Heal You

By exxx25

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[Editing in Progress] Emma didn't ask for powers. But she got them. She didn't ask to get kicked out of her h... More

The Bite
For Better or For Worse?
To play or not to play
Please Don't Kill Anyone
Did you kill her or not?
Derek please don't die
So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?
Scott can you learn any faster?
Well that went well
Where is all this coming from?
When You Cry
He Took Her On A Date?
Hanging On
Where is she?
It's Okay
Holy Water
You Are What You Are
Live Like You're Dying
No Choice
You Gain Some You Lose Some
Its Hard to Move On
Nothing Cheers You Up Like A Gay Club
No Choice
Road to Recovery
She Speaks
Fight Back
The Good and the Bad News
Time for a Game


579 20 0
By exxx25

The phone fell out of my hand, clattering to the floor of the car. I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath. "Oh my god" I whispered, pressing my cold palm against my burning hot forehead.

"What happened?" Dean asked, picking up my phone, reading the text that I had left up on the screen. "One minute you're snoozing peacefully, the next you're screaming, hands a blazing!" Dean exclaimed. I shook my head, trying to gather my thoughts.

"I-I was in the woods with Scott and Derek in the dream. Gerarde cut a werewolf in half, declaring war" I recapped what I had seen. It was like a dream but it felt real which is why I guess my powers activated. But the weird thing is, I think that really happened" I whispered, not believing what I was saying.

"You mean you saw what Scott was seeing?" Sam asked. I nodded slowly. "Is that even possible?" Sam was baffled.

"I mean I have always known that once you heal someone, you have a sort of bond with them, since I have to give them a part of myself, there's a bond" I informed them, texting Scott back, asking what happened.

"Maybe its also a pack thing. Maybe-maybe in times of stress, people you heal can send you some sort of message" Sam suggested. I shrugged, closing my eyes for a moment, feeling overwhelmed. I should call Stiles. He could help me research- right. We were in a fight.

"I think I need to go home. Get a good night rest. I'm exhausted" I looked up at Sam and Dean. I turned looking at the window. We were in my driveway.

"We were actually waiting for you to wake up. You uh have the key" Dean said, scratching the back of his neck. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I slide out the side, walking towards the house. I stuck the key in the door, turning the knob.

I stepped inside, my house looking different than it had before. Where was I? I heard voices coming from the other room. I turned around, but Sam and Dean were no where to be found. I shrugged, venturing towards the sounds. My heels clicked along the hardwood floor until finally, I came to a dining room.

A father and his son sat at the table. I actually recognized the kid. I had healed him at the hospital a while back. Isaac was his name. And now that I looked, the other man was the one Sam and Dean were here investigating. Isaac sat trembling, staring at his father. All of the sudden, he knocked everything off the table, plates shattering on the ground. Isaac jumped up, curling up against the wall for shelter."What the hell!" I screamed, charging forward. "Isaac!" I shouted, wanting nothing more than to protect him.

Mr. Lahey picked up a glass jar before throwing it at Isaac. "No!" I screamed, extending my hand. But nothing happened. My powers were useless. The glass hit the wall right above Isaac's head, a piece of glass cutting his cheek. Isaac stood up, shaking as the blood dripped down his cheek.

"Now look what you did" Mr. Lahey scolded him. I aimed my hand at him, wanting to release the fury I was feeling at him. Teach him not to abuse his poor innocent son.

"You could have blinded me" Isaac raged, suddenly gaining a wave of courage. As I looked closer, I watched the blood run back up his face into the cut which then healed itself. No, that was impossible. Only werewolfs could do that. And the only alpha in town was Derek. Derek.

Two arms held me up as I looked shakily around. I looked up at Dean who stared quizzically down at me. Dean slowly let go, making sure I was standing up straight. I couldn't tell them what I had seen. This could put Isaac in danger. No I had to ask Derek. "Are you okay? Another vision?" Sam asked.

