Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Tem...

By Shizumakiss8

167K 4.8K 251

[Working On New Chapter's "SLOWLY"] [First "62" Chapter's Up] (WILL BE EDITED) Esme Knight has struggled with... More

Copyright Page.
Character List
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY.
Chapter FORTY.
Chapter FORTY-ONE.
Chapter FORTY-TWO.
Chapter FORTY-SIX.
Chapter FIFTY.
Chapter FIFTY-ONE.
Chapter FIFTY-TWO.
Chapter FIFTY-SIX.
Chapter SIXTY.
Chapter SIXTY-ONE.
Chapter SIXTY-TWO.

Chapter SIX

5.7K 163 19
By Shizumakiss8


Kelly Willow's (POV)

Hearing my phone ringing I sigh seeing its Elena, smiling I hit answer saying, "Hey hun how's your day going so far with the little girl we found?" waiting I hear sniffles and frown before hearing her saying, "All is well I'll explain later I was just calling back since I saw a missed call from you." Nodding I finish up an email sending it saying, "Just wanted to check in I should be over by three-thirty since everything is pretty much done for the day. Do you know what you want for dinner?" waiting I clean up my desk and grab my files along with my laptop putting them in my case as she says, "How about something light like soup and bread sticks?" smiling I nod saying, "Sounds good love I'll stop at Romano's and get their soup of the day and I'll be over soon yeah." Waiting I hear her take a breath before she says, "Sounds good see you soon." We say our goodbyes and I sigh locking up my office as I leave I see Bridget my assistant and smile at her saying, "Be a dear and lock up and I wont be in until the afternoon tomorrow so you can sleep in." laughing she starts packing up and salutes me saying, "Course boss oh and say hi to our main boss lady yeah." Smiling I nod getting into the elevator as I am headed to the parking area I can't help but worry for Elena I know I told her to take a break and get out there, but the child may cause her to break or fall back again. sighing I get in my car and make my way to Romano's hoping what she tells me will make me see she will be ok.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

After ending our call, I relax back into the couch reaching for the remote I turn the volume up a little as I cradle Esme closer. She must be so exhausted if she is sleeping this much that and probably overwhelmed with all that has happened in the last twelve hours or so. Moving some little baby curls out of her face I smile seeing her lips suckling again it's so cute. I am still in awe that she has survived this long being on her own. she is so tiny and from what I saw I see more bone then I should on such a small frame.

She needs to get her nutrition back so once she has been living with me awhile I will have to get her to see a doctor. Of which I know she wont like especially if I'm correct in her being a little, I also know once I speak with Kelly about Esme she is going to give me that look. I know it has only been a year and some months since I lost Jenny but the moment I saw this little one curled up in a ball, in that tiny opening of the jungle gym I knew I wanted to keep her with me and care for her as my own. Even with chancing she was just a tiny child that would age and go off to college, but now knowing she is eighteen trapped in a childs body I still want to care for her if she will let me.

Hearing my front door open and close I look towards it and put my fingers to my lips, so Kelly doesnt make a sound, she freezes and smiles nodding before raising the food up and heads into the kitchen. Rolling my eyes I relax again waiting for her to come back and set down, once she does she smiles at me lightly asking, "How is she doing?" smiling lightly I sigh saying, "She is ok she didn't talk much at first but once I got her to and into a bath she started opening up more." nodding she lays against the couch with her head on her hand saying, "That's good to hear and you, how are you doing?" nibbling my lip I look away before looking back at her saying, "Kelly she's not a child." she blinks scrunching up her face in confusion and looks at Esme in my arms before rolling her eyes saying, "Ok so you have gone mad then." Sighing I shake my head saying, "Kelly she is eighteen-years-old her name is Esme Knight, and she has been homeless for two years now." at this she sets up in shock saying, "You're not just making this up to keep her are you Elena I know you have been in pain but that would be messed up even for you."

