Duskwood: A Town of Mysteries

By 001writer

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"It may seem like any place. Cold, monotonous. But can you imagine what lurks deep in the forest of the town... More

Chapter 1: The phone number
Chapter 2: You are the key
Chapter 3: Part of the group
Chapter 4: The kidnapper
Chapter 5: Horror story
Chapter 6: Mysterious
Chapter 7: Keys and secrets
Chapter 8: Chaos
Chapter 9: The sign
chapter 10: Voting
Chapter 11: The final vote
Chapter 12: Trustworth
Chapter 13: The letter
Chapter 14: Welcome to Duskwood
Chapter 15: Call me Sherlok
Chapter 16: Midnight in Duskwood
Chapter 17: Justice
Chapter 18: Good and bad news
Chapter 19: The meeting
Chapter 20: The next attack
Chapter 21: Missing
Chapter 22: The past
Chapter 23: unlocking memories
Chapter 24: The devil
Chapter 25: The Man Without a Face
Chapter 26: Home sweet home
Chapter 28: And we meet again for the last time
Chapter 29: Mission Accomplished
Chapter 30: Endgame

Chapter 27: Dark side of ambition

360 22 5
By 001writer

"Everything comes with a price"


The next day was also sunny and a little bit hot. When I woke up, it was only 7 AM and Jake was already on his computer.

—Did you even sleep last night? -I said in his ear.


He jumped so scared it made me laugh.

—I'm sorry.

—How long have you been there?!

—A few seconds.

He was still getting over the scare I have him.

—I hadn't been scared like this in ages.


—Anyway, I have done it.
—We have access to Hanna's phone.
—However, not everything has been unlocked yet.

—That's awsome!
—And have you taken a look at it yet?

—No. I want to leave that to you.
—At least until I have opened up more areas of her Smart Phone.


—This phone is a huge opportunity for us, Vanysh.
—Please take a careful look at everything.

—You seem to be more excited.

—Lately I've been thinking that we were in a dead end. But you gave me hope.
—You always do.

—I'm really happy to hear that.
—I'm a bit nervous to look at her phone though.

—So am I.
—Do you feel bad doing this?

—Well, It's necessary.
—And I will do this for you.

I'd probably do anything for you anyway.

—I am sorry.
—I do not wish you to do things for me if you feel bad doing them.
—If you do not want to do it, I'll take a look at the contents by myself.

—No, Jake, that's not what I meant.
—I don't feel bad by doing this. It's my job anyway.
—But because I know you don't feel so well with it, I have one more reason.

He smiled.

—Thank you, Vanysh.
—Well then...
—The access is still the same.
—In the meantime, I will work on accessing the areas I haven't been able to yet.


—Good luck, Vanysh.

—Good luck, Jake.


The rest of the group were still asleep. Apparently only me, the morning bird, and jake, the vampire, wake and stay up until this time in the morning.

When I opened her phone through mine, I could only access her instagram, SMS, a map, the browser and some kind of "lucky fortune" app.

I then started opening the SMS, but just like everyone's, Hanna's only had messages from sales, verification codes and useless things.

Her instagram also didn't have anything suspicious. She follows her friends and some other people.

Her browser didn't seem interesting either. She was looking at flowers, Richy's garage site, dogs and how to bake an apple pie.
Then I found something about the Pine Glade festival and the bar Aurora. But the last thing she's been searching about was the Pine Glade.

The last thing for me to take a look at was that app with the image of a lucky biscuit.
Why not taking a look, right?

When I opened it, there was only a lucky biscuit in the middle of the screen. I clicked it and it instantly broke, showing a little paper with a phrase.

"Listen to your intuition"

"Old friendships will flourish once more"

"Your next encounter will not be by chance"

"Your heart is in the right place"

Well now this little thing is getting too specific.

When I closed it, I saw the app we use to chat unlocked. Unfortunately, not all of her conversations were available to read.

At first there were only useless things such as jokes with her dad, normal talks and then messages that our friends and her parents sent her after she disappeared. But then I saw a chat she had with Amy.

—Hanna, can we talk?

—Of course, Amy

—I saw you secretly taking some pills today
—I'm not trying to make any assumptions here...

