Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Tem...

By Shizumakiss8

167K 4.8K 251

[Working On New Chapter's "SLOWLY"] [First "62" Chapter's Up] (WILL BE EDITED) Esme Knight has struggled with... More

Copyright Page.
Character List
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY.
Chapter FORTY.
Chapter FORTY-ONE.
Chapter FORTY-TWO.
Chapter FORTY-SIX.
Chapter FIFTY.
Chapter FIFTY-ONE.
Chapter FIFTY-TWO.
Chapter FIFTY-SIX.
Chapter SIXTY.
Chapter SIXTY-ONE.
Chapter SIXTY-TWO.


3.2K 109 7
By Shizumakiss8


Elena Shaw's (POV)

Feeling her getting upset then her body go completely limp I look down seeing she fell asleep, and I sigh kissing her head. Looking back at Logan I shake my head saying, "She got to upset and fell asleep. Now what all do you have to do?" she blinks nodding saying, "We have to go in and align the bones along with making sure there is no permanent damage to her ligaments and muscle then we will add some small plates and screws and unfortunately they are not tempera they will be there for the rest of her life but after six to eight weeks she won't notice they are there except during real cold weather." Groaning I cry shaking my head I look at Kelly who looks just as up set before looking at Logan again asking, "When can you do the surgery?" she blinks pursing her lips saying, "Today the sooner the better if I weight her arm could get worse and get dead on her and that would mean amputation." Gasping I shake my head saying, "Do the surgery!" Nodding she purses her lips saying, "I know she is eighteen legally and I have seen all her records, but I still need her consent do you have that." blinking I nibble my lip and look at Kelly who nods so I do the same saying, "Yes and if you need it verbally I can get her to wake up and tell you." She shakes her head saying, "I trust you Elena now I will get the OR ready so just hang tight hmm." She looks at Kelly and smile saying, "Well now since you are supposed to come in tomorrow I am just going to have one of the nurses fix you up today instead sound good?" Kelly nods and smiles saying, "Thanks Logan." Nodding Logan stands with Esme's chart saying, "A nurse will be in shortly for that and then I will be back just before we take Esme into surgery." Nodding I sniffle and she leaves once she is gone I look at Kelly crying more, and she sighs kissing my head before hugging me and Esme saying, "It is all going to be ok hmm and she trusts you, so you did the right thing she needs this, and I don't think losing her hand is an option yeah."

Nodding I grit my teeth severely pissed off at myself I can't believe I let this happen. Not only did Kelly brake her wrist and thumb but now Esme did as well but hers will need additional work. Sniffling all I can think about is getting the house fully baby proofed and add padding to the hard floors." Kelly looks at me scrunching up her face asking, "What is running through that mind of yours?" blushing I look away pursing my lips saying, "Baby proofing and padded floors." She laughs patting my shoulder saying, "Goddess your silly love but I get it hmm." Smiling lightly, I nod sighing I look down at Esme kissing her head saying, "Mo- I'm so sorry baby." Kelly sighs saying, "You can call yourself that and she wants to call you that too love just give it time yeah."

Nodding I bite my lip looking at her saying, "We all where doing so good." Nodding she smiles saying, "You so missed her cheeky side this morning I mean she made me laugh spitting my coffee twice and then the last I had to rush to the bathroom as not to piss myself." Smiling I chuckle at that saying, "I see her like that, is that the whole "Cave Woman" thing?" nodding she chuckles saying, "I kept saying she was cute, and she said, "Well nice to see you too this morning Miss. Cave Woman that's her word for word." Laughing I smile nodding saying, "She is so smart and cute." Kelly roles her eyes but nods as a someone nocks then a nurse walks in saying, "I'm here to put a long-term cast on a Kelly Willow's." I nod and Kelly smiles saying, "That would be me love." The nurse blushes and I chuckle as Kelly sets on the examination bed to let them get to work.

As they do talking small talk here and there and about how she hurt her wrist I look down at a still sleeping Esme and I whimper. looking at her swollen and purple wrist I promised, and I swear to our goddess this won't happen again even if I have to wrap her in bubble wrap. Caressing her cheek, she stirs a little turning her head as her tiny lips are suckling a none existent paci smiling lightly I kiss her head whispering, "You will be ok baby mommy promises." Blinking I blush but let it rest it feels wonderful saying that after so long, so I just relax letting it sink in even if she didn't hear me or say it to me I am glad I let myself.

Looking over at Kelly talking with the nurse I smile lightly seeing they are just finishing up and Kelly now has a green cast. The nurse leaves and Kelly smiles over at me showing me her wrist and nods saying, "All good." Nodding I nibble my lip saying, "I want to go on a trip." She blinks arching her brow asking, "Where and how long?" shrugging I play with Esme's curls saying, "I thought about it yesterday but today and this happening just confirmed it more and I want to just get away for awhile not sure how long. It won't be forever just long enough to get our bearings I want you to come of course so what do you think?" she smiles shrugging saying, "I could use a good vacation have anywhere in mind?" I nibble my lip saying, "Since your both going to be handy capped for a while pun intended by the way. I figure we would go some where relaxing but somewhere with I don't know adventure I guess." Chuckling she looks up swinging her legs before saying, "I'm going to just start listing random places and you stop me when you hear one that is nice." Chuckling I nod and she starts saying, "California, Florida, Bahamas, Europe, Seattle,..." she keeps going for a little longer having me laughing until I smile asking, "Have you talked with your parents?"

