoken to him so coldly. They walked into the woods in silence before Noah came to a stop and leaned against a tree seeming to have the weight of the world on his shoulders

"You have always been like a father to me Methos, since I was a child it was you who took me under your wing. You who showed me the worlds ways, you and my sister showed me what love could be... And now you do this?" He turned looking at Methos with pain in his eyes

"Noah, what I did had nothing to do with you."

Noah snorted sadly "Methos, she is my sister, the closest thing I have to blood... We have a bond you can never understand, just as you have one I cannot understand. I have always stood up for you too my sister, but this time." He shook his head "This time you're on your own."

Noah started to walk away and Methos grabbed his shoulder "Noah, I can make this right."

Noah smiled sadly "How? Elijah is already on his way to her brother... He has probably already reached her... No brother this is one thing you cannot fix no matter what you do... Not in this century at least."

Methos released Noah and watched as he walked away, then he dropped to his knees head more clear then it had been in months.. And he screamed, he screamed out his agony and pain, because he had just lost his one true family.


"Man, that was amazing. It was like Jimi Hendrix was in my head and I was just playing along." Mike said as he walked beside Joe and Duncan.

Methos was whispering to Esther who still looked pissed "Darling he's just in town for a week.. It wont be that bad."

"You want to open for us tomorrow night? Maurice says it's okay." Joe was telling Mike

Mike nodded "Yes. Of course, man, I'll do whatever it takes."

Duncan smiled "You already did what it takes."

Joe nodded "So come by in the morning, we'll run a couple of tunes and we'll see how it--"

Methos had calmed Esther down but her face turned colder again when she heard Byron yell "Hey, Mike, you want to come jam?"

"You serious?"

"I'm only asking once." He said and strolled to his car, Esther stormed towards him and muttered "Hurt him and I will kill you."

Byron smirked "Relax Snow Queen. Now or never, Mikey!"

Joe and his immortal friends watched as Mike hopped in Byrons limo, then they turned walking away.

"He's an arrogant son of a bitch." Duncan complained

Esther grinned "Finally someone who gets it."

"Lot of geniuses are." Methos defended "He's connected. He could make that kid's career with one phone call."

Joe nodded "Yeah. He's in the Big Time now."

Esther scoffed "Byrons big time is not a place you want to be.. Ask Methos." Then she sped up and hailed a cab which she hopped into leaving her husband behind.

Methos arrived home to find his wife dancing in the living room, the song on the radio made him smile, Esther reached out grabbing him and the two danced and laughed together.

"I was tired of my lady, we'd been together too long.
Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song.
So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed.
And in the personals column, there was this letter I read:

"If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.
If you're not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain.
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.
I'm the lady you've looked for, write to me, and escape.

I didn't think about my lady, I know that sounds kind of mean.
But me and my old lady, had fallen into the same old dull routine.
So I wrote to the paper, took out a personal ad.
And though I'm nobody's poet, I thought it wasn't half-bad.

Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.
I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne.
I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape.
At a bar called O'Malley's, where we'll plan our escape.

So I waited with high hopes, then she walked in the place.
I knew her smile in an instant, I knew the curve of her face.
It was my own lovely lady, and she said, "Aw, it's you."
And we laughed for a moment, and I said, "I never knew".

That you liked Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.
And the feel of the ocean, and the taste of champagne.
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.
You're the love that I've looked for, come with me, and escape.

"If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.
If you're not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain.
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.
You're the love that I've looked for, come with me, and escape."


The next morning Methos and Esther walked back to the club

"I'm sorry."

Methos frowned looking at his wife "What for?"

Esther stared at her feet "For reacting so badly, we agreed to put what happened behind us and I know you love Byron as much as any other student so I should at least try to be civil.

Methos stopped and grabbed Esther's arm pulling her to him "You do not ever have to apologize to me my darling."

A little later they walked into the club and sat around while the band minus Mike played. The boy rushed in and Joe gave him a disappointed look

"You're late, brother."


"You know, you don't want to do this, we don't have to."

Esther watched the kid and frowned, he was high as a kite.

Mike shook his head nervously "No, I'm ready, I'm ready. See? Look." His hands shook as he started to tune his guitar

"Come on, tune it up, okay?"Said Joe annoyed "You with us?"


"All right. Let's give it a whirl."

The band started up again and Esther cringed at the sound of the guitar, the kid was definitely having trouble. Joe shook his head and stopped the session

The kid looked up nervously "What?"

Joe smiled kindly trying hard to be polite "Why don't you get a little sleep, okay, Mike? We'll try this later."

"Tough night?" Duncan asked

Mike nervously looked from Joe to Duncan's "No. Um, yeah. Yeah, it was hot. Byron thought I was great, I was flying?"

Esther snorted "Like a kite." She muttered to Methos who bit his lip anxiously.

