Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Tem...

By Shizumakiss8

167K 4.8K 251

[Working On New Chapter's "SLOWLY"] [First "62" Chapter's Up] (WILL BE EDITED) Esme Knight has struggled with... More

Copyright Page.
Character List
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY.
Chapter FORTY.
Chapter FORTY-ONE.
Chapter FORTY-TWO.
Chapter FORTY-SIX.
Chapter FIFTY.
Chapter FIFTY-ONE.
Chapter FIFTY-TWO.
Chapter FIFTY-SIX.
Chapter SIXTY.
Chapter SIXTY-ONE.
Chapter SIXTY-TWO.


3.6K 85 2
By Shizumakiss8


(Time Skip Thursday Still)

(Back In Chicago)

Christen Dorell's (POV) (Bad Lady)

Staring at the monitor's once again I scream throwing yet another item as my hacker Rat informs me that the houses are locked down for awhile and my love's best friend has a house sitter there. Growling I grit my teeth asking, "Where are they?!" hearing typing I groan falling back into my office chair as he informs me they are on their way to Hawaii and I squeeze the phone in my hand asking, "How long are they going to be there?" he sighs out, "Looks like a week boss and Miss. Willow's parents are still there as well they must be going to see them for a bit."

Gritting my teeth, I flip the monitors back to my plan and smirk saying, "Well that is fine for now but once they plan their next move I want to know, and I want the first flight out under my other name. You hear me Rat?!" he chuckles typing saying, "Of course boss and would you like that job done as well?" smirking taking a drink of my scotch I laugh saying, "Yes that little shit screwed up for the last time and get the fixer his usual gift along with starting our plan you know the one..." he laughs typing saying, "Yes boss on it talk soon." Hearing the line go dead I lay my latest phone down smirking taking another drink of my scotch sighing out, "You will be mine soon my lovely Kelly but first I have to finish my plan and get lots of money hmm..." laughing hysterically I drown the rest of my drink hearing my phone ding I look at the screen smirking as I relax back into my chair.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

We arrived at the villa and both Kelly and I could not be happier with it let alone the view and the short distance to the beach. Kelly's parents are just a few meters away in their own little get away and we plan lunch with them tomorrow, for now we are settled in and have ordered dinner. Esme is still passed out to which I have to wake her I just hope she is ok and not in pain as she was, and I am still wondering why she was so fussy on the plane. Hearing foot falls I turn away from the stunning view as the sun is setting and the waves are washing against the sand and I see Kelly coming my way rubbing her neck.

Chuckling I smile sighing saying, "Got to much sleep love." She just roles here eyes and sticks her tongue out grumbling out, "Oh, shut it you..." laughing lighting I sigh saying, "How was your talk with mom and dad?" she groans, and I laugh again as she sets in one of the comfy lawn chairs just as another breeze blows our way. She sighs and I settle down as she says, "Ok, though they wanted to come over now and meet Esme, but I got them to still hold off until tomorrow I just..." nodding I reach over patting her thigh saying, "I know baby..."

She looks at me and sets forward coving her face with her hands and I sigh saying, "Now, now what did I say we are going to focus on us not things we can't fix or control." She sniffles and I sigh standing up I walk over hugging her, pulling her into me as she lays her head on my chest, I kiss her head and rub her back as she sniffles saying, "I'm sorry Len I, I loved him and then with the divorce I was ok and happy but its just so much and then he gets..."

Holding her tighter I grit my teeth though I am still pissed at the asshat I did not wish him dead though and yet whatever he was into and whoever he was working with got him killed. But still he is hurting her even from a not settled grave, gritting my teeth I kiss her head again saying, "I know baby I am so, so sorry love and you will get through this yes. We have fought our way through so much and I know you will fight through this as well." Sniffling she grips my shirt and nods before wiping her face and setting up look at me saying, "Thank you love."