—But you were wondering wether the pills are the reason why I'm seeing the man without a face or not

—But why, Hanna?
—Why you're the only one who can see him?

—Because I am responsible for their death

—I am sorry
—Like I said, I didn't want to make any assumptions

—It's ok
—I was driving, Amy. You were only sitting next to me
—And that's why only I can see him
—You are not to blame

—I completely disagree
—And you wouldn't have been driving without me in the first place. All of this happened because wanted to help me

—Maybe we shouldn't talk about it anymore


—You were right about Isabel, Amy
—I need to talk to you in person asap
—You have no idea of what I've found

—At our secret place?


Oh, shit. This says a lot.

I knew Hanna had something to do with it, but I just didn't know why. Now I have an answer, but much more questions appeared.

I don't even know how to tell this to Jake. It's finally 100% official that Hanna killed Jennifer, not just an assumption.

—Jake? -I opened the door and entered the room.

—Yes, Vanysh?

—You should take a look at this yourself. I handed him my phone, showing Hanna and Amy's conversation.

—Do you not think it would be quicker if you simply told me about everything?



He started reading it and he instantly turned serious. Almost sad, I would say.

—With this chat, we had found more than I hoped for.
—Well done, Vanysh.


—Now we can say with certainty that Hanna is responsible for what happened to you and your sister.

He looked even more sad now.

—That's really...

—It's making you sad, isn't it?


—Me too.
—I'm sorry.

—You do not have to be, Vanysh.
—We wanted to unveil  the secret, and that's what we are doing.
—But I am sorry.
—For what Hanna has done to you and Jennifer. And that you have to see this, too.

In the try of making the situation less worse I almost made a joke about the irony of his sister killing mine, but I saw that it wasn't the time for this.

—It's okay.
—I already knew. It was obvious.
—But at least we can be sad together.

He didn't smile or laugh. Just kept staring at my face with a sad look before giving me a hug.

—We found out about many things with this conversation.
—And I think we should tell the others about it.

—Yes. We should.
—But let's leave the part of the meeting and secret place behind. At least until we can find out more about this.

—Let's just wait for everyone to wake up.
—Meanwhile I will walk around.

—Take care.

When I just left the house, I received a notification coming from Hanna's phone. An unknown number.

—You took the phone.
—That was a huge mistake.

Son of a bitch.

—Then you looked for it before putting everything on fire?

He didn't answer. And I didn't say anything else.

I just want to walk. Walk and do not think.


1 hour later, everyone was awake and reunited at the living room.

—What happened?

—Yeah. Why the hell are we having a group discussion at 8 AM?

—Vanysh, do you wish to delegate the talking to me?

—No. Let me do this.


—Cutting this short:
—Jake managed to unlock Hanna's phone. And as you can Imagine, I already snooped on it.
—In the middle of it, I found a chat between Hanna and Amy Bell Lewis.
—And this chat confirms that Hanna and Amy are responsible for Jennifer's death and whatever the hell happened to me that night. Besides some other stuff.

They windened their eyes.

—Does it really say that in the chat?

—Yes. Apparently Hanna was driving that AMC gremlin. She must have lost control.
—And Amy was there with her.

—May I ask a question?

—Go ahead.

—Hanna told Iris that she was being followed by the man who killed Jennifer. But if that was Hanna and Amy...

—She lied to get what she wanted from Iris. She's done stuff like this before.
—When she went to that hospital looking for information about me, for example, she told the secretary that she was my sister so the she could get the files.

—It was an excuse.

They were now looking at the nothing, thoughtful.

—Are you with us so far?

They nodded.


—It's just that...

Nevermind. Please continue.

Jake realized I didn't feel like talking and took the lead.

—Amy doubted Hanna about it.
—But the rest you can see in the chat.
—I made it possible for everyone to access it.

They got their phones and started reading.

—So he really found out.
—Michael knows that they are responsible for what happened.

—And he's been investigating all of you. I also sent a picture containing Michael's investigation wall.

—Perhaps he thought any of you had something to do with it.

—This can't be true.
—Hanna would have never done something like that!

Here we go again.

—She's empathetic.

—It was an accident.

—It's a lot to take. I understand you.
—But only the truth will save Hanna now.

—I'm sorry. I need a break. -She got up and left.

—Well, understandable.

