BNHA: The Orphan (Currently b...

By LazyWhiteRaven

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This is the story of orphaned girl Ryuuki Aizawa, rescued and adopted by Pro Hero Eraser Head: Shota Aizawa a... More

Basic Things About Ryuuki
The Sludge Villain Incident
Preparing for the Test
The Entrance Exam
Freedom at UA
Battle Training Start!
Team B vs Team I
USJ Incident Part 2: A Friends Plea
Ryuuki's Declaration, UA Sports Festival Start!

USJ Incident Part 1: It Can't Be True!?

60 1 0
By LazyWhiteRaven

The few days after the battle training have been interesting. I hung out with Kyoka and found out that we have the some similar taste in music, I spent a day with Yaomomo and we share an interest not just in Hero work but in tea as well, Mina taught me some dance moves that I can use in battles, I learned that Mineta is a huge pervert, Sato likes to bake, exchanged some Martial Arts techniques with Ojiro, and went shopping with Toru and Ochaco where we learned that her family is tight on money.

But the most interesting thing that has happened the past few days was that Himi-chan was more nervous around me, there were moments where she would avoid my gaze like she's ashamed of something.

She always avoids telling me what's wrong, so I don't push her because it can be a sensitive matter. Instead, I reassure her that if she ever has a problem, she can come to me with anything. She seemed to appreciate it and gave me a toothy smile along with a slight blush which was super ADORABLE! Ah *m-mm-hm*, moving on.

I was now on my way to UA after quickly meeting up with Himi-chan to give her her lunch, she asked me to make some for her because her mom was too busy, I didn't mind honestly, and was in a pretty good mood because I got to see her, but that quickly soured when I noticed the gates were being swarmed by news reporters.

Ryuuki: Ugh, just great.

I decided to put on my headphones and completely ignore them. I listen to Daddy! Daddy! Do! one of my favorite openings from a popular anime, a song that puts me in a good mood immediately. Airi is an amazing singer and Masayuki just kills it.

(play it if you wanna :] )

I pass by them while I hum along to the song. They try to get me to stop but I ignore them and the ones that try to block my way are simply pushed aside due to my strength. I reach the gate and see Dad with Uncle Zashi trying to get these vultures out of here. I lower the volume and greet them.

Ryuuki: Morning Dad! Uncle Mic!

They notice me and Uncle Zashi has a big smile on his face while dad has a tired one.

Uncle Zashi: Yo Ryuuki! You're here pretty early.

Ryuuki: I met up with my best friend earlier to give her her lunch.

Dad: Lunch?

Ryuuki: Yeah, her mom was too busy.

He was about to say something but uncle cut him off noticing the extra bag I was carrying.

Uncle Zashi: Lunch you say? You didn't happen to make extra, did you?

Dad: Oi.

I giggled at his behavior and gave them a smile.

Ryuuki: Of course I did.

I open the bag and show them multiple Bentos that were all individually wrapped before handing it to them.

Ryuuki: I packed one for everyone with all their favorites.

Dad: What time did you get to bed last night?

Ryuuki: Don't worry dad, I made sure I still had plenty of sleep.

He just looks at me, I get nervous hoping he won't notice the bags under my eyes, he sighs before telling me to get to class.

Ryuuki: Alright. Oh yeah, there's also one there that's especially for Uncle Rush. Hopefully, it's as good as the ones he makes. See ya guys later and please deal with the vultures- I mean media.

I walk away not caring what I "accidentally" called the media, as I continue to hum along to the song.

Reporter: Hey get back here!

Reporter2: Yeah, who you calling vultures you brat!

The other reporters joined in on jeering the young Heroine in training causing the two pros to gain tick marks on their foreheads and a deathly aura surrounded them.

Aizawa: Huh!?

Hizashi: You say something punks!?

The reporters gulp and slowly turn their heads to see the death stares the Heroes were giving them when they called Ryuuki a brat.

The two were trying to get the press to leave peacefully earlier, but now that they talked bad about the girl that was the sweetest to her family, friends, and others, they were now deciding on using force.

They glanced at each other before nodding. Aizawa brought out his phone while Hizashi tampered with his support gear, trying to see if he can get the volume to go higher, the phone rings a few times before Nezu answers.

Nezu(on phone): Aizawa-kun, what seems to be the problem?

Aizawa: Principal, can we have permission to forcefully remove these vultures from the gates?

Nezu(on phone): Is there a problem with our "guests"?

