coldblood || Michael Afton X...

By ourplefendi

13.9K 469 756

"Don't worry about it Y/N...Just be....Hap-" I shot up out of my sleep in a cold sweat. "Another fucking nigh... More

chapter 1 ~ contrition
chapter 3 ~ take care of yourself
chapter 4 ~ i don't
chapter 5 ~ why don't you
coldblood {i}
chapter 6 ~ all the same
chapter 7 ~ new feeling
chapter 8 ~ still the same
chapter 9 ~ to be all smiles
chapter 10 ~ she's fine
chapter 11 ~ burden
chapter 12 ~ love is destructive
chapter 13 ~ when you cry
chapter 14 ~ if only you knew
coldblood {ii}
chapter 15 ~ liar
chapter 16 ~ broken bonds
chapter 17 ~ the day his world stood still 2.0
chapter 18 ~ "don't be concise mr.afton"
chapter 19 ~ old feeling
coldblood {iii}
chapter 21 ~ warm winds
chapter 22 ~ frustrations + solutions
Chapter 23 ~ you don't know me
chapter 24 ~ lady luck
chapter 25 ~ my bad, you lose
chapter 26 ~ mad, sad, and bad
chapter 27 ~ black pearl
chapter 28 ~ hell in heaven
chapter 29 ~ cold as hell
chapter 30 ~ siren
coldblood {iiii}
chapter 31 ~ the fox
chapter 32 ~ stormy weather
chapter 33 ~ the rumor
chapter 34 ~ whatchamacallit
chapter 35 ~ flawless
chapter 36 - put it straight
chapter 37 ~ i am
chapter 38 ~ choice cowboy
chapter 39 ~ safeword
chapter 40 ~ neon lights
chapter 41 ~ self importance
chapter 42 ~ escape
chapter 43 ~ lost in his new way
chapter 44 ~ looking forward to it!
chapter 45 ~ orange road

chapter 2 ~ disposition

1.1K 25 109
By ourplefendi

disposition ~ a person's inherent qualities of mind and character.

I was tired. It was time for work and I just simply, didn't feel like going. It wasn't that I hated my job, in fact, I actually really enjoyed it. I work at a store that sells vinyl records. Music had always been a passion of mine since a young age, and I listened to a concerning amount of music. I'm shocked I'm not losing my hearing yet. The store I work at was fairly known in my town, and widely known amongst fans of Kate Bush. I was a huge fan of Kate Bush myself, and always ordered some of her vinyls for the store so there was always one in stock for a fan like myself. My favorite album is The Dreaming, but ironically enough, my favorite song was Cloudbusting, which wasn't on that album.

I had to open today, but something about the crisp, cold air that day just made me It was the middle of January, another year coming close passing by since I last saw him. I always dreaded the beginning of Spring. That's when things were worse. Talk about some weird season depression, to go along with my terrible allergies. Well, in all fairness, the depression wasn't seasonal, but look on the bright side, me! The allergies are only seasonal. My depression only got worse during the Spring time.  Too many memories.

"Stop it, you're at work, focus!!" I yelled at myself. The last thing I wanted to do was lose my PTO before the summer.

The bell on the door began to jingle. It was Jennie. One of the people I actually enjoyed being around. Jennie was exactly who I needed to see today. I could trust Jennie with anything, and vise versa. We are best friends. We've both been through plenty more shit than we needed to, and that's why we were so close. Jennie was taller than me, only by 1 inch. 5'7 and 5'6. We were really two peas in a pod.

Jennie and I met in High school, and the two of us had really been inseparable since. Jennie had long, black hair. I loved dyeing mine and Jennie's hair. I had black hair too, and right now I was rocking some cool ass navy blue highlights that mixed with my hair nicely. I had never been one to do that, not until I met an old friend of mine. I still haven't seen or heard from them in years, but I give them all the credit for getting me into it. Even if they never dyed their own, they had always been such an expert at it.

As we set up shop for the day, getting ready to turn on the radio, both our manager, Jeremy, and our other coworker, Masaki, had arrived together...again. Jennie and I constantly had gossip and tea over these two. We considered ourselves to be good friends with Masaki, but we both thought something was going on between those two. Something fruity. Not that I have an issue with that. I'm pansexual myself.

You could say that the two were just best friends, the boys just hanging out, being bros, or whatever you wanted to call it, but you could tell by the way they looked flustered when entering there was more to it. You could tell by the way they looked at each other there was more to it. It was deep, but neither would confess the truth myself or Jennie. In reality, they didn't need to, but it would just be nice to be queued in, you know? We're friends after all.

I missed receiving looks like that. Looks that signaled the other person was glad to see me enter a room. Looks that signaled the other person was always happy to be in my company. Looks that signaled more than that. Looks that signaled love. I know, I'm needy. I hate myself for it.