Feeling as though she slapped me in the face I feel a tear fall down my cheek shaking my head holding Esme closer saying, "No Kelly I'm not making this up she told me who she is, she has that rare genetic disorder that causes her not to age." Sniffling I look away from her upset that she would say that to me, feeling a hand on my cheek I cry more. until she sighs saying, "I'm sorry love I, I just know you have been in so much pain since Jenny that I thought..." looking back at her quickly I shake my head and wipe my tears saying, "I would never even if I was desperate and in need of comfort Kelly you know me better than that." nodding she smiles sadly saying, "I know love I just, seeing you with her reminds me of how you were with Jenny even after a short time you know." Nodding I sniffle looking back down at a still sleeping Esme saying, "I haven't gotten her to tell me why she has been living on the streets, but I know she doesn't get food and nutrition like she should. What I saw when helping her wash her hair earlier she is so malnourished and tiny even for not aging. I also don't know how old her body is she looks two to three but could be four or five."

Nodding she leans forward and smiles saying, "She is a gorgeous little thing isn't she." Smiling I nod sniffle saying, "I would move the blanket so you could see how tiny, but I don't want to wake her just, yet she has been on and off sleeping. Umm I asked her to stay with me, so she doesn't go back on the streets, and she agreed." Looking shocked Kelly nods nibbling her lip before asking, "Is she you know?" shrugging I rub her back saying, "I think she is little but I'm not sure yet but some of her mannerisms are little, even if her being trapped in a young body doesn't mean she would be a little you know."

Nodding she sighs saying, "Just be careful ok love I don't want you getting to attached if she isn't let alone if she decides to leave once she is healthier." Hating those thoughts alone I rub my neck nodding saying, "Just don't push ok just let me go one step at a time, I know I needed a break but finding her seems like, well like a blessing I guess." Nodding she smiles lightly saying, "Ok but I will keep my eyes on you, now are you hungry?" smiling I nod saying, "I haven't ate since breakfast I have been distracted." Chuckling lightly, she nods asking, "You going to wake her now?" nibbling my lip I look at the clock it is just now four so I really should so I nod asking, "Could you get the food ready and drinks umm milk for her." nodding she smiles and stands up kissing my head before going into the kitchen sighing I set up and adjust Esme bouncing her a little to wake her up I know she is not going to like waking up just like before. But she needs to and to eat though I still know not to give her to much food at once. Even when I just want to make her healthy again sighing I kiss her head bouncing her again as she starts to stir I smile sighing.

Esme Knight's (POV)

Yawning I stretch and blink still warm I open my eyes seeing a light pink material in front of me, blinking I frown before seeing the material move and then I feel arms around me and remember Elena was holding me when I fell asleep. Yawning I stretch and she moves saying, "Well good afternoon baby did you have a good nap?" Blushing I freeze up but feel her rubbing my back and patting my bottom I relax but still blush even more, peaking up at her she is looking down at me smiling. She is so gorgeous and nice she caresses my cheek saying, "My friend Kelly is here baby she brought us dinner are you hungry?" blinking I shiver and feel panic as I wiggle trying to get away when she holds me tighter rocking me saying, "Hey, hey baby you're ok and safe honey she is really nice I promise."

Shaking I blink and look back up at her, so I nod, and she sighs patting my bottom again saying, "There baby girl you're ok now lets go eat some yummy soup and bread sticks yeah and if your tummy starts to hurt you let me yeah." Wanting to slip so bad because she is being so sweet and talking to me like a child I shiver and just snuggle into her as she stands. I'm so afraid that she will throw me away like trash when she find outs I am a little, I am already a freak of nature being trapped in a six-year-olds body and have been homeless along with what I was put through when in the system so, she may find me disgusting still.

Feeling us moving I hear someone saying the table is set and I shiver clinging to Elenas shirt still, she pats my bottom again making me blush again as she says, "Ok baby lets get you set up yeah." She sets down and sets me up taking the blanket off me laying it around us as she lays me back against her chest. Sighing I yawn stretching and I hear two sets of awes and chuckles making me get goose bumps.

