Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Tem...

By Shizumakiss8

167K 4.8K 251

[Working On New Chapter's "SLOWLY"] [First "62" Chapter's Up] (WILL BE EDITED) Esme Knight has struggled with... More

Copyright Page.
Character List
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY.
Chapter FORTY.
Chapter FORTY-ONE.
Chapter FORTY-TWO.
Chapter FORTY-SIX.
Chapter FIFTY.
Chapter FIFTY-ONE.
Chapter FIFTY-TWO.
Chapter FIFTY-SIX.
Chapter SIXTY.
Chapter SIXTY-ONE.
Chapter SIXTY-TWO.

Chapter FOUR

5.4K 174 0
By Shizumakiss8


Esme Knight's (POV)

Yawning stretching, I sigh feeling warm for the first time in forever as I reach up rubbing my eyes I kick my feet out and frown. Before freezing up wondering why I am so warm and why I am not hurting or cold like I usually am waking up under the jungle gym. Yawning again I blink and slowly wake up before looking around and I frown more seeing I am in an unknown room, and it looks like something out of magazine catalog. Whimpering I set up quickly and wrap my arms around my legs scared and screaming in my head on why I am here and not in my hiding spot. Sniffling I wipe my eyes nibbling my lip I spot my duffle, so I quickly crawl on the bed and grab it before going back against the head board of the bed. Looking down at myself I see I am out of my jacket and boots but everything else is still in place.

Which Is a relief looking around again I spot my boots at the end of the bed along with my jacket and I sigh. Glad my things are all still with me as I look around the room I cant help but think of it as a princess room but for an older princess not young like me. Still worried and wondering how and why I am here I fidget with my duffle shaking, no one has ever found me in my hiding spot let alone when I am sleeping. Who could have found me and brought me here, wiping my tears I look at the door hearing foot falls then talking causing me to whimper.

Listening closer I hear who I think is two women that allows me to relax a little, but I stay on guard ready to bite, kick and claw at the person if they are a danger and threat. Holding my duffle tighter. I see the door handle move a little then I hear one of them walk off, waiting for my death I just nibble my lip. As I watch the door as if in slow motion open up and the person I see once it is fully open shocks me frozen. Seeing the goddess, I have watched for so long is before me, she freezes seeing me awake but then she smiles, and I relax more. as she closes the door I jump and she quickly turns putting her hands up slowly saying, "Shh its ok sweetheart, you are probably scared and wondering why you're here huh." Blinking I slowly nod, and she smiles before walking towards the end of the bed, watching her every move I wipe my eyes again as she says, "Me and my best friend Kelly found you at the park last night baby we couldn't leave you there. I am sorry we took you from there." Blinking again I nod again, and she smiles lightly setting on the edge of the bed as she does I lean further back against the head board and she holds her hands up again saying, "I won't hurt you baby yeah; can you talk love?"

Nibbling my lip, I look away then back at her nodding she blinks and smiles asking, "Can you tell me your name and age love?" blinking I am freaking out right now what if she just thinks me silly and calls the cops anyway that is usually what happens when a child is found. Then again she did bring me to where ever I am, looking around I hear her saying, "It's ok baby I just need to know, I have not called anyone yet." At the yet part I look at her and purse my lips making her smile more and I can't help but love how beautiful she is when smiling, shivering I also know she will probably think me weird or disgusting finding out I am eighteen, unable to age, lesbian and to top that off a little. Just these thoughts makes me want to act dumb like I am fully a child and when she goes to call the police I bolt and run again. but now that I am finally this close to my crush I can't help but want her to like me for who I am and want her to be my mommy and partner. But knowing I will never age no one would want to date me the way I am it's too much like I am the child I look like.