"No I uh am just tipsy. I guess that other vision really took a tole on me" I lied, feeling guilty as I did. "I'm uh just gonna head to bed" I said, giving them a nod before quickly retreating upstairs. I ran to my room, shutting the door behind me. I whipped my phone out of my pocket, dialing Derek. "C'mon" I muttered to myself as the other end rang and rang. Finally, Derek answered.

"Hello?" his grumpy voice filled the phone.

"Derek please tell me you didn't turn Isaac" I immediately rushed into the phone. Derek was silent. "What were you thinking? With the hunters in town and now Gerarde?" I exclaimed, feeling a sense of panic wash over me.

"Emma I'm a new alpha. I have to make betas. Plus he wanted it. I didn't do it to anyone who didn't want it" Derek argued through the phone. I shook my head, biting down on my lip. This was terrible. "How did you find out anyways?" Derek asked.

"I've been having these-these visions. I had one where I was with you and Scott. I saw what Gerarde did to that werewolf. And then I had one from the other day with Isaac. I think it has to do with when I heal people, since my powers are evolving" I told Derek.

"Interesting" Derek mused through the other line. I laughed sourly.

"Yes Derek how interesting. You know he killed his father? How am I going to explain that to Sam and Dean?" I asked frantically.

"He didn't do it" Derek replied simply. I stopped in my tracks.

"What do you mean he didn't do it? What else could have done it?" I asked, sitting down on the bed.

"He said it wasn't him. I heard his heart beat. He wasn't lying. I think there's something else here-in this town" Derek said slowly, his voice low. I sighed, feeling relieved. I guess Isaac was okay for now.

"Thats what I originally thought. That's good I guess. Now we just have to worry about that and Gerarde. Awesome" I muttered.

"Goodnight" Derek sighed, ready to hang up.

"Derek wait" I pleaded. I heard his breathing pause, waiting for me to speak. "Please don't turn anyone else. We don't need more trouble" I asked. Then he hung up. I sighed, placing the phone in my lap.

"You weren't gonna tell me?" Dean asked from the doorway. I yelped, jumping up into a standing position.

"Tell you what?" I ventured, wondering how much he heard.

"That Derek turned someone. That he might have killed someone" Dean spoke, his voice low.

"He didn't kill anyone" I replied. Dean nodded, slowly.

"But he turned someone" Dean argued.

"Please don't" I whispered, fearing what he might do to Derek. "Isaac asked. It wasn't against his will Dean. Derek needs to build a pack to fight whatever is killing people. Isaac hasn't killed anyone Dean" I spoke slowly, watching Dean's reaction.

"I'm a hunter. I can't stand by and watch teenagers get turned into-into monsters!" Dean shouted. And then there was that word. Monster. I couldn't help but feel that was directed at me. That's what my mother had called me. A monster. That's why she had shot me. Killed me. I watched as Dean's eyes widened, realization spreading across his face. A sad look came over his face as he realized what that meant to me.


"Monsters hurt people. I am not a monster" I whispered, trying to keep my voice from breaking. "My friends are not monsters. Isaac is not a monster" I said louder, a hot tear rolling down my cheek. "I am not a monster. I don't want to be a monster" I trembled, the tear turning into a stream.

"Emma I didn't-" Dean tried again.

"Its fine. Its just your nature. But just please get out of my room" I said quietly, feeling more numb than hurt as I sat back down on my bed.


"Just get out!" I said louder than I intended to, but Dean got the message. I didn't even have the guts to look at his face. I just listened as the door closed and his footsteps faded away.

I laid back on the bed, curling up in a ball, my tears rolling onto my pillow. I felt a wave of grief wash over me. I let out a sob, burying my face into the pillow. I think the last time I had cried like this was when my uncle had found out about my powers. But now I felt like I was losing my mind. My mom was dead after she had tried to kill me. Allison's family has been keeping her away from Scott and I. I barely get to see her. I have barely talked to Lydia since she got back. Stiles thinks it was my fault my mom shot me. Derek is turning teenagers. I feel utterly alone. And now I have two hunters living in my house. What was I thinking? They think I'm a monster. They think I'm something they need to kill. Something they need to handle. And now I'm having visions.