Nodding I smile lightly saying, "Always dear now our food should be her any minute and I need to go wake up my girl wish me luck." She laughs patting my leg saying, "Yeah good luck and I'll get our food set up, what do you want for a drink?" smiling I kiss her head saying, "I ordered us some wine and got Esme milk and juice though the fridge should be fully stocked dear." Nodding she smiles and winks before saying, "I brought along some bourbon and a bottle of your red Zinfandel." Gasping I smack her arm lightly and she giggles smiling and shrugs saying, "Your welcome!" laughing I smile saying, "Yeah, yeah I got to wake Esme and you don't open that bottle we will do that with your parents later hmm." She purses her lips, but nods and I leave her to relax until our food is here, making my way down the little hallway I pass the room Kelly picked and make my way to the one down the hall. Walking in I smile seeing my baby all sprawled out like a starfish and she is drooling which makes me chuckle and aww at her cuteness.

The villa or bungalow if you will is round and has a full three sixty view of the surroundings so this room has to big sliding doors as the living room, and you can see the beach this way as well along with green shrubbery and palm trees. Smiling seeing them flow in the breeze I make my way around our bed and slowly crawl on and set by my girl. Chuckling I still can't get over how gorgeous and precious she is at the same time just like a doll. Reaching out I rub her stomach watching her little lips suckle an invisible paci as the drool is on her cheek and pillow and I giggle.

Leaning over I kiss her forehead, cheek, neck, and nose saying, "Wakey, wakey baby girl we are in Hawaii hmm." She scrunches up her face in that adorable way and I chuckle again kissing her nose and cheek saying, "Come on baby girl momma has dinner on it's way and it's our first day here don't you want to see the ocean?" watching her scrunch her face up again and squirm and stretch on the bed I smile rubbing her stomach and side as she starts blinking and her eyes start to open. Cooing I watch as she looks around trying to focus and rubs her face as she grumbles out, "S'eep momma!" chuckling I kiss her forehead and cheeks making her smile and yawn as I say, "Oh you have had plenty of sleeps baby just like Kelly hmm and you won't sleep tonight if momma lets you sleep all day."

She purses her lips and yawns before grumbling out, "Momma meanie!" I gasp putting my hand over my heart dramatically saying, "Mean momma huh?!" she giggles so I tickle her sides giving her kiss attack until she squeals out, "S'op momma I sowwy, momma nooo meanie!" giggling I kiss her cheeks and nose once more and scoop her up into my arms holding her as she takes breaths giggling and I chuckle kissing her nose saying, "Apology excepted baby bean." She giggles and snuggles into me yawning as I pat her bottom and back I feel she is wet and I kiss her head bouncing her lightly saying, "Seems momma's baby needs a nappy change hmm baby bean."

She giggles stretching so I kiss her nose and lay her down again to which she whines not liking that so I pat her stomach saying, "Shh baby girl momma is just going to change you hmm and then we will get some yummy food with Kelly yeah." She yawns and nods, so I get the diaper bag and get to work changing her asking, "Is my baby excited to see the ocean hmm?" she giggles patting her hands on the bed nodding as she squeaks out, "Ocean!" chuckling I nod saying, "Yeah baby and sand and maybe we can find some seashells hmm." She giggles and I finish by kissing her little feet and chubby thighs making her giggle more as I fix her sundress. I had dressed her in a white sundress with little purple flowers all over it and matching bloomers this morning along with white ruffled socks and white marry jane sandals. And she just looks so beautiful and adorable.

She kicks her feet and I chuckle putting her shoes back on before kissing her nose making her face scrunch up and giggle out, "Momma tickle!" chuckling I smile and pick her up onto my hip and she lays her head on my should snuggling in as I kiss her forehead asking, "All better baby bean?!" she giggles patting my chest lightly with her cast hand saying, "Love momma!" freezing I take a breath to and lay my head back to not cry as I kiss her head saying, "Momma loves you to baby girl!" she giggles and looks up as I blink holding my tears back as she smiles yawning out, "Lub momma!"

Sighing I hold her closer kissing her head and patting her bottom as I take us back into the living room, sniffling I feel the tears on my cheeks but ignore them just so happy. I know we have only know each other little over a week and just started being mommy and little but just those two words and I am a blubbing mess. She is playing with my braid, and I sniffle just as we get to the table where Kelly has our food, and she spots me freezing and frowns as I shake my head. Sniffling I smile and set us down bouncing Esme and she giggle as I take a breath and wipe my eyes before look back at Kelly saying, "She said she loves me!"