—What about that marking on the map?
—It's the Duskwood map, isn't it?


—We assume it to be the place where the accident happened.

—Is it a bad time to ask if any of you can pick me up from the hospital?

—Did they discharge you?


—Let me finish the conversation, then I'll get you there.


—Jake, please go and get Lilly.


After a few minutes, both appeared again.

—I'm sorry.

—It's okay.
—But just so that you know about all the news:
—Here is Ted's letter. The inmate who Hanna wanted to talk to. -I got it out of my pocked and put on the table.
—He gave me an answer. Now I'm going to get Dan.


—Do you want me to come with you?

—It won't be necessary.

I got my phone and left the house. But before I entered my car I've got some flowers that I saw around.
They were pink lilies. So pretty and fragrant. 

In a way, I have a memory of Jennifer saying that they were her favorites at a random Christmas.
I'm still getting used to the fact that what I had weren't daydreams or dreams, but memories.

  I thought I was crazy or had some disorder, but after finding out the truth, I would really rather be crazy.


After 40 minutes of pure stress trying to get there with Dan giving the wrong directions, I did it.
As soon as I stopped my car in front of the hospital I saw a strong man with a beard and a mocking face in a wheelchair next to me.

—Well well well.

—You look worse than I thought you'd do.

—Try to survive weeks in this hell and you'll be just as pretty as me.

—You're in a wheelchair. Was the accident that serious?


I helped him into the car and stowed the wheelchair in the trunk.

—Ready to eat some real food again?

—Oh, man! Don't even get me started on that.
—Wait, are those for me?

He tried to take the flowers, but I slapped his hand.



—I thought I would win some award for my endurance back at the hospital.  But a slap is all I get!

Dan was as childish and bored as ever.  But I think that 2 weeks stuck in a hospital bed must drive anyone crazy. And I kind of missed his humor.

—I'm going to pass by the 13th street before going home.
—You know, the place where it all happened.

—If I had known we were going to dig into the past, I would have brought my shovel.

—I'm still going to drop you off in the middle of the road and drive away with your wheelchair.

—You're evil.


20 minutes later, I saw the sign indicating the road and I stopped the car when I saw the memorial made for Jennifer. So I took the flowers I had collected, crouched down and left them there in front of the memorial very carefully while Dan waited in the car.

—I wish I had the chance to speak with you, sister.

I feel bad. Bad and frustrated.  Jennifer was very young, and in my twisted memories she was also very sweet.

I am in a state of denial and anger.  I understand that was an accident and that Hanna was doing something to help Amy, but she could have had the decency to at least warn someone, and not bury Jennifer in the middle of the woods.

Before the anger takes over I try to remind myself that she was 14 and I can't harbor anger against someone I don't know, even if I'm sacrificing a lot for her. But thinking about it made me even angrier.

Is it worth so much effort for someone who besides maybe not deserving, just fucks up my life?

I think I remember a little bit of Hanna and maybe Amy now.  Moments on the farm and at school, but all too brief and shallow.
I just can't stop thinking about the fact that If I had died back then, I would probably be under this cold, dark earth until the police found my body.

And now I realize that I never did any of this for Hanna, but for those who loved her, who became the people I love. And it's just awful to have that feeling against her while everyone else suffers because they miss her.

—Hey! Are you still there? -Dan shouted, making me wake up to life and leave behind those bad thoughts.

I got to my feet, said goodbye, wiped the tear that was about to fall from my face and walked back to the car.

—I thought you were actually leaving me.


—Are you sad?


—I know Hanna never meant to do that.
—And I'm sorry for this fucked up situation.
—None of you deserved that.
—I just hope you know that you're not alone. And you've got a nice, beefy shoulder to cry on right here by your side if you need it.

I had to laugh at the last part of Dan's speech.

—And isn't it that the crossfitter has feelings?

—I'm a gentleman. I know.

—Let's go home already.



We were in the middle of our way home when Jake called me.

—What's up?

—Someone is meddling with Hanna's phone.

—Wait, what?!
—It was in our room, wasn't it?! How come is someone using it.

—Yes. But I left it for 5 minutes and when I came back not only it was missing, but our connection is being jeopardized.



—I'm sorry to tell you that, but I'm not home!
—If you're there, why don't you talk to them?