I felt myself spinning into a spiral of despair and panic. Everything was wrong. Everything was bad. I let out a large breath, sniffling as the tears flowed freely. I hated this. I wanted to protect my pack, but they didn't even want me. I'm just some unpredictable monster.

I rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, slowing my breaths to steady breaths rather than shallow sobs. In and out. I let the numb sensation of depression take over my mind. I had felt it before. It made things easier. Being utterly numb is better than feeling hurt. Slowly, my mind shut down and my muscles relaxed. I was after all exhausted. Soon my mind went black and I drifted off into a dreamless, colorless sleep.


"I'm serious! Its not like the last full moon! I don't feel the same!" Scott told me as we walked down the hallway. I was still exhausted and that same feeling of dreary hopelessness still resided inside me.

"Yeah sure. Does that include the urge to maim and kill people? People like me? Or S-" I paused. "Or Sam and Dean" I recovered, rolling my eyes as we paused at my locker so I could grab my biology book. The last thing I needed was Scott going postal on the full moon. 

Scott stared at me for a moment, noticing my avoidance of said name which I will not speak of. "Yeah I swear I don't have the urge to kill you" Scott exclaimed, picking up where he left off.

"You say that now but then comes the full moon and then the crazy wolf hormones are released and bam. You're a killing machine" I droned on, almost smiling at how sarcastic I sounded.

"Yeah buddy, she's right. I'm still locking you up" Stiles said, walking over to us. My gaze immediately dropped to the ground.

"I have to run" I said, slamming my locker shut.

"Wait, don't you want to see all the fun stuff I bought for Scott?" Stiles smiled, trying to appeal to me in a different approach. I shot him a cold stare. "Emma please. I need to talk to you" Stiles begged, his attitude changing immediately. He was right. He didn't know about my visions or my new powers. All he knew was that I was severely hurt and pissed off.

"No thanks" I replied before thinking it over. I turned around, walking away before he could protest further. I would have to face it some time but today was not that time. I had too much going on anyways. I didn't need boyfriend drama on top of everything else.

I walked down the hallway, avoiding the crowds. I looked up, spotting Lydia. She spotted me to, a large smile coming across her face. "Emma!" she called excitedly, fast walking to catch up to me.

"Hey Lyds" I greeted as she pulled me into a hug. "How are you feeling?" I asked since I hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to her since the whole Peter attacking her incident.

"I'm great" she smiled. "With that hike in the woods, I lost five pounds" she winked. I couldn't help but laughed. I couldn't hide that I missed my best friend. "So how are you? I couldn't help but notice you storming away from Stiles over there" Lydia said, sending a glare in Stiles' direction.

"Its kind of a long story" I sighed. Lydia smirked.

"Well good thing you have time to tell me when you accompany me to lacrosse practice" Lydia smiled. I laughed a little, trying to ignore how bad I felt inside. "Hey aren't you on the team? Shouldn't you be playing?" Lydia asked as we finally began walking to class again.

"I don't know. I'm kind of a stand in. With all my injuries I haven't been able to play. I'm only there if they're short" I explained. Lydia nodded, smiling.

"So I'll see you at practice?" Lydia asked, giving me the puppy eyes. I wasn't exactly in a rush to get home to Sam and "you're a monster" Dean.

"Yeah I guess" I finally agreed. Lydia smiled, pulling me in for one last hug before scurrying off to her other, more popular, group of friends. Now time for biology. Nothing like an hour and a half of gruelingly boring information to get your mind off things.


I took a deep breath in as I stepped outside. I tilted my chin up, letting the sun warm my face. Slowly, I made my way across the fields, enjoying the warm breeze. I spotted practice going on up ahead. I watched as tiny red and white figures ran around. Their sizes increased as I got closer, the numbers on their jerseys now visible.