"He, uh, give you a little something to help you fly?" Joe asked

Mike frowned prickling up "What are you trying to say?"

"Look, maybe this is none of my business . . ." Joe said trying to calm the situation

"We're talking about Byron, here. You should be happy for me, not bitching at me, all right?" He unplugged his guitar "I'm out of here."

With that he left and Joe sighed standing and walking to Duncan, Esther looked to her husband who watched it all in concern. She realized that for the first time Methos was seeing the other side of Byron, the side where you watched as he destroyed people.

"You okay?" She asked quietly Methos nodded and went back to writing his memoirs."

"I'm going to talk to Byron." Duncan said standing up

Methos and Esther both hopped up "Wait! I'll go with you."

Methos looked at Joe as he walked by "Worried about the kid, huh?"

Joe nodded "He's in a tough spot."

Methos shrugged "To make great music, you have to experience life."

Esther considered this for a moment and nodded "True that.."

Joe shook his head "The good and the bad, huh? Hallelujah."

"Sometimes the man is not as strong as the music."

The three immortals entered Byron's hotel room to find him yelling at his assistant

"Life, my friend, is in the details. I want almonds, not cashews. Almonds. Roasted, unsalted. And fetch me my women. Tall, beautiful women with long black hair. I know you want to make me happy."

Byron smiled as they entered though it faltered at the sight of Esther "Afternoon boys... Girl."

"Still lacerating the help, I see." Esther said scathingly

Byron gave her a sarcastic smirk "It's good being the star."

"Yeah, you and Mike had quite a session last night." Said Duncan

The older immortals watched as Byron walked to a drawer and pulled out a case of drugs "Yeah, kid's got a good shot."

"That's why we're here." Said Duncan as Byron offered them the case

"No, thanks." Said Methos taking a small step back, Byron rolled his eyes and turned to Esther reaching it put but then pulling back

"No you wouldnt want it would you?" He shook his head "You gotta rev the engine or you're just idling. I don't understand how you guys can live without it."

"Just fine, thanks. So did Mike, until last night." Duncan said annoyed, and Esther smirked glad she had the Highlander one her side

Byron ignored him as he breathes in the drugs "Oh, that's better. Immortality gets pretty damn dull after the first couple of centuries, doesn't it? What's the secret, Doc? What do you do when there's nothing left but the dark, cold emptiness that stretches out for centuries behind you? And when you look in the mirror, all that you see is the abomination that you are . . ."

Methos looked to Esther adoration in his eyes "You find something worth living for."

Esther, Methos, and Byron all felt the memories long left behind.


Byron had just taken his first head and Mary Shelley knelt next to him gasping when she felt him move. She ran back to Methos

"How? He lives! Yet I saw . . . "

"It was a trick of the storm." Methos insisted

Mary glared at him in anger "I'm not Claire. Don't speak to me like a fool. I've seen him die and live again, while my daughter Clara lies buried in her grave. How can he live while my flesh and blood turns to dust? Explain."

For a moment in Marys eyes Methos saw Esther, her zest for knowledge, to not be talked down to simply because she was a woman. He shook himself and calmly told her

"There is no explanation. He is not governed by the rules of mortal flesh. He is of a different kind."

Marys eyes widened "How do you know this? How can you know it?"

"Because I am like him. Immortal." He looked at her nervously "I beseech you tell no one of this. We must live in secret."

She nodded in understanding "Or you would be hunted."

"For the perversion of Nature that we are." Methos stared into the distance realizing that was why he was here, because Byron's ways made him feel normal. Esther relished in her immortality, thought it a gift from God. If God had ever given Methos a gift it was..

Mary interrupted his thoughts " Poor tormented creature. The sad hero of a never-ending story. Resurrected by lightning to eternal life." She touched his face gently "To eternal lonliness."

Byron staggered to his feet and turned to them smiling

"An interesting bit of entertainment this was, I'll wager. Come. There's a fire inside, and stories to tell. He looked to Mary "If you have one."

Mary nodded still staring at Methos  "Mine will be about the anguish of immortality."

"What will you call your story, Mary Shelley?" He asked nervous that he had just exposed his kind

"Frankenstein. The modern Prometheus....A man born of fire."

Methos walked alongside her back in the house and reached up to his neck where a necklace sat a ring attached to it. She was wrong, he was not alone.


A few weeks later Methos and Byron rode side by side into a small village outside of London in the middle of the night.

They found the villagers making a bonfire while screaming and running around. The two immortals felt a quickening and dismounted as a female approached, Methos smiled at the sight of his old friend Rebecca.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded angrily

Methos smile dropped as Byron laughed and left to chase after some woman he had seen "Nice to see you as well Rebecca, I'm looking for Esther have you seen her?"

Rebecca laughed coldly "She's here."