Aizawa: Yeah, they called Ryuuki a brat.

Nezu(on phone): I see....... Well then. I'll leave it to you Aizawa-kun.

Aizawa: Alright sir. Oh, right. Ryuuki also dropped off some Bentos here for everyone on the staff.

Nezu(on phone): Oh! I see, I see! I'll give her my thanks later, now please kindly dispose of the vultures you two.

Aizawa: Will do.

Hizashi: Okay.

The reporters were nervously sweating, knowing their fate was sealed and only one thought was in their heads 'we fucked up.'

I was alone in the classroom, sitting at the window enjoying the view of the forest near the school listening to music. I kept humming along with my eyes closed and swaying side to side going through my playlist. After a few songs, a very familiar one started and I couldn't help but sing along.

(Raon is such an amazing singer)

Mada kono sekai wa boku o kainarashitetai mitai da

Nozomidoori ii darou? utsukushiku mogaku yo

Tagai no sunadokei nagamenagara kisu o shiyou yo

"Sayonara" kara ichiban tooi basho de machiawaseyou

Unbeknownst to the white-haired girl, two of her classmates, Kyoka and Momo were already there and were standing in the doorway just watching their friend, listening to her singing.

Tsui ni toki wa kita kinou made wa joshou no joshou de

Tobashiyomi de ii kara kokkara ga boku dayo

Keiken to chishiki to kabi no haekakatta yuuki o motte

Imada katsute nai supiido de kimi no moto e daibu o

Madoromi no naka de namanurui koora ni

Koko de nai dokka o yumemita yo

Kyoushitsu no mado no soto ni

Densha ni yurare hakobareru asa ni


Izuku and his friends are walking in the hallway and they can hear singing coming from their classroom, curious they walk inside and are surprised to see the source of the singing was their friend Ryuuki, sitting by the window, the light from the sun giving her a certain glow.

Unmei da toka mirai toka tte kotoba ga doredake te o nobasou to

Todokanai basho de bokura koi o suru

Tokei no hari mo futari o yokome ni minagara susumu

Sonna sekai o futari de isshou iya, nanshou demo




Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ikite Iku!~


Ikite Iku~

The piano slowly faded and it was replaced by clapping. Surprised, I open my eyes and turn to see Kyoka, Yaomomo, Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya in the doorway. My face turns a dark shade of red, embarrassed as no one, aside from Himi-chan has heard me sing.

Ryuuki: H-how much did you hear!?

Kyoka: Since the beginning

Yaomomo nods with a smile on her face.

Izuku: About the second verse or chorus I think.

Ochaco: You're so good at singing!

Yaomomo: I agree, your voice is very lovely.

Tenya: Your singing was very passionate as well.

My face got even redder now.

Ryuuki: P-please, don't tell anyone about this!

Ochaco: Why? You're amazing though.

Ryuuki: I-it's just embarrassing, I've only ever sang once to someone and that was when we went for karaoke.

Kyoka: Alright, we won't tell anyone.

Ryuuki: Really?

Kyoka: Yeah, I can relate to being embarrassed singing in front of others.

The others nodded and I gave them a smile thanking them. We passed the time by chatting with each other until the others started to enter the room. I chatted with the others aside from Bakugo as he was his usual self and Todoroki as he wasn't much for conversations. The bell rang signaling it was time for our first class which was homeroom.

Dad enters and starts the class.

Dad: Good job on your battle training yesterday. I looked at the video clips and your scores. Bakugo, stop acting like a kid. Don't waste your talent.

Bakugo: I know that.

Dad: And Midoriya, finished with a busted arm again? I won't let you use "not being able to control your Quirk" as an excuse forever. I hate repeating myself. Once you fix that, you can do more. Feel urgency, Midoriya.

Izuku: Hai!

Dad: Todoroki, your Quirk may be powerful, but that doesn't mean you should take your opponents lightly. Always be on guard for when your opponents counter you.

Todoroki: Hai.

Dad: Ryuuki, your capturing technique still needs work. Shoji was able to quickly recover and throw you off of him.

Ryuuki: Hai!

Dad: Now, it's time for homeroom business. This may be sudden but I want you to...

We all tensed as we collectively thought 'Another special test?'

Dad: ...choose a class president.

Everyone: 'Finally something school-like.'

We were all relieved as it was finally something we were used to. Everyone then started to elect themselves shouting over one another making me cover my ear, one of the downsides of enhanced abilities. Everyone kept shouting and I was starting to have a headache making me groan in pain until I couldn't take it anymore.

