Promised You Heaven

By WittyWitch222

13.1K 364 217

Rhiannon lands a job working for a band on their first real tour. She instantly catches the eye of one of t... More

Chapter 1- Details
Chapter 2-Ruin Me
Chapter 3- Classy
Chapter 4-Rules
Chapter 5- Angelic
Chapter 6- Relax
chapter 7- Please
Chapter 8-Surprise
Chapter 9-Solution
Chapter 10-Always
Chapter 11-Conversation
Chapter 12-Coincidence
Chapter 13-Commitment
Chapter 14-Stars
Chapter 15-Normal
Chapter 16- Running
Chapter 17-Evil
Chapter 18-Blushing
Chapter 19-Firsts
Chapter 20-Christmas: Part 1
Chapter 21-Christmas: Part 2
Chapter 22- Actually
Chapter 23-Shock
Chapter 24-Impossible
Chapter 26-Ours
Chapter 27-Exhausted
Chapter 28-No Answer
Chapter 29-Billie
Chapter 30-Wow
Chapter 31-Happy
Chapter 32-Them
Chapter 33-Family

Chapter 25-Future

258 7 0
By WittyWitch222

Rhiannon's POV

"Josh, for the 20th time," I paused as I slipped on my dress, "I don't care how perfect the apartment is. I don't think we should live together yet."

"But just look" He said as he shoved the laptop in front of my face. I rolled my eyes but obliged. The last 2 days he had done nothing but tried to convince me to move in with him at Nashville instead of getting my own place. I clicked through the pictures, it was a beautiful place.

"It's very nice Josh, for you." I said as I handed him back the laptop. He groaned as he sat down on the bed,. "I just don't think we are ready to live together yet. You know I like my space, and we just started dating. I feel like we are skipping like 20 steps."

"It just makes sense for us to live together, especially now with us having a baby. And this place is so close to the studio I could be close in case of emergency, and also its close to a great hospital."

"Here is your shirt for the party," I said handing it to him and trying to change the subject. It was the Kiszka new years party.

"Will you please just think about it?" He asked as he started to change,

"Josh I have thought about it. I don't want to rush into things like this with you, I don't want to get to a time years from now and feel like everything was rushed and forced and then us regret it. I just feel like you are doing this because of the baby."

"I'm not, I would love to live with you. Sure I am being more consistent at bugging you about it because I want to be there to experience everything with you, and to help but I also just love being around you."

"I still don't know." I said as I crossed my arms,

"Just...please think about it?" He said softly as he grabbed my hands

"I will THINK about it." I sighed, a small smile growing on his face. "Now can we please get down to the party, we are already late."

"We can now, did you make this?" He asked looking down at his shirt, I nodded,

"Yeah, I wanted to be color coordinated. Plus you look great in red." I said as I straightened the collar on the shirt,

"I love it, almost as much as I love you in that dress." He said as he twirled me

"I'm glad you love it," I grinned, "But if you twirl me again I might puke."

"Right." He said, ceasing the twirling and pulling me against him, giving me a kiss on the lips. He lingered for a moment. "I love you." he whispered quietly even though we were the only two in the room,

"I love you." I said back as I returned his kiss.

"But speaking of that, whats your excuse for not drinking tonight." He asked as grabbed my hand, leading me towards his bedroom door.

"Honestly I'm just hoping no one notices." I huffed a laugh, "I know Sloan is announcing tonight to everyone, so hopefully everyone will just be focused on her."

"Alright, well lets get down there" He said as we walked down the stairs.

"You two look amazing!" I heard as we reached the bottom of the stairs, it was Sloan.

"Thanks!" I said as I hugged her, "How's the party so far?" I asked

"Sam's girlfriend is here again, she gave me some half assed apology in front of Sam and I basically told her to fuck off." He said as she rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to let her ruin this night for me." she added,

"How does Sam not see that it's all an act?" I said, she shrugged with a frown on her face.

"It doesn't matter. He will see her for who she is eventually. I was just about to go outside and tell Kenzi our new if you want to come," She said as she held Jakes arm, her other hand moving to her belly. I saw Josh's face fall slightly out of the corner of my eye.

"We will meet you guys out there, we are going to get some drinks first." I replied. They nodded and headed towards the back yard where there was a fire pit. "Babe, I promise we can tell people as soon as I get a doctors confirmation." I whispered in his ear, he gave me a soft smile and nodded. I kissed his cheek as we headed to the kitchen to grab drinks. I knew it was killing him not telling anyone, but I really wanted to wait. We got our drinks and headed outside to find Jake, Sloan, Kenzi and Danny. We could tell by the excitement on Kenzi's face that Sloan had already told her. Josh sat down in a chair and pulled me into his lap. We listened as they discussed all things baby and I felt Josh's grip get tighter on my hand as he smiled up at me when they mentioned certain things. When Sloan mentioned her due date I saw Josh's eyes shoot to me, I assume wondering what mine would be since I was having the same symptoms as Sloan already.

"Sloan how far along did they say you were?" Josh asked.

"They said like 8 weeks." Sloan replied before continuing her conversation with Danny and Kenzi. Josh nodded softly, looking like he was doing math in his head. I was in a conversation with Josh when I noticed Sloan getting up and walking into the house. I watched as she walked up the steps to the house, Lin walking towards her from the back door. I kept my eyes on them to see if Lin would say anything. Instead of stopping to talk to her I saw Lin shoulder check Sloan as she passed her on the stairs, sending Sloan flying backwards to the ground.

"Sloan!" I heard Jake yell as he quickly ran over.