Once I am done stretching I lay back against Elena and she holds me close rocking me asking, "All better baby ready for some yummy food?" nodding I blink and look around until I spot the same woman I usually see with Elena and she smiles at me, I fidget with the blanket as she smiles lightly at me saying, "Well hello little one Im Kelly, what is your name?" blushing I feel a kiss on my head as Elena holds me closer so I look at Kelly again taking a breath mumbling, "N-Nice t-to m-meet you I'm E-Esme." She smiles bigger nodding saying, "Well Esme it is lovely to meet you." I look back and up at Elena and she smiles nodding so I look back at Kelly saying, "Y-You too." Nodding I catch her giving Elena a look before Elena says, "Ok lets dig in you two." She moves two bowls, some bread sticks, and our drinks so we can eat, and I can't help but drool at the smell of the food. I don't know what kind it is but then again I don't care knowing anything food wise is welcomed.

Reaching for my spoon I lift it and blow on it over the bowl before taking it into my mouth savoring it. I swallow and my goddess its yummy. It's warm and creamy with bits of vegetables and little salt, taking another bite I hum moaning and swinging my legs. Hearing a few chuckles, I ignore them and zone out their conversation as I eat until I see a breadstick in front of my face. Pausing I blink and finally hear Elena saying, "Try some of this cheesy bread with it baby it's really good." Smiling I take it and take a bite humming. It is so yummy giggling lightly I keep eating slowly until I am finished.

Once I am done I drink my milk hearing Kelly saying, "She is so cute Elena, and she finished her food in such a cute way." Gulping down some of my milk I blush and look away when I feel Elena rub my back saying, "Yes she is isn't she, I am just glad she is doing ok." They are talking like am a child and not here but somehow it makes me feel cared for, licking my lips I wiggle and finish my milk hearing Elena asking, "Was that food yummy baby girl?" blushing I lick my lips and look back up at her nodding and she smiles hugging me closer asking, "And your tummy baby are you feeling ok?" blushing more I feel my face heat up and even the tips of my ears as I say, "I'm o-ok." Nodding she looks over at Kelly asking, "Mind cleaning up dear I'm going to get her cleaned up?" I look towards Kelly, and she smiles nodding saying, "I'll be in the living room once I'm done love."

I feel Elena stand and I squeak clinging to her and her and Kelly chuckle as Elena says, "Sorry baby should have warned you lets go get cleaned up and find you a clean shirt." arching my brows I look down and blush as she giggles taking us up the stairs saying, "It's ok baby getting messy just shows the food was good yeah."

She is silly but I just relax nodding and she takes me into her room asking, "You need to use the bathroom after I clean you up?" blushing I nod so she pats my bottom saying, "Once done we will get you a clean shirt yeah." Nodding I giggle lightly she is making me want to slip so bad right now, how is it only knowing her for a day I feel the need to slip fully and let her take control of my care. Shivering at the thought she gets me cleaned up and I use the toilet by the time I am in a clean shirt, and we are back down stairs setting on the couch I yawn snuggling more into her as she wraps the blanket more snug around me. Looking up I see Kelly watching us and I blink feeling my eyes drop as she looks at Elena asking, "All good?" Elena rubs my back saying, "Yeah she just needed a new shirt, I need to get her some clothes that will fit her."

Yawning again I look up at her shaking my head mumbling out, "Y-You d-dont have t-to b-buy me things." She looks at me and smiles saying, "Well if you are going to be living with me honey you will need new clothes and stuff I don't want you running around in your old ones. If that is ok I mean; I wont force you to wear other things unless you want." Blinking I yawn again still wondering why she is so nice and caring but I feel myself falling asleep again and I don't know why, living on the streets I have gotten to where I stay alert and not able to sleep fully. So, I guess being warm, clean, and fed is making me finally let my body and mind rest. As I fall asleep I hear them still talking but I am to sleepy to focus on them, so I just fall asleep into dream land.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

