Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Tem...

By Shizumakiss8

167K 4.8K 251

[Working On New Chapter's "SLOWLY"] [First "62" Chapter's Up] (WILL BE EDITED) Esme Knight has struggled with... More

Copyright Page.
Character List
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY.
Chapter FORTY.
Chapter FORTY-ONE.
Chapter FORTY-TWO.
Chapter FORTY-SIX.
Chapter FIFTY.
Chapter FIFTY-ONE.
Chapter FIFTY-TWO.
Chapter FIFTY-SIX.
Chapter SIXTY.
Chapter SIXTY-ONE.
Chapter SIXTY-TWO.

Chapter ELEVEN

4.4K 126 2
By Shizumakiss8


Kelly Willow's (POV)

The moment Mitch picks up I sigh but start my pacing I never can stay still when on the phone I don't know why but here I am. Looking at Elena I smile she is already zoned out looking at the little items she does this every time and I have to make sure she doesn't overdo it. hearing breathing on the phone I role my eyes asking, "Mitch my friend have you gotten both complete records on Esme Knight and Cody Braxton? I hate to bug you after one day, but Elena is needing Esme's complete medical history for a doctor's appointment this afternoon." Waiting I hear typing and him groan along with someone yelling in the back ground and I chuckle knowing it's his wife Amanda yelling at their kids or dog one of the two. Making another around of my pacing I look over Elena's shoulder seeing her cart has ten items already and I smile. Definitely going to be a lot of little clothes but I also know she may want to clear Jenny's old nursery but only if she is ready for that. she still hasn't stepped in their since the day of the funeral. Nibbling my lip, I hear Mitch finally speak saying, "Ok, usually you know it takes a week or so, but I did have a lot of time yesterday without you know who chewing my ear off, so I got pretty much everything on both of them. I just emailed the full record to Elena's email also you're not going to like this, but I found some very sketchy stuff when I was digging through Cody's financials, work and a few other personal records."

Gritting my teeth, I lay my head back and groan before lowly growling out, "What has that asshat been up to, is it anything that will bite me in the ass?!" waiting I keep pacing and catch Elena look at me, so I shake my head and she nods going back to her shopping. Walking into the kitchen I go directly to the liquor cabinet by the pantry and get me a bottle of bourbon and two glasses. Pouring I set the bottle back and carry the drinks back setting them on the coffee table. Elena arches her brows as Mitch is still typing and I just shrug.

Before pacing once again right as he sighs saying, "No thank goddess hun but still he is going to be in a lot of trouble with the law and a few people including you, I hate to say this, and Elena is going to want to kill him, but he has filtered quite a little nest egg through his firm and you to her law firm." Gasping I stop pacing and the next thing I know is my hand is hurting and there is a whole in Elena's wall by the front walk in. ignoring the pain, blood, and freaking mess I just made I growl out, "Can you and your friends get it back?!"

Waiting I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I look up sniffling knowing I am crying as Elena is standing in front of me with a worried and concern look on her face. Not looking at my hand I whisper, "I, just give me a bit." She nods but whispers, "We need to get your hand sorted dear I think you broke it." sniffling I nod as Mitch comes back saying, "I'll have us working around the clock until its sorted hun promise and I will throw in some damage along the way before alerting the FBI yeah." Sniffling I nod and whimper out, "Thanks buddy I'll owe you one." We say our good byes and I put my phone in my pocket letting myself fully cry as Elena pulls me into arms hugging me but careful not to move my arm. I want to scream he crossed the line with messing with my best friend and the gall of him to mess with our money the slime ball.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

Rubbing her back I rock her slightly before kissing her cheek and stepping back saying, "Come on honey set down for me I'm going to grab a towel to wrap around your hand then we need to go to the ER." Crying more at that she sets down covering her face with her good hand and I rush to get the towel, once her hand is wrapped I grab a diaper bag out of my coat closet and feel it with supplies for Esme before bundling her up in the blanket and picking her up. going back to Kelly I want to cry myself but need to hold it together, so I take a breath saying, "Ok, baby come one lets go get your hand fixed hmm."