Ryuuki: SHUT UP!!

They all went silent as my voice became much louder than I intended, I wonder if it reached the other years?

In the 3rd years rooms

Ryuuki: SHUT UP!!

I suddenly hear Ryuuki's voice ring out. Wonder why she's shouting?

Ryuuki: SHUT UP!!

Why is Ryuuki shouting? I hope it's nothing serious.

Ryuuki: SHUT UP!!

Why is Ryuuki shouting? I wonder how loud she can shout? Is she louder than Mic Sensei?

1-A Room

Everyone stopped shouting over each other and were covering their ears.

Ryuuki: Can you all please stop shouting? I know you're all excited to be the class president but in case you all forgot my hearing is a lot more sensitive than yours, so all your shouting is giving me a major headache.

They apologized and Tenya spoke up after clearing his throat.

Tenya: I apologize on behalf of the class again Aizawa-san.

I gave him a nod and he explained what the purpose of being chosen as the class president is. A role that'll train you on leading the masses once you're a Pro. So he suggested doing a vote on who should the class president be.

Kaminari: Why did he suggest it?

Tsu: We just met, so how can we trust each other, Iida-chan?

Kirishima: Everyone will just vote for themselves.

Tenya: All the more, whoever receives multiple votes would be the most appropriate, right? What do you think, Sensei?

Dad by this point has already zipped himself up in his trademark yellow sleeping bag.

Dad: As long as you do it in time, I don't care.

He falls to the side behind the desk and goes to sleep earning a sweat drop from me.

Tenya: Thank you very much!

Kirishima: I guess it kinda makes sense.

Mina: Yeah, and I have a feeling I know who's gonna get a lot of votes.

Some turn their heads to me with smiles on their faces.

Ryuuki: Okay, that ain't creepy at all.

I wrote down my vote and put it in the vote box.

Voting was done and the votes were counted, all our names were written on the board and I was shocked. I was at the top with Ten votes followed by Yaomomo with three votes.

Ryuuki: Who the heck voted for me!?

Bakugo stood up from his seat.

Bakugo: Why the Komodo Hag!? Who voted for her!?

Ryuuki: What did you just call me Boom Bitch!?

Bakugo: Hah!?

Sero: It's better than voting for you.

Bakugo: What did you say!?

As Bakugo argued with Sero I looked over to Ochaco who was in her seat looking away as she whistled and Tenya was shaking in his.

Tenya: Zero votes... I knew it... it's a sacred job after all...

Yaomomo: He voted for someone else?

Sato: And he wanted to do it too... What are you thinking, Iida?

I stood at the front with Yaomomo beside me.

Dad: Okay, so Ryuuki is the president. The vice president is Yaoyorozu.

Yaomomo: It was not even close...

I put my hand on her shoulder wanting her to feel better. She turned to me as I gave her an encouraging smile.

Ryuuki: I'll be counting on you, Yaomomo. And for what it's worth, I voted for you.

Yaomomo: Ryuuki-san...

She gained a smile and nodded with a hum.

Yaomomo: Mm. I shall be counting on you too. Let's do our best.

We shook hands and then faced the class again.

Tsu: I think it's good.

Kirishima: Ryuuki can be a pretty good leader if yesterday's battle training is anything to go by. They were both so cool too when they discussed the battle results too!


We were all in Uncle Rush's cafeteria. I greeted Uncle Rush as I got my food and he said I was getting better with my cooking but it still wasn't close to his, I told him that I will surpass his cooking to which he accepted.

I paid for my food and walked around finding a place to sit. I saw Ochaco waving at me sitting with Izuku and Tenya, I waved back and went over to sit with them.

Ryuuki: Hey guys.

Ochaco: Hey Ryuuki! It's packed in here today too.

Ryuuki: Yeah, that's just how good Uncle Rush's food is.

Tenya: It is also because the Support and Hero Management Courses also meet here.

I sat next to Tenya as I set down my tray. Speaking of the Support Course. I still have to go to the Development Studio with Toru to replace her costume, Uncle Rashi should be able to help me.

Ryuuki: By the way, you three voted for me didn't you?

Ochaco: Ehehe, I would've voted for Deku, but I felt like you would've been a better choice for it.

Tenya: I agree, you formulated a plan with your teammates that ensured victory, and you were quick to recover when your attempt to seize Shoji-kun failed. Thus I am sure you will be a great class president.