—I tried to, but I can't find anyone.

—How come?!

—I don't know.
—But we must find out who is the responsible for this.

—I can't believe it.
—I better not figure it out, cause if I do, heads will roll.

I hung up and opened the group chat to send an audio while Dan tried to understand what was happening.

—What's going on-

—Just so you know, Jake can see whatever shit you're doing with Hanna's phone.

Right after that, Jake called again.

—The inputs have stopped.
—Your words had an effect, even though the culprit did not admit their crime.

—Yea but who the fuck was it?

—I have an idea.
—I just managed to gain access to Hanna's phone camera.
—So if this person tries to use it again, I will be able to catch the culprit.

—Hahaha, "culprit".

—I made it very clear for them that it was very important that this phone was touched by nobody. And it's not a good sign that someone is going against this order.
—I will wait and watch.

—Have fun then.
—I'm going back as fast as possible.

—Be careful. I don't want you to get hurt.

—I won't. -I hung up.

—Wow, wow. Take care while driving!

—I'm sorry. Jake just told me that someone stole her phone. Hanna's.

—From our group?


—Wait, does that mean I will have to live with that hacking freak for the next I don't know many days?
—And drive slower, I don't want to go back to the hospital.

—I'm sure Jake will be very pleased to live with you too.
—And if you get me mad, you're going back to the hospital, but not because of the car.



After 20 more minutes, we were finally home.

—What a place!

—I know, right?

When I looked at the house, Jake and Lilly were standing there. Apparently waiting for me.

—You're finally back!
—I really need to tell you and Jake something.

—Are you just going to leave me here?!

—Oh, yeah! Dan is here too!

—Are you guys serious?!

We then got him out of the car and I got his wheelchair as Cleo appeared.

—Wait a minute... A wheelchair?!

—That's what I was about to ask.

—He'll just say that the accident was nothing serious.
—Believe me, I tried.

—How did they even dismiss you in such conditions?!


—What? I'm fine!
—Do y'all have food for me? I'm starving!

We kept looking at him as he just "walked" away with the chair as soon as he sat in it.

—Nice place tho.

—I'm starting to think he was actually kicked out of the hospital.

—Dan! WAIT! -She ran after him.

—Should we go after them or...?

—Nah. I've done enough babysitting.
—What did you want to say, Lilly?

—Oh, yes.
—What is it?

—Now that I finished reading Hanna's chat with Amy, I just remembered something!
—A long time ago, when we were still living with our parents, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone standing still in front of the window.
—But when I came closer, I realized it was Hanna.
—It scared the life out if me.

—And what was she doing?

—She said there was a man standing in the forest. Looking at her.
—But when I went to check, there was nobody in there.
—So I started crying, which woke our parents up.

—What happened then?

—I was brought back to bed.
—But I know it happened again a few nights later.
—I woke up, went to the hallway and Hanna was standing by the window again.
—But I didn't dare to talk to her again.

Jake and I frowned and looked at each other.

—This is strange.

—Amy didn't believe Hanna and blamed the pills. But what if she could still see him back then?
—What if it was him standing by the forest that night?

—Does it fit the timeline?

—There is no way I can know for sure.

—We cannot rule it out at this point.
—Vanysh, do you remember the words of the psychiatrist?

—Not verbatim.

—"He was standing there. Watching us".

—Oh, yea!
—Oh my fucking god!

—What?! Watching what?

—Watching them bury Jennifer's body. Of course.

—My goodness.

—Jennifer's body was found deep in the forests of Duskwood.
—Iris had told Jessica that Jennifer had been ran over on the outskirts of Duskwood.
—And the driver wanted to mask their crime by taking the body away from the crash site.
—We can assume...
—No. We must assume, unfortunately, that Hanna and Amy took Jennifer into the forest so that they could bury her corpse.

—But Michael wouldn't just let his daugther be buried and do nothing about it.

—Maybe it wasn't him. Who saw it.
—Maybe he was only told about it now.

—Anyway, I thought it would be good if you knew.

—Yeah, thanks.
—Were you using Hanna's phone by any chance?

—No. Of course not.
—Does that mean someone was using her phone? Who?

—I don't know. Haven't you talked to them yet? -I looked at Jake.