I watched as Scott took down some poor kid during drills. Scott was playing goalie which was unusual. But that wasn't even the strange part. After he knocked them down, he seemed to be...sniffing them. As if he was looking for a scent.

Isaac was on the lacrosse team. This only meant that Scott was finally catching on. I would have to let him figure this one out by himself. "Emma!" Lydia called, waving her hand from where she sat on the top of the bleachers. I waved back, stepping up onto the bleachers. "I thought you weren't going to come!" Lydia exclaimed as I sat down next to her.

"Yeah sorry I'm late. Ms. Lakin kept me after to ask me about my essay" I said, organizing my papers into my binder. Lydia nodded, tilting her head in confusion as Scott sent another kid flying into the air, only to be sniffed by him. Lydia looked at me, in which I responded with a shrug.

I watched as another player crouched down in front of Scott, the two of them staring at each other. "Hey uh who is that?" I asked Lydia. She had to think about it, but soon she knew.

"Isaac Lahey I think. Why?" Lydia asked. I shrugged. Scott had figured it out. I looked past him, spotting three policemen, including Stiles' dad walk onto the field. Oh no.

I watched as they pulled him aside and began asking him questions. Please don't say anything about Derek. I prayed as I watched it all go down. Stiles looked up at me from on the field. I looked away immediately. I felt my stomach lurch as the Sheriff began to guide Isaac towards the cop car. No. Tonight was the full moon and Isaac was a new beta. If they keep him in the police station and he shifts.....

"I gotta run" I muttered to Lydia, running down the bleachers. Maybe Sam and Dean could use their FBI status to get him out. But of course that would require asking a favor of a man who thinks of me as a monster.

"Woah" a man said as I narrowly missed colliding with him. "We haven't met" he said, extending his hand. I looked up in horror at none other than Gerarde. "I'm Mr. Argent. The new principal". I reached out slowly, shaking his hand. His hands were cold as stone. Just like I expected. 

"I'm Emma. Nice to meet you" I muttered before taking off. No. This could not be happening. I jogged down the field, glancing over my shoulder to make sure I had really seen him. He walked over, resting his hands on Scott and Stiles' shoulders. Oh no. If Gerarde was in school, he must know about Scott. And if he knew about Scott, he probably knew about me.

I finally made it to my car, getting in and locking the door. Breathe. I pulled out my phone, dialing Allison. "Hello?" she answered on the third ring.

"Hi Allison" I greeted, trying not to sound panicked but I failed. "I just uh ran into the new principal. Your grandfather" I laughed, scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh yeah. Crazy isn't it? I haven't seen him in ages and now since Kate died, he shows up and expects me to call him Grandpa. Its crazy" Allison explained. I could almost picture her annoyed expression.

"Hey Ally, he doesn't know about me or Scott does he?" I ventured, holding my breath as I waited for her response. She paused for a moment.

"No I don't think so. He said he started working in the school to be closer to me" Allison explained. It should of made me feel better, but my gut still said something was off. "Hey if I hear anything, I'll let you and Scott know okay? Don't worry" Allison told me.

"Okay" I responded, still feeling worried. "I'll see you later" I hung up the phone, dropping it into the cup holder. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel, hoping to relieve the splitting headache. In a moment, my phone began buzzing again. "Hello?" I grumbled into the phone, leaning back in my seat.

"Emma?" Lydia asked. I grunted in response. "After you left lacrosse practice I ran into Jackson. God he is such an ass" Lydia growled.

"Yeah I have noticed he is a tad douchier than usual" I chuckled at my insult. "Why what happened?" I asked. Lydia sighed, frustrated.