She sniffles and nods standing up holding her wrapped hand and wrist against her chest, grabbing my keys we get into the garage, and I lock the door before getting us into my SUV since it has Jenny's old car seat. Just seeing it makes me whimper but I get Esme buckled in and help Kelly get in and buckled as well before getting us on our way. By the time we are setting in the ER it's almost noon and I am starting to get pissed off at the wait, so I send a quick text to Dr. Bridges and sigh when she says she is on her way. She has been my doctor since college and has become a friend and even more so when I need medical things taken care of. The wait of an hour now is over seeing her walk through the ER doors into the patent waiting room, she frowns, and I stand up cradling Esme she hugs me and steps back asking, "What is wrong I'm supposed to see you at two?" I smile sadly and look at a still silently crying Kelly and she follows my lead gasping out, "Kelly dear what happened?"

Kelly sniffles and looks up shrugging mumbling out, "You should see the other guy." Chuckling I role my eyes as Dr. Bridges looks at me and I sigh saying, "I think her hand and maybe wrist are broken she was on a call and punched a hole in my walk-in entrance wall." Nodding she sighs saying, "Well now that is not good let's get you sorted dear and Elena since you're here after I finish with Kelly we will do the full work up on Esme here." she smiles at Esme who Is still zonked out and I nod as I help Kelly up she pouts and I kiss her forehead saying, "Come on now and hey you'll get the good meds hmm." She snorts but chuckles as we follow Dr. Bridges into and exam room, I am also glad Esme is still sleeping through this as I don't need her upset.

Once we are settle and Kelly is setting on the examination bed I check Esme's diaper finding her wet, Kelly looks at me and smiles sniffling saying, "I'll scoot so you can change her." nodding as she does I stand up and lay Esme on the bed kissing her head as she stirs a little from not being in my arms. Kelly sniffles and smiles lightly saying, "She sure is a sleepy baby since she slipped." Nodding I get to changing her saying, "Yup and a hungry one I am just glad she is not hurting from all the milk; she is getting more nutrition now but still it will take a long time for her to gain back weight. That's why I wanted Dr. Bridges to check her to give us a plan." Nodding she wipes her eyes just as I get Esme bundled back up kissing her head I make sure my hand is to her side before grabbing a wet wipe cleaning my hands then another. Looking at Kelly I smile saying, "Close your eyes honey." She does and I clean her face up before throwing everything away and cradling Esme back in my arms. Setting in the chair by the bed I sigh asking, "You want to tell me now or later why you got so upset you punched a hole in my wall dear?"

She looks away as I play with Esme's tiny hand then she looks back gripping the paper on the examination bed saying, "That asshole of a soon to be ex-husband of mine has gotten into some trouble but Mitch found out he..." she holds her head back not to cry before continuing, "He somehow stole money through me and into the law firm." Blinking I arch my left brow just as our doctor comes in with a nurse, I groan saying, "We will finish this conversation later." She nods and I am contemplating murder of one Cody Braxton and how the fuck did my financial department not catch it or did they and not tell me yet the fuckers!" clearing my thoughts I focus on what Dr. Bridges is saying and on Esme just in case she wakes.

Dr. Logan Bridge's (POV) (New)

Settling on the rolling chair in the exam room I smile lightly looking at my friends and Kelly looks ready to cry again which I hate. Since I met them both in college Elena has been my friend and patient and Kelly once in a while, but she has Dr. Andrea Samson as her primary. Looking at nurse Emily Cline I sigh saying, "Go ahead and set everything up dear." She nods so I look back up at Kelly saying, "Ok honey I'm going to have to remove the towel yeah." She flinches but moves her arm towards me as I hear Elena saying, "Focus on breathing dear." Smiling lightly, I nod and gently start unwrapping the bloody towel which is shocking how red it is now for a white towel. Though hands, heads and feet are the main areas that seem to bleed the most besides the major arteries, once the towel is open. Under her wrist I move the small table closer and lay the stabilizing pillow on it that nurse Cline just gave me. Smiling I thank her before laying Kelly's arm down looking over her hand I see the knuckles are busted along with both sides of her hand having gashes but none of them look deep enough for stitches. Lightly touching around her hand and wrist I hear her whimper and whine, but she doesn't move, and I feel her. I hate seeing others in pain so being a doctor and a general surgeon at that I tend to feel everyone's pain when they come to me.

