Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Tem...

By Shizumakiss8

193K 5.3K 301

[Working On New Chapter's "SLOWLY"] [First "71" Chapter's Up] (WILL BE EDITED) Esme Knight has struggled with... More

Copyright Page.
Character List
Chapter ONE
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY.
Chapter FORTY.
Chapter FORTY-ONE.
Chapter FORTY-TWO.
Chapter FORTY-SIX.
Chapter FIFTY.
Chapter FIFTY-ONE.
Chapter FIFTY-TWO.
Chapter FIFTY-SIX.
Chapter SIXTY.
Chapter SIXTY-ONE.
Chapter SIXTY-TWO.
Author's Note.
Chapter SEVENTY.

Chapter TWO

6.4K 162 12
By Shizumakiss8


Elena Shaws (POV)

Digging through the file box on my desk I groan not finding the latest case report on my client, so I call out, "Kelly come in here, were is the latest case report I asked for?!" groaning I look over my desk as she comes in before looking up arching my left brow. She chuckles saying, "Boss its right here." she walks over and picks up the red file right on top of the others and I groan again rubbing my face grumbling, "I need to get out of here!" she chuckles again saying, "Boss the case is fully ingrained in your head just call it a night ok, court is not until next Tuesday anyway. Your also all caught up on every other case this week." Rubbing my neck, I look up at her and set down in my chair nodding saying, "True but I still fill like I am behind its like one week is clear then the next is over flowing into the next you know." Nodding she smiles cleaning my desk up saying, "I know but hey you're the main boss you really dont have to stress yourself out with all the work besides you have how many lawyers and employees under you?" laughing I nod saying, "I know but I am still in charge you know, you also know why I am working myself like this." she smiles sadly nodding saying, "I know you miss her, but you cant keep this up it has been a year and a half boss besides you need to get out and find someone yeah. I know you loved her, but things happen."

Sniffling I wipe my eyes and she rounds my desk and hugs me I tense up at first, but she rubs my back and I let go laying my head on her shoulder hugging her back. Sniffling I sigh and hear her saying, "You may be my boss but your also my best friend and I hate seeing you like this love really I do. You need to take some time off yeah leave everything to Marcus and me so you can clear your head and heart." Gripping her shirt, I nod into her neck saying, "I know but I hate this so much why, why her huh?!" she she holds me closer, and I just cry harder hating these feelings. July before last my little and partner Jenny was killed on her way to see her parents. She had been needing to let them know of our life style and was afraid but said she wanted to be big and tell them on her own, so she took a flight out to New York but half way there. There was and awful storm and the plane was struck by lightning it was a tragic accident, yet I felt like she was targeted and taken away from me. After her funeral I closed myself off to everyone and have been focusing all my attention, mind, and heart on my work. I started my law firm just after graduating from Harvard and MIT with a law degree and two masters in science and history.

I have felt nothing but pain and grief since I lost her and not even her parents new she was more to me than just the love of my life. she was my baby, and she was ripped away from me way to soon. Sniffling I set back, and Kelly wipes my face saying, "You look awful!" causing me to laugh and smack her arm lightly saying, "Jerk, I feel awful." She smiles and kisses my head saying, "I will clean up here and then how about we go get some Thai food and get a nice buzz with one of your really old bottles of red merlot." Laughing again I smile nodding saying, "Of course you just want to raid my wine cellar." Smiling she nods and I set back closing my eyes as she says, "Always love." Nodding I take another breath saying, "Of course." opening my eyes again I smile asking, "How is Cody and your parents been this week?" she smiles finishing putting files in the box that I will have to take home saying, "Great though Cody keeps..." she looks away and I smile sadly reaching over patting her hand saying, "It's ok love I want to hear yeah." She nods and finishes cleaning my desk saying, "He keep's distancing himself from me, yet he want's us to try getting pregnant again but I just, I don't think I can go through that again you know."

Nodding I stand up straightening my clothes and cleaning my face looking in my tiny hand-held mirror before asking, "Have you talked to him about it or about adoption again or finding yourselves a little?" looking at her I gather my things and the box as we walk out, and she locks my office for me. Sighing saying, "Yes but he is still not there yet, and I know he want's our own flesh and blood children, but I just can't." grabbing her hand I pull her into my side kissing her cheek saying, "Set him down again later and explain and if he keep's it up well I would ask for a small break to think. I know you two love each other but it's not right of him to keep treating you this way. Or trying to force you into something I feel will hurt you all over again." nodding she sniffles so I smile lightly saying, "We are just two big cry baby's today aren't we dear."