Kelly Willow's (POV)

Arching my brows at that I sigh shaking my head saying, "Nope haven't why?" she smirks, and I groan saying, "You can't be serious!" she shrugs saying, "Well not the whole time dear we could go to Hawaii for a week then we could move on to somewhere else besides you said your parents will only be there a month and you could use the visit. They need to know what is going on too yeah." Groaning I pout at her, and she smiles shrugging saying, "If we do this you can pick our second location anywhere you want hmm." Gasping I squeak out, "YOU MEAN IT!" in a big whisper and she laughs nodding saying, "Yes dear now are we going?" scrunching my face up I sigh nodding saying, "I'll call them later and let them know, umm when do we leave?" she looks down at Esme saying, "Since she has no open wounds as you did Logan should be able to put the long term cast on after surgery so how about tomorrow or Thursday morning?" blinking I am shocked and surprised she wants to go so early but I nod before nibbling saying, "Umm Len you need to get Esme a passport." She nibbles her lip blushing and I gasp out, "You already did didn't you?!" she chuckles shrugging saying, "Yes dear I did I talked with Mitch, and I sent him some pictures of Esme when she was big but not catching me."

Nodding I smile sighing saying, "You..." she shrugs nodding saying, "I also had him dig up all original files and records they should be here today along with her birth certificate. Since she is legal yet looks like a child I need it and a few other documents for when we bord the jet even if I own it we still have customs." Nodding I sigh as I swing my legs when we hear a nock and Logan popped her head in she smiles before walking in nodding saying, "Well we are set it should only take thirty minutes to and hour like Kelly's did we just have to add a few more screws."

I look at Elena and she nods looking down at Esme before asking, "Do you want me to wake her, or can you get her sedated and stuff while she sleeps also she hasn't ate or drank anything today." Nodding Logan says, "We got her dear if you would get her in this gown then bring her out and onto the stretcher we will take her back." Logan hands me the hospital gown like I wear and leaves standing I wait for Elena to get Esme over to the bed and she lays her down being really gentle. Seeing Esme's wrist, I wince hating seeing her so hurt we quickly but gently get her into the gown and Elena notices she is wet and panics.

Shaking my head, I open the door and peek out spotting the nurse from earlier her name is Lola Kim she is half Korean half Spanish. Waving at her she turns, and I smile asking, "Um do you have any newborn diapers and some wipes and powder." She nods smiling saying, "Be right back." nodding I watch her run off before looking back at Elena saying, "Just be a minute." She nods sniffling saying, "I was so panicked I forgot her diaper bag and to even dress her properly." Kissing her head, I pat her shoulder as the nurse comes in handing me the items saying, "Once she needs another change before being discharged we will have the supplies in her room." nodding I sigh thanking her and she leaves, Elena gets Esme situated and out on the stretcher and we follow until we are stopped at the doors to the OR entrance. Elena is crying again up set so I take her back over to the waiting area saying, "She will be find love just breath hmm, are you thirsty or hungry anything? It is still early in the morning, and we all haven't had breakfast." She sniffles shrugging mumbling out, "I was going to make us breakfast but..." patting her shoulder I stand up fixing my mess of curls into a pony tail saying, "Well now that is ok love I will go get us something and if Esme is up to eating later you can see what she wants yeah."

Nodding she sniffles so I pat her shoulder saying, "Now I am going to run to the house as well and get us all clothes and whatever we need including your phone." She blinks and looks up at me chuckling shaking her head saying, "Yup totally forgot a lot." Nodding I smile saying, "Happens when a mommy bear is caring for her baby." She blushes and I just chuckle kissing her head saying, "Be back in about twenty minutes yeah." Nodding she smiles saying, "Love you Kell." Nodding I smile saying, "Love you too Len." I leave and get in the SUV all while making a list of what we need as I drive back to the house.

(Time Skip Four p.m. Tuesday Still.)

Esme Knight's (POV)

Waking up groggily I yawn moving around to stretch and I wince as I move my left arm, whimpering I blink trying to clear my eyes when I hear someone saying, "I think she is waking up." frowning I wiggle trying to wake up more when I feel a hand on my cheek causing me to freeze. Whimpering I groan hearing muffled voices before hearing, "I'm right here baby girl your safe and we got you all fixed up." all this sounds far away but I understand so I lean my face more into Elena's hand whimpering out, "H-Hold?" sniffling I feel tears on my face so I blink and see a blurry Elena above me hearing her asking, "Can I pick her up?" sniffling I move my arms and cry out as I move my left, but it doesn't hurt as much as before just feels so heavy and aches.