—I changed my mind. Whoever it is, this person won't tell us what he did.
—So I'm going to keep watching Hanna's phone camera.

—Now that I'm not driving I think I'll do the same.
—But where was everyone when Jake couldn't find you?

—Thomas, Cleo and Jessy went to a store buy some stuff for us to have barbecue tonight while I was taking a shower.
—They just got back by the way.
—Please tell me when you find out who did that.

She left.

—Amy suspected the pills to be the reason why Hanna saw the Man Without a face. -Jake instantly started.
—Perhaps the pills were, however, not the reason why he turned up.
—But why he disappeared.

—I've been thinking of this.
—Usually pills are for this. Making someone go back to normal.

—We can discuss this later. I need to do something right now.
—Please keep an eye on the camera. -He also left.

Oh, god.

I then opened her "phone" and took a look at it, but there was nothing.

Suddently, Michael sent another SMS.

—You won't stop interfering until I've killed them all.

—The only one who's dying next is me or you in the try of getting what we want
—And you better give up
—Because I won't

He didn't answer.

After that, her phone started glitching and I opened the camera again. In exact same time, I saw Thomas's face and took a picture, which made him leave it and run away, fucking up my connection to the phone.

Son. Of. A. Bitch.

—THOMAS! -I ran inside.

—Ouch! -Jessy said as I bumped into her.


—What happened? Thomas also just ran past me with a sinister look on his face.

—He's been using Hanna's phone.
—And we've lost the connection to it because of that!

—Oh my god. Is he crazy?

—That's what I'm trying to figure out.
—Where did he go?

—Are you going to talk to him?

—If he's lucky I'll just talk.

—Vanysh... -She held me.

—I can't tolerate this behavior anymore.
—Almost as if he did it on purpose.

—I understand you, of course, but maybe you should just give him a little bit of time.
—The stuff we found out today...
—Well, that hit him pretty hard.

I calmed down a little. Jessy is right.

I have many reasons to freak out now, but I have even more reasons to remain still.

—Where did he go, Jessy?

—I would say he entered the forest.

—I'm going after him.
—Please tell Jake about everything that happened so that we can fix it asap.


I then left the house and headed in the direction Jessy had pointed.

When I was already in the forest I heard footsteps, but there was no one.  The only thing I'm sure of is that someone is hiding next to me.

—I'm calm now, Thomas.
—I swear that I won't hit you or anything.
—I mean, you fucked us up. But reading that chat must've been really hard for you.
—And I think I would've wanted to have the phone, too. If I was you.

Nothing happened.

—Come on now.
—Let's have some barbecue and act like adults.

branches started to break behind me when I came across him.

—Hey. -He came out from behind a tree, still afraid.

—Well, well, well.

He kept looking at me.

—How do you expect me to find Hanna if you keep acting like this?

—She is dead, isn't she?

—There is no way to know.

—But there is no other way either.
—She wasn't in Michael's house.
—Amy, her accomplice, is dead.
—And those barrels that we found in the barn...


—There are two barrels. And two people from our group are missing.

—Did you even look inside of it?

—Please stop, Vanysh.
—You can't just talk me out like this.
—Hanna is dead, and so is Richy.
—The others are just trying to ignore the facts.
—But you and me know the truth.
—And I can't do this anymore.

—Thomas listen to me.
—Amy was found, but Hanna wasn't.
—And believe me or not, this is good at this point.
—She's alive.

—I already had to get used with that damn thought once.
—When they found Amy's body in the forest.
—You told me the same back then. When everyone acted like I was some kind of stranger or something.
—Do you remember?

—Of course.
—But what exactly did you meant to do with that phone?

—First I'm told that I'm not doing enough. So I did something.
—I broke into the bar of an old friend who is now in jail.
—I went to the Killer's house and pissed him.
—And now I'm hiding in a forest.


—Just so you can tell me she was dead all along.
—All of the hard work, all of the hope just gets lost again and again.
—All of the pain for this.
—You're fighting against your own father for nothing.

—He is a psycho. It could never be for nothing.

—I'm not the same anymore, Vanysh.

—What do you mean?

—I think you understand me pretty well.
—There are things in life that change you. And when they happen, you can never go back to what it was.
—Whatever you do...