She smiles really big, and I chuckle as Esme pats my chest saying, "Lubs momma, my momma!" both Kelly and I giggle aww and coo as I kiss attack my baby making her squeal and giggle more until I just hold and rock her as Kelly says, "So precious and so freaking cute!" chuckling I sniffle nodding saying, "Even more so day by day." Nodding she smiles and I pat my baby's bottom saying, "Ok baby girl our food is here are you ready for some yummy food hmm?!" she giggles, and I adjust her in my lap so she is facing the table and I watch a prepared Kelly has a bib already ready and puts it on a fussy Esme as we chuckle and she calms down I smile saying, "Thank you dear." she chuckles nodding saying, "Always now let's dig in I am starving!" laughing I nod and kiss my girls head once more as we get to eating our dinner and enjoying small talk.

(Time Skip Friday Morning)

Esme Knight's (POV)

Giggling I blink several time looking around as I hear laughing before hearing Elena saying, "Momma's baby is a happy baby after eating her breakfast huh bean your all covered in syrup and sticky!" patting my hands on what looks like a highchair tray I giggle and freeze at what she just said blinking did she just call herself momma. Focusing she finally comes into view smiling saying, "Hey baby lets get you cleaned up huh and then you, me and Kelly are going for a walk on the beach hmmm." Licking my lips, I smile tasting the sweet maple syrup and I giggle as she smiles coming closer with a wash cloth, bouncing I blink still freaking out that she said momma but then again I am glad because I have been wanting to call her momma and mommy for a long time.

She starts wiping my face and I sputter and grumble as she chuckles saying, "Oh wiggle worm we will get you cleaned quick silly!" giggling I pat my hands and she gets to cleaning them saying, "Such a happy baby yes you are!" giggling I blush feeling my face and ears heat up she looks at me and I just can't believe how she is so amazing and beautiful my goddess. She blinks after wiping the tray up and I blush more shying away when she asks, "Do I have my big Esme now?"

How is she such a mind reader hearing her chuckle I shiver as she finishes cleaning my hands saying, "It's ok baby girl, how are you feeling right now?" blinking I peak back at her and she is just smiling that full force smile at me and I giggle shrugging and mumbling out, "E-embarrassed." She smiles nodding pursing her lips saying, "That's ok baby, lets get you out of this chair and we can go cuddle and talk before our walk hmm." Nodding I shiver looking around and down at what I am wearing, and I blush more as she chuckles kissing my forehead saying, "So cute..." blushing more I wait as she puts the highchair tray on the table before yup she picks me up making me squeal and giggle as she pats my back and bottom. Snuggling into her I sigh, and she does too saying, "My snuggly baby."

Blushing I squeak and she chuckles, looking around I smile seeing our surroundings and I am in awe we are in this modern looking space and there is so much light from the windows and doors. Blinking I sigh this place Is beautiful we get to a couch, and she settles us down saying, "We got here yesterday baby and you have been little since hmm." Looking up at her I mumble out, "I don't r-remember m-much." Nodding she kisses my head saying, "That's ok dear I will tell you yeah." Nodding I look up at her smiling as she pats my leg asking, "What do you remember baby?" blushing I nibble my lip thinking saying, "I s-sowwy I know r-remember." Slipping a little I look away blushing and she cups my cheek, so I look at her as she says, "That's ok baby." Sniffling I grip her shirt as she smiles kissing my head saying, "Baby it is ok if you don't remember each time yeah, do you have any question though?"

Blushing I squirm and look at her saying, "Y-you c-called y-yourself m-momma..." she blushes and nods saying, "Yes I did baby, you have been little both newborn and around your two to four-year-old space and you finally started calling me mommy and momma Wednesday." Blinking I smile and blush as she chuckles lightly asking, "Is that ok baby girl?" nodding I nibble my lip looking up at her saying, "I, I b-been w-wanting to call you that." smiling she sighs kissing my head and hugging me closer saying, "I am so happy baby!" squealing I giggle as she hugs me tighter before kissing my head again and I sigh snuggling more into her as I hear, "Aww you two are just stupidly cuter each time!" squeaking I blush and Elena laughs looking away as I follow her line of sight I see Kelly and she smirks and shrugs saying, "What?! It's true!" laughing Elena smiles rolling her eyes saying, "I'll take that as a compliment." Giggling I smile and she looks at me, so I just shrug and look at Kelly who waves saying, "Well good morning love." Blushing I squeak out, "M-morning K-Kelly." She blinks but smiles saying, "Well hello big Esme." Giggling I role my eyes and Elena says, "Now we can talk more later how about that walk hmm baby?"