Izuku and Ochaco nodded in agreement, my lips formed a crooked smile as I brimmed with confidence.

Ryuuki: I guess I'll just have to live up to the class' expectations.

Trio: Ganbatte Ryuuki!

Ryuuki: Thanks guys!

I shoot them an appreciative smile and start eating

Ryuuki: By the way, Tenya.

He turns to me.

Ryuuki: How's your brother Ingenium doing?

They get surprised and just stare at me.

Ryuuki: What?

Tenya: I-it's just...

Ochaco: How did you know that his brother is Ingenium?

Ryuuki: I mean, it was kinda obvious? Ingenium's agency has been run by the Iida family, and Tenyas last name is Iida. It wasn't that hard to connect the dots.

After a moment Tenya adjusts his glasses, recomposing himself.

Tenya: I-I suppose that is true.

The alarm suddenly triggered, making me cover my ears.

Izuku: An alarm?

An automated voice followed the alarm.

AV: Security three has been broken. All students evacuate to the rooftop.

Student: What?

Ryuuki: Security three? No way, that's impossible! This has never happened before!

Tenya: What is security three?

Ryuuki: There's a breach in UA's security, someone was able to get past the UA barrier!

They gasp and start to evacuate along with every other student in the cafeteria, well we would have evacuated if the hallway wasn't flooded with evacuating students!

We got swept away in the crowd, Tenya and I were pressed against the window separated from Ochaco and Izuku. while my face was against the glass I saw out in the field near the walls were the vultures.

Ryuuki: Goddamn vultures!

I tried to shout out to everyone that it was just the press but I kept getting squished into the window. I noticed Tenya had the same idea but his voice was being drowned out.

Ryuuki: My ears are starting to hurt, we need a better spot where everyone can hear us.

He nods and we look around, he then points to the exit on the other end of the hall.

Ryuuki: Perfect, now we just need to-

I stopped when I saw Ochaco. I called out to her to make me float, she does so and I float up with Tenya grabbed onto my hand, I open my wings and start flapping them to propel us forward, as we neared the wall I held out my hand so we don't crash into it, I set him over the exit sign where he grabbed a pipe taking the pose of man on an exit sign, I then turned around and inhaled.

Ryuuki: SHUT IT!

They stopped as they covered their ears. They looked up and their attention is now on us

Ryuuki: Can all of you just CALM! DOWN!?

Tenya: It is just the press!

Ryuuki: You're all supposed to be students of UA for crying out loud, yet you all panic at the sound of an alarm!?

Tenya: We are all supposed to be Heroes in the making!

Ryuuki: So get your acts together...

Tenya: Help those that are injured to the infirmary...

Ryuuki: Then get your asses back to class!

The students calmed down and looked around embarrassed, they helped those that got hurt in the panic, and the rest returned to their classes. After everyone was gone I helped Tenya down as Ochako deactivated her Quirk, I touched down and closed my wings as I dusted myself off and fixed my uniform.

Ryuuki: Good grief, if this is how they react to an alarm, I fear for the future.

The trio awkwardly chuckled at my comment as we made our way to our classroom, they went to their seats while I and Yaomomo stood at the front.

Ryuuki: All right, we're now gonna be choosing other class officers, those who want to be in the position raise their hand.

Yaomomo: If there is more than one, we will decide by voting.

Ryuuki: And if there are no takers, we will elect ones we think would be perfect for the position. Are there any objections?

They all reply with different "no"'s. When I nod and turn to face Yaomomo, she does the same.

Yaomomo: The first position is that of the secretary. Are there any that would like the position?

No one raises their hand.

Ryuuki: All right, since we have no takers... I nominate... Iida Tenya. A secretary has to be well organized, and be very reliable, as they need to be someone Yaomomo and I can depend on whenever we're overwhelmed.

Tenya is a bit taken aback as he was not expecting to be nominated.

Ryuuki: What do you say, Tenya?

Tenya: Me? Are you sure?

Ryuuki: Yup, you supported me perfectly in the mass panic earlier in the halls.

Eijiro: I'm fine with that If Ryuuki-san thinks so. The two of them did do the most earlier.

Denki: Yeah, and he practically was the exit sign while Ryuuki was the loudspeaker.

Dad who was in his cocoon spoke up.

Dad: Don't waste time. I don't care, so just hurry up.

He plops back down on his side and takes a nap earning an awkward chuckle from me. Tenya then stood up with his eyes closed.