I sighed.

—I know.
—After finding out about everything that happened in my past, I changed too.
—But I think this changing began as soon as I had to confront Michael for the first time.
—I miss the old, happy Vanysh.
—Now I feel like I'm just hopeless and angry.

—That's how I feel.
—I wonder if I wasn't good enough for her. If she didn't trust me.
—After all, she was being followed and she was scared. But still didn't tell me anything.
—Why didn't she tell me?

—There are things we can't tell anyone.
—Maybe she didn't want you to get in trouble.

—When I was driving back here after buying stuff for dinner, I suddently wished that I had been right to think she was only having an affair.


—"Only" an affair. Can you imagine?
—I think I would've gotten over an affair at this point.
—But this...
—I don't know if I can ever forget this.
—Or if I can ever understand her. Even if I try.

—Maybe we can think about it once she's back.

—If you had done something terrible in your past, would you tell your partner?
—Would you tell Jake about it?

—Depends on.

—From all of us, you're the strongest one.
—You have to go through many stuff at the same time because of her but still haven't given up...

We kept silent, just looking at each other and then at the forest.

—I'm sorry I messed up with the phone.

—It's okay.

After walking while talking, we were in front of the hut now.

—I'm going to go and tell everyone I'm sorry.

—Go ahead.

He started leaving but stopped and looked at me.

—You really deserve to be part of this group.
—Even if it took me a while to see that.

He then left.

I decided to stay outside and take a breath while everyone else settled inside.
Everyone thinks Hanna is dead, and thinking about it makes me even more angry.  All of this for nothing...

But somehow I feel like she's still alive.  As if it wasn't going to end like this.


When I went back inside, the sun was almost gone and nobody was in there.
They were on the back of the hut and had started the barbecue.

Except for Jake, everyone was there.

—You're back!

—I needed to walk around for a while.

—You got here just in time! -She said as she arranged chairs around the fire.

—Thomas went to get his guitar. We're going to have some music tonight haha.

—Oh la la.

Right before Lilly, Jake came to talk to me.



—I have done it.
—We have access to Hanna's phone once again.

—Nice job.


—Michael has been messaging me through her SMS. He's mad we've got the phone.

—I wasn't expecting that.
—What did he say?

—The same shit as always.

—Then we are in the right path.
—In any case, thank you for informing me.

—What made you come here?

—Lilly. She insisted.
—And I was looking for you.

—Well, now we are all here.

Thomas then arrived with his guitar and everyone started getting comfortable around the fire. Jake sat next to Lilly, who who rested her head on his shoulder. At first he was embarrassed, but then he leaned his head against hers as well. So cute.

I sat on the other side so I could watch everyone and grab some marshmallows nearby.

The music was calm and the mood stopped being heavy. For a moment it even looked like things were getting better and everything is just right.


After a few minutes, the music ended and everyone started talking while I just watched them.

I am now looking at Jake from across the fire. He is so damn beautiful. It's a shame that he's probably hiding something from me again.

After a few seconds, he looked at me and walked towards my direction.

—Well then. I think I can go back there now.

—Would you have preferred a hangout with the man without a face?

—I would probably have knowm how to deal with it better. -He smirked.

—We need a little break.
—Just give them some time.

—Of course.

He looked at his phone and then instantly looked worried.

—Can you meet me inside in a few minutes?

—What happened?
—Let's go then.

—No. Hang out with them first.
—It's not important. -He left.

Oh, Jake. What are you doing now?

—What's up honey. -Dan said as he sat next to me.

—What's up Jack Daniels.

—Snappy as ever.
—You have no idea of how good it is to be out of that hellhole again.

—Wait, is that a cup of whiskey?

—You want some?

—You shouldn't be drinking.

—It's now or never.

—I can see that you're walking again.

—Yeah. My leg stilll hurts, but I can't stand that little shit anymore.

—Then you won't be walking for so long.


—Now tell me, Dan, did you scape from that hospital?


—I didn't say anything, but you looked pretty suspicious when I got there.

He didn't say anything.

—Don't lie to me.

—What if that was the case?

—Then I really am right.
—You're risking your health.

—Aren't we all doing that since Hanna disappeared?


—You're the one to talk.
—And I know you would have done the same.