Giggling I nod so she stands us up and I squeak as she laughs saying, "Sorry dear." Giggle she is so silly, and she just can't help holding me smiling I look at Kelly who snickers and I role my eyes saying, "Oh shush you." Her and Elena both laugh, and I smile as we make our way outside, and I squint at the bright light blinking until my eyes adjust and I gasp looking around as the wend blows past us. looking around I giggle setting up with my arm around Elena's neck as she smiles kissing my cheek making me blush asking, "You like it baby?" giggling I nod looking down I see the sand at Elena and Kelly's feet and I giggle wiggling wanting down Elena understands saying, "Ok, ok giggle box I'll let you down but stay close ok."

Giggling I nod slipping a little as she sets me on my feet squealing at the warm sand on my feet I see I am barefoot and giggle more wiggle my toes. Elena is still holding my hand, so I squeeze it and look around seeing the ocean and I sigh and breath in the scent and fresh air as I hear them talking but I see the water splashing again the shore and I shiver and bounce on my feet wanting to go. pulling on her hand I try to go toward the water when I am pulled back, squeaking I whine and look back up at Elena and she smiles saying, "We can go closer baby but be careful ok." Nodding I slip again squealing as I start pulling on her hand again saying, "Let's go, let's go!" they laugh as they follow me, and I pull on Elena's hand as we get to the water line I shiver and bounce still feeling the warm sand but now it's squishy and I giggle slipping fully letting myself relax and my mind go blank.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

Laughing I smile as Esme pulled me to the water looking at Kelly she smiles taking her sandals off, so I do the same. Laughing as we watch Esme play in the water running back and forth as it washes in and out. Laugh I smile as she squeals so I chase after her making her squeal and giggle more as I growl out, "Momma's going to get you baby bean!" she squeals as I get closer to grabbing her arm and turns looking at me giggling as Kelly joins in chasing us both, laughing I smile and scoop her up as she giggles and squirms in my arms yelling, "Mommy f-fun!"

Laughing I kiss her face all over as she giggles before I rock her as she squirms squealing out, "Play mo'e!" chuckling I kiss her cheeks and settle her back on her feet as I look at an out of breath Kelly saying, "We got a wild baby today." She laughs and Esme giggles laying her head on my chest giggling out, "Silly momma!" smiling I kiss her head saying, "Love you baby bean are you having fun?!" she giggles and leans back looking at me with the wind blowing the sea water our way saying, "Lubs momma, fun!" kissing her head I sigh scooping her up making her squeal as I bounce her looking at Kelly who laughs saying, "Definitely a wild child today."

Smiling I look at my watch saying, "Well seems we only have a bit until lunch should we head to your parents bungalow?" she purses her lips sighing saying, "Inevitable huh." I smile and kiss her head nodding saying, "It's ok honey just let them be the loving parents they are yeah and don't worry I will try not to let them smother you with love." Laughing she lightly smacks my arm and sighs as I feel my baby snuggle more into me and I sigh kissing her head saying, "Let's go see Kelly's mom and dad hmm baby bean." She looks up at me smiling with red cheeks and I just gush at how beautiful she is, kissing her head again she smiles laying back down playing with my hair.

Kelly Willow's (POV)

Sighing I follow Elena and Esme towards my parents bungalow still squishing our feet in the wet sand I take another breath knowing I need to see them. the last two weeks have been hell and all this well drama has been ridiculous, I'm happy Elena found Esme and they are getting along so well and are officially mommy and little, but I can't help the pain I am feeling so far though being with them is helping. Smiling as Esme plays with Elena's hair I still love seeing each of her little and big sides it's amazing to watch and I also can't help but remember what Elena said on the plane which causes me to shiver.