Feeling a kiss on my forehead, eyes, and cheeks I sniffle relaxing some as I hear someone far off saying, "Yeah go ahead if she starts hurting just hit that little button it will give her another doses of morphine, and you should be discharged in a few hours." Sniffling I yawn blinking my tears away and I finally see Elena and I sigh seeing her smile lightly down at me she cups my cheek and kisses my head again saying, "There baby just try not moving to much on your own hmm. Now I'm going to pick you up ok if you hurt tell me." Sniffling I nod and she moves the covers off of me shivering I whimper, and she shushes me saying, "It's ok honey I'll get you warm again." how the hell does she read my mind like that, relaxing I feel her put her arm under my knees and shoulders lifting me up.

Feeling her lifting me I blink looking around the room seeing machines and a IV stand that's when I look down at my body and whimper. seeing I have a few lines in my hand looking back up at Elena she nods saying, "That a girl don't move baby I got you." Once I am fully laying against her I snuggle up to her and she adjust the lines and my cast wrist before setting us down in a chair by the bed. Taking a breath, I shiver before feeling her cover us with the blanket asking, "Better baby?" nodding I sniffle rubbing my face on her chest and she chuckles saying, "Now, now I'm not a rag." Giggling I look back up at her smiling lightly mumbling out, "N-Not rag s-silly, c-comfort." She blushes and kisses my head when I hear foot falls and someone talking outside the room, sniffling I look back and around as she pats my back and bottom making me blush. Before she kisses my head saying, "It's ok baby it's just Kelly talking with one of the nurses."

Nodding I yawn up at her asking, "H-How long?" she smiles saying, "Well you went into surgery at one still asleep after getting upset then you have been asleep since you got out around two-twenty." Nodding I try moving my hand fingers whimpering as she says, "No, no you can try that later with therapy for now just rest." Nodding I watch her face and movements before she says, "I hope it's ok that I had Logan do the surgery baby. After she told me all the risks of the surgery and of not having it I figure it was best to do it." blinking I nod smiling lightly saying, "I trust y-you Elena I just g-got overwhelmed e-earlier and scared." Nodding she moves some of my hair out of my face saying, "I know sweetheart that's why I am here to take care of you hmm, now you rest, and we should be able to head home soon." Blinking I love that word "home" I haven't had one or got to call a place home in a long time smiling I snuggle more into her as she lightly rocks me, and I am just glad she is here, and I met her.

Looking up at her I catch her still watching me so I just relax blurting out, "B-Before y-you and K-Kelly f-found me I new of you and have watched you here and there over a year and two months!" taking deep breaths trying not to panic I keep watching her face and eyes wanting to know how she is feeling, and I am freaking out internally at what she will say.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

All I can do right now is stare into her beautiful eyes as she just dropped a big bomb on me just like the breastfeeding bomb I dropped on her. and suddenly I am giggling, and I hear another set before seeing Esme eyes go wide so I kiss her head in shock before looking at Kelly who shrugs and I look back down at Esme. Sighing I rub her back saying, "Oh baby I really don't know what to say to that I..." she blinks looking ready to cry but I just kiss her head sighing asking, "Is this why you haven't fully said yes to being my little?" she nods nibbling her lip and I sigh saying, "Oh honey you can tell me anything hmm how about you explain to me, and I'll let you know what I am feeling fully because right now I am in slight shock still." Kelly giggles and I look at her rolling my eyes before looking back at a worried looking Esme.

Esme Knight's (POV)

Blinking she laughed then Kelly laughed and now she is saying I should tell her fully what I meant by knowing her before she and Kelly found me, and I am freaking out. Taking a breath, I look at Kelly who is trying not to giggle and I wonder why they find it funny, but I shrug it off. Blinking back up at her I focus on the facts not my emotions saying, "I umm I like to count when I am holding my little self-back and needing a distraction to certain things I count. And one of my favorite buildings is the, the Shaw building cause I like counting all the windows. So, I tried to be there every other day depending on weather and people around, umm so about a year and a few months ago I..."

Nibbling my lip, I freeze up as she is still watching me intensely and I look towards Kelly hearing and snicker and Kelly mumble out, "Oh girl you have a stalker!" blushing I look back at Elena and she roles her eyes saying, "Go on baby." Shivering I continue saying, "I saw you for the f-first t-time and got curious like I do with most people when I people watch but you were different, and I got to where I would wait to see you before calling my day." She nods so I finish saying, "Anyway big and little me thought you were beautiful and wanted to get to know you I never did anything but spot you leaving work and, and I'm sorry I sort of stalked you." Hearing laughter I look towards Kelly and grumble as she can't control herself and I look back at a blushing Elena who smiles saying, "Well, I find that quite flattering baby I mean at least you didn't become obsessed or anything right." Blushing I squeak out, "N-Not like that!" hearing more laughing and gasping I groan hiding my face in Elena's chest as she starts laughing herself and I blush feeling my whole body get hot and goose bumps.

[Hey reader's hope your enjoying the story so far please leave feedback love to hear from my reader's.]

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