—I think I would.

—Just take a look at this bunch of people.
—The girls and Tommyboy.

—So it is about protecting the others?
—We must be safe here.

—We'll see how sure you are about that.

—If anything happens then...

—Then what?

—Then I'll make sure you never leave that wheelchair.

—I'm much more afraid of you than of that raven dude. Totally.
—But if that featherhead comes here, I know me and you will the the only ones with the gut to do something.
—But considering that he's kind of your dad, I don't think you'd want to go so far with it.

—We never know.

—Are you and that hacker actually together?

—I don't know.


—Talking about him, I'm going to go inside real quick.


Thomas started playing the guitar again and Vanysh left the place to go to her and Jake's room.

When she entered it, he wasn't there. But her heart stopped when she realized that neither was his computer or stuff.

"Jake wouldn't leave me like this. No. This can't be"

When she turned around, Vanysh saw him quickly close the door and leave her in there alone.

—Jake? -She tried to open it.

He locked the door.

—Jake open the door.

She started shaking the doorknob

—Why did you do this...

She leaned her head against the door.

—I promised I would stay with you. -He said from the other side of the door, which gave Vanysh hope again.
—That I would protect you from anything and anyone...

—What are you talking about, Jake?!

—You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
—When I thought everything was lost, you came into my life and enlightened me.

—Jake please.

—From everything, you are always going to be my priority no matter where I am.


—You are fantastic...
—But my time has ended.
—It has always been counted. But I wanted to spend my last days with you.

Tears started falling from her eyes.

—Jake what the fuck are you doing?
—The government is coming for you, is that it?

—I'm going to them.


"I need to get out of this room. But nobody will hear me from the outside and with music playing..."



—At least tell me why.
—Why are you leaving me again?
—Why was your time counted?

—It's too complicated.

—You made me believe we were safe...

—You are safe. And you will always be as long as I'm breathing.


—In order to keep you safe I have to turn myself in.


—I've never had anything to lose. That's why I kept running and they couldn't get me.
—Life didn't make sense.
—But I'm completely vulnerable now that I've met you. And it's not your fault.  It never will be.
—I wouldn't change a thing except for hurting you with my mess. I'm sorry for that.

Vanysh was sobbing. Sobbing and so desperate that she could barely talk.

—Let me go with you.

—No. You must stay here where you are safe.


—Please, Vanysh, stay safe. And remember that you are close to saving Hanna.
—I have ran out of time now.

—Please... Don't do that.

—I love you, Vanysh.

She then heard his footsteps leaving and started knocking on the door again.

—Don't go...

When she was already leaning against the door and sitting on the floor just wondering what would happen to Jake or what he had been hiding from her all this time, it started opening, which made her immediatly get up.


—Why the hell were you locked in there?


She left the room in a hurry and ran around the house. But there was not a sign of him.

—What happened? -She asked as soon as she saw Vanyh.

—Is everything okay?

—What's going on?

—Hey! -He came trying to run after her.
—What the fuck did he do to you?!

—Jake is gone.
—He said his time was over. That he had to leave and turn himself  in, in order to keep me safe.



—They found him?

—I don't know...
—But I've noticed something was wrong a while ago. I know that I haven't been arrested so far because he did something. And it has to do with the police.
—A deal or something. Or the government is coming to get him again.

—Oh my god!

—I need to find him. I can't just let him get killed or arrested for good.
—But I need your help. It will be impossible for me to do this alone.

They just kept staring at her.

—What the fuck are you looking at?!
—Are you going to help me or not?!

—If he told you he was doing this to keep you safe and that his time is over, then he is finally fucked.

—Not unless we save him.

—Vanysh... I think Dan is right.
—If the situation got to the point where he had to hand himself in, then it's more than serious.

—But he might get killed!

—Even if you find him, what will happen later? Whoever is looking for him will come looking for you too. And I don't think they're here to play.

—Don't get us wrong, Vanysh, but we can't do that...
—I never thought Jake would ever leave you, but if he did...

—Thinking about it...

—You can not like Jake or care about him enough to help him, but please, do this for me. -She looked at them.

—You want to be chased by the goverment as well?
—Isn't a serial killer enough for you?

—Where are your guts now, Dan?
—Aren't you the brave, caring one?