Chuckling she wipe's her tears nodding as we get into the elevator saying, "I know right but hey we will be drunk soon yeah." Laughing I hit the button for underground parking saying, "True but I do not want a major hang over tomorrow so how about we brace ourselves yeah." Laughing she smiles nodding as we watch the numbers countdown I shiver feeling a chill already from the concrete parking area and just as the doors of the elevator opens I shiver again saying, "Burr you would think it would clear up by now right, I mean its almost January fifth but still freezing as usual."

Nodding she hugs herself as we get to my car saying, "True but as always Chicago weather love. Now lets go I am starving." Laughing I we get into my small black Audie R8 and start the car getting the heat going along with turning the heated seats on. As we wait I rub my hands together and blow on them asking, "So your parents?" she looks at me and smiles nodding saying, "Oh, yeah they are doing great they just left for Hawaii and plan to be back next month also mom said no matter what I decide she and dad will support me." Smiling at that I sigh saying, "I love them so much I mean seriously I wish they were my parents too you know." Smiling she nods chuckling saying, "They already are love you have grown up with me remember." Nodding I smile saying, "Yeah but still." She chuckles saying, "I get it umm, have you talked with your mom?" groaning I shake my head saying, "I have not spoken to her or Liza since Jenny..." she reaches over patting my hand nodding saying, "I'm sorry love." Nodding I sigh shrugging saying, "We have never been close and even before Jenny died her and Liza practically ignored us unless they needed something. I have just, well to me they are no longer family."

She looks worried and sad but nods and we both sigh as the heat surrounds us nodding I chuckle saying, "Now no more gloom lets go!" smiling she laughs as I back out of my parking spot and head out of the underground parking, once on the street I slowly make our way down town to our favorite Thai place its just across from this cute little park. During the warmer seasons its so bright and colorful but its also in one the sketchier areas of the city yet it is always well taken care of. As we get to the restaurant I park out front, and we go inside shivering and shaking our jackets off as a waiter comes to set us at a table.

As we get to one its near the big open windows and you can see out, but we are not so close we will be freezing while we eat. Smiling I take a drink of my water as Kelly orders us a couple of glasses of dark lager ale and I smile, I am not a big beer drinker, but the dark ales are usually pretty good, and the ones here definitely are. She chuckles and winks ordering us some teas too before the waiter walks off, laughing she shrugs saying, "What? Yeah we are going to drink wine at yours, but I need my fix huh." Rolling my eyes, I sigh smiling as I look over their new menu and I smile asking, "You know what you want?"

She chuckles shrugging saying, "Not sure, what looks good to you?" pursing my lips I look over the sea food saying, "The Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Noodles) look good. But so does the Khao Pad (Fried Rice) as well." She smiles nodding saying, "Pretty much everything except the Tom Kha Gai (Chicken In Coconut Soup) I dont know about you, but coconut and meat do not mix in my opinion." Laughing I not saying, "True same here just like pineapple on pizza that is just wrong." We both laugh and getting into small talk after ordering we both decided to get the Tom Yum Goong and Som Tam (Spicy Green Papaya Salad) as our meals knowing we need extra to hold off our liquor we usually dont drink as much since college, but the last year calls for something to loosen us both up. dealing with the loss of a loved one is not easy, and neither is the loss of a child that hasnt even been born yet. As the night progresses and we finish a half bottle of red merlot at my place, and we call it a night all with my fuzzy brain wishing my life will soon take a better turn than it has this last year and a half of loneliness and grief.

Esme Knights (POV)

Waking up groggily I groan rubbing my face and moving my fingers to get the blood to flow back into them, shivering I blink looking around seeing I am still curled up inside the climbing structure. Yawning I keep moving to get my blood flowing as I listen to my surroundings sniffling I sigh hearing just faint sounds of life around me. I can see the sun is up, but I have no clue what time it is, yawning again I stretch out wiggling my toes and feet before putting my blanket back in my bag. I climb forward and peek out the opening just behind the slide, looking around I sigh seeing that no one is walking through the park just yet, so I set back and dig out some noodles and a slice of pizza with a bottle of water as my breakfast.

