His Forever

By yummylittlepeachbabe

197K 3.2K 272

Diego Romano (18) and Isabella Rico (17) have been dating since the last year of middle school but they only... More

Chapter 1 The Car Session
Chapter 2 OH SHIT
Chapter 3 3 months later
Chapter 4 Freedom
Chapter 5 The talk
Chapter 6 Girl or Boy
Chapter 7 Happy birthday
Chapter 8 The official name
Chapter 9 A friendly visit
Chapter 10 Labour day
Chapter 11 First day home
Chapter 13 To early
Chapter 14 Baby shower
Chapter 15 Karaoke
Chapter 16 Catch Up
Chapter 17 Tears And Smiles
Chapter 18 Talking
Chapter 19 A Surprise
Chapter 20 A Shock
Chapter 21 A Talk
Chapter 22 A Reaction
Chapter 23 A Bubba Or Sisi
Chapter 24 More Surprises
Chapter 25 The Attack
Chapter 26 Doubts
Chapter 27 My Big Boy
Chapter 28 Daddy's Birthday
Chapter 29 Presents And Cake
Chapter 30 Caught
Chapter 31 Game Day
Chapter 32 Name Day
Chapter 33 Shopping Spree
Chapter 34 Everything Is Painful
Rooms And Closet
Chapter 35 Unexpected Birth
Chapter 36 Family Additions
Chapter 37 Meeting
Chapter 38 The Ricos Are Back
Chapter 39 Period After Birth
Chapter 40 Family Reunion
Chapter 41 Introduction
Chapter 42 Impatience
Chapter 43 More Than A Punishment
Chapter 44 Apology Excepted
Chapter 45 The Talk
Chapter 46 Expect The Unexpected
NEW Book

Chapter 12 Postpartum sickness

4.5K 73 23
By yummylittlepeachbabe

Turns out Vanessa and Joseph are staying for Thanksgiving holiday but the bad thing is so am I.

It's the next day and I haven't been feeling so good. I don't know if it's the epidural wearing off or am actually sick or its my hormones I don't know but not just that I'm hating my body right now. I know that I just gave birth a day ago and I'm obviously just gonna have baby weight but I tried so hard to atleast maintain my body figure now it's all collapsed.

I can't sleep it's only 6 in the morning and Diego's knocked out but I just can't. I keep thinking I hear Tony crying but everytime I go and check on him, he's fast asleep.
I hear him crying again but this time it wasn't my head. I get out of bed and I pick him up and rock him gently. I go to his room because at the moment he's sleeping in a small bed in Diegos room. I sit in the rocking chair and it rocks us gently as I feed tony.

Once he was finished I burp him which took a few minutes.

Diegos Pov.

I woke up around 10am and neither Isa or tony was in the room so I check Tony's room and there they were sleeping on the rocking chair. I smile and take a picture before walking out and downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and everyone was there eating breakfast. "Morning sweetheart." The fact that my mom is so energetic in the morning is crazy. She comes over and kisses my cheek. I give her a small smile. "Morning mama, morning everyone."

"Wow you're even hotter with no shirt bed head and morning voice." Vanessa bites her bottom lip and I smile. "Nessa you gotta stop Isa doesn't like it she didn't even cuddle me last night and it was freezing in my room that says something."

"What that she's overdramatic I've known you since I was 13 and you were 9 I've always been saying things like this to you It doesn't mean anything." I roll my eyes

"No you haven't Vanessa you literally started yesterday Istg if we break up and it's your fault I never want to see you again." I grab a peice of bacon and eat it. "How was everyone's ni-" I stopped as I heard Tony crying.

I hear footsteps and Isa came down with a screaming tony. She gives him to me and he stops crying. She rubs her eyes as she stumbled everywhere. She was about to fall so I grab her by her waist with my one free hand and pull her into me. "Woah careful there love. You ok your really hot?" She finally stops rubbing her eyes and looks at me. "I don't feel good but I'm hungry."

I sigh. I gesture for my mom to take tony and she does. I pick Isa up and she wrap her legs around my waist. "Diego put me down!" She starts moving and she ends up over my shoulder. "You just made it worse for yourself!"

I laugh as she screams "Diego I'm gonna kill you!!!" I run upstairs and put her in my bed. I run back downstairs grab her food and water and give it to her. She trys the food and gags I roll my eyes and run back downstairs with the food and get her toast and a pop tart. "Told you so." My mom smirks and I puts a finger to my lips a polite way of telling her to shut up.

She kisses her teeth. "Take your son." I playfully roll my eyes and hold tony in one arm and isabellas food in the other. As I run upstairs I hear my mom yell "MIND HIS HEAD." and I slow down I give Isa her food and tony so she can feed him aswell.

I go to Tonys room and take out an outfit so I can change him once he's. Finished eating. Once he is finished I see that Isa was sleeping so I take her plate and tony and go downstairs. I put a Muslin cloth in my shoulder and start burping tony as I put Isas plate in the sink.

It took him a few minutes but when he did burp it was very manly and caused everyone to laugh. I realize one I'm still shirtless two I haven't eaten and three I haven't showered or brushed my teeth. "Moooommm" I give her puppy dog eyes and she sighs.

"How long Diego?" She seemed annoyed but I knew shes excited. "An hour." She gives me an are you serious look. "I wouldn't ask unless I was desperate. I haven't showered eaten brushed my teeth nothing and I need to get that smelly boy ready too and I don't want to disturb Isa she's sleeping."

She nods and I warm up my food and quickly eat it. After that I get in the shower and stayed in their for a little too long and if it wasn't for Bianca's fatel scream it would have been. "AHHHHHHHH DIEGO GET YOUR SON." I mentally scream.

I come out the shower wrap a towel round my waist and putting my slides on. I walk downstairs and to the living room where everyone was. "Woah" Vanessa looks me up and down and I roll my eyes. "Not now Vanessa what Bianca what did he do." "He pooed on me." She whined

"Are you serious! I literally had to come down here butt naked with a towel wrapped around my waist, The only thing saving me from your seeing my baby makers because my son decided to take a shit?"

She thinks about it for a second before screaming. "YES!!" Tony starts crying and I already feel like dying. "Today is just making me homicidal I swear to god." I grab tony rocking him slightly trying not to bounce so much my towel falls down. "Where's mom?" "Kitchen drinking wine." Donovan says

"UGGHHHH WHYYYYYY SHE SAID SHE WOULD GIVE ME AN HOUR FOR FUCK SAKE!" Im honestly pissed. "Baby it's ok give him here."

I turn around to see Isa. "Thank fuck for you gorgeous." She giggles and goes on her tip toes and gives me a peck before taking tony.

"You feeling better?" I ask her "yeah much better I think I just need some food and a nap" I nod.

"How about downstairs?" I scratch the back of my neck. "All good feels fully healed probably cause I didn't tear." I smirk at her. "Does that mean I can have you sooner then supposed." My mom comes in apologizing and takes tony.

I pull Isa closer to me by her arse not letting go off her cheeks after and everyone stares at us. "So can I have you sooner then sooner." She gives me the daddy eyes and shrugs teasingly.

She starts to walk away. "C'mere where you going." She smiles as she clashes into my chest. I kiss her neck up to her lips and immediately tongue her and I receive it back.

I lift her and she wraps her legs around my waist. We start getting more intense. I hear my mom clear her throat but we don't pull away. Isas hand travels to my curly hair as she tugs it. "DIEGO!" Donovan yells trying to make us stop. "Son to much your getting too PDA."

I start walking backwards until I reach the the stairs and I turn around and run upstairs.

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