Turning she pointed to a hooded figure that stood watching the proceedings,  Methos moved to go to her and Rebecca stopped him

"Dont expect her to be happy, Elijah told all."

Methos ignored her and approached Esther "Hello wife."

Esther scoffed "Wife? Am I to call you husband then?

"Esther I'm sorry, I wasnt in my right mind.."

"Oh yes I know you were drinking Laundnum in excess, you a doctor.. Tell me do you think that an excuse?"

Method sighed and was about to speak when he noticed what the villagers were using as kindling. Letters, and books, ones with his and Esthers handwriting on them.

"What are you doing?" He stepped forward to try and stop them but Esther grabbed him

"Its too late Methos, every letter you ever wrote to me, every book that mentions my name, is in that pile."

"Esther!" He shook his head and moved to stop the man with the torch, but Esthers voice stopped him

"I saved every letter you wrote me
From the moment I read them
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought were mine"

Esthers eyes were white as she controlled the people around her. She stared at Methos remembering how anytime they were separated they would write letters to the other.  Everytime one of his letters came she was so excited.

Do you know what [Rebecca] said
When we saw your first letter arrive?
She said: "Be careful with that one, love
he will do what it takes to survive."

Esther remembered how in Rome every time Methos wrote to her or visited Rebecca would tell her to watch out for him. "All he cares about is his own survival."

"You and your words flooded my senses
Your sentences left me defenseless
You built me palaces out of paragraphs
You built cathedrals

Methos couldnt stop what was happening, but he could turn and stare at Esther pain in his eyes. Remembering how many promises he had made to her, how many he had broken.

"[I re-read] the letters you wrote me
[I was] searching and scanning for answers
In every line
For some kind of sign
And when you were mine
The world seemed to burn

What had she missed? How could their perfect world have come tumbling down so quickly?

"[You'll write everything this girl said to you]
You[ll tell]the whole world how you brought this girl
Into our bed
In [keeping] your name
You [will] ruin our lives

Do you know what [Rebecca] said
When she [heard] what you'd done?
She said: "You have married an Icarus.
He has flown too close to the sun."

You and your words obsessed with your legacy
Your sentences border on senseless
And you are paranoid in every paragraph
How they perceive you-
You, you, you"

There were tears in both their eyes now a they looked at each other, Esther reached to her wrist and pulled off the bracelet that sat there. The one he gave her the first time they had separated the one to remember him by

"I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder
How [Esther] reacted
When you broke her heart"

Methos watched as the man with the torch moved forward towards the stack"Esther don't." He begged tears in his eyes

"You have torn it all apart"

He reached for her but she stepped away "Don't do this." But it was too late, the fire was set and Methos watched as every paper, scroll, book and anything that spoke of Esther or connected her to Methos began to burn.

"I'm watching it burn
Watching it burn

The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the letters
that might have redeemed you"

She looked at Methos pain and anger in her eyes

"You forfeit all rights to my heart
You forfeit the place in our bed
You'll sleep in your office instead
With only the memories
of when you were mine"

They stared into each others eyes and Esthers glowed brighter then before making Methos feel sleepy. He fell to the ground and the last words he heard from his wife for the next two hundred years were

"I hope that you burn"

When Methos awoke he found the villagers walking around him, the fire was burnt out and nothing remained but ashes. Laying next to him on the ground was a bracelet, he picked it up and he cried.


Byron spoke gustily as he paced his room, Mary Shelleys book in his hand "Light, feeling, and sense will pass away. And in this condition must I find my happiness." Esther frowned she had never read Frankenstine although she had burned several copies when she had bad days

"Frankenstein, gentleman. Mary Shelley's greatest work. The point is that we are all Frankenstein's monster. Doomed to walk the frozen tundra for eternity. Or the streets of Paris as the case may be." He picked up a bag of drugs "But at least this gives us the illusion of life."

"If you think that's what life is all about then you're already dead."

Esther sighed "No, he's in hell, but his drugs disguise it as heaven."

"So speaks the hero's." Byron sneered at the two "good" immortals

Duncan strode forward "You listen to me. This is no illusion, no poetic fantasy. This is real, and it's a warning. Leave the kid alone."

As he left Esther looked to Methos who was awkwardly holding a skull on the corner so he didnt have to be part of the conversation.

"Give me a minute." She asked, Methos considered but set down the skull and left his wife and student alone.

Byron raised an eyebrow "Going to kill me?"

Esther shook her head slowly walking the length of the room "No, I won't kill you.. Because my husband cares for you.. So for his sake you will remain alive."

Byron laughed "Have you ever told him?"

Esther clenched a fist and glared at him "That you tried to kill me? No I didnt, if I did do you think you would still be alive?"

It had been in the 60s, Esther had come across Byron high in and alley about to get his head chopped off. She had saved him, killing the immortal whom was going to kill him, then took her back to her place do he could sober up.