Once I finish I yawn knowing I need to go exploring again to keep my blood flowing, if I stay in one spot to long I will be found and if I dont move I will cramp up and will hurt later. Satisfied my stomach is fuller than it has been I gather my bag and push it out of the opening before climbing out. Standing up stretching more I feel a few pops before I throw my duffle on my back and make my way out of the park. As I look around the corners of the street I spot a few early risers like myself before I make my way across the street. Getting there I am in front of Spicy Thai, and I giggle at how accurate the name is, it is also one of the good places to find food in the dumpster but rarely they use everything, and I like that they dont waist, but I wish I got more food here. making my way past the big open bay windows I make sure I am not seen before ducking down the alley. Getting to the dumpster I see its unlocked so I quickly open it and find what I can putting it all in a plastic bag, the moment I am finished and the little food I found is in my duffle. I jump seeing someone come out of the back door panicking I rush past them as they yell at me, but I dont stop until I am a couple blocks down and I duck into another alley.

Taking deep needed breath's I whimper shaking knowing that was freaking close, yawning I shiver and shake out my limbs waking up more. After that run sniffling I giggle and shake my head I dont know what that man was yelling cause he was speaking Thai. Looking around I spot a lot more people out and about and I walk out of the alley, peeking around I spot the big clock on the building next to the Shaws law firm and I sigh seeing it is just now nine in the morning. I got a lot more sleep then I thought but I am also glad I didnt sleep to long that I would have been found. Rubbing my hands together on my thighs I make my way back out and down the street not really knowing where I want to go so I just walk around people watching.

You're probably wondering how am not being spotted or taken back into the system well I stay hidden pretty well considering my tiny size but most just think I am disgusting or crippled since I am homeless. Yawning I get to a cross walk and look around smiling today is a lot brighter and I just hope the winter weather starts to flow away into warmer weather. Sighing I cross the street then left heading down the side walk near a few dress shops, when I am around I like to explore but not the richer areas cause I will be spotted to easily. I mainly stay in the working-class areas and the slums or ghettos if you will, oh doughnuts I forgot to introduce myself. Giggling just the thought of the sweet fried treat makes my mouth water yumm, shaking my head smiling avoiding a few window shoppers. Anyway, my name is Esme Knight Im eighteen-years-old as you know and I am a tiny little at the height of four feet and four inches, and you know what I look like well as I am now anyway.

When I was able to clean up I was told I looked like one of those porcelain dolls yet that was only when my parents were still alive. After that people around me wanted me as a trophy or a maid and then I was just trash after that being thrown around in the hell I was in. now I am in an outer hell of survival yet at least its better than being beaten and almost used as a sex slave. People are monsters and I have come to shy away from any of those that I feel are just that. though I know not all people are monsters I just hope to find more like my friends who are fun, loving, and nice. Maybe even find myself a mommy and partner though I dont know if thats ever going to be possible.

Sniffling I stop in front of one my favorite dress shops they have really cute dresses in the window display, today there are two sets the first is ruffled with frilly lace and a big bow along with matching knee shocks and baby jane flats. The colors are white and light baby blue smiling I run my hand over the glass but not close enough to smudge. Cleaning glass is hard, nodding I look at the other sets they are sundresses each has a different flower pattern but same design. The first is white with sunflowers all over the skirt but the top is white and ruffled then the second is white with the skirt flowered over in lilies. They are so beautiful and cute giggling I feel myself slip a little before I hear someone coming my way and I jump. Looking around I spot a few people walking on the other side of the street before turning spotting the person I heard before coming closer, so I bolt taking off.

As usual they are yelling for me to stop calling me a kid and blah blah blah anyway I get out of there and make my way back across the street. Looking around I see I am near where Sarah and Gabe hang out, so I slow my pace and make my way to their usual spot. They are usually in this area to beg for money or food, me I dont beg if I tried I would get reported to the cops. So, my survival is dumpsters, friends, and a few shop owners, sniffling I hold my arms more snug around my waist at as a gush of wind goes by and I smile spotting Sarah. Looking around I make sure there isnt many people before going up to her the moment she spots me she smiles. Giggling I get to her, and we hug then she kisses my head saying, "Well hello little bug we havent seen you in a while." Leaning back, I nod saying, "Yeah I been having some trouble with my sleeping spots but Im ok, yesterday was good I finally got some food after not having any for a while." She frowns and looks me over shaking her head saying, "Baby you have to eat your getting smaller it looks like and I know you are skin and bones under those clothes." Looking away I sniffle biting my lip and she just hugs me again saying, "I'm sorry little bug but maybe you should try find a mommy to take you in huh." Shivering I step back pushing her away slightly saying, "Even if I was able to find one they may be the type who likes to keep littles for naughty things or other stuff." Rubbing my arms, she nods sighing saying, "Sorry bug just hate that you are out here." sighing I shrug saying, "I'm ok, Im still alive right besides I will not let myself die before my life gets a little better you know."