"That fucking bitch." I hissed under my breath as I stood up, no one pushed my friends around. I stood up to go deal with Lin but Josh quickly grabbed my hand, holding me back.

"I think Jake and Sam have it covered." He said quietly. I heard Jake yell something at Lin about Sloan being pregnant, and then heard Sam telling Lin to leave, because he had seen the whole thing.

"I just want to go check on Sloan," I said as I looked back to Josh, he nodded and stood to walk over with me.

"Baby are you ok?" I heard Jake ask Sloan as I approached.

"I think so, just my elbows are bleeding, and my dress is ruined." She sighed as she turned slightly to see the mud covering the back of her dress.

"I can fix your dress Sloan, I'm a miracle worker with stains." I said as I gently touched her arm, giving her a reassuring smile. She nodded and Jake took her upstairs to change. I sat down on the steps of the deck with Josh sitting down next to me.

"You ok?" He asked as he put his hand on my thigh.

"My heart is just beating really fast. I got so mad and worried about Sloan at the same time, I think I just need to sit here for a second"

"We can do that." He said softly, "Let me know if you start feeling worse," I nodded and closed my eyes, leaning my head on Josh's shoulder as I took some deep breaths.

"You know, it's almost midnight." Josh said, I looked over to see him raising his eyebrows playfully,

"Are you excited to kiss me Kiszka" I asked as I slowly sat up, giving him a smirk

"I'm always excited to kiss you silly," He said with a small laugh, "But a news years kiss is a special kiss. It's symbolic of welcoming the future together, and I just want you to know how excited I am about our future together, all 3 of us." He said as he discreetly placed his hand on my stomach. I couldn't help but smile, because I was excited too. "Speaking of our future I've been thinking about the living situation and I think I have an idea if you're willing to hear me out?"

"Go ahead," I said as I turned a bit more to face him, he took a deep breath before he spoke,

"What if, we get an apartment but we each have our own rooms, that way you would have your own space, but I could still be close? Of course you could sleep over in my room whenever you wanted," He added with a smile. I sat in silence for a moment as I considered it.

"This is really important to you huh?" I asked looking at him. I knew things were changing really quickly for me, but what I also sometimes forgot was that they were changing quickly for Josh as well.

"It is," He said as he took my hand,

"Well, I think that sounds like a perfect compromise." I said as I looked to him, I saw a hesitant smile on his face

"Does that mean yes....?" He asked quietly,

"It means yes," I said with a small giggle, his hesitant smile grew into a beaming smile as he wrapped me in a hug.

"I promise you won't regret it, I'm a great roommate." Josh said like he was still trying to convince me.

"I'm sure you are." I laughed as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Should we go inside?" He asked. I nodded and he stood up, offering me a hand. We got inside to see Sloan and Jake back at the party, she had changed and Jake wasn't leaving her side at all. I smiled at how protective him and Josh were with Sloan and I, especially now. I was stirred from my thoughts when Sam handed me a plastic champagne flute,

"Oh no thanks," I said as I tried to hand it back to him,

"What? It's new years come on," he said as he persisted, trying to pour champagne,

"I don't want any Sam," I repeated.

"Since when do you not drink," He said giving me a weird look

"Sam, stop nagging the woman, move along." Josh said as he took the flute from my hand and taking it as his own. Sam poured the champagne but his eyes were still moving between us like he was suspicious. He finally walked away and I turned to Josh,

"Thank you," I said quietly. He nodded and kissed me on the forehead. Before I knew it everyone was counting down, Josh pulled me close to him. The clock struck midnight and everyone began cheering but it felt like everything went quiet as Josh pulled me into a deep kiss, butterflies stirring in my stomach. He pulled away and I could see the love he had for me in his eyes, a toothy grin on his face as he stared back at me.

"I love you, happy new year." He whispered in my ear as he wrapped me in a hug,

"Happy new year, I love you too."

Josh's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I quickly answered it, my voice gravely since I had just woke up. I quickly got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom and closed the door so I wouldn't wake Rhiannon.

"Hello?" I said as I rubbed my eyes

"Is this Mr.Kiszka?" The voice asked

"Yes, who is this?" I asked

"This is the building manager for the apartment you expressed interest in. I just wanted to let you know that someone else has made an offer. You did express interest first so I thought it only fair that you get to come view it first before I let them make an offer."

"Oh thank you, how soon do I need to come?" I asked, surprised they were contacting me on New Years day.

"Would you be able to come see it tonight?" They asked, I looked at the clock to see it was 6am. I sighed as I realized if I left soon and could get a flight I could probably make it.

"I will try my best to make it." I replied

"Perfect, we will see you when you arrive." They said before hanging up. I immediately started packing. I really loved this apartment and where it was located, I knew Rhiannon had liked it as well. It was 3 bedrooms which was perfect.

"Josh?" I heard and turned around, "Whats going on?" Rhiannon said as she sat up in bed,

"I got a call about that apartment I showed you last night, but if we want it we have to go see it today because someone else is interested.

"You're going to Tennessee? Right now?" She asked surprised,

"Yeah, I'm sorry it's so short notice but I really love the apartment and I don't want to lose it if it is the perfect placed for us. I promise I'll get back as soon as I can."

"Did you get your plane ticket yet?" she asked,

"Not yet," I replied as I continued to pack

"I'm coming with you," She said as she got up and started getting dressed,

"What? Do you feel up for that?" I asked as I walked over to her,

"I feel fine right now," She shrugged,

"You're sure?" I asked, she nodded, "Well I guess we are going to Nashville," I laughed

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