She frowns looking worried asking, "You ok baby?" shivering I grip my duffle tighter against me nodding and she sighs saying, "I know your scared honey, but I really need to know your name and age it will help me find your family yeah." Scrunching my face up I shake my head quickly and she pauses asking, "You don't have one or ran away from them?" groaning I role my eyes and she blinks and chuckles before I see some kind of look in her eyes as she sighs saying, "Well if you're not going to talk yet how about getting cleaned up and into some clean clothes huh. None of my things will be your size but you will be comfy yeah." Blinking at this I could use a hot bath, I haven't fully bathed in ages, so I nod my head quickly and she chuckles and smiles saying, "Ok baby I'll go make a warm bath hmm and then find you one of my shirts. Do you have undies you can wear?" blushing I look away and nod hearing her laugh again, her laugh is amazing it gives me goose bumps. Looking back at her she smiles and stands saying, "Ok I'll be right back yeah the bathroom is just though this door." Watching her she opens a door near the window in the room and disappears, looking at the door I assume is the exit I nibble my lip then look back and forth.

Wondering if I should run now or wait until after my bath I really can't not except a bath. hearing her coming back I look towards her just as she says, "Ok baby the bath is almost full so how about you go on in and get undressed hmm. Or do you need help with that other than getting in the tub?" blushing I nibble my lip and slide off the bed holding my duffle I shiver but set it down and open the side finding a clean pare of undies. That Sarah got me an scrunching them up I hide them, and she smiles saying, "It's ok honey your safe with me yeah." Nibbling my lip, I leave my duffle and walk around the bed as I get near her I see here dig inside the dresser drawer taking out a big pink shirt that says "Aloha" and I smile maybe she has been to Hawaii, putting my smile away as she turns she smile saying, "You can lay your undies down on the bed with the shirt baby you'll be getting dressed in here once done with your bath yeah." Blinking I hug myself and groan knowing I need to tell her before this gets to personal, shivering I walk back and against the wall and she frowns as she lays the shirt down. Blinking she says, "Hey, hey you're ok." Shivering I curl in on myself in the corner of the wall and I slide down on the floor hugging my knees.

This makes her frown and look more worried, and she looks towards the bathroom saying, "Take a deep breath baby I'll be right back I need to shut the water off." She leaves and I take deep breaths like she said then she is back and squatting down in front of me. Blinking I whimper and she sighs saying, "Shh baby please talk with me huh. What is wrong?" sniffling I wipe my eyes and hiccup before whimpering out, "I, I no b-baby, I'm, Im e-eighteen." She blinks in shock and sets back on her heels I just sniffle and wipe my eyes watching her she scrunches up her face but not in disgust as I thought. No just worry and concern she blinks again saying, "Oh love you are still safe with me huh. What's your name?" blinking in shock I sniffle out, "E-Esme K-knight." She smiles saying, "That is a lovely name dear, now I know your scared still but how about that bath hmm. I won't look at you, but I will need to help you in and out of the tub it is pretty tall."

She is being so nice, and I am in awe no one has been so nice except my friends, sniffling I wipe my face and she smiles. Asking, "After you wash up would you mind me washing your hair honey? May be better that way I can help get all those tough rats out huh." Giggling at that I nod and yawn she smiles nodding saying, "I'm going to stand and step back ok." Nodding I watch her before I stand up against the wall she looks towards the bathroom saying, "Ok honey go undress and just call for me when you're ready to get in the bath." nodding I walk in and look back at her before walking more inside she closes the door and I sigh turning and looking around I gasp. This is like a full bedroom but it's a bathroom and in the middle is a clawfoot tub and shower head above it. giggling I love it the whites and greys match similar to the whites and blacks in the bedroom, sighing I walk to the sink laying my clean undies there before stripping naked. Once fully naked I see a full-length mirror and I know I should not look but it has been a year and half since I had. Taking a breath and biting my lip I walk forward and what I see makes me cry and shake at the state I am in, long gone was my baby fat and chubby belly and in its place is skin and bones I can see my ribs so pronounced, I know I am malnourished, and starving doesnt help.

