๐•ฐ๐‘›๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘‘ (Rosamund P...

By b_unya_

4.8K 216 69

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It was enchanting meeting you (Rosamund Pike x Reader)
Found (Moiraine x OC)
It was enchanting meeting youยฒ (Rosamund Pike x Reader)
Foundยฒ (Moiraine x OC)
Afterglow (Rosamund Pike x Reader)
Golden like daylight ( Rosamund Pike x Reader)
Afterglowยฒ (Rosamund Pike X Reader)
Your Voice (Rosamund Pike x Reader)
Afterglow ยณ (Rosamund Pike x Reader)
Falling in love in the cruelest way (Rosamund Pike x reader)
It takes a tribe (Rosamund Pike x Reader)
Remeant (Moiraine x OC)

The best thing that's ever been mine (Rosamund Pike x Reader)

519 23 13
By b_unya_

                  Sometimes the best life plans are those that involves no planning at all.


     Rosamund's son's names were changed out of respect, as they aren't public figures such as their mom.

Friday's were usually calm and collected. Y/N would wake up early, make some coffee and sit inside of her small office in the new house for about two hours before hearing rushed footsteps outside the door and childish voices calling her name.

Said new house - which slowly but surely became just house, or home - was not small so it was that easy to hear each other through closed doors, but somehow it was how the little family functioned in their responsibilities for the day. Harry and Leroy were in the age Y/N would describe to her partner and  their father as "the hellish paradise". Both boys, aged 6 and 8, were full of energy and curiosity, but could also get moody as hell depending on the situation. So, of course, the stepmom would always make sure to answer whenever those four knocks on the door announced that her work was done for the morning. Friday's meant no homeschooling, and also meant their mom, Rosamund, would finish the week's shooting of The Wheel of Time and be back home for another three days before having to travel with the crew to the different small cities and sets they'd built close to Prague.

The home, although simply noisy all the time thanks to the children, was always a bit empty whenever Rosamund was with her shooting schedules filled with appointments. If someone ever asked Y/N from four years ago what she couldn't see herself without in her future, there was not a chance that her fiance's name would pop up, or their boys, or even the strange yet healthy relationship she developed with Robbie, Rosie's previous partner and dad to her boys. And definitely Prague, a place away from everything and everyone she knew, would not even be in the back of her mind, just as working in her dream job across the world, in a home-office situation. But then again, everyone was. Y/N just seemed to be a little bit more lucky with how life gifted her with everything she would get, and everyone she would keep around.

Their home was sweet. Nothing over the top, nothing too basic too. Two floors, a beautiful garden that seemed to have the right plants to survive Prague 's weather most of the year, separated offices with beautiful views to said garden. The couple's room was cozy and had plenty space for all the things the actress needed to keep inside of their damned closet, including high fashion brands that Y/N was always afraid to even step close to. The boys had separated rooms, which made everything easier for the pair. Harry and Leroy were a match, which Y/N learnt as soon as she met them at the age of 2 and 4 it was not always a good thing. They would constantly try to make their parents life a mess if they could, but Y/N was a pro at dealing with them, Rosamund said years ago.

Hey! What have we talked about? If you don't want to eat, leave it. We don't play with food in this house, do we?", the woman said sternly, eyeing the boys who were in the process of throwing grapes at each other with a devilish fire in their blue eyes, dirty blonde hairs still a mess from the way they would roll around while sleeping. Y/N was in full mom mode after two hours of work done, but the airpods were still in her left ear just in case.

No, mama.”, Leroy answered as his little - but not as little - hands rested against the table and the older of the two followed suit, knowing better than to to anything but asking: “Is mom coming back today? She's been away for like, years.”

Two days Har!" Y/N laughed at her stepson, giving him the waffle with cheese he'd always ask for in the morning, and the freaking tea Rosie made sure to inflict in them from birth. “But yes, she's coming back today. Not sure if you'll see her till tomorrow tho. Your father's fetching you two to spend the night with him.”

It was an agreement. They moved, Robbie moved too. He had the budget, the time and the will  to be close to his younger kids, and to continue being a part of their daily lifes in the smallest of the things, such as dinner and football practice. Living close to the couple was a plus, as they sometimes could really use the "daddy call" and take the day off kids' responsabilities. And knowing how much her fiance gave herself while shooting, a night of silence would be good.

“You too have football tomorrow morning and we'll be there.”

The conversation at breakfast was left at that, with only minor comments about the boys plans for the day. Leroy wanted to play outside and Harry was up for some quiet time watching TV, something he knew was only ever possible during the day if they didn't have their teacher at home. Of course it was a little or a hustle to come to an agreement and I'm the end, they did both things. The first part of the day was spent in the backyard, the other inside after lunchtime. While the kids were at a peaceful mood, Y/N managed to finish a big part of the work she needed to get done before guiding the boys to the shower and into nice clothes before their father came around, gifting Y/N a bottle of wine she talked about and promising a night of wine and cheese on another occasion.