However, I already accepted the fact, and made the decision to close my heart off to those thoughts. I was already dealing with my own personal demons, it would be senseless to take on somebody else's too, right?

I turned on the radio they kept in the store, to keep things lively. Since Jeremy was already there, he'd just turn on the group playlist the four of us made together on Spotify. The future was great, in some ways more than others. It's crazy how time as basically been fucked with itself. With the new news of a "life boosting" chemical being emitted into the air, everyone's age was changed to a certain degree, and the government "recommended" to restart at the age given to you by your doctor. Why? I had absolutely no idea.

How this chemical came about, nobody had a clue. I assumed it was something really sketchy though, even if it did allow me to seemingly start over part of her life. It made sense to absolutely nobody. Not many people ever questioned it.

It was finally time for the store to open. There had been a restock on Kate Bush vinyls thanks to yours truly. I gave everyone a smug look, knowing I'd most likely sell the most records again out of the four of us today. It became a fun, friendly competition. Everyone picked certain vinyls to mark as "their top picks." Whoever sold the most of their selection at the end of the week, got a $100 bonus.

"First customerrrrr, who's gonna get it?" Jennie exclaimed. She always felt confident in her picks. Delusional. Absolutely delusional. Picking Lil Nas X and Olivia Rodrigo to try and sell more never works, and makes your music taste seem basic as shit. No offense to Olivia or Lil Nas X. They both have some killer songs, but shit Everyone knows it.

"It certainly won't be you. Your strategy of choosing the most popular albums always backfires. This is a vinyl store. People want old!" I teased Jennie. My mouth always used to get me in trouble in High school, but ironically enough that's part of what made Jennie and I so close. We loved being sarcastic, smartass bitches for our own entertainment.

I know what was usually popular in terms of records. I take pride in my extensive knowledge of music.

"Oh yeah well we'll see about that miss Know it all Y/N."

"Sure thing, Jennie thee Jackass."

We busted out laughing. Now, that was a good spin on Megan thee Stallion. I have some pretty killer jokes sometimes.I always have.

The man walked in. He was definitely tall. Taller than Jeremy, which was a shock. Jeremy was a 6 foot giant. This guy had to be at least 6'2 or 6'3. Like woah you fucking giants. Heat rises, and I think that's why so many tall people have short tempers. They're hot headed. Sorry...

I  noticed that the man had a mullet, and pointed it out to my eager, competitive friends.

"I told you guys. The 80's will never die."

"Yeah yeah whatever. We all know the 00's were better. Y2K will always be the moment." Jennie snickered. I mean I guess? Who am I kidding, obviously the 80's were the best. I know, I lived them.

I started to chuckle. I missed the style of the 80's. Plus, if I'm being truly honest, I just thought mullets were hot. If they come back in style I might melt.

This guy looked like he hadn't even gone home to sleep yet. Like he had just gotten off of work, but had to stop in to snag a vinyl or two. A fellow insomniac? I could tell. Even if he did work a night-shift, those people still slept, and I was fairly sure he hadn't. I wonder what kept him up at night...

The man began to browse. Everyone could tell he was getting frustrated, not being able to find what he was looking for. I got sent over to help him out. Of course. Thank you Jennie.

He had on a purple shirt with a black tie. I noticed his name badge. "Michael."

"Is there anything I can help you find today?" I asked, giving the man a warm smile. I could tell he was feeling anxious, and feeling kind of awkward about how long he had been searching.

I knew because I've been in that situation before. I knew that feeling all too well. So, I sympathized. Hoping to calm his nerves.

"Yes I actually do need some help. I'm glad you could tell." Michael let out an awkward laugh and flashed a slight smile. He had deep, blue eyes, easy to zone out into. Tired, yet strangely comforting eyes. "You read people well..." he hummed out the word well, as a way into asking for my name.

"Y/N." I responded. "Y/N L/N." I stuck my hand out to shake his. It looked like he had zoned out for a minute, like he was in deep thought. I wondered what was on his mind in that moment, or if he was just exhausted from a lack of sleep. He eventually shook his head and shook my hand.

"Michael. Michael Schmidt." He smiles. He has a really nice smile. It matches his eyes. Strangely...Calming? Familiar? No. I was just overthinking again. Typical me. God damn is overthinking dangerous.

"What are you looking for today Michael?" I asked. Something about him just made me feel comfortable enough to act as a friend, hoping to calm his nerves. Even if mine were already shot, I just tried to let loose. "It's probably the mullet." I trailed off in my head, suppressing a giggle.

"I'm here to find some Kate Bush. No particular album, just whatever you've got is fine." He responded. You could hear the nervousness in his voice. I could tell he was worried that we'd be out of stock. I guess he never could seem to find one.

I lit up. I was trying so hard to contain my excitement, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Jennie pretending to vomit. Tall? Check. Mullet? Check. Likes Kate Bush? Surprising check. Jennie knew I was weak in the knees.