Covering my mouth, I turn and look at all my scars as I hear the goddess asking, "You ok in there baby?" shivering I whimper not wanting her to see me like this and hell I don't even know her name yet, but she knows mine. Sniffling I whimper out, "I ok I , I ready b-but no look." Hearing her say ok I walk over to the tub covering my privates and chest even though I have nothing but a child's body I am still self-conscious. Sniffling I shiver as I see her come in with her eyes closed, smiling at her she looks silly. As she says, "Ok honey almost there and my manners baby my name is Elena Shaw just so you know yeah." Blinking she just said "Shaw" right am I losing my mind? Thats the name of the law firm in big letters at the top is she that "Shaw"?, no she couldnt be. Blinking as I shake my head saying, "N-Nice t-to m-meet you." She chuckles getting closer to the tub and I reach out, but she stops and touches the tub saying, "Ok honey come over here and I'll pick you up hmm." Blushing I nibble my lip and walk over touching her hand, so she knows I am there, sighing I take a breath as she slides her hands under my arms, and I shiver and squeak as she lifts me then sets me in the tub.

The moment the warm and bubbly water washes over me I whimper and sigh in pleasure goddess it has been forever. Since such luxury than again nothing like this has been in my life since my parents. Sniffling at the thought I wipe my eyes as she ask, "Ok baby?" sniffing I hiccup nodding but remember she can't see me, so I say, "I ok j-just, just long-time s-since a b-bath." she nods and turns asking, "How long have you been homeless if you dont mind me asking?" reaching for the body soap and luffa I get to work cleaning my body saying, "A-Almost a f-full t-two y-years." She gasps but clears her throat asking, "So you just turned eighteen this year then?" blinking I nod and look at her saying, "Y-yeah l-last month." She nods, and I shiver as the water turn all icky. Making a gag sound I hear her chuckle before she asks, "What was that?" giggling I shiver saying, "Nuffen w-water g-getting all icky." Slipping a little I cover my mouth and shake it off as she says, "Oh well once your body is clean we will drain it and then wash your hair yeah." All I can think is why is she being so nice even finding out I am not a child she still treats me sweetly with baby talk and names. Finished washing my body I lay the soap and luffa back on the little rack saying, "B-Body c-clean." She nods and turns with her eyes closed saying, "Ok honey can you flip that little medal switch under the faucet it will release the dirty water then we will rinse and refill the tub hmm."

Nodding I do what she said and wait watching it drain once its empty I smile and shiver saying, "A-All gone." She smiles nodding before reaching and turning the water on to as she does she adjust the levels for warm water and says, "Ok honey I need to open my eyes for this you want a towel to cover up for now until the water is covering you?"

Blushing I nibble my lip gulping saying, "Yeah." Nodding she turns and goes to a door opening it grabbing a fluffy towel saying, "Ok just stand and wrap it around hmm and I'll get this tub rinsed and filled back up." taking the towel I do as told sighing saying, "Ready." She opens her eyes and smiles nodding she gets to doing what she said and once the water is filling up again she says, "Ok I'll take the towel and you set back down and mix this bubble bath in hmm it'll cover you while I wash your hair yeah." Blinking I nod and she closes her eyes taking the towel once I am back in fresh and warmer water again I giggle and play with the bubbles as they form once the water is up and covering my shoulders I smile. Saying, "C-Covered." She turns and smiles looking at me saying, "Ok let's get your hair clean yeah baby." Blushing at her still calling me baby I just relax and let her at my mess of hair. It has been so long since I washed and cut it, as she works getting it wet and putting shampoo in it I am scared it will hurt but she is so gentle. Playing with the bubbles as a distraction the more my hair is clean the more relaxed I get and even more so when she massages my scalp.

Humming and moaning in pleasure I hear her chuckle, but I just relax loving the feeling of being pampered and taken care of. I haven't been taken care of since my parents and those that took me into their homes were ok but never like this. we just officially met, and she has been nicer and more caring then anyone I have met in a long time. I just hope she doesn't freak when or if I reveal my slight stalking of her. I mean who wouldn't be infatuated or in awe of her she is a literal goddess one that is making me feel loved and cared for right now. sniffling with my eyes closed I know I am crying but she doesn't say anything she just keeps washing my hair with the watermelon and lime scented soaps. By the time she has finished and tells me so I just nod and look away from her, hearing her saying, "Ok baby I'm going to get a towel for you yeah, can you drain the water like before?" sniffling I do so and watch it drain once again as she says, "Ok love stand for me I'm not looking." Looking at her finally I see her look up and away to her left, so I quickly wipe my tears away and she helps wrap the towel around me before picking me up. thinking she is going to set me down to walk I am shocked when she just carries me and on the way into the room she grabs my pink and white undies.