Chuckling she nods and looks away from me freezing I look around and see a few people headed this way, so I squeak and make myself scares. Hiding a few feet away behind trash can so she can do her begging, sniffling I wait and once I see they give her some I go back after no one is around. She smiles nodding saying, "Hey if today is better than yesterday how about I buy us some hot coco hmm?" smiling I giggle and shrug saying, "You don't have to Sarah I know you need the money more." she shakes her head saying, "I can treat my friend anyway I wish ok little bug now Gabe is down the strip so how about you come back this afternoon say two and we will meet him at Bills you know the little hot coco and food stand just a few blocks from your park." Nodding I giggle and kiss her cheek saying, "Ok I slept there last night so I may sleep there again and if I don't show something came up yeah." Nodding she chuckles and I wave by as I leave I make my rounds saying hi to those I see around most days. And some of my other friends before I feel hungry again, so I stop at my other hiding spot. Its got a good view of the lift bridge on Michigan Avenue I love watching it lift up for the boats. Though they are slower during winter I still like the view and its off course only a few blocks from Shaws law firm.

Settling down on a bench not used in this spot just below the bridge, I get out my noodles and spicy meat I got from the Thai food place and a bottle of water. Yawning I look around and spot a clock on a light post it says its almost one, so I see I covered more of my area then I thought. Giggling I take a drink and start eating, when I am big I pretty much eat anything so that is another reason I hold my little self-back. If I let her out all she wants is milk, fruit or soft foods like fries or chicken nuggets and I cant usually get the freshest stuff. So, I have to be careful not to slip looking around I swing my legs seeing a few people out and about taking pictures and stuff but none to scare me off.

Sighing at that I finish my food and drink putting the bottle back in my bag and I just relax watching my surroundings. I havent been fully little since a few times after I ran away which was not good. So, now I let myself slip a little on occasion like when I am with my friends. They take good care me when I let myself relax some. But never enough that I will fully slip and let go, yawning again I know I got plenty of sleep but usually if I get more than four or five hours I am more sleepy which is weird.

Looking at the clock again and squeak and make my way the three blocks hoping I didnt miss Sarah and Gabe, giggling I love hot coco its sweet, chocolatey, and yummy. As I get near the spot Bills is set up I sigh and smile seeing my friends the moment Gabe sees me he squeals like a school girl making me giggle and run into his arms and he picks me up. he gives me kisses and tickles and I just laugh and slip a little until he sets me down and fixes my clothes saying, "Missed you too big man!" he laughs, and we all smile as Sarah says, "Ok bug Im going to get our coco you chill with Gabe over on that bench." Nodding I follow Gabe and he sets down before pulling me into his lap, sighing I snuggle in loving the warmth asking, "How have you been care bear?" he chuckles smiling saying, "Ok honey I actually got a job interview so hopefully I get the job huh all of us but especially Sarah has missed you the last week. We were worried baby." Nodding I sigh saying, "I had to find new hiding spots and sleeping spots cause those new comers and some of them not good Gabe you keep eyes on them ok."

He nods just as Sarah gets to us and the moment I hold the cup and breathe in the coco I sigh, Sarah and Gabe chuckle. taking a sip, I wiggle, and Sarah asks, "Have you seen your goddess lately love?" blushing I scrunch my face up giggling saying, "Not since a week ago she has seemed sad the last few times I spotted her. but I never get close so not sure." They nod and Gabe mumbles, "Stalker." Making me gasp and Sarah snort laughing, giggling at her snort I take another sip of my coco saying, "Slight stalker its not like I followed her home or anything I just see her once in a while going into the lawyer building." He laughs and nods kissing my head before drinking his coco saying, "I know just teasing honey. But serious are you doing ok hun?" nodding I look around before saying, "Yeah I am good though I didn't have food for a few days but that is the norm during winter time you know." Nodding he finishes his coco and so does Sarah as she throws their cups away saying, "Well we would stay love, but we still have day light, so we have to get back to our other spots yeah." Nodding I hop off of Gabes lap saying, "If you two see Layla and Danny tell them hi and not to worry about me yeah also thank them again for the pacis and bottle they got me for Christmas."