I was, in fact, not weak in the knees. Just excited to meet someone I felt oddly comfortable with, almost felt like he was an old friend I was finally getting to catch up with. One that liked the things I did. To a musical extent.

"Oh. My. God. Today is your lucky day. I just got some that I ordered shipped in today!" I flashed a huge smile, placing an emphasis on the "I" in my statement.
I was so taking credit for this.

Michael let out a huge sigh of relief, earning myself another smile from the man towering over me in return. "Finally, some good fucking news." Michael covered his mouth, "Sorry, excuse my language."

I let out a giggle. "No fucking worries, just don't do that shit again. Got it?" Emphasizing the curses.

The two of us began to audibly laugh a bit obnoxiously, gaining the attention of my three coworkers watching this interaction go on.

Masaki whispered to the two behind the counter with him, "I've never seen Y/N be this friendly with a customer before." He winked.

"Cut it out Masaki. Don't make it weird. We should be proud of her, branching out like this. It's not often for her to seem this cheerful." Jeremy flicked Masaki's arm.

He was right. It was pretty unusual to see me be this cheerful. I could tell the three thought something was up. Maybe they thought I had just woke up in a great mood today, but they couldn't have been more fucking wrong.

Jennie shoved Jeremy's arm with her elbow, "I think Masaki is onto something. He's got Y/N's weakness. The magic mullet."

The three busted out into laughter after hearing "The magic mullet." Earning a smile from Michael, but a death stare from me. I knew exactly what was going on behind that chipped, red counter.

"Now, I am dying to know. What's your favorite album of Kate's?" I asked, ignoring the three musketrolls standing behind the counter.

"Glad you asked! I don't have any friends to talk about Kate's amazing discography with." Michael winked.

Woah. "Smooth?" I had to stop and question myself. "No that was just a friendly wink." I assured myself. There was no way he was flirting with me of all the people here. No way in Hell or Heaven.

Michael pulled a vinyl out of the 80's bin.

"Never for Ever. My favorite song is Cloudbusting though. That song is a work of art. A Mona Lisa of music!" He exclaimed.

Oh my God. I was going to scream. He couldn't have been more right! "Ok you might have the best taste in music, out of anyone I've met in this store. For that, go ahead and have that for free." I could tell that I was fucking cheesing. I didn't even mean to say that, I just blurted it out of excitement.

"Wait really? I couldn't. Seriously, I appreciate the off-" I cut him off. I knew I couldn't go back on it now. "I insist. Really, I'm glad to meet someone with such a great music taste as me."

Now we were both cheesing. So happy to meet someone else to finally bond with over something as simple, yet as powerful, as music. You know what they say, music makes the world go 'round.

Michael goes in to shake my hand again. "Thank you so much. I'll owe you one! I've got to get going now though. I've had a....long night." He stares blankly after saying that. His blue eyes seemingly glazing over after recalling the night he had. I hope he's ok....

He scratched the back of his neck again. He had been doing it during that entire interaction, and I could tell in that moment he was still extremely nervous for some reason, even after I had helped him.

So many thoughts flashing in his head.
So many thoughts.

I waved, "See you around, Michael! It was nice meeting you, I hope you enjoy your new record. Come see us again soon!" I yelled on his way out. He seemed to be startled by this, like he had snapped out of whatever he was thinking about. He turned around and waved goodbye, giving me a look that said "Thank you."

"Finally a blissful moment, with nothing to ruin it." I thought to myself. I would
be lying if I wasn't hoping to see this Michael guy again. I wanted to get to know him more, he reminded me of an old friend I had back in the 80's, at least, from the interaction we had.

I needed a friend like that again, but I doubted I'd ever have another friend as good as him.

"Soooo, you done swooning over that customer? Masaki teased as I walked back behind the counter.

"I was not swooning over Michael. Fuck off."

"You even remember his name!! Oh and, that doesn't count as a sale. Since it was on the house, everyone's score is at 0. Dumbass!"

Masaki taunted me as if he wanted to remind him that he's lost to Jennie of all people 6 months in a row.

"That's enough you guys, here comes more customers. Let's get to work!" Jeremy exclaimed. He could be extremely exhausting with how enthusiastic sometimes. That was Jeremy for you though!

I still couldn't help but wonder why that guy acted so spaced out as he was getting ready to leave. It was....odd to say the least. I hoped he was doing ok. I'm sure working the night-shift is exhausting but still, the way he acted concerned me. There was nothing I could do about that though.

A/N ~ I hope you enjoyed reading, also Kate Bush fans make some noise!!! :) I love Kate Bush so much, she's definitely one of my favorites. If you haven't checked her out yet I highly suggest you do. I self-inserted Y/N's favorite album and song hehe. 💜

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