Tenya: If it's the class president's wish...

He opened his eyes as he looked up and raised his arm as he proudly proclaimed.

Tenya: I, Iida Tenya, will promise to fulfill the secretary's duty from now on!

Eijiro: You go, Exit Boy!

Denki: Exit boy Iida, we're counting on you!

Ryuuki: Were countin' on ya, Exit Boy.

Yaomomo: Next position to be filled is...


It was the next day and we were all in the classroom as Dad was telling us about today's lesson on Hero Basics.

Dad: It's been decided that today's Hero Basics class will be taught by All Might, one more teacher, and me.

Hanta raised his hand as he asked.

Hanta: What will we be doing?

Dad holds up a card that reads "Rescue" giving me an idea of who the other teacher is going to be.

Dad: Anything from disasters to shipwrecks. Rescue Training.

Denki: Rescue Training. This seems tough.

Mina: Yeah!

Eijiro: Are you serious? It's the epitome of Hero work!

Ryuuki: Exactly, there's more to being a Hero than just fighting Villains.

Eijiro: My arms are rumbling!

Tsu: Water disasters are my forte, kero kero!

Dad: I'm still talking.

We all quickly became quiet.

Dad: For this training, you can choose to wear your costume or not...

Dad pressed a button and the same wall from the day before opened revealing our cases.

Dad: ...because some of them will limit your movement. The training area is a little far, so we'll go by bus. Start preparing.

Everyone: Hai!

We stood up to grab our cases and head to the changing rooms.


After changing, we all stood or sat on the grounds waiting for the bus. When the bus had arrived and called everyone's attention.

Ryuuki: All right guys, the bus is here. Pile in.

Tenya: You are not going to have them form a line?

Ryuuki: Not really. I mean, this isn't that kind of bus.


The bus was on its way to the facility while we chatted.

Tenya: So it was this type of bus.

Ryuuki: Yup, so a line would have been kinda pointless.

Tenya: That is true.

Tsu: I say everything that comes to mind. Midoriya-chan.

Izuku: Ahh! Yes, Asui-san?

Tsu: Call me Tsu-chan.

Izuku gets flustered as he hesitantly agrees.

Tsu: Your Quirk is very similar to All Might's.

Izuku visibly freaks out while I tense up, worried that he might blow it.

Izuku: You... you think so? But... I... well...

Eijiro: But Tsuyu-chan, All Might doesn't get hurt. They just look the same.

Izuku and I secretly sigh in relief as Eijiro just unknowingly covered for him.

Eijiro: But it's nice to have a simple power boosting Quirk. It's showy and versatile. My hardening Quirk is good for close combat, but it looks so plain.

Izuku: I think it looks awesome! It's a Quirk fit for a pro!

Eijiro: A pro, huh?

Ryuuki: I agree, and as we'll see later, Hero work isn't just fighting baddies.

Eijiro: But the Hero world has a lot to do with popularity.

Yuuga: My Navel Laser is pro-level in looks and strength.

Mina: But it's not good to get a tummy ache.

Yuuga visibly shrinks at the comment as I snickered.

Eijiro: If we're talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki, Bakugo, and Ryuuki-san.

Tsu: Bakugo-chan is always pissed off, so he'll never be popular.

I burst out laughing at Tsu's comment.

Ryuuki: HAHAHAHA That's a good one Tsu! HAHAHA

Bakugo: What the hell... I will-!

Bakugo leaned over the rail with an angry expression.

Tsu: You see?

Ryuuki: Tsu's right Bakugo, with your personality, people will be too scared to ask you for help.

I was starting to calm down from my laughing fit until Kaminari commented that Bakugo's personality was like crap stewed in sewage -a disgusting image to imagine but is kinda on point- making me have another laughing fit. He then leaned over the rail more, making Jirou -who was sitting beside him- squeeze herself farther into her seat to avoid him.

Bakugo: What's with your vocabulary? Wanna die!?

Ryuuki: This is way too funny! HAHAHA! For once Bakugo's on the other end of the teasing HAHAHA!

After a few more minutes we finally arrived at our destination. Ana-nee's USJ Facility. Once we exited the bus, she was there waiting for us and I did what any little sister would do, gave her a big hug.

Ryuuki: Ana-nee!

I embraced her and she returned it.

Ana-nee: Ryuuki! How've you been sis?

Ryuuki: I've been great. Guess what, I was elected as class president.

Ana-nee: Really? That's great!