Smiling they kiss and hug me before leaving and I finish my drink throwing the cup away, yawning I look around bouncing on my heels since I dont have Gabes body heat I have to keep moving again. making my way around the park and back towards the law firm I yawn and make my way to the alley so I can count the windows again. getting there I make sure its clear before climbing into a box as a wind breaker and I hug my duffle laying against the building wall. As I count the windows I watch the workings walking around like organized chaos and I giggle. they always look so together or so disheveled you know they either lost a case or got fired. One guy got fired last year during Halloween and he was dressed up as a skeleton but him crying and cussing at his bosses firing him was pretty hilarious. Though I dont wish others misery you should have seen him then It was quite comical, shivering I blow on my hands and fingers. Looking up at the big clock I smile its almost four so maybe I will see the goddess today since I didnt yesterday then again I left early yesterday.

Yawning I sigh as I spot a familiar woman but not my goddess but a lady that is usually with her so I smile, she is really pretty too with long legs flowing long brown curly hair and a body you would die for. Like serious her and the goddess could be models, but I know they are both lawyers just not their names or what area they work in. as she walks towards the front entrance I finally spot my goddess and she is smiling which makes me happy she hasnt smiled in a long time. Ive known about her for a year and two months well known of her anyway, yup as Gabe said Stalker giggling.

I role my eyes but watch them walk down the street laughing and talking not able to hear I just make up what I think they are talking about. Shivering I nibble my lip knowing I shouldnt, but I really want to see her closer then across the street. Getting myself together I quickly make my way across the street and follow them, but I make sure I am not spotted. As I follow I hear bits of conversation here and there but knowing I cant follow them long. I look around and see some people giving me odd looks, so I quicken my pace. Hiding in another alley I see them walk into Josephs Bistro its an Italian restaurant one I get some of my food from and I groan knowing I cant go any further. Just glad I got to see them closer and hear their voices but especially my goddess I sigh and curl up against a wall.

From my position I can see them being set by the window and I just watch them wishing I could be like them, friends and eat and have a job. Sniffling I wipe my eyes and shake my thoughts before finding a clock and I sigh its late, so I need to go to my hiding spot. Yawning I cross the street and peek in to see them closer and I am in awe my goddess has shining green eyes they sparkle like emeralds and her friend has hazel eyes but a touch of gold. They are smiling and laughing, and I cant help but cry at how happy they are, sniffling I wipe my eyes and hear someone yelling so I squeak and bolt hearing some guy yelling, "HEY KID GET BACK HERE YOU SHOULD NOT BE OUT BY YOURSELF! HEY!" shaking I keep running as I hear his heavy foot falls, but I ignore him and those around me spotting a crowd of people getting off work I bolt for them and crawl and run under and between them. until I lose the guy chasing me by the time I stop for a breath I have lost him but freeze seeing I am not in my area of the city.

Freaking out I bolt back down the alley I am in and to the left until I find a familiar street, making my way down Jameson street I sigh when I spot my park and the little Thai food place. Whimpering I wipe my fresh tears away looking around to make sure no one sees me before I bolt for the climbing play area. Getting behind the slide I shove my duffle in then climb in doing the same as I did last night, my heart is racing from the running and panic. Taking deep breaths, I sigh and get a water out chugging it once done I get my blanket out and snuggle it around me before curling into a ball holding my duffle.

Sighing I yawn and lay my head down today was ok, but I hate when I am chased by people, sniffling I whimper I really want to slip but I cant, or I will be more vulnerable than I am now. calming myself by taking deep breaths I yawn again and listen around me satisfied no one is near I let myself fall asleep with the sounds of traffic and car horns. As I fully fall more into sleep the last thing I hear is laughter.

[Hey reader's let me know what you think of this chapter and if the "Quotation's" are appearing have had some issues with them in the past. Pleas leave feedback thank you! :)]

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