"I ran into him and of course thanked him for bringing me to the hospital after I was attacked. Without him I'd be dead. Anyway, he said don't expect me to save you every time you scream. Can you believe that?" Lydia began to rant, her voice getting high pitched and loud, something that happened when she was upset. "Then he started being all cryptic saying I shouldn't go out tonight because of the full moon. What the hell does that even mean?" Lydia exclaimed. That caught my attention. I suppose he is trying to mess with me by threatening to tell Lydia. But he knew last full moon and never mentioned it. I know he had been begging to get the bite but I don't think Derek would ever.... No. He would never give Jackson that kind of power. "Emma?" Lydia asked, snapping me back into reality.

"Sorry. I have a headache and its been a long day. My advice would just be to steer clear of him. Obviously he hasn't changed his ways. He's not worth your time" I told her my honest thoughts. Well minus the were wolf and supernatural stuff.

"Yeah. Yeah you're right" Lydia responded. "Oh got to go. Text you later!" Lydia piped into the phone before hanging up. I sighed, again hanging up the phone and finally starting up the car.

Someone knocked on my window, nearly giving me a heart attack. I looked up at Scott who smiled down through the window. I turned off the car, Scott opening the door for me. "Hey" I greeted.

"They just took Isaac away in the squad car" Scott told me. "And its a full moon. And Gerarde is principal. You know he killed a-"

"Yeah I know. When you saw it so did I. I think because you were so stressed and because I have healed you, I was able to see it. Like a vision I guess. And yeah I ran into our new principal earlier" I told Scott. He stared at me, dumbfounded. "Oh yeah also I can control water now. Another new power" I said, leaning against my car.

"Wow. I have missed a lot" Scott finally responded. "And how are the hunters? Sam and Dean?" Scott asked. Monster. The word hit me like a slap again. Scott cocked his head to the side, noticing a change.

"They're fine. Kind of doing their own thing for now" I forced myself to respond. Scott paused, opening his mouth to speak before he closed it. I watched as he struggled, deciding whether or not he wanted to speak. Finally, he chose.

"I heard about you and Stiles' fight" he finally spoke.

"Oh" I responded. I didn't know what to say. I honestly wasn't expecting that. I mean I should have considering that Scott is Stiles' best friend but I was still blind sided by the question.

"He says he feels really bad for what he said. He didn't mean it" Scott apologized for his friend. I shrugged, my gaze fixed on a leaf that the wind dragged across the pavement. "He said you have been avoiding him so I thought I would tell you"

"Okay" I responded again. Scott sighed deeply, his sigh sounding more sad than annoyed.

"Are you going to forgive him?" Scott asked, giving me the puppy eyes. I shrugged, kicking a pebble.

"Maybe" I responded, biting my lip. "Eventually" I changed my answer. "I just have a lot going on Scott and so do you. I don't have time to deal with something so simple. I have to worry about other things like the monster killing people". Scott nodded. Silence settled in as Scott and I stood next to my car, absorbing the sunlight. "Do you think my mother was my fault? For trusting her?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. Scott looked up, surprised.

Derek's car screeched to a stop in front of us, bringing our conversation to an end, and preventing me from getting an answer. Derek rolled down his window, staring at us from the drivers seat. "Get in" he ordered. I couldn't help but laugh.

"And why would I do that?" I asked at the same time Scott exclaimed, "Are you serious?". Derek shot us a pissed off look. Scott and I exchanged glances, me giving him the go ahead. "You did that! That's your fault!" Scott pointed in the direction that the police car went.

"I know that" Derek admitted, surprising me. Derek being regretful? Unheard of. "Now you two get in the car, and help me" Derek ordered. God, did Derek not understand that we had other things to attend to?

"No I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call Sam so he can use his FBI status to get him out before the moon goes up" I told Derek who shook his head in response.

"Not when they do a real search of the house" Derek responded. Now what?

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, taking a step closer to the car in which I followed.

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops about Isaac's father abusing him: what's in the house is way worse. A lot worse" Derek spoke quietly. I thought it over in my head. Scott sighed in defeat.

"Fine" I muttered, opening the passenger side door. "But make it quick. I have a lab report to write."

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