By the end of the afternoon, she had already settled down in their living room's comfortable couch with a glass of another wine, her laptop on her tights and the fireplace lit. She'd just taken a bath and the setting sun was finally making the house colder. The light alcohol and the wool blanket throw around her shoulders seemed to be enough to warm up as the TV softly played a movie in Czech she understood only half of.

Around seven, a noise of keys against each other woke her from something like a trance that she had sunk  into while sending the last emails of the week. A soft smiled appeared in the corner of wine tinted lips and that was the sight actress Rosamund Pike walked into.

Her soon to be wife, the woman who had literally moved out of her way to settle down and build a home with her was there. Waiting for her in their living room, in her signature cozy clothes, soft and tired eyes showing off how much her - their - children made it harder for the younger of the pair to do it all alone for a few days while she was away filming for what was probably her longest project by far.

Y/N saw her woman's shoulders relax against the doorframe while the blonde pushed her body against it to close it shut, turning the keys and stepping out of her shoes, suitcases long forgotten just a few centimeters away from the actual dor. Rosie was wearing one of Y/N's oversized hoodies and her dirty blonde hair, not as short as it was while she was filming for I Care a Lot, had a tint of rebellion as she moved inside their house and found herself onto her fiance's lap after Y/N had already predicted she would, leaving the laptop aside so her hands could fully grasp onto the feeling of having her against her body, Rosie's lips against her neck and the soft smell of flowers of her whole body brushing against her nose as Rosamund became mentality younger than her own kids, finding space into her lover's arms to be vulnerable and tired and needy.

“I guess you missed me, huh?", Y/N mumbled softly, slender fingers slipping into the warmth provided by Rosamund's skin against the fabric of her sweatshirt. The touch lingered along the height of her waist, only ever living there once the older woman seemed ready enough to let go of the position, properly siting on her lap and looking inside of her eyes.

“Oh, darling.”, her soft and classy voice filled in the silent space, battling against the even softer noises of their fireplace. “You have no idea how much. ”

Y/N smiled, leaning in just enough so her lips could capture the others in a sweet but quick peck. There was a moment of pure admiration in Rosamund's tired eyes as she seemed to take in every detail of Y/N's face. If it was a few years back, she would have been shy about the intensity of those beautiful blueish pearls traveling through her. But she was familiar with the way her woman's mind would function whenever she was too tired to even consider doing anything but enjoying what they had.

“How are the boys?”, her mother side took control over her, even though she was very aware of how caring and warm Y/N's hands were fingering the skin along her spine, making her shiver and use a very much darker tone than the one intended. “You seem tired. What have our little devils done  the last few days?"

The woman under her answered in a sly smile, shifting under her only so their positions could be more comfortable, and Rosamund could fully merge against her front, legs folded on each side of her own. They were closer than anyone would find healthy, but whispering at night was a thing both found essential, just like discovering themselves all over again.

Y/N proceeded to talk about every single thing about the days they spent without Rosamund in the house. Of how Harry almost destroyed the whole bunch of flowers in the garden with a ball, of Leroy thinking he could "kidnap" their neighbors' dog and how her work schedule almost drove her insane. The actress heard her with dreamy eyes. She'd always rather show than tell, but the sense of admiration she felt towards her own wife – soon to be, anyway – was not something to take for granted. She knew. She knew of all the things Y/N had left behind into their second year of dating just to be with her and the boys in Prague. She knew how difficult it was to spend days doing all the dirty work with Harry and Leroy in said city while she was doing another type of work in a close one. She really knew it all. Of how stressed Y/N could get because she was definitely the restless type, and could only get too far into home-office without going mad and needing a day without talking to anyone to gain back her focus and her balance. And she still did it all without complaining. Without ever saying anything rather than that she loved Rosamund, and Harry, and Leroy, and even Robbie. And that she would do it all over again.

“And you, my love?", the mockery of British accent came against Rosamund's hair as Y/N's lips kissed whatever she could kiss while talking to her loved one. So close, so warm, so hers.

The brit laughed at that, her own hands pressing against the fabric settling on her fiance's stomach that she didn't even notice she was holding. The other slid against the nape of Y/N's neck, fingers gently caressing the hairs falling against it. She took time to consider what she'd say. Y/N had visited them a lot in the set whenever things were being filmed closer. She knew how much they had to run around. It was not glamorous, but it was what she loved about it. So, this time, she decided against it.

“It's not been announced yet, but after season two, we're having more. ”, she feared what she said. What it meant for them and for their children. But instead of a reaction to make everything seem bad, Y/N could only smile and hug her closer.

I knew it! I'm so proud of you, Dan and the kids.”, her voice was almost like a child's, and Rosie snorted at how her love, only a few years older than the kids, called them that way. “I mean...it was bound to happen. It's a freaking awesome show and you're amazing. Although I might say, it not that fun seeing people calling you a milf.”