I gave her a toothy smile before joining the others, turns out Ana-nee is Ochacos favorite Pro. We then entered the facility. We looked on in awe at the inside of the facility. This place was equipped with different disaster scenarios; shipwrecks, mudslides, fires, storms, you name it, USJ has it. Dad then approached Ana-nee and asked her where uncle Toshi is and she held up three fingers.

'Did uncle go past his timer?'

Dad: He is so illogical. It can't be helped, let's begin.

Before we did, Ana-nee explained how our Quirks can easily harm others, she used her Quirk Black Hole as an example, she can create mini blackholes on the tips of her fingers and anything that gets sucked into it turns to ash. A dangerous Quirk that can easily kill, a Quirk that others would consider to be villain-like, but she uses it to rescue those that get trapped in catastrophes.

The same goes for all of us, our Quirks can be easily used to hurt others, and possibly- no, definitely kill them if we're not careful. This is why Ana-nee is one of the many Pros I look up to, her Quirk is dangerous but she manages to use it to save others. After she finished her explanation the class gave her a round of applause and cheers while I hugged her again.

Ryuuki: That was so cool Ana-nee!

She giggles a little before patting my head. Dad was about to have the training started but was interrupted when the lights went out and the fountain at the center of the facility began to sputter before a purple mist slowly appeared in front of it.

Ryuuki: Dad!

I pointed at the fountain, Dad turned to the fountain and see's the mist as well. The mist flared before widening as a hand slowly came through.

Dad: Stay in one group! No.13, protect the students!

Eijiro: What is that?

The others looked towards the fountain as Villains started to come through the mist.

Eijiro: Is this like the entrance exam? Has it already started?

I was ready to jump down with dad as I knew he was gonna jump down there and fend off the villains but-.

Dad: Don't move!

I saw dad put on his goggles confirming my thoughts.

Dad: Those are real Villains.

I look back and see the others flinch or start to shake at the news. I returned my gaze back to the Villains and two things immediately caught my attention -one more than the other- a large muscular bird-like Villain with an exposed brain.

And a blonde girl with similar clothes and hair as Himi-chans. A piped black mask was covering her face, her neck was covered by a loose black mask decorated with pieces of metal in the shape of a carnivorous grin with three large silver canisters attached to the sides with needles poking out of their tips, wires on their bases connecting them to the two larger cylinders strapped to something behind her belt, boxes of knives strapped around her thighs, and a blue utility belt around her waist with more little green boxes attached to it on either side.

Ryuuki: Dad, that big bird villain. Something feels wrong about it

He turns to me then at the creature.

Ryuuki: And that girl, I think I know who it is, but I don't want to be right.

My heart panged, my brain knew who it was but my heart wanted it to be a lie.

Ryuuki: Please, let it not be you...

The girl seemed to have seen me and her eyes widened in shock, making my heart clench. I lowered my head, I balled my fists trying to stop them from shaking, and gritted my teeth trying to keep tears from falling. I can't believe it, it really is her...

"Why? Why are you here? Why are you with these Villains? Why..?'

I looked at her again this time our eyes met and I saw tears in her eyes. Even from this distance, I could tell those tears were from sadness but also, fear. Because I now know why she's acted so nervous around me these past few days. That was it, the final push that sent tears cascading down my face as I quietly said her name.

Ryuuki: Himi-chan...


Ryuuki: Here's the preview...

We see Aizawa jump down to fight the villains while Ryuuki is still in disbelief that her best friend/crush is with the Villains. She was then snapped out of her trance as she was suddenly warped to a different location.


We now see her in the storm simulator with her bangs covering her eyes, tears unnoticeable due to the downpour. Facing her was... her friend, who had a look of shame and a hint of fear as she stood motionless staring at her best friend, her tears disguised by the rain as well. They were silent, the only sound was the storm that raged around them.

Ryuuki: Why?

Himiko: Ryuuki-chan...


We now see the two fighting, both of them with looks of sorrow as they launched ice and knives at each other, nearly missing as neither wanted to hurt the other.


Ryuuki: Himi-chan!

They charged at each other, one ready to dig her claws into her friend while the other with her knife ready to cut her friend.

Ryuuki: Next *hic* time *hic* USJ Incident Part 2: A Friend's Plea...

Himiko: Go *hic* beyond...

Ryuuki&Himiko: Plus Ultraaa *sobs*


See ya guys next time! Byeeeeeeeeeeee~

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