Smiling down at her again for the third time today she is asleep, cradling her close I crisscross my legs under me, so we are more comfortable. Looking back up at Kelly she smiles hugging one of the throw pillows saying, "She is such a cute and tiny thing huh." Chuckling I nod asking, "From what little interaction with her what do you think?" she looks over Esme saying, "She is something I still can't believe she is eighteen though just looking at her messes with your mind and thought process in regards to the none ageing." Laughing lightly, I nod saying, "I'm going to do some more research if you want to help me before you go home, umm have you talked with Cody today?" she sighs rubbing her hands together saying, "I don't know what to do Elena it's like he is distancing himself more and more from me, yet he still brings the topic of having another baby. It is confusing and I tried talking with him at lunch, but he just blew off the conversation. Saying he had a meeting to get to and just left me at the café." Frowning I never really liked Cody, but Kelly fell head over heels in love with him our senior year of college and I have just had to support her. but this is ridiculous of him to be putting my best friend through this.

She looks so upset sighing I nod saying, "I don't know what to tell you dear and I hate that he is doing this I know you both are hurting, but he really shouldn't be putting you through this." she nods wiping her tears away nodding hugging the pillow tighter saying, "I know I just don't understand why he hasn't acted like this before but the last two months after losing the..." she sniffles shaking her head continuing saying, "Anyway I don't know how much more of this I can take Elena I love him I do but it's like he doesn't care about me anymore." Nodding I reach over taking her hand saying, "How about you come stay here for a few days and then see if he will talk with you after a small break." She looks like shes thinking about it before she shakes her head saying, "I'll go home tonight and if we don't talk I'll pack a bag and come stay for about a week. To give him some space I just hope he will." Nodding I squeeze her hand sighing saying, "If something happens let me know ok honey I hate seeing you like this."

She smiles nodding saying, "I'm going to go ahead and go I can do some research later and we can talk more tomorrow and I'll let you know how tonight goes." She stands up hugs me and kisses my head before getting her purse and leaving once she is gone I shake my head; we both have been through hell the last year and I don't know why. First I lose my baby, my love then Kelly loses her baby too her unborn child not yet the size of my hand. Wiping my tears I cradle Esme closer whispering, Lets lock up the house baby and go watch TV in my room hmm. Getting up I turn the TV off before going throughout the house locking up and setting my alarm system. Once done I get us into the bedroom and sigh. Yawning myself now its just a little bit after five still early but all the excitement has gotten me tired as well. Getting Esme settled and tucked in under the covers on the bed I smile when she whimpers and clings to me before letting go, once done I lay some pillows around her before going into the bathroom for a much-needed bath of my own.

Leaving the door open so I can hear her if she wakes I turn the water on filling the tub as I watch the steam flowing off it I smile and strip naked throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper along with Esmes from earlier. Going over to the vanity I shiver and blush at myself as I brush my hair before putting it in a french braid then a bun, so it doesn't get wet. Sighing I stretch and peek back into my room to check on her and she is still sound asleep, so I go and climb in the tub the moment my body sinks into the water I moan. The instant release of my muscles do to the hot water is euphoric yawning I lay my head back before wetting a wash cloth laying it over my face. Last night and today has been crazy yet amazing at the same time, moving my arms so the water runs up onto my chest and neck I sigh.

My mind starts to wonder back to Jenny, and I shiver just finding tiny Esme has me thinking more and more of my love but not in a sad way as I had been all this time. But in a peaceful way as though she is telling me its ok that I care for Esme which is weird. I am not spiritual or religious, but I can't help the way I am. Shivering feeling the water cool I set up and run some more hot water as I grab my soap and luffa cleaning myself, by the time I am finished and snuggled in my warm pajama pants and tank top I climb under the covers next to Esme yawning.

Looking at my night stand clock its almost seven so I just reach over shutting the lights off and snuggling down under the covers. Sighing I lean over and kiss Esmes head saying, "Night little one see you in the morning hmm." Relaxing I close my eyes and drift off asleep happier then I have been in some time.

[Hey reader's hope your liking the story so far please leave likes and feedback thanks.]

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