Adjusting my sun hat, I blush wondering if she is right and I could slip like Esme does but then again I don't think I could ever be that open. Jumping as a hand is on my arm I blink and look up as Elena asks, "You ok dear you zoned out and stopped walking." Smiling lightly, I nod saying, "Sorry just a lot of thoughts." Nodding she smiles taking my hand squeezing it saying, "That's ok dear but come we are almost there hmm and besides I know your hungry just like Esme and myself." Laughing I role my eyes as we continue our walk and Esme peeks out smiling at me making me chuckle.

Waving I smile saying, "Happy baby huh." She giggles hiding back in Elena's chest as we get to the door of my parents bungalow and I sigh nibbling my lip saying, "Now or never." Elena laughs kissing my cheek and squeezing my head before nocking saying, "Everything is fine dear." Nodding I wait bouncing lightly on my heals until the door opens and my mother smiles squealing saying, "Babies!" before hugging all three of us causing us to laugh and Esme to squeal but laugh and hide more into Elena. Chuckling I kiss my mothers head sighing saying, "It's only been a few mom." She laughs just as my dad yells, "Food is on its way loves!" laughing we all walk inside as mom says, "Yes baby but I missed my girls now are you two going to introduce this little one?" chuckling I look at Elena who smiles still holding a shy and hiding Esme as I see my dad coming our way and I smile as he gets to us the moment he is hugging me I sigh and just let my body relax more glad to see them both after everything that has happened.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

Watching Kelly finally relax since yesterday I sigh as Alice smiles asking, "How has she been?" looking at her I sigh bouncing Esme saying, "Better then yesterday I just can't believe all that has happened and why." Nodding she smiles and looks at Esme in my arms smiling asking, "And this must be Esme huh." Chuckling I nod saying, "Yes she is, Kelly and I found her hiding inside a jungle gym about a week ago and we have been getting to know her since." Nodding she smiles and I see Esme peek out and I chuckle kissing her head saying, "Come on baby can you say hi to Alice hmm she is Kelly's momma." She giggles and peeks out again as Alice waves at her saying, "Well hi little one." Esme giggles and I laugh along with everyone else as Kelly and Sam come over and Sam says, "Well isn't she adorable!" Smiling I pat my girls bottom feeling she is wet, so I kiss her head nodding saying, "Yes she, umm I need to change her." Alice nods saying, "Just down the hall and to your left dear pretty much same layout as your bungalow." Nodding I smile adjust the Diaper bag and my girl as I look at Kelly saying, "Be right back hmm." She sticks her tongue out and I laugh before leaving and making my way down the hall.

Alice Willow's (POV) (New)

Smiling I watch Elena and little Esme disappear into the guest room before I turn looking at my daughter and I smile looking her over saying, "You look beautiful dear." She blushes saying, "Thanks mom." Chuckling I smile before going and hugging her again rocking her back and forth saying, "We missed you love bug, and we are so happy you are ok, and we are so sorry about everything to do with Cody." She sniffles and I squeeze her closer as Sam comes up and hugs us both saying, "We are so happy you and Elena are here baby girl." She nods and I step back smiling cupping her cheeks asking, "Other than you know, how are you feeling dear?" she smiles saying, "Good mom, dad really I just wish things have been different."

Sighing I nod looking at my love and he does the same saying, "Well now lets get situated for lunch shall we since your mother has been chewing my head off about all the sea food I have been eating..." laughing I smack his arm saying, "You could get scurvy or a tape worm dear its just me worrying." Kelly laughs but smiles saying, "I don't care if he can't have sea food anymore mom, but I need my fix we just got here yesterday, and I already had some lobster." Laughing I role my eyes and squeeze her hand saying, "Yes dear you'll get your fix." Laughing she smiles as we hear giggling and I look seeing Elena coming back with Esme, so I smile saying, "She is just so precious dear." Elena smiles saying, "And shy seems but don't worry she will open up soon." Chuckling I smile nodding as we all make it out back to the patio settling down since the food should be here soon we all just relax, and I can't help but watch Elena with Esme as Kelly and her father talk.

[Hey reader's thank you for reading this far!]

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