When he awoke she had been cooking, he had known who she was and he hated her.. So he saw the perfect opportunity, he had grabbed his cane and the sword hidden therein. Creeping towards her he had been about to take her head, she had seen his reflection in a put and had flung her frying pan of boiling liquid toward a him.

She had still had mercy, because of her husband she had taken the immortal to Sean Burns and dumped him on his steps hoping Sean could fix him because she wasn't going to.

Esther shook her head "You will die Byron, but it will not be by my hand."

With that she walked out and found Methos and Duncan waiting by the car in silence.

Later that night Esther waited outside Byrons dressing room as Methos entered to try and talk him into leaving.

Byron looked up and smiled at his mentor before turning back around "Hey, Doc. It's going to be a killer show tonight."

Methos had his hands shoved in his pockets as he spoke "I didn't come here for the show."

Byron frowned confused but shrugged "Well, uh, party doesn't start 'til later, but hey, make yourself at home.

"Leave town."

Byron stopped what he was doing to look at Methos "Say what?"

"MacLeod's going to be coming here. I'm telling you as an old friend that it would be a good time to go on tour. In another country."

"And disappoint my fans?" He walked over to a pinball machine "I told you, I've got a show to do."

Methos walked up next to him "Used to be more than a show. There was a time when you were reaching for the heavens."

Byron sighed "There is no heaven. It's just an illusion for fools and innocents." He walked across the room "I have no hope, no dreams, no poetry left. All I feel is this raging hunger. And all I hear is my own voice screaming my failure. You know what I've become."

"Yes, I know."

Byron walked towards his mentor trying to get the man he had once known back "But do you know who you are, Doc?" Methos shook his head "You're the guy in the audience and I'm the guy on the flying trapeze. Who do you think's having more fun?"

Methos scoffed "Who do you think's going to live longest?"

Byron rolled his eyes and turned away "Who cares?"

Methos thought about his life, of his family, his wife, his daughter. For them he would live another 5,000 years and more.

"I do."

Byron shook his head and turned to him "Do you want a tombstone that says, 'He Lived For Centuries?' Or do you want one that says, 'For Centuries He Was Alive?'"

Methos shook his head in disbelief at the foolishness "You're not listening to me. I don't want a tombstone."

The two men stared at each other realizing how different they truly were. On stage the music began to play and Byron smiled "You hear that? They're playing my song." He walked out and saw Esther who gave him a look of pity, which made him uncomfortable but he said one thing

"Take care of him Snow Queen.."

Esther watched him for a second before Byron walked away and she said loudly "Longer than Forever."

Esther felt an immortal and looked up to see Duncan walking towards her just as Methos left the dressing room

Methos looked at the highlander "Mike's dead, I know. Byron didn't force him to do anything."

Duncan scoffed "That's a load of crap. Mike's dead because of Byron."

He went to push past Methos but the ancient immortal stood strong "No, Mike is dead because of . . . Mike."

The three immortals moved down the hall as Duncan argued "The kid idolized him. Maybe he didn't pull the trigger but he sure as hell put the gun in his hand. 'To live like me you have to be like me?' Come on, Methos. Mike couldn't do that, he wasn't immortal."

Methos shrugged "Which is not Byron's fault."

Esther gave Methos a look that said, you know that bull

Methos swallowed and ran up to Duncan "Mac, Mac! Wait. Think. Think about the poetry, think about the music that he's made. Think about the music that he will still make. You going to kill all that as well?"

Duncan gave him a sad look "And what about Mike. What music could he have made?"

Esther sighed knowing she would have to make the killing blow "He tried to kill me Methos."

Methos frowned and looked to this wife "What!"

"Byron tried to kill me in the sixties after I saved his life.. And dont blame the drugs he was more sober then he's ever been."

Duncan looked to Methos who was staring at his wife with fury in his gaze. The older immortal stepped aside, and nodded to Macleod before he grabbed his wifes hand and walked away.

Later they sat at Joes bar while he played, Esther was rubbing Methos back as he took deep breaths to calm himself. Every immortal had PTSD of some kind, and Methos had been hitting him hard recently.

The two immortals looked up as Duncan entered the room

Methos spoke quietly "Matter and antimatter. Byron knew that, too... His life had become one long tragedy."

Duncan poured himself a drink "We all know how those end."

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." Said Esther quietly

Methos gave a small amused smile "Now there's a man who had a crush on you."

"Crush honey, he wanted to marry me."

Both Duncan and Joe started listening as the two immortals told the story of when they had met the great bard himself.

And that night while Methos slept Esther crept to the bookcase and pulled out a book sitting down cross legged on the floor she began to read

" You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday, and my first task is to assure my dear sister of my welfare and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking"


Authors note: Wow 9,000+ words... I know there isnt much interest in this story but I love it anyway!

Vote, Comment, Follow, Share Some Love!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC's

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