Sighing I adjust and move her hand and she cries out and flinches away, so I stop nodding looking at her and Elena sighing saying, "Well seems Elena was right dear your wrist is broken it's called a "Distal Radius Fracture" your thumb is broken on the third metacarpal and your wrist the radius is split. You don't need stitches, but I will need to clean out the cuts and put a few butterfly sutures on the bigger ones. And we are going to get a x-ray and MRI so I can make sure I'm not missing anything ok." They both nod and Kelly looks really upset so I pat her leg saying, "Let's get the x-rays and MRI first then I'll clean your hand but we may need to do surgery dear if so it will take thirty minutes to an hour and then we will put a splint on you." Nodding she sighs and I look at Nurse Cline saying, "Get the wheel chair dear and get her to x-ray and MRI I need to do a few checkups then I will be back." They all nod and I leave the room sighing I do hate when friends are hurt and then later I am going to check little Esme and Elena is right she does look like a toddler, but she is so small right now you would think her a two-year-old baby.

Kelly Willow's (POV)

We just finished and I ended up needing surgery and they put a plate and screws in my wrist which hurts like a bitch then Logan put a splint and plaster cast on my wrist after making sure my cuts would heal well with my stitched-up wrist. But I am to come back next Wednesday to have this temporary cast taken off so they can check my wounds and wrist alinement before putting another one on that I will have to wear for six to eight weeks. Which sucks but then my stupidity and anger caused this, Elena has been silent other than talking with Logan or playing with a now awake Esme who has just finished a bottle. We have missed lunch do to this and will have a late dinner at the house, but Esme needed something now. I want to go ring Cody's neck for all the pain and suffering he is causing me, and he is not even around right now. laying back against the chair I sigh feeling the morphine Logan gave me, so I just hope Esme's checkup goes well as I see Logan walk back into the room.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

Looking over at Kelly just as Logan walks back into the room I sigh seeing she is relaxing which means the morphine is kicking in. adjusting Esme I smile down at her as she watches me playing with my hair as she usually does. Looking up at Logan she smile saying, "Well now that Kelly looks more at ease let's look this little one over shall we." Nodding I smile lightly saying, "She has been eating but not much until she slipped, and she has been having mostly milk and other soft foods." Nodding she puts gloves on saying, "Just go ahead and get her down to her diaper please we need to weigh her and then I'll do a full exam." Nodding I stand up and gently start undressing her once she is just in her diaper I spot a shocked look go over Logan's face before she clears it and nods. Standing up she looks over at the nurse from earlier who pushes a baby weighing scale over and I lift Esme putting her down on it. once Logan writes down her weight I am shocked though I knew she was way underweight but seeing it in numbers is worse. The scale read out that she is just above thirty-two pounds and I want to cry, getting Esme laying back on her blanket on the exam table I kiss her head and she smiles behind her paci and shivers.

Looking back at Logan she nods saying, "Well she is way underweight, but you said she eats and doesn't shy away?" nodding I sigh gently rubbing her stomach saying, "Before she slipped the day before yesterday she would only eat what she could and still seems to know when now as she is so little but I am still very concerned. She told Kelly and I about her life so far and it has not been pleasant she has been homeless the last two years." Nodding she frowns writing things on the chart saying, "Her blood pressure is pretty low but not too bad and her lungs sound good, I was also able to get her medical records, but they don't have anything later then when she was thirteen and was sick with the flu and had a spanged ankle." Nodding I hear Kelly say, "Mitch emailed everything he found to your email Len." Looking at her I not before looking at Logan saying, "I'll email it to you later maybe he found somethings."

Nodding she continues looking over Esme's body and I can tell she is not happy she shakes her head looking at me saying, "She has several fractures that have not healed properly and these scars I can tell never got proper treatment some even needed stitches but looks like they were wrapped tight or glued shut. I am going to have to do a full body x-ray and see what other damage she has. Elena do you know what happened, did she speak with you?"