—You're not using your brain right now!

—You're going to get caught too if you try to stop him or get involved.

—And if he is doing something to protect you, don't make his shit go in vain!

—And we haven't even found Hanna yet.

—...Then that's why.
—I haven't found your little friend yet.

—What are you talking about?

—We are saying those things because we care about you and we don't want you to get in trouble. Again.

Vanysh had a mix of emotions and negative thoughts.  Anger, fear, tiredness and sadness were making her lose herself again.

—I have done EVERYTHING I could for all of you!
—For you and Hanna.
—I left everything I had behind just so that I could focus on finding her and keeping our group together. So that I could protect you.
—...I NEVER asked you to do anything for me. It's always been about finding Hanna.
—And I never planned to, either.
—But I thought that if I did, you wouldn't even think before helping me.
—This is so fucking disappointing.

—Oh my god.
—Don't you see, Vanysh?!

—You always protected us. Now WE are protecting you.
—I'm sorry.

—But I am not letting you get hurt.

—We can't do anything but wait, Vanysh.

—Jake is nimble. He can't just get caught. And whatever problem he has, he will find a way to get rid of it. I know he will.

She started leaving.

—What are you doing?!

—Going to my fucking room. Can I at least do that?

—I'm going with you!

—No. Leave me alone.

Vanysh then entered the house through the back door as they kept looking at each other.

—Something is wrong...



—I know Vanysh and I know how much she likes Jake. She wouldn't just accept it. It doesn't matter what we tell her.

—What are you even waiting for?!
—Go after her! Cause I can't run again!

After looking for Vanysh everywhere, they finally realized that her car disappeared too. She left.

Vanysh was driving along the side of the road, looking for Jake or any sign of him. But there was not a sight.

"I don't care what happens to me. Jake isn't dying tonight".


After 20 minutes driving and looking fot Jake, she got to a place full of cars and people. It was very decorated and looked like an amusement park mixed with halloween.

Kids were running around with cotton candy in hands and everyone else seemed so excited it felt like new year.

—The Pine Glade... It's already happening. -She said as she left her car and looked around with a dazzling glint in the eye.

Everything was so nostalgic and familiar that, for a moment, Vanysh almost forgot what her main purpose was.

She was practically inside the festival, walking and looking around just like the crowd that was buzzing around as well.

The more she entered the event, the more colors and attractions appeared.
it seemed impossible to see so many happy people in Duskwood after such  dark times, but the town had never been so glamorous and agitated.
But many people who were there weren't just from Duskwood.  A good part were people from neighboring towns.

Her phone rang again for the thousandth time, but now the ringing of her cell phone snapped her out of her distraction.

"Shit. What the fuck am I even doing?"

—Hey. -She finally answered.

—Vanysh! -Jessy said, extremely relieved.
—Where are you?!
—Wait... Why is there so many people talking around you?

—Hum... I kind of ended up in the festival.

—The Pine Glade?!


—Have you found him?

She took a deep breath and looked away.

—I drove around, called him and sent one thousand messages, but it was useless.
—It's too late...

—I'm so, so sorry. Please, come back home. We are worried about you.

—I am in the midst of hundreds of people, but I remain alone. And that's how I want to be.

—Please, Vanysh... I know you are hurt, but-

—I don't want to listen to Dan saying that he warned me about Jake or any shit like that.

—He won't. I promise. We are here for you.

—I'm sorry for what I've done. I shoul-

Vanysh then heard her friends screaming from the back of the call and soon after Jessy was screaming too.

—What happened?

—VANYSH- The sound was muffled and she couldn't hear anything else.

—JESSY?! -She covered her other ear to try to hear the call better and prevent the outside sound from getting in the way.
—Hello?! Are you there?!

Seconds later, someone answered again. But it wasn't Jessy. It was actually not possible to tell who was on the line.  The only sound coming from the cell phone was a low, creepy laugh.

Vanysh then recognized the ironically unrecognizable and muffled voice as he began to speak.

—I told you I was coming for your friends.
—And you better not call the police.

The man without a face had Jessy's phone. Something terrible was about to happen and Vanysh was far away from all of them. Her body went hard and cold like a statue.


He laughed again.

—I was going to set you a trap, but you fooled your own self.

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