A milf?", Rosamund asked confused, but amused at the same time. “ What in the world's that supposed to mean? ”

“ That's...”, she trailed off naughtily before looking into her eyes and explaining. “It's short for 'mom I'd like to fuck'.”

That was not even a hint of shyness in Y/N's face once Rosamund's eyes focused on hers. Even after years she couldn't tell if she should be afraid or turned on by the way Ros eyes would turn gray at times like this, but once the fire was gone after a good five minutes of wordlessly conversation between the couple, Y/N had to put an extra effort on holding her love so she wouldn't fall from her lap with how much she was laughing.

“ Sweetie...you don't have to ask, do you?", she said after recomposing, but before Y/N could say anything about how it was actually a thing in Twitter, Rosie became a little more serious, hands coming to rest open against her chest, feeling the soft heartbeat of the younger's heart. “ You're not mad? Or disappointed?”

Confusedly, Y/N fixed her gaze on her pink lips where that beautiful smile only Rosamund had was just few seconds ago, but settled onto her eyes again, eyebrows frowned. “Why would I be, dear? I'm always proud of your work.”

“Because it means...”, she started drawing patters against the fabric under her left hand: “It means staying here longer that we planned. Means that there will be more days like the ones we had this week. Maybe apart, and with the boys being left to you and their father even if I hate the idea of leaving everything to you and -”

Her speech as cut short with warm hands against her cheeks, soft lips pressing on hers before they were fully merged together in a calm rhythm Y/N knew would make the words leave her month, even after the kiss was done with sloppy smiles and foreheads touching. An intimate relationship built with trust and desire all the same.

We've talked about this plenty of times before, haven't we?", Y/N asked in a small loving tone, fingers reaching to tuck a lock of her growing hair behind her left ear. Rosamund paid attention. “There's nothing to worry about. I know we haven't planned a lot of what happened ever since we met, but that's what the best plans are made of. The unplanned mess. It brought us here. It gave me you, and the kids that call me mama.”

“ You never planned to be a mother.”, Rosamund remembered, laughing at how Y/N became the best one she's ever met.

See? Now I wouldn't change for the world, although sometimes I feel like a girl would be easier.”, she joked, hugging Rosamund again. “I know sometimes this pretty little head of yours may think I'm not happy, but I have everything I need here. The struggles exist, yes, but if they didn't, I'd be boring right? I mean...I do enjoy freaking out once per month about how I wish I could personally grab my boss by his tie, but it also keeps me safe and out of jail. ”

The humor was always a way of distracting the actress from the demons sometimes her mind would create. Y/N was younger and had other plans for life before they met. But, like she'd always be reminded, sometimes the best life plans are those that involves no planning at all.

“ I'll remember you always, my love, that I'm happy with what we have right now. And I'll be happy with what we have even if things change, or if they stay like this for a while. You know why?”

Why?” Rosamund's left brow was raised, but the smile grew bigger. She'd heard that line many times before finding out it was a song. It was cheesy, but also that one thing that made her heart flutter and mind go blank with the realization of how much she actually loves that woman.

“Because you're the best thing that's ever been mine.”

Rosamund kissed her there and then, again. She felt like heaven once her mind relaxed a bit. She could finally focus on how comfortable Y/N's arms have always been, and how she felt at ease after days apart, how the anxiety and tiredness flew away as their bodies found a rhythm of their own. Hands finding clothes that became unbearable after the coldness of the night was not an issue anymore. Their skins found each other, and Rosie's smile was even more beautiful than long before their honest conversation.

When the pair rested against the couch again, this time Y/N was over Rosamund's body, head on her chest, heartbeat under her right ear. The older woman's fingers slipped through her hair, bringing her closer against exposed and hot skin. Their newfound silence was filled only by the still alive fireplace and some musical playing on the TV. They'd easily fall asleep there, but Rosamund mind was still restless, and Y/N was still missing her enough to keep herself awake.

Do you really think it'd be easier?", Rosie asked, looking down at Y/N the same time Y/N looked up at her, confused. “A girl, I mean. Easier to raise a girl."

Y/N shifted her position, her legs now completely tangled with her fiance's, as she laid down better onto Rosamund's naked body.

I don't know, honestly. I'd like to think so.”, the answer came after a little considering, eyebrow raised at the sudden topic. “What are you thinking about?”

Nothing much. I just never thought you ever considered that. Having a girl. ”

I didn't before the first time Leroy made sure to use all of my expensive pens to make a bridge for his trucks. ”, Y/N  laughed at the memory of London, putting her weight on her arms so she could look straight at her lover. “Have you?"

“Sometimes, yes. I love our boys, but sometimes I wondered what'd be like to have another perspective.”

They looked at each other longer than both expected, minds seemly connected.

“ Should we...” Y/N questioned without actually asking anything.

Do you want to?", the actress asked more directly, and Y/N felt Rosamund's heart racing under her.

With you, always.”, the younger woman smiled, kissing her stomach before sliding up to kiss her lips. “Should we plan something?” 

Aren't we better of without planning anything?"

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