Blushing at that we get to the bed, and she just sets me down saying, "Ok let's get you dressed." Blinking I freeze and she must have felt me because she finally looks at me and as she does she blinks looking shocked and scared herself before she clears her throat saying, "Oh, sorry about that dear." She blushes slightly and hands me my undies before turning saying, "Umm just get dressed and, and I'll brush and braid your hair after if you want." Watching her fidget with her hands I frown wondering what that was about, but I ignore it and quickly get my undies and the big shirt on.

Once I look down with it on I giggle it is almost past my feet smiling I yawn and grab the towel ruffling and drying my hair saying, "I'm d-dressed y-you, y-you can turn around." She does and smiles but she has this sad look, and I can tell she was crying just now, pursing my lips I want to ask but I dont knowing its private. She nods and saying, "I'm going to grab my brush and a hair tie be right back." Nodding I watch her go into the bathroom and that's when I get the urge to pee, and I blush and groan. She comes back and arches her brow at my little dance, and I blush more mumbling, "G-Gotta g-go." she nods and asks, "Need help?" blinking I blush more but nibble my lip shivering saying, "Up and, and then down." She nods so I rush in the bath room and lower my undies and lift the shirt needing to go really bad. Forgetting she was following I hear a giggle and I blush looking towards her she looks up and away saying, "Cute." But I ignore it as If I didn't hear her and she picks me up setting me on the toilet, once she does she leaves and closes the door slightly and I sigh at the sweet relief. Usually, I have to rush into public toilets or try to anyway most places won't let you unless you buy something first and others are so nasty you would rather use a bush as I have plenty of times its much cleaner.

Finished I wipe and squeak out, "A-All done." She comes back still with a smile and slight blush and helps me stand before turning away, quickly I pull my undies back up and head to the sink it's so tall I groan but see a step stool, so I step up on it and sigh washing my hands. As I do I spot her watching me with this sad far-off look and I wonder why, as I hop off the stool I look at it. seeing it's for a child I blink and jump as she says, "Lets go do your hair yeah sweety." Nodding I turn and follow her wondering if she is sad because her child is not here with her or gone from this world. So many thoughts run through my mind I just ignore them wanting to enjoy her company and her taking care of me.

Getting back into the room she smile and before I can say anything she just picks me up and sets us on the bed before setting me between her legs. Shocked I squeak and she chuckles saying, "Sorry dear just easier than having you fight to climb on the bed yeah." Nodding I nibble my lip feeling my face and ears burn but I relax the moment she starts messing with my hair and massaging my scalp again. by the time she finishes she pats my head saying, "All done sweety you want to see?" blinking I yawn nodding and she again picks me up and we go over to her dresser, she holds me close to her chest and shows me what I look like. Making me bush more I fidget with my hands as I look at the two french braids going down my back and how clean I am. Though you can tell how malnourished I am I look ten times cleaner than I have in years and it makes me cry. Shaking my head, I hiccup crying harder and she just turns me in her arms and cradles me against her and bounces me telling me everything will be ok and how gorgeous and adorable I am. All while she is doing this I just cling to her feeling all the pain I have felt over the years hitting me like a wave.

I have not felt this much love and care and just the fact she has taken care of me in one night and morning makes me want to never leave. Though I know I will have to she won't want a freak around or living with her. sniffling I feel my body going limp and I just want to rest so the last thing I hear is her saying it was ok for me to sleep and feeling her kiss my head.

[Hey reader's hope your liking the story so far and as always please leave likes and feedback it helps with the story and writing, also if the "Quotation's" are missing let me know thanks. :)]

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