Found (Moiraine x OC)

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After losing the stupid kids from Two Rivers in Shadar Logoth, Moiraine finds something (or someone) much better.


The search was restless. Literally.

Moiraine herself had a very bad habit of using every inch of her and Lan's inner energy for days before they actually needed the time to breathe. The warder, as quiet and collected as he could be, would always look at her through disapproving eyes whenever he felt her energy - far more important than his - drifting away every time she would put her sleep second, and healing the horses first.

Although Lan was already used to the stubborn Aes Sedai and her way of making things work on their way, taking care of her was his noble duty. She was a divine form of personal will, and her causes weren't even personal to begin with. His Sedai was, more than any other he has the (dis)pleasure of meeting, selfless in her own way, sacrificing most of her life to find the Dragon Reborn. That was something the kingdomless king found - at first - infuriating about the woman, but grew found of as the years by her side went by, and it became one of the reasons why he admired her.

So feeling her clammy skin, hot yet pale face and lifeless form on the ground (after he especially had lost all of the children they vowed to find and keep alive) was nothing but heartbreaking. Not to mention the pain he felt. Her pain. She was dying, and too fast for his liking.

The woods were a little more humid than the last ones they traveled by the last few days. Lan was sure that the coldness of the wet floor was doing quite the opposite of helping the other heal. Light, he didn't even know if there was any chance of her heeling. Her last words sunk into him that moment he saw no movement of her own.

You killed us all.

But he was more worried, indefinitely worried, about how he had killed her. The girl from the group of kids might've been able to help then. She could channel. She could have done something if they were still together.

The mare thought of losing Moiraine drove Lan mad. He tried to put as many cloths under her heavy body, and there was just little noise of discomfort coming though her parted dry lips as he moved her shoulders. Just then, the bushes a few meters away moved, and the Warder felt helpless as his hands reached for the sword hidden under his dark cape, unsheathing it in place.

"Who's there?" , he demanded in a stern voice, standing over Moiraine to keep her at a safe distance from whoever might be their unexpected company.

" Shouldn't I be asking this? Not many people come to this area of the woods. Mainly not so close to Shadar Logoth."

The voice was calm and firm. There was a characteristic female shadow hidden behind a tall three, just a few steps from them. Lan took a step further, but said person didn't move a finger, breathing slow as a face came to the clearing Moiraine's body was lying, moonlit. Before Lan could say anything, the woman was kneeling down and something told him that the person was bearing no sense of harm, yet he held his sword tightly at her direction, afraid of a single movement.

The woman looked at Moiraine's not at all peaceful face, slowly pushing away the bloodstained fabric over the wound she had. After what looked like a medical examination, she stended again, slim body and tight composure guiding herself back to Lan, facing the blade of his sword easily. He took a moment to analyze the stranger. Blonde hair, green eyes and clean clothes.

"Trollocs poison.", she said certainly, lost in her own head as the eyes swept the region. " Take her into your arms. Leave the horses here and come back to them later. Two minutes walk and we'll reach somewhere safer. "

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