Caressing Esme's cheek I sigh saying, "She gave us a run down but not in detail I know that the last four foster homes she was in was the cause of her injuries and the last one was the cause of all the major ones including the broken bones." Nodding she frowns saying, "Her records will have them all on file but seeing as she is eighteen now and a runaway at that I don't know much of what we can do about them, but I will get everything filed so you can try getting them all locked up." nodding I smile lightly thanking her saying, "We have a friend that can help."

Nodding she looks at the nurse again before saying, "We need to do the x-rays now so if you could bring her you can't stay fully in the room but close enough if she gets upset but she seems ok for right now. also, I'll need to draw some blood as well after." Nodding I bundle Esme back up and she snuggles into me yawning she nuzzle her head against my chest, smiling I know she is getting sleepy again so I just rock her and pat her bottom as I look at Kelly saying, "We will be right back dear now don't fall out of that chair." She chuckles blowing me a kiss before we leave the room, by the time we finish get discharged and are back home at my place. Kelly is knocked out in her room we got her prescriptions and a few for Esme and myself of which I don't know if Esme will go for, right now I am ordering us Chinese food and getting Esme a fresh bottle and some baby food while my mind runs ramped.

Logan suggested I start breast feeding Esme to help her get the nutrition she needs and help speed up her healing and weight gain yet I have only known the girl less than a week and she has yet to be big so we can talk fully. Along with the fact that the moment I lost Jenny I stopped producing milk it was like a biological and motherly instinct to just dry up so to speak. It was devastating and heartbreaking the first few weeks after and now the memories hurt but also makes me feel alive again. I have missed the most amazing feeling of what nursing ones child brings to you, getting the bottle I go back into the living room picking Esme up cradling her as I get her to start drinking her milk. She was playing with her elephant while I was making the bottle. Kissing her head and nose I make her smile and a little milk and drool slide down her cheek making me chuckle as I clean it up and pat her bottom.

She has been so amazing the last few days though I miss big her getting to talk when she would open up I just hope she will be fine when she slips back. The report Logan gave after the full body x-ray was heartbreaking as well knowing she had several healed rib breaks, along with her left wrist a few fingers and her right ankle which did not heal properly like her wrist. Logan said they or Esme herself must have improvised slings and cast to avoid the ER and that broke me. I wanted to cry and still do but I have not been able to because of the rage I have been feeling all day.

Looking at the clock it is already almost five and I am shocked I groan shaking my head looking down at Esme saying, "Time fly's when you least expect it huh baby girl." She just keeps suckling her bottle watching me and I smile loving how she does that, its like she is seeing me for the first time each time she is awake and it's so cute. Logan also prescribed some vitamin pills to help as well along with a food chart showing what she can eat steadily that won't hurt her and what will help her gain back her weight. She said Esme should weigh fifty to sixty pounds for her height and that if she doesn't start gaining they may have to put her on a feeding tube but seeing as she eats, and drinks fine just light amounts she said that would be if things take a turn.

Which I was grateful for I don't think Esme little or big would like that. yawning I look back down at her, and she is passed out again with a milk mustache making me giggle lightly as I clean her up. kissing her head, I grab her paci and the diaper bag going upstairs so we can take a much-needed nap and I hear the doorbell ring making me groan knowing it's our food. Quickly I get Esme upstairs and bundled up with pillows around her on the bed before rushing down for our food. Once I have it and paid I put it in the fridge for later and rush back up the stairs first checking on Kelly who is still sleeping. I still can't believe she broke her thumb and wrist I about had a heart attack when I heard the sheet rock explode and when I saw what caused it I had to rush and get Esme safe on the couch before checking on my friend.

When I saw her hand I was so worried, and I felt the pain with her my poor Kelly she has been hurting the last few days and to see that reaction topped off her anger and pain. she normally just paces and lets herself vent but this was new, and I knew everything was about to come to the surface soon. Walking over I kiss her head and cover her up some more before going to my room and cleaning up just now realizing we all went to the ER in our pajamas which makes me laugh but shrug all the same. By the time my head hits the pillow I am out and all I remember is hearing Esme's little snores.

[Hey reader's hope your liking the story so far please leave